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04-19-2023, 08:59 PM
Speaking of skylines do any other cities of OKCs size have a second skyline like OKC does in the NW?

Atlanta has about 3 of them, each of them can be cities in and of themselves. New York has as many as perspective will allow.

04-19-2023, 09:14 PM
Atlanta has about 3 of them, each of them can be cities in and of themselves. New York has as many as perspective will allow.

There were 3 words PluPan mentioned that you seemed to miss: "of OKC's size". Are Atlanta or NYC OKC's size? What about LA or San Fran? Why not throw Chicago in there, as well :p

I think OKC has 2 fairly well-defined skylines. I think the OUHSC could easily be a third, as well.

Plutonic Panda
04-19-2023, 11:18 PM
There were 3 words PluPan mentioned that you seemed to miss: "of OKC's size". Are Atlanta or NYC OKC's size? What about LA or San Fran? Why not throw Chicago in there, as well :p

I think OKC has 2 fairly well-defined skylines. I think the OUHSC could easily be a third, as well.
Thank you lol.

04-20-2023, 12:02 PM
Thank you lol.

My bad. I was recording some music when i read it and didn't read all the way through.

04-20-2023, 02:49 PM
On the subject of The Hub, I haven't seen any forward movement in a while.

Plutonic Panda
04-20-2023, 05:31 PM
My bad. I was recording some music when i read it and didn't read all the way through.
No way what kind of music you record? I just started studying R&B and Jazz. I’m getting into production and going to MI.

04-20-2023, 08:43 PM
R&B, Neosoul, Gospel, and Funk.

06-09-2023, 08:50 AM
They have submitted their plans for design approval.

Looks like this may be starting soon.










06-09-2023, 09:02 AM
I like it. Maybe I'm easy to please. But this will add a lot of residents to Automobile Alley and downtown in general.

06-09-2023, 09:06 AM
Wow! I live half a block away from this, will be neat to see it go up.

06-09-2023, 09:11 AM
Yes another large-scale, mixed-use development for OKC.

Another should happen soon right across the street at the old Dolese property.

06-09-2023, 09:14 AM
It's a nice big development, but I wish they had done something different architecturally on one side so the historic building doesn't feel like it's being enveloped by the giant modern building all around it. Even just different colors on the east side would have broken it up a bit. It's just a bit too much of a "superblock". Either way though, huge development and great for boosting the vitality of the area.

06-09-2023, 09:15 AM
Yes another large-scale, mixed-use development for OKC.

Another should happen soon right across the street at the old Dolese property.

the HH Nimby's will come out against this one ... (this 100's should be built)

06-09-2023, 09:17 AM
the HH Nimby's will come out against this one ... (this 100's should be built)

If so, they won't have much of a case. Surrounded on all 4 sides by commercial:

06-09-2023, 09:19 AM
i know it was a long long time ago but they came out in force against the edge ...

and that was south of 13th with commercial on all 4 sides ..

i don't expect them to succeed ... but they could delay

06-09-2023, 09:20 AM
I was actually wondering about this the other day. Looks like the designs have slightly changed, and looks better. Glad to see this moving forward. This should call for another crane in Midtown!

06-09-2023, 09:23 AM
as this intersection develops on the NW (and then the NE and SE ) i would expect Midtown R to eventually build out the SW corner as well ..

06-09-2023, 10:07 AM
Wow, this is somehow even bigger than I envisioned and is going to drastically change the feel of that intersection.

Also, this could be a killer location to live in a few years should the rumors be true that the commuter rail stop will be at NW 13th.

06-09-2023, 10:32 AM
The architecture leaves a lot to be desired. It is sorta wild to throw 10's of millions of $$ into something and not make it look nicer. I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder but this looks...lazy and cheap (design-wise)

06-09-2023, 11:34 AM
They have submitted their plans for design approval.

Looks like this may be starting soon.










I will always approve of this much additional multi-family housing going up in the core, but I do wish the design meshed a bit better with the existing Garage Apartments.

06-09-2023, 11:41 AM
I am guessing that the developers don't own the Garage building and therefore can't do this, but I honestly think it would be preferable to knock that building down rather than build something around it that clashes so terribly. Otherwise, this seems like a fantastic project.

06-09-2023, 11:43 AM
Yes, separate ownership of the Garage and the building on the NW corner of that block, which is why they are building around both.

Plutonic Panda
06-09-2023, 11:48 AM
I kinda feel like the design will look better in person.

06-09-2023, 11:53 AM
Yes, separate ownership of the Garage and the building on the NW corner of that block, which is why they are building around both.

Side note, but it would be a hard pass for me to live at those apartments for the next year or two while they are around a massive construction site lmao. Especially with the huge windows that all of the units have.

06-09-2023, 12:02 PM
Side note, but it would be a hard pass for me to live at those apartments for the next year or two while they are around a massive construction site lmao. Especially with the huge windows that all of the units have.

True, but that is part and parcel of living in a thriving city.

Just somewhat new to OKC.

06-09-2023, 12:57 PM
I will always approve of this much additional multi-family housing going up in the core, but I do wish the design meshed a bit better with the existing Garage Apartments.

Ouch, that's why we can't get many nice thing in OKC. Let's knock everything down, it's much cheaper and easier, yay! Good architects will know how to blend the new with the old pretty well.

06-09-2023, 01:52 PM
I am guessing that the developers don't own the Garage building and therefore can't do this, but I honestly think it would be preferable to knock that building down rather than build something around it that clashes so terribly. Otherwise, this seems like a fantastic project.

I don't understand this sentiment. Knocking down the Garage building would be the worst possible outcome here IMHO. At least the Garage building breaks up the Hub's very monolithic presence.

06-09-2023, 02:20 PM
Pete, is Labarthe still the owner/developer? Is he doing the apartments as well, or is that someone else?

06-09-2023, 02:23 PM
I don't understand this sentiment. Knocking down the Garage building would be the worst possible outcome here IMHO. At least the Garage building breaks up the Hub's very monolithic presence.

I just think it's going to look very jarring once completed. The Edge has a monolithic presence as well, but since it takes up the entire block, I think that it works. In any case, it's just a difference of a opinion, and PluPan could be right about it looking better in person. And all in all, I do think that the increased density will be a huge improvement for this intersection. Just have a feeling that it's not going to be the most aesthetically pleasing thing to look at lol.

06-09-2023, 02:44 PM
I just think it's going to look very jarring once completed. The Edge has a monolithic presence as well, but since it takes up the entire block, I think that it works. In any case, it's just a difference of a opinion, and PluPan could be right about it looking better in person. And all in all, I do think that the increased density will be a huge improvement for this intersection. Just have a feeling that it's not going to be the most aesthetically pleasing thing to look at lol.

We're coming up with a new district. "The Regrettable Buildings" District anchored by The Hub to the north and Broadway Park to the south and infilled mostly by repurposed car dealerships and an art museum that ignores the street entirely.

Plutonic Panda
06-09-2023, 02:47 PM
I don't understand this sentiment. Knocking down the Garage building would be the worst possible outcome here IMHO. At least the Garage building breaks up the Hub's very monolithic presence.
Agreed. I actually like the varied architecture. Not everything needs to “blend in.” I think it’ll be cool but I’ll reserve judgement until it’s finished.

Dob Hooligan
06-09-2023, 03:37 PM
Some background on the geography (forgive me if you already know)-Heritage Hills stops at Robinson, which is the west edge of this project. The area from 13th north to 23rd, and Robinson east to Broadway is the Heritage Hills East neighborhood. The commercial/church properties in this area are 13th west to Classen, 14th west almost to Hudson, 15th west to Harvey, and the west side of Robinson north almost to 16th.

Robinson is south bound one way from 16th street. Although 14th is 2 way from Broadway to Shartel, the street parking for The Hub is east bound angle parking. Appears the existing alley between 13th and 14th will be used in some capacity to allow flow onto 14th from the parking garage. That would appear to be the only way that any The Hub traffic could provide an increase into Heritage Hills.

06-09-2023, 04:27 PM
We're coming up with a new district. "The Regrettable Buildings" District anchored by The Hub to the north and Broadway Park to the south and infilled mostly by repurposed car dealerships and an art museum that ignores the street entirely.

I would agree that Broadway Park is a "regrettable building," however I don't see The Hub being anything like BP. This will feature an apartment building that will probably be full within a year of completion as well as a nice looking midrise that will add something to the skyline from certain perspectives. The only change I'd like to see is to the Garage building and it being painted white to match this development.

06-09-2023, 05:12 PM
It seems that there will be yet another crane going up in the city pretty soon.

06-09-2023, 05:50 PM
Some background on the geography (forgive me if you already know)-Heritage Hills stops at Robinson, which is the west edge of this project. The area from 13th north to 23rd, and Robinson east to Broadway is the Heritage Hills East neighborhood. The commercial/church properties in this area are 13th west to Classen, 14th west almost to Hudson, 15th west to Harvey, and the west side of Robinson north almost to 16th...

Heritage Hills East was absorbed by Heritage Hills several years ago, and no longer exists. Heritage Hills now goes east to Broadway.

Dob Hooligan
06-09-2023, 10:31 PM
Heritage Hills East was absorbed by Heritage Hills several years ago, and no longer exists. Heritage Hills now goes east to Broadway.
In that case I happily stand corrected

06-10-2023, 11:05 AM
Do we know the square footage of office space for the CoreBank office building? Are they occupying the whole building?

06-10-2023, 11:12 AM
Do we know the square footage of office space for the CoreBank office building? Are they occupying the whole building?

61,000 square feet and Core Bank will occupy the first and second stories with a restaurant taking the 7th floor and outdoor patio -- should have great views.

06-10-2023, 11:30 AM
That restaurant will have one of the best views in OKC. The view coming down Broadway is awesome.

06-10-2023, 07:24 PM
AWE-sum. This is a wonderful development.

Yes, I too wish the residential had different design elements to break things up, but the midrise tower is fantastic and I do like how the residential complements it.

Cant wait to see a couple more cranes. ... (sigh)..... cranes... pop up for this.

06-11-2023, 04:38 PM
It's not the most aesthetic of apartment designs, as disappointingly most are not, but it will be great to see that density there as well as important residential development. Good to see they are moving forward, unlike other infamously foot-dragging developments.

06-12-2023, 09:02 AM
Ouch, that's why we can't get many nice thing in OKC. Let's knock everything down, it's much cheaper and easier, yay! Good architects will know how to blend the new with the old pretty well.

How in the world did you get that interpretation out of my comment wishing that the design of the new build matched the existing Garage Apartments better? Did you quote the wrong post?

06-12-2023, 09:06 AM
61,000 square feet and Core Bank will occupy the first and second stories with a restaurant taking the 7th floor and outdoor patio -- should have great views.

I look forward to eating at that restaurant in a year or two, that sounds fantastic.

07-22-2023, 04:55 PM
The small historic building at 1420 N. Robinson (SE corner of 14th and Robinson) is now for sale. Asking price is $800,000. 7,960 square feet.

07-22-2023, 05:18 PM
This is what the building looked like in the 1930s:

Dob Hooligan
07-22-2023, 06:51 PM
Nice lady owner. Hope she gets every penny. Great neighbor when my young family was living the “Old House Journal” life 30 plus years ago. She lived there alone and had an art therapy business. I’m guessing the building is one of the most original spaces in OKC. She was a true urban pioneer. We thought she was really old being in her 50s-60s. How times change! Couldn’t work up the nerve to tell her we were moving to Wilemans Belle Isle area in 1998-ish.

07-25-2023, 04:58 PM
The small historic building at 1420 N. Robinson (SE corner of 14th and Robinson) is now for sale. Asking price is $800,000. 7,960 square feet. was talking to an acquaintance over the weekend and he said he heard that CoreBank was considering buying it.

08-15-2023, 08:57 AM
$6.5 million in TIF for this project.

08-15-2023, 09:10 AM
$6.5 million in TIF for this project.

Was that approved by the city council this morning, or just presented?

08-15-2023, 09:13 AM
Was that approved by the city council this morning, or just presented?

Presented for its first phase of approvals.

08-15-2023, 09:51 AM
Seems like a no-brainer to approve, briefly glancing through the discussion thread I don't see a total cost to this project yet but that's got to be a sub 10% TIF ask and possibly well under that.

12-06-2023, 05:56 PM
Curious if anyone has heard any updates on this (and the Dolese property across the street, for that matter). Was in this area last week and it made me think of it. That stretch of Broadway sure could use some density. Apologies if I've missed it elsewhere.

02-15-2024, 01:15 PM

Any updates? Hoping this is not dead...

02-16-2024, 09:47 AM

Any updates? Hoping this is not dead...Per my contacts at COREBANK, this project is definitely not dead.

03-26-2024, 08:23 AM
any updates on this?

03-26-2024, 11:27 AM
any updates on this?

I've been pretty critical of a lot of the downtown TIF recipients but what is even more frustrating is many of these projects getting awarded big TIF packages ($6.5mil here) yet they still languish and are delayed indefinitely. Arent TIF requests a result in a gap in the economics or financing? So that means the developer in theory has run all the traps but is coming up short in making it work, meaning they should be pretty far along in the pre-development phase. Yet probably half a dozen projects that got TIF money have gone months with no action. Im sure they'll come back and ask for more. Its become a joke imo.

03-26-2024, 01:17 PM
Seems like this should have been started by now. They resubmitted with new designs way back in 12/2022.

03-26-2024, 01:31 PM
I've been pretty critical of a lot of the downtown TIF recipients but what is even more frustrating is many of these projects getting awarded big TIF packages ($6.5mil here) yet they still languish and are delayed indefinitely. Arent TIF requests a result in a gap in the economics or financing? So that means the developer in theory has run all the traps but is coming up short in making it work, meaning they should be pretty far along in the pre-development phase. Yet probably half a dozen projects that got TIF money have gone months with no action. Im sure they'll come back and ask for more. Its become a joke imo.

you understand that if the projects haven't started they didn't receive any TIF yet ..

03-26-2024, 01:49 PM
you understand that if the projects haven't started they didn't receive any TIF yet ..

Yes, well aware. I didnt mean they were already given the money, but they have the city's commitment to give it which is just as good to any other lender. Its a joke that Boulevard Place, Alleys end, the market and housing thing on 6th or 7th and the Hub have now languished for over a year, some longer, even though they got TIF money committed to them that was supposed to make all the projects workable. Seems like its more of a fishing expedition than legit developing.

03-26-2024, 04:31 PM
^ I agree 100%