View Full Version : Medical Marijuana Dispensaries

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09-01-2019, 05:10 PM
If they can come up with a device, similar to a breathalyzer, to determine whether or not you are DUI, I would be comfortable with a rec classification. Not an Officer, no matter how much training, guessing.

09-03-2019, 01:44 PM
My biggest fear is regardless of the revenue increase to the state, it will be filtered to good ol boys brother in laws, and buddies, just like everything else in this state, and slim to none will make it to better our state, roads, infrastructure, teachers, and so on. This revenue stream will help the state about the same as the lottery helped the teachers.

09-03-2019, 06:45 PM
My biggest fear is regardless of the revenue increase to the state, it will be filtered to good ol boys brother in laws, and buddies, just like everything else in this state, and slim to none will make it to better our state, roads, infrastructure, teachers, and so on. This revenue stream will help the state about the same as the lottery helped the teachers.

Oh! You mean the 'education lottery'?? Ha.

09-04-2019, 11:33 AM
My biggest fear is regardless of the revenue increase to the state, it will be filtered to good ol boys brother in laws, and buddies, just like everything else in this state, and slim to none will make it to better our state, roads, infrastructure, teachers, and so on. This revenue stream will help the state about the same as the lottery helped the teachers.

Oh! You mean the 'education lottery'?? Ha.

Reminder that the lottery contributes about $130 million/year to education. A good amount but relatively small amount compared to entire budget. Lottery officials overestimated a bit on what it would bring in but it still contributes a decent chunk of change. You also dont have to play it, you know.

Same for MMJ, its not going to bring in a ton of money to the state. Some money, yes, but its not going to solve all our budgetary problems. And if you thought so, you werent thinking clearly.

09-05-2019, 11:16 AM
I figured the deal was cut education. Don't worry, the cut will be made up by sin taxes, except when general tax revenues are down. Is that the education theory?

Maybe if they weren't afraid to advertise it more, the lottery would bring in more money. The casinos sure can advertise a lot and so draw money away from the lottery.

Mr. Blue Sky
09-05-2019, 03:10 PM
While pretty new, the one at 63rd and N. May looks like the luxury outlet for all this. Stem, I think it's called.

09-05-2019, 03:22 PM
While pretty new, the one at 63rd and N. May looks like the luxury outlet for all this. Stem, I think it's called.

Yes, they've masterleased the entire building from Carl.

09-19-2020, 09:29 PM
Chaos Breeds Opportunity’ in Fastest-Growing Medical Pot Market

Bill Robertson
09-20-2020, 08:42 AM
The article says 1 in 10 people are expected to have a card by the end of the year. I wish I could be one of them.

10-27-2023, 03:05 PM

10-28-2023, 11:44 AM
The article says 1 in 10 people are expected to have a card by the end of the year. I wish I could be one of them.

Why wish? All you have to do is apply for one and say your ankle hurts. MM is a joke.

10-28-2023, 11:58 AM
Only a guess, but would suspect he’s lamenting this because he has a work or other situation that prevents it. Some folks are subject to drug screens at work, and those in safety-sensitive roles or with certain government security clearances can’t imbibe and definitely can’t carry a license.

10-28-2023, 12:05 PM
Why wish? All you have to do is apply for one and say your ankle hurts. MM is a joke.

The irony of mug of beer bashing MM made me giggle lol

10-28-2023, 12:05 PM
That's true. Good point.

10-28-2023, 12:19 PM
The irony of mug of beer bashing MM made me giggle lol

Its just the concept of MM that is the joke. I saw it here in CO where the law, as pre-written by the same NORML people that wrote the OK law, is intentionally full of loopholes that virtually anyone can get a card. When you can get one by calling a 1-800 number, it's a joke.

10-28-2023, 12:19 PM
The reason we truly need recreational is so we can collect revenue from Texas and Arkansas, and even Kansas. Think of how much Colorado made from their recreational Marijuana when they started.

10-28-2023, 12:40 PM
When Colorado passed legalized pot, they were virtually the only place in the country. Tax revenue has dropped significantly since then as other states legalize pot and the novelty has worn off so you can't count on it being a long term cash cow.

10-28-2023, 12:46 PM
When Colorado passed legalized pot, they were virtually the only place in the country. Tax revenue has dropped significantly since then as other states legalize pot and the novelty has worn off so you can't count on it being a long term cash cow.

Maybe not a long-term cash cow, but I know that recreational would make money for the state.

Dob Hooligan
10-28-2023, 01:11 PM
Why wish? All you have to do is apply for one and say your ankle hurts. MM is a joke.

You notice you replied to a 3 year old post?

10-28-2023, 02:15 PM
No, but l'm old. :)

Bill Robertson
10-28-2023, 02:24 PM
Only a guess, but would suspect he’s lamenting this because he has a work or other situation that prevents it. Some folks are subject to drug screens at work, and those in safety-sensitive roles or with certain government security clearances can’t imbibe and definitely can’t carry a license.
Exactly. I have to maintain clearance. In 21 years we've never had a drug test. But I'm sure if anyone in my household got a card it would show up somewhere.

10-28-2023, 11:15 PM
Its just the concept of MM that is the joke. I saw it here in CO where the law, as pre-written by the same NORML people that wrote the OK law, is intentionally full of loopholes that virtually anyone can get a card. When you can get one by calling a 1-800 number, it's a joke.

But listen to the facts mugofbeer, NORML had nothing to do with writing the Oklahoma MM law. Neither was NORML willing to help fund the SQ788 petition after being asked to. Instead, it was written strictly from the Oklahoma grass roots level by Dean Franklin Grove and Chip Paul of Oklahomans For Health. Before submitting their medical marijuana petition, Grove held four townhall meetings for final suggestions. They were in Oklahoma City, Tulsa, Norman and Stillwater. The first meeting was held in Oklahoma City. The outcome of that meeting split up the Oklahoma medical marijuana movement. Green the Vote decided it could not actively support the petition because nothing was in it about legalizing hemp, and it was not for a state constitutional amendment. As a result of that and no help from out of state marijuana lobby organizations, meaning NORML and MPP, barely enough signatures were gathered to get SQ788 on the ballot in 2018. I got close to 1000 signatures of the just over 67,761signatures counted. 65,987 signatures were required.

SQ788 and the Ft. Cannabis petition tent site associated with it in Oklahoma City was truly a rare legend of what can be accomplished when enough people are willing to work from the heart of the grass roots level to get something deemed important done. I was proud to be a part of that Oklahoma grass roots history by helping on several occasions to help get signatures at the Ft. Cannabis site, besides the much more work for signatures I did in Stillwater.

For the people with medical conditions that were helped with marijuana, it's no joke to them.

10-28-2023, 11:38 PM
The reason we truly need recreational is so we can collect revenue from Texas and Arkansas, and even Kansas. Think of how much Colorado made from their recreational Marijuana when they started.

SQ 820 should have been fashioned after the winning rec question in Colorado, but it wasn't. The Colorado rec question gave people in counties and localities the right to first hold a vote if they wanted to legalize rec marijuana. As a result, sales of rec marijuana are still banned in Colorado Springs. If 820 allowed that option, Oklahoma rural counties would more likely had passed it. At any rate, the NO vote against SQ820 would have won by a smaller margin.

If I'm right, Colorado counties and localities also have the right to ban anything having to do with marijuana, including sales of medical marijuana. If so, probably the same should be offered for Oklahoma. All if not most of the rural counties in the western half of Oklahoma voted NO against legal med. marijuana in 2018. Otherwise, sales of rec marijuana won't ever be legal anywhere in Oklahoma for the foreseeable future.

10-29-2023, 12:06 AM
When Colorado passed legalized pot, they were virtually the only place in the country. Tax revenue has dropped significantly since then as other states legalize pot and the novelty has worn off so you can't count on it being a long term cash cow.

But Oklahoma is different from Colorado because Colorado doesn't border close to a very huge metro center like DFW. From that result, Oklahoma has the largest casino in the world if I haven't been outdated. By the same token, maybe Oklahoma could have the world's largest rec marijuana super center, if rec marijuana was legalized. As long as Texas politicians don't feel hurt on election day for being opposed to legalizing rec marijuana, legalized rec marijuana can be a long-term cash cow for Oklahoma just like the casinos.

10-29-2023, 09:24 PM
Look, you're getting bent out of shape on technicalities. NORML lobby's states to normalize and legalize marijuana which they did both in Oklahoma and Colorado. The OK law may have been written by the people you name, but the language and specific terms are influenced by NORML sample law as it was in Colorado.

My entire point is that when the MM law is intentionally written with so many loopholes - just as liquor by the drink was for several years in Oklahoma - recreational might as well be the law. When virtually anyone can call a 1-800 number taken from a highway billboard and obtain a MM card, the current law is a joke. CO quickly realized this and went the recreational route.

If you recall, l was initially against MM legalization as another mind-altering drug on top of alcohol. After legalization, l changed my mind when l saw, among younger work colleagues, that increased use of marijuana was coupled with lower use of alcohol - which l consider to be more dangerous overall. I also have personally benefitted by use of THC to help ease some chronic nerve pain l have.

I'm on your side.

The only thing l don't like is the skunk-like odor of M growing operations. As for Texas, the cash-cow of both gambling and M can disappear overnight if TX votes to legalize them. That's one reason why l've mentioned why there should be a large casino resort on the shores of Lake Texoma where they could not only have gambling and entertainment but water sports, a landing strip and golf + any other resort fun they could think of.

01-27-2025, 01:47 PM
Here in the UK, we don’t really have dispensaries, and we can only get cannabis if we need it for health issues. For example, for my neurological problems, I have this clinic called Releaf ( that gives me treatment plans so I can get better. But I wouldn’t mind having some dispensaries here

01-27-2025, 02:47 PM
Keep in mind, marijuana is NOT legal anywhere in the US. Drugs are covered under a federal law that trumps state law. The "legalization" of weed by state is more of an agreement not to charge anyone for using/having it (within the state law). Theoretically, a federal officer could come and charge everyone in Oklahoma with weed, medical card or not... though this is extremely unlikely to happen. Crossing state lines simply adds another layer federal issues which increase the changes of actual charges.

01-27-2025, 03:38 PM
Look, you're getting bent out of shape on technicalities. NORML lobby's states to normalize and legalize marijuana which they did both in Oklahoma and Colorado. The OK law may have been written by the people you name, but the language and specific terms are influenced by NORML sample law as it was in Colorado.


Oklahoma law when it comes to MM is almost 100% guided by the med law vote ... which is why OK has the most lenient med m laws in the country