View Full Version : Frenzy Brewing Company
John Knight 05-30-2019, 09:33 AM Owner Matt Conner and his partner Jeremy Estle signed a lease to their future home a couple of weeks ago. The building is on the west side of Broadway in downtown Edmond. Located between E. Main St. and E. 1st St. directly across from The Zu. They hope to be operating in full by the end of 2019 or early 2020.
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PaddyShack 05-30-2019, 09:35 AM I do like the idea of brewers opening up in the burbs, just to create a multi-city competition so of thing. I am hoping somethings opens up in El Reno/Yukon soon.
Downtown Edmond has got it going on.
It's a great, dense, walkable setting and there is much more to come in the near future.
mgharfeh 05-30-2019, 09:41 AM Downtown Edmond has got it going on.
It's a great, dense, walkable setting and there is much more to come in the near future.
Love this
dankrutka 06-01-2019, 12:33 AM Can't wait to try it. Matt makes great beer. Available at Angry Scotsman until they open their place.
Johnb911 06-03-2019, 01:04 PM Downtown Edmond has got it going on.
It's a great, dense, walkable setting and there is much more to come in the near future.
Just moved to Edmond. Anything you can elaborate on this 'much more to come' ??
Just moved to Edmond. Anything you can elaborate on this 'much more to come' ??
The Edmond Railyard is pretty ambitious and there seems to be other infill projects in the queue.
Just added a bunch of photos of the Railyard project here:
Mballard85 06-05-2019, 08:35 AM Frenzy will not be the last to open in Edmond, I know of at least 2 other operations that have their eyes on downtown Edmond. Hopefully they come to fruition as it would be great for the area.
TheTravellers 06-09-2019, 06:37 PM Was talking to my brother last night and found out his neighbor is the guy behind Frenzy, been brewing out of his house next door to him for years.
John Knight 06-11-2019, 12:28 PM Frenzy will not be the last to open in Edmond, I know of at least 2 other operations that have their eyes on downtown Edmond. Hopefully they come to fruition as it would be great for the area.
Correct, they will not be the last. Claire Beer Company and Cross Timbers Brewing are just a couple others looking in the Edmond area. I have also heard the American Solera out of Tulsa is interested in opening a satellite taproom in Edmond as well. We will see!
They are doing carryout for now.
Omega Man 06-22-2020, 08:42 AM Downtown Edmond has got it going on.
It's a great, dense, walkable setting and there is much more to come in the near future.
Delete, answered above "there is much more to come in the near future."
Plutonic Panda 06-22-2020, 02:06 PM They are lowering the speed limit in downtown Edmond to 20MPH(which I disagree with) and will likely narrow it from four to two lanes which I agree with. Unfortunately Edmond went with the typical Oklahoma standard and cheaped out with their downtown lighting plan after bids came in higher than expected. Rather than wait to find the money and do it right they went with the value engineering approach and greatly reduced the scope of the project. Hopefully in the future they revisit this.
Downtown Edmond has great things going but reminded the performing arts center and the parking garage have been indefinitely shelved and that decision was made before COVID.
GoGators 06-22-2020, 02:23 PM They are lowering the speed limit in downtown Edmond to 20MPH(which I disagree with) and will likely narrow it from four to two lanes which I agree with. Unfortunately Edmond went with the typical Oklahoma standard and cheaped out with their downtown lighting plan after bids came in higher than expected. Rather than wait to find the money and do it right they went with the value engineering approach and greatly reduced the scope of the project. Hopefully in the future they revisit this.
Downtown Edmond has great things going but reminded the performing arts center and the parking garage have been indefinitely shelved and that decision was made before COVID.
Didn't they also ban right on red turns in downtown to go along with the reduced speed? I thought i read that somewhere but i may be mistaken.
HangryHippo 06-22-2020, 02:31 PM I read that too.
Plutonic Panda 06-22-2020, 03:56 PM Didn't they also ban right on red turns in downtown to go along with the reduced speed? I thought i read that somewhere but i may be mistaken.Correct and they are considering raised crosswalks in some locations.
It seems Edmond is starting to realize they can really turn their downtown into something special with relatively cheap and easy fixes. Love this.
Plutonic Panda 06-23-2020, 01:07 PM I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I don’t usually support streetcars but in this case it would be cool see a streetcar connecting downtown Edmondc Stephenson park, and UCO.
oklip955 06-24-2020, 12:34 PM How about it going down Broadway to say 33 rd then up to Downtown and then over to UCO and to Bryant. Would be cool. Not sure with all the traffic how that would work on 2nd st but could be done on Broadway. Would be cool.
oklip955 06-24-2020, 12:36 PM Covel and I35 might also be a spot for cool places rather then bland strip shops.
Plutonic Panda 06-24-2020, 01:09 PM Covel and I35 might also be a spot for cool places rather then bland strip shops.
I’ve noticed almost every time something “cool and unique” is proposed it is shot down. Bland strip malls and tract housing subdivisions pass through with flying colors. Good luck. There is a cool development proposed for this area but it was proposed over two years ago and not a single word about it so we’ll see.
As for the streetcar, I’m not sure how well that would work but it could be worth it. The cost would be astronomical. My proposal would have elevated or subterranean tracks crossing second street which would be the only grade separation I’d propose. I could see a line running to 15th and down Rankin.
I’d like to see Fretz widened to include protected bike lanes and sidewalks from Danforth to 15th.
Second street needs to be widened to include six lanes throughout Edmond and East Edmond to accommodate future demand.
Broadway needs to be completely reconstructed south of downtown Edmond. Either grade separation needs to happen at 15th and 33rd or it needs to be widened to eight lanes. I’d love to see BRT from downtown Edmond to OKC.
jerrywall 06-24-2020, 01:18 PM How about it going down Broadway to say 33 rd then up to Downtown and then over to UCO and to Bryant. Would be cool. Not sure with all the traffic how that would work on 2nd st but could be done on Broadway. Would be cool.
One up and down Broadway could be cool, and would definitely harken back to Edmond's history. However, it'd definitely be a gimmick more than anything else (which doesn't mean it's a bad idea - just that expectations for ridership should be managed up front). Edmond already has decent bussing that's free to ride and covers all of this area pretty well (expanding the service to evening hours would help a lot here), so this would be less about filling a need and more adding to the atmosphere. I also believe they did pass something to allow the bike-taxies operating between Stephenson Park area and downtown which I think could be cool. And the one thing I hope we skip is horse drawn carriages. We don't need those all over downtown.
Plutonic Panda 06-24-2020, 01:38 PM As Edmonds downtown expands it would be cool to see pedicabs but I’m with you on the horse carriages.
jerrywall 06-24-2020, 01:42 PM Pedicabs! That's the word I was looking for. I was stuck on "those bike taxi thingamajobs".
Plutonic Panda 06-24-2020, 01:49 PM Lol they are fun. I used to work for a pedi cab company in Venice(CA) and it was fun.
rayvaflav 06-23-2023, 03:43 PM Happy Hour M-F, 12-5, 5 bucks for a pint. It's a pretty terrific deal for some pretty terrific beer. Uncle Zep played there a few weekends back, the garage doors were open and downtown Edmond was filled with the sounds of "Good Times/Bad Times". I never thought that I would live to see/hear that in downtown Edmond.
jackirons 06-23-2023, 09:41 PM Gah, I hate their branding/logo.
corwin1968 06-24-2023, 09:50 AM Gah, I hate their branding/logo.
That goes for most independent brewers who use cans. The graphics tend to be overwhelming and on many it's hard to figure out the brand, much less the variety.
Frenzy was at the Farmer's Market about a month or so ago and I was able to sample everything they had there, except the IPA, which I despise, in general. I bought a 4-pack of what I think was Midnight Sentinal and it's been the best of the various Stouts I've been trying lately. Even my wife likes it and she HATES beer. What I'm finding in stores is Yuletide Sentinal and I wasn't even aware of the difference because the graphics are almost (completely?) identical, other than the name. Looking at their website, it looks like Yuletide is just Midnight with candy can added, although I would never have thought that flavor was in there. I did find two 4-packs of Midnight at my local shop, but bought something else that I wanted to try and it was a pretty bad Stout. I think it was Anthem.
Most of Frenzy's offerings didn't do much for me but I don't think that's on them, but rather my tastes. Most of the varieties they had that day were either very mainstream (ie, their take on an American Pilsner, ala Bud/Coors/Miller) or trendy (ie, IPA's). Their Stout, though. Fantastic!