View Full Version : July 9 2019 Special Election

03-13-2019, 01:17 PM
OKC Council considers July 9 special election for amendments to City Charter, ONG franchise agreement

07-01-2019, 10:15 AM
Some information from

Employment restrictions
The proposed Charter amendment on employment restrictions would allow more state and federal government employees to serve on the City Council.

The amendment would keep restrictions for elected officials and senior government officers like state legislators and school superintendents, who can’t serve on the Council. But it would allow other state and federal government employees, like teachers and engineers, to be Council members.

For example, under current rules Ward 2 Councilman-elect James Cooper must no longer hold his job as a public schoolteacher when he takes his Council seat April 9. But if the proposed amendment were already in place, he could hold both positions at once.

ONG franchise agreement
The proposed change to the ONG franchise agreement clarifies the definition of gross cash receipts, which determine the franchise fees ONG pays to the City.

After negotiations, the City and ONG agreed the definition should include certain receipts the City had contended should already be included.

If the change is approved, ONG’s residential and commercial natural gas customers in Oklahoma City could see an increase in their gas bill of about 0.1 percent.

ONG would pay the City about $225,000 in additional annual franchise fees, an increase of about 4 percent. Franchise fees go into the City’s General Fund, which pays for day-to-day operations like police officer and firefighter salaries.