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02-28-2019, 02:14 PM
Stadium and entertainment project proposed for MAPS 4 (

See the press release below that was just delivered to the Mayor's office late Wednesday afternoon – a MAPS 4 idea submission.

Although the release says the exact site has not been determined, all the images pertain to the former Producer's Coop, land that was recently cleared just south of Bricktown.

Group proposes connecting south OKC to downtown through cultural and sports district

OKLAHOMA CITY (February 28, 2019) - A growing alliance of Oklahoma City residents and organizations today announced support for a MAPS 4 proposal to connect south Oklahoma City to downtown through a cultural, entertainment and sports district anchored by a City-owned multi-purpose outdoor entertainment venue.

The proposal calls for the City to include the venue in the MAPS 4 program, on which residents are expected to vote later this year. Such a venue would allow Oklahoma City to compete for numerous outdoor events including professional soccer matches, rugby and lacrosse games, high school multi-sport rivalries including Oklahoma State Championship Football games, national performances and a host of outdoor concerts, events and exhibitions.

“We fully support Mayor Holt’s vision to usher in a more diverse and inclusive Oklahoma City,” said Bob Funk, Jr., owner & CEO of Prodigal, LLC which operates the Oklahoma City Energy FC and is major driver of the proposal. “Connecting south Oklahoma City to downtown through a cultural and sports district would be a powerful component of building unity and showcasing our diversity.”

The outdoor venue would be sized in accordance with USL, MLS, U.S. Rugby, Major League Lacrosse as well as Oklahoma Secondary School Field regulations and seat between 8,500 – 10,000 people for sporting events and 16,500 to 18,000 for outdoor concerts. It would be designed to allow for renovation to expand capacity, much like the Ford Center which later became Chesapeake Arena.

The City-owned venue would also serve to anchor a walkable district of diverse, modern restaurants, housing and retail, functioning as the public element of a public -private partnership.

“By funding a City-owned, multi-purpose outdoor venue as part of MAPS 4, Oklahoma City will open the door to private investment to complement the public project,” said Chuck Wiggin, an Oklahoma City-based developer with a 38-year track record of successful investment and development projects.

Wiggin further highlighted how Opportunity Zones, as a part of the site selection process, would heighten the appeal for a new category of private investors. These areas, created by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in 2017, are designed to spur private investment in designated low-income areas. Much of the City’s Central Business District and surrounding land to the south falls within Opportunity Zone areas.

“Designing connections and walkability around destination areas will also serve to strengthen continuity between Oklahoma City neighborhoods, Scissortail Park, The Convention Center, Wheeler Park, Lower Bricktown and the Boathouse District,” Wiggin said.

The proposal also underscores that a centrally located venue with close proximity to existing downtown attractions would promote citywide accessibility for all residents. However, the submittal stopped short of specifying a location, opting instead to leave the site open-ended, recognizing the City would ultimately determine a location that best suits the proposal.

“We have a keen interest and support for the proposal as a way to connect south Oklahoma City to downtown,” said Dr. Raul Font, president of the Latino Community Development Agency. “We envision this district as one that our community can utilize to showcase Oklahoma City’s vibrant and growing Latino culture.”

The group also proposes the City work with Fields and Futures – a nonprofit founded by OKC Energy FC Partner Tim McLaughlin, which is dedicated to keeping youth in school by refurbishing athletic programs and facilities in Oklahoma City public schools – to add up to 10 soccer fields to Wheeler Park to be uses for tournaments that attract visitors to our region, youth development, league play, and engagement events between professional athletes and the community.

“I’ve witnessed soccer fields transform communities by inspiring young athletes and bringing neighbors together over a common interest,” McLaughlin said. “MAPS 4 is Oklahoma City’s chance to do this on a major scale.”

“We have seen firsthand how soccer can unite so many people,” said Peter Evans, Executive Director of the Oklahoma City Police Athletic League and incoming chairman of the South Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce, “Soccer is a sport a lot of kids play and has significant heritage in so many neighborhoods. As a favorite sport for many of our student-athletes and their families, sharing the game together becomes a relationship building tool for the police officers who serve as coaches and mentors through our program.”

The group identified soccer, rugby and lacrosse as the fastest-growing sports in America, and pointed to a 2018 Nielsen study commissioned by the OKC Energy FC, in which 51 percent of Oklahoma City’s direct market area are interested in or follow professional soccer.

The research further showed Energy FC’s fan base is multicultural and millennial – largely part of the “MAPS generation.”

The group also pointed to the many missed tourism and sporting event opportunities that Oklahoma City is currently unable to compete for due to its lack of an outdoor venue capable of hosting them. They cited Big 12, NCAA, NAIA and junior college soccer, U.S. Soccer Federation, U.S. Youth Soccer, college and club lacrosse, international and club rugby, NCAA Dll football games, e-sports and drone racing events Oklahoma City could pursue if such a facility is built as part of the MAPS 4 initiative.

Supporters include:
Bob Funk, Jr., Partner, Energy FC, Owner and CEO, Prodigal LLC
Tim McLaughlin, Partner, Energy FC, Founder, Fields and Futures
Jake Edwards, President, United Soccer League (USL)
Peter Evans, Executive Director, Police Athletic League and Chairman-elect, South OKC Chamber of Commerce
Steve Hahn, President, AT&T Oklahoma
Bob Ross, President and CEO, Inasmuch Foundation
Dr. Raul Font, Latino Community Development Agency
Chuck Wiggin, President, Wiggin Properties
Adrian DeWendt, President and CEO, Special Olympics Oklahoma
Scott Dedmon, Principal, ADG
Alexander P. Brown, Commissioner, Major League Lacrosse
John White, President, OKC Crusaders Rugby

02-28-2019, 02:23 PM
I like this.

02-28-2019, 02:30 PM
This is pretty much what Funk was trying to do before when he had the property under contract.

If you look closely you'll see the plan is to extend the Bricktown Canal through the development.

02-28-2019, 02:31 PM
Doesn’t look like anyone associated with that piece of land is part of their group.

If the city has to buy that land. It makes this very very expensive.

02-28-2019, 02:35 PM
This is what we’ve been waiting years for.... Im excited. Great location for a dense entertainment area with the stadium. It would be perfect if the canal got extended through. Regardless, it’s much better than the “Lower Bricktown 2.0” we thought we were getting.

02-28-2019, 02:35 PM
The first line already had me sort of rolling my eyes. "Group proposes connecting south OKC to downtown through cultural and sports district" Connect south OKC to downtown because it goes south a couple more blocks? The river going away?

Maybe a soccer stadium works for Maps 5, but not now. We have no need. We arent getting an MLS team anytime soon, lacrosse and rugby arent attracting crowds and do we not have the ability to have large outdoor concerts at the new park? This seems like a great catalyst for whoever is jockeying for control of the Producers Coop property but I dont think it should be a part of Maps 4 unless its asking for a small amount. What is the dollar amount on this?

02-28-2019, 02:36 PM
I am admittedly cynical on this topic, but this is just a dressed up proposal to get the city to fund the construction of Funk's soccer stadium and bail out the owners of the Coop site. There is no guarantee or plan that the area would be developed as depicted in the flashy renderings--the offices, "modern restaurants" (whatever that means), and housing aren't part of the MAPS4 proposal. People will see the renderings of the area as a whole and think, "Oh, this looks great," but not realize the only thing guaranteed to be built is the stadium. We've seen this game before--awesome renderings, poor execution.

02-28-2019, 02:37 PM
does the soccer stadium go east-west as opposed to north south?

Pretty sure that the stadium in stillwater is one of the few that actually go east west and not north south.

02-28-2019, 02:39 PM
This is pretty much what Funk was trying to do before when he had the property under contract.

If you look closely you'll see the plan is to extend the Bricktown Canal through the development.

I may be wrong, so correct me if I am, but per my above comment: there is no plan for extending the canal. The plan is the stadium. Extending the canal and the building the other items depicted in the renderings is dependent on other stakeholders and private investment separate from this. In other words, they're hoping the publicly funded stadium will spur the private investment they are showing us here and have thrown in the opportunity zone as a possible path for that investment.

02-28-2019, 02:41 PM
I think we're well past the MLS pipe dream. Too many potential cities ahead of us and fewer expansion oportunities on the horizon.

I'd be on board with this if it guarenteed a team to come to OKC. But using city funds to build a stadium for Funk's team? Noppppeeeeeee.

Pryor Tiger
02-28-2019, 02:55 PM
I don't think we are well past the MLS pipe dream - the NBA wasn't a possibility until it was. OKC is a sports city, and becoming a soccer city from grade school on up. The Energy have a lot of programs for the young people of OKC. I believe if we build a stadium that can modify to MLS standards we will rise up the list very fast - ESPECIALLY in this location. Talk about having a dynamic downtown?! With Bricktown, this, Convention Center, Omni, new park, etc this is turning into one of the most beautiful downtowns in the nation.

THIS is the kind of proposal I have hoped for for this site - and the list of supporters looms large. Big names with lots of influence. It will draw more housing as shown in the pictures, and the canal extension would be really great through this area. I am going to hear this out and make sure it isn't too good to be true, but in my opinion the city would benefit greatly from a city owned stadium. This has obviously been in the works for a while, and they did a good job of keeping the lid on it.

02-28-2019, 02:59 PM
Here is a video.

After a few phone calls, my understanding is this is the exact same plan that Funk originally proposed when he had the property under contract a couple of years ago, but then backed out.

Something has clearly changed; or they are just trying to get in line for MAPS 4 money while they figure out if they can pull this off.

02-28-2019, 03:09 PM
I mean it does look good. But to echo everyone else, pass.

02-28-2019, 03:11 PM
like i keep saying on all of these... this won't get me to vote for Maps 4... but if $200 million for streetcar expansion, and them more money for trails, sidewalks and bike lanes... then cool. i'll vote for it regardless of if this is also a project

02-28-2019, 03:12 PM
Enough with the grand leisure projects & tourist attractions. MAPS 4 needs to focus more on educational programming, city transit infrastructure, & public safety.

02-28-2019, 03:15 PM
Enough with the grand leisure projects & tourist attractions. MAPS 4 needs to focus more on educational programming, city transit infrastructure, & public safety.

i'm curious what your public safety items are for a MAPS type initiative... guess i'm not following along with what you would want

02-28-2019, 03:21 PM
I would argue that grand projects are almost entirely the point of MAPS and infrastructure, public safety, education, etc. should be funded through “normal” tax collections. Now the fact that normal tax collections don’t adequately cover those things is a separate and real issue that should be addressed but I don’t think changing the core nature of MAPS is the answer. I would rather suspend MAPS and increase other taxes. Even though it’s largely semantics/optics, I think that matters in this context.

02-28-2019, 03:22 PM
I hate to be cynical/skeptical as well, but there's no way this gets built as proposed. Unfortunately, we know better.

jonny d
02-28-2019, 03:22 PM
Not sure how a tax that isn't permanent will help schools more than a project with long-lasting property, sales, and possible income tax increases will...color me confused. If we can get assurances that the project as a whole will be built, not just the stadium, I'm all for it.

02-28-2019, 03:24 PM
i'm curious what your public safety items are for a MAPS type initiative... guess i'm not following along with what you would want

More fire & police stations. Youth centers that tackle issues of teen pregnancy & juvenile delinquency, programs that are more proactive not reactive.

02-28-2019, 03:25 PM
I see no benefit for south okc and really resent the way this presented.

02-28-2019, 03:26 PM
More fire & police stations. Youth centers that tackle issues of teen pregnancy & juvenile delinquency, programs that are more proactive not reactive.

ok. i follow you know. i'm good with those

02-28-2019, 03:27 PM
I see no benefit for south okc and really resent the way this presented.

The proposal shows a soccer complex on the south side of the river and east of Western.

02-28-2019, 03:28 PM
I think we're well past the MLS pipe dream. Too many potential cities ahead of us and fewer expansion oportunities on the horizon.

I'd be on board with this if it guarenteed a team to come to OKC. But using city funds to build a stadium for Funk's team? Noppppeeeeeee.

Pretty much how I feel also. No way I would vote in favor of this. And I might be mistaken but I don't see the price tag. If this is on the ticket I see the end of maps coming. Building stadiums for billionaires just doesn't smell right.

02-28-2019, 03:30 PM
Here is my take. MAPS 4 is going to struggle because they are going to bundle too many projects as one vote.

I love this idea and think it should be voted alone. We built Peake with no NBA team. This can be used for many events even if no MLS.

But if they add StreetCar to the bundle I vote no. Bundling was fine when we had nothing so MAPS1 was all in Bricktown/downtown. It worked so well that 2 and 3 passed (spread around town) but with decreased passing percentages. We are at the point we need to unbundle projects and vote them alone and will have better chances of passing some. The bundles have run their course here. Plus as stand alone votes you see where people stand on issues. And if alone the costsare not as scary as with a bundle.

I would vote yes for this project if voted alone. I would vote no if bundled with Streetcar or other projects I don’t like.

02-28-2019, 03:31 PM
I hope they didn't pay a branding agency to come up with "A Place to Bring Us Together." I'm sure Tulsans are chuckling. If the brief was "let's figure out how to call it Gathering Place using three times as many words" then I guess its a successful branding campaign.

That being said, it does look awesome but I have to agree with what most everyone else has said.

02-28-2019, 03:32 PM
The proposal shows a soccer complex on the south side of the river and east of Western.

So its not in the current COOP lot? I’m confused

02-28-2019, 03:34 PM
I don't think we are well past the MLS pipe dream - the NBA wasn't a possibility until it was. OKC is a sports city, and becoming a soccer city from grade school on up. The Energy have a lot of programs for the young people of OKC. I believe if we build a stadium that can modify to MLS standards we will rise up the list very fast - ESPECIALLY in this location. Talk about having a dynamic downtown?! With Bricktown, this, Convention Center, Omni, new park, etc this is turning into one of the most beautiful downtowns in the nation.

THIS is the kind of proposal I have hoped for for this site - and the list of supporters looms large. Big names with lots of influence. It will draw more housing as shown in the pictures, and the canal extension would be really great through this area. I am going to hear this out and make sure it isn't too good to be true, but in my opinion the city would benefit greatly from a city owned stadium. This has obviously been in the works for a while, and they did a good job of keeping the lid on it.

Yes OKC is a pipe dream for MLS. Sac. And Stl will be the next two and Arizona and others way ahead of OKC. I guess if they expand beyond most peoples projections then maybe OKC has a shot but seriously doubt it. Plus Stl and Sac. will have owner funded stadiums. That is the new trend now. Tax payers are tired of building palaces for billionaires.

02-28-2019, 03:36 PM
A few soccer fields is a drop in the maps bucket and quite frankly there are already soccer fields in south okc. I personally find promoting this as some grand gesture of inclusivity offensive.

02-28-2019, 03:49 PM
How much is this expected to cost? 20 Million? 80? 100? I don't like how they show this whole spectacle, all the development around it, the canal expansion, etc. People will believe they are getting more than the this plan.

How much will this land cost?

If they want a soccer stadium, they should have it as a singular vote for a bond issue.

02-28-2019, 03:52 PM
In a recent article, Peter Vermes (SKC) was quoted as saying MLS would go to 40 teams, in his opinion. So I don't think it's entirely out of the realm of possibility.

Anyone else think parts of those renderings were VERY Power and Lighty?

02-28-2019, 04:18 PM
Although there aren't a huge number of comments to draw much of a conclusion, it's interesting that the Twitter and Instagram response to the OKCTalk story are significantly more positive than the response here and the positivity seems to largely be tied to the Energy. Seems to be at least some demand for a new downtown Energy stadium. Going to be an interesting MAPS4 vote to be sure.

02-28-2019, 04:21 PM
Although there aren't a huge number of comments to draw much of a conclusion, it's interesting that the Twitter and Instagram response to the OKCTalk story are significantly more positive than the response here and the positivity seems to largely be tied to the Energy. Seems to be at least some demand for a new downtown Energy stadium. Going to be an interesting MAPS4 vote to be sure.

Facebook responses are less positive, which is typically the case on anything posted there.

Dob Hooligan
02-28-2019, 04:32 PM
Here is my take. MAPS 4 is going to struggle because they are going to bundle too many projects as one vote.

I love this idea and think it should be voted alone. We built Peake with no NBA team. This can be used for many events even if no MLS.

But if they add StreetCar to the bundle I vote no. Bundling was fine when we had nothing so MAPS1 was all in Bricktown/downtown. It worked so well that 2 and 3 passed (spread around town) but with decreased passing percentages. We are at the point we need to unbundle projects and vote them alone and will have better chances of passing some. The bundles have run their course here. Plus as stand alone votes you see where people stand on issues. And if alone the costsare not as scary as with a bundle.

I would vote yes for this project if voted alone. I would vote no if bundled with Streetcar or other projects I don’t like.

I think is the point of bundling. Getting us to hold our nose and vote for the whole in order to get specific item we want.

02-28-2019, 04:38 PM
I think is the point of bundling. Getting us to hold our nose and vote for the whole in order to get specific item we want.

It's called log-rolling and there may be a legal challenge before the MAPS 4 vote.

Pryor Tiger
02-28-2019, 04:42 PM
It's called log-rolling and there may be a legal challenge before the MAPS 4 vote. I wouldn't be offended if this was the first vote to be split out into each option. Not sure how that would work though! Either way, MAPS has transformed our city and I am interested to see it continue.

02-28-2019, 04:45 PM
The proposal (link: is worth a read. I did learn some things and I do think there's benefit in promoting growing sports enjoyed by changing demographics. Just not sure this is the best way to do it and there's no guarantee the rest of the development would resemble anything like that's shown. Also unless there is A LOT happening behind the scenes that will allow this development to begin in the next few years/relatively soon, touting this as an opportunity zone opportunity is a bit disingenuous. Unless certain parts of the TCJA regarding opportunity zones are changed, extended, and expanded (which is entirely possible as this is a largely bipartisan effort that most want to see succeed) the window for qualified opportunity funds is not terribly long.

Dob Hooligan
02-28-2019, 04:57 PM
It's called log-rolling and there may be a legal challenge before the MAPS 4 vote.

So, is the log-rolling lawyer thinking he has exhausted the state legislature and now he is aiming for city questions?

02-28-2019, 05:10 PM
In a recent article, Peter Vermes (SKC) was quoted as saying MLS would go to 40 teams, in his opinion. So I don't think it's entirely out of the realm of possibility.

Anyone else think parts of those renderings were VERY Power and Lighty?

If they go to 40 then OKC is in the running. That would be the time to propose a joint Owner/public pay built stadium. Looks like most recent stadiums for MLS are being built by owners and city/state are giving tax breaks. And that's the way it should be IMO.

02-28-2019, 05:11 PM
Love this concept; it accommodates USL soccer with 8,500 - 10,000 seat starter stadium for OKC because if this passes we won't have to give up the Energy FC in 2020.

The venue meets USSF regulation requirements. Expands OKC sports entertainment portfolio; puts us back on the expansion or relocation for future MLS.

Oklahoma City has venues for our NBA Thunder, PCL AAA Dodgers and now we have something for soccer and American Football which will give us facilities for a potential year round season of multiple sports and entertainment.

02-28-2019, 05:22 PM
Facebook responses are less positive, which is typically the case on anything posted there.

We need to use the money to pay our teachers better, right?

02-28-2019, 05:29 PM
I’m interested to see the price tag on this project... to be fair, this is only an 8500-10,000 seat stadium. Every single MLS stadium is above 18,000 seats with construction costs from $40 million to $500 million. We aren’t building a billion dollar palace. I assume this stadium won’t cost anywhere near that much.

02-28-2019, 06:00 PM
We need to use the money to pay our teachers better, right?

Teacher pay is supported by the State of Oklahoma Education Department & local school districts; not a MAPS initiative. MAPS initiatives are capital improvements.

The group also pointed to the many missed tourism and sporting event opportunities that Oklahoma City is currently unable to compete for due to its lack of an outdoor venue capable of hosting them. They cited Big 12, NCAA, NAIA and junior college soccer, U.S. Soccer Federation, U.S. Youth Soccer, college and club lacrosse, international and club rugby, NCAA Dll football games, e-sports and drone racing events Oklahoma City could pursue if such a facility is built as part of the MAPS 4 initiative.

OKC will promote the stadium to include multiple events and bid on some events that could promote tourism. Cost tag: $71 - $97 million.

02-28-2019, 06:12 PM
Teacher pay is supported by the State of Oklahoma Education Department & local school districts; not a MAPS initiative. MAPS initiatives are capital improvements.

Sorry, I was making a sarcastic remark towards the Facebook comments Pete gets.

02-28-2019, 06:19 PM
Correct me if I’m wrong, but would the Maps money only build the stadium? Everything around it (shopping centers, restaurants etc.) would be investor built?

Dob Hooligan
02-28-2019, 06:39 PM
Correct me if I’m wrong, but would the Maps money only build the stadium? Everything around it (shopping centers, restaurants etc.) would be investor built?

I think that is a very good question. And it probably says in the text of the overall proposal what is what, but I hope it could be broken down in this thread so we can punditify upongst it with lesser effort.

02-28-2019, 06:51 PM
I think that is a very good question. And it probably says in the text of the overall proposal what is what, but I hope it could be broken down in this thread so we can punditify upongst it with lesser effort.

The subtitle for the proposal is: “A MAPS 4 Proposal for a Multi-Purpose Outdoor Venue.” Leads me to believe it’s just the stadium - nothing in the proposal that explicitly states otherwise as well.

02-28-2019, 06:54 PM
I’m interested to see the price tag on this project... to be fair, this is only an 8500-10,000 seat stadium. Every single MLS stadium is above 18,000 seats with construction costs from $40 million to $500 million. We aren’t building a billion dollar palace. I assume this stadium won’t cost anywhere near that much.

Yes, this is a MLS starter kit and if one thinks about it we win either way:

1. If at some point MLS commits to coming here based on stadium expandable to meet their requirements then it will be worth the extra cost at that time.

2. If they do not come here we still have a stadium for current soccer team plus all the other events it can handle.

Basically we don’t spend the extra money unless we get MLS commitment and they don’t commit unless we agree to expand it. But the core stadium will be there and in a great location. Its in walking distance from Bricktown and OMNI and Convention center too.

02-28-2019, 07:02 PM
I think that is a very good question. And it probably says in the text of the overall proposal what is what, but I hope it could be broken down in this thread so we can punditify upongst it with lesser effort.

Those items you see around the stadium are placeholders...

The MAPS 4 stadium is just one of a number of items to be presented for an extension of MAPS 3; labeled MAPS 4.

02-28-2019, 07:03 PM
Funk Jr. and McLaughlin are doing whatever they can to turn their MLS dream into a reality...wasn’t it a pop up stadium at Chisholm Creek about 8 months ago?

02-28-2019, 07:09 PM
Funk Jr. and McLaughlin are doing whatever they can to turn their MLS dream into a reality...wasn’t it a pop up stadium at Chisholm Creek about 8 months ago?

The Chisholm Creek stadium wasn't a development by Funk Jr. & McLaughlin group.

02-28-2019, 07:14 PM
I think a lot of you are assuming all the cities mls is expanding too are going to be major successes. That’s simply not going to be the case. Several are going to struggle and look to relocate at some point. That will be the energy’s and OKC’s shot to get into the mix.

02-28-2019, 07:16 PM
Looks like an awesome project, and if the canal expansion is included that’s even better. Beer in bricktown and a ride on a boat to the game. This town is sports obsessed and it’s likely to be included.

Plutonic Panda
02-28-2019, 07:16 PM
I want to wait and see where this goes before I pass any judgments. If there are strict guidelines as to what can be built here which can most certainly be accomplished, that will mean more to me than a soccer stadium. I wish the owners would privately fund it but this is the hand of cards we are dealt. This won't be the first stadium that a city funded with tax dollars. I bet some more details will be revealed part of this proposal and we will learn more. This could be a catalyst to the area to jump start something where there is nothing. We can fix our mistakes and be smarter. The answer isn't always no.

02-28-2019, 07:50 PM
It's called log-rolling and there may be a legal challenge before the MAPS 4 vote.

The way maps 3 was set up was 100% not log rolling and would have passed any legal challenge.

02-28-2019, 07:52 PM
Keep in mind the stadium the Sacramento Republic play In was built for 3 mil only a few year ago and seats 12k

02-28-2019, 08:28 PM
Trying to stay positive and be as openminded as possible. Not a fan of Funk or virtually anything he's done, though, and this is not at all high on my list of priorities.

02-28-2019, 08:40 PM

Although, I'd rather see the grassy banks near the corner ends of the stadium; this stadium is built for future expansion.

The grassy bank on the short side of the stadium (left), can be used for overflow crowds like The Brick. Beginning to like this design & concept. Current cost tag reported by KFOR-TV is $71-$97 million.

Prefer we go ahead with an MLS 22,000-seat stadium where the venue will be MLS ready. Budget $120 million for an MLS stadium instead of $71-$97 million for a USL 8,000-10,000 seat starter stadium.

There's also Alliance of American Football (AAF), Xtreme Football League (XFL) and Freedom Football League (FFL). The FFL has already identified OKC as a initial league market--don't know if the FFL will ever come to fruitition.

Urban Pioneer
02-28-2019, 09:12 PM
Probably the reason they are floating this for MAPS 4 isn’t just the great location or the “free” public money.... it’s the Imminent Domain rights that the City of OKC possesses to force the owners into a negotiation for a much lower land price and therefore create a predetermined outcome.

02-28-2019, 10:02 PM
Also not a fan of the massive soccer complexes. I'd rather see neighborhood soccer fields spread across the southside and metro.