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gopokes88 01-08-2024, 01:02 PM Agreed. There are only so many projects that people will want to give their tax dollars to at once, that seemingly are all very similar (sports related). The idea of MAPS was to spread the love among multiple projects. We've created a MAPS 4.5 by extending the tax for the sole purpose of the new arena. When it's time for MAPS5, i'm thinking they are going to need to spend some money around the city and not just on downtown..and not on anything sports related.
It's more of a timing issue than anything. That being said all these arenas have a 30+ year lifespan. We'll be done for a while.
HFAA Alum 01-08-2024, 02:03 PM I'm thinking OKC should start looming at a 10 - 15,000 seat pickleball arena next. :)
Hey, let's shoot for the stars. Why not build an NFL-ready arena with about 75K seats right next to Scissortail Park, Strawberry Fields don't need that space anyways! /s
HOT ROD 01-08-2024, 03:56 PM I agree that we should build the stadium at 12,000 with expansion to 25,000 or more. Look how we landed the NBA, we had a 'ready' arena just sitting there which we retrofitted with NBA amenities. We could do similarly with the stadium, but we need to recognize that it is MULTIPURPOSE - so we need to consider more than just div 2 soccer. We want outdoor concerts, then lets make sure it's 12,000 (or more) from the start. Then OKC will have two of that size (assuming Mustang Crossing gets built), with the one downtown likely being even more desirable given the better location.
We can make this work, as long as we don't always get tunnel vision (like the fairgrounds being made solely for horse shows but called multipurpose). We've seen what OKC can accomplish, as an expat I agree with progressive that OKC can and will get an MLS team; it's already in the sweet spot for it. With a 12,000 seat stadium we can build the fanbase and by 2030 get a team (Funk start saving, or perhaps Pro Basketball LLC can change their name/focus to Pro "OKC Sports" LLC and comingle the franchises).
caaokc 01-09-2024, 04:29 PM Are the Energy going to play before the stadium opens? Or is it still on the shelf without a place to play?
OKC2017 01-09-2024, 08:17 PM i think a lot of people are missing the point here. the city should do its part to promote the stadium in light of attracting a professional, preferably first division, soccer team. but at the end of the day it has to come to private investors spending their money to get the team into operation. the public funds allocated to the multi purpose stadium must be capped at the original amount the maps 4 project calls for. whatever amount of money thereafter should fall to the private investors to disburse. the purchase of the land, completion of the stadium, team expansion fees and operation costs all comes down to the private investors. if there is a market for the sport in the city then the supply should adjust to meet that demand. in my opinion there is a small but growing market with the potential to expand in the next 20-30 years and if there are no local investors willing to take a chance and make a bet on it then there should be conditions provided by city leadership to attract investors and capital from elsewhere.
bombermwc 01-10-2024, 07:50 AM Unfortunately, that puts all of the risk on the team ownership and they simply aren't going to do that. Would you want invest 100 million in debt in something that you're taking a fairly good sized bet that it wont be profitable and you'll lose your shirt? That's where we are with a minor league team, and we can't support MLS here yet. The city built the arena that attracted the Thunder by way of buying out another team. A team that was already established and with a history. Coming to a city that showed it could support by way of the Hornets. It's not exactly the same situation with soccer. With the Energy, we showed we can support a team that gets to play at a paid for stadium with low rent. Does anyone here think they were bringing in enough to pay down the debt of a new stadium?
I do agree it needs to be a public/private partnership, much like the new arena. And I think you're on a good start above, but i think the land and the base stadium is MAPs money in my mind. Anything more fancy or larger/etc and everything related to the team itself would be the private side. That way, if it does flop, the city comes out still owning the property and stadium and it doesn't get caught in some weird legal crap. Basically, i would also say that if the team leaves, then the owernship of ALL of the stadium, falls to the city. We dont need multiple groups fighting over who might be the next team to play there like we did with the Frogs and the Wranglers.
borchard 01-10-2024, 03:32 PM I have always wanted them to go ahead and build a 20k stadium out of box. USL Soccer? Sure. But with that capacity we would then have the ability to attract:
- US Women's National soccer team games (maybe)
- ALL of the HS football championships. I would LOVE to see this happen in downtown OKC
- HS soccer championships
- Concerts
- Challenge Frisco, TX for the FCS Championship game (Played in a 18k soccer stadium now)
- Small college rivalry games (Think OBU vs. SNU) "The Holy War"
But oh well, just my opinion. Not worth anything.
PaddyShack 01-10-2024, 03:32 PM Are the Energy going to play before the stadium opens? Or is it still on the shelf without a place to play?
Currently per the USL league rules, the Energy cannot play until they have a stadium and field that meet the minimum requirements. From all communications from the team front office, they are waiting for the multipurpose stadium to be built and will not find a temporary set up until the new stadium is complete.
PaddyShack 01-10-2024, 03:37 PM I have always wanted them to go ahead and build a 20k stadium out of box. USL Soccer? Sure. But with that capacity we would then have the ability to attract:
- US Women's National soccer team games (maybe)
- ALL of the HS football championships. I would LOVE to see this happen in downtown OKC
- HS soccer championships
- Concerts
- Challenge Frisco, TX for the FCS Championship game (Played in a 18k soccer stadium now)
- Small college rivalry games (Think OBU vs. SNU) "The Holy War"
But oh well, just my opinion. Not worth anything.
Speaking on SNU, I wouldn't mind seeing the NCAA DII championship game in OKC. Currently played at McKinney District-wide Stadium.
OKC2017 01-10-2024, 04:18 PM Unfortunately, that puts all of the risk on the team ownership and they simply aren't going to do that. Would you want invest 100 million in debt in something that you're taking a fairly good sized bet that it wont be profitable and you'll lose your shirt? That's where we are with a minor league team, and we can't support MLS here yet. The city built the arena that attracted the Thunder by way of buying out another team. A team that was already established and with a history. Coming to a city that showed it could support by way of the Hornets. It's not exactly the same situation with soccer. With the Energy, we showed we can support a team that gets to play at a paid for stadium with low rent. Does anyone here think they were bringing in enough to pay down the debt of a new stadium?
I do agree it needs to be a public/private partnership, much like the new arena. And I think you're on a good start above, but i think the land and the base stadium is MAPs money in my mind. Anything more fancy or larger/etc and everything related to the team itself would be the private side. That way, if it does flop, the city comes out still owning the property and stadium and it doesn't get caught in some weird legal crap. Basically, i would also say that if the team leaves, then the owernship of ALL of the stadium, falls to the city. We dont need multiple groups fighting over who might be the next team to play there like we did with the Frogs and the Wranglers.
that's why you need more than a stadium plan, you need a business strategy well thought out for the short, mid and long terms. but you make an excellent point which is that the city should retain full ownership of the land and all stadium structures so that if a team owned by private investors flops or wants to relocate, the city should retain the multipurpose stadium to continue serving other community needs for sporting and live entertainment events.
thinking in terms of a strategy, the main idea is that soccer has the potential to continue growing in the decades ahead and does not really compete against professional basketball or college football because of the demographic diversity in its local fan base and also because of the current regular season schedule. for example, during the summer months the city could have soccer games in the bricktown area when there is no NBA or OU games. so if a stadium is built in phases where phase 1 calls for a basic field with 8-10K seats that allows for a division 2 or 3 team to begin play. phase 2 can add another another 8-10K seats if needed and finally phase 3 in case the chance for MLS presents itself, could add another 5-10K seats along with a full renovation.
i personally would like to have the option to attend games in a downtown arena in a perfect summer weekend night out with the family or friends and go to dinner before or after the game and hang out well into the night in the surrounding areas like the downtown parks, movies, bars, etc.
I figure multimillionaires would do their homework and see if the investment is worth the risk at this moment or not, but the opportunity would still be there and with a strike of luck, like when the hornets were here temporarily for a year or two, the stadium would already be in place in an optimal location downtown all the while serving other local sporting and live entertainment events.
jn1780 01-10-2024, 04:36 PM It's more of a timing issue than anything. That being said all these arenas have a 30+ year lifespan. We'll be done for a while.
It will be awhile before we even have a MAPS 5 since it will be a few years before we start collecting for the arena. There is a lot of time to think about what capital improvements we should do next.
Laramie 01-10-2024, 05:05 PM I have always wanted them to go ahead and build a 20k stadium out of box. USL Soccer? Sure. But with that capacity we would then have the ability to attract:
- US Women's National soccer team games (maybe)
- ALL of the HS football championships. I would LOVE to see this happen in downtown OKC
- HS soccer championships
- Concerts
- Challenge Frisco, TX for the FCS Championship game (Played in a 18k soccer stadium now)
- Small college rivalry games (Think OBU vs. SNU) "The Holy War"
But oh well, just my opinion. Not worth anything.
Agree, go ahead and build a 20,000-25,000 seat stadium that can be expanded beyond 65,000 in the future. If the Energy isn't drawing well, use only the 12,000 lower level and close off the 8,000-seat upper deck. Good job Borchard, you've covered all the events that can
be apart of the stadium's future use.
progressiveboy 01-11-2024, 12:24 PM It will be awhile before we even have a MAPS 5 since it will be a few years before we start collecting for the arena. There is a lot of time to think about what capital improvements we should do next. MAPS 5 should focus entirely on infrastructure and all concrete roads in OKC! These OKC roads are deplorable and to think the taxpayers in OKC continue to allow this and have the mentality mindset "business as usual". Fix the roads correctly with no more asphalt!
MAPS 5 should focus entirely on infrastructure and all concrete roads in OKC! These OKC roads are deplorable and to think the taxpayers in OKC continue to allow this and have the mentality mindset "business as usual". Fix the roads correctly with no more asphalt!
MAPS 5 is the $1 billion arena by another name but exact same funding source.
There won't be another MAPS until the arena collection concludes in 2034.
BoulderSooner 01-11-2024, 12:57 PM MAPS 5 should focus entirely on infrastructure and all concrete roads in OKC! These OKC roads are deplorable and to think the taxpayers in OKC continue to allow this and have the mentality mindset "business as usual". Fix the roads correctly with no more asphalt!
Better Street safer city was the almost 1 billion dollar bond program that passed in 2017 this is a 10 year package ..
in or around 2027 OKC will have a vote on the next bond package (this is how we deal with roads) and it will exceed 1 billion Dollars ..
TheTravellers 01-11-2024, 02:37 PM Better Street safer city was the almost 1 billion dollar bond program that passed in 2017 this is a 10 year package ..
in or around 2027 OKC will have a vote on the next bond package (this is how we deal with roads) and it will exceed 1 billion Dollars ..
Yeah, this. Not sure MAPS could even be used for streets...
BoulderSooner 01-11-2024, 03:30 PM Yeah, this. Not sure MAPS could even be used for streets...
it could but that is not the intent of it at all ..
MAPS 5 should focus entirely on infrastructure and all concrete roads in OKC! These OKC roads are deplorable and to think the taxpayers in OKC continue to allow this and have the mentality mindset "business as usual". Fix the roads correctly with no more asphalt!
This says the city maintains 3500 miles of road:, privately%20owned%20streets%20in%20OKC.
A Google search will turn up estimates of $2 to $5 million per mile to construct concrete roads.
Obviously, there are concrete roads already in place, but to do the entire city, it would easily cost in the billions, plural.
I assume materials are allocated using traffic metrics and factoring in maintenance, but someone smarter than me has that spreadsheet.
David 01-11-2024, 05:00 PM A "MAPS for roads" would be a good way to get me to vote no on my first MAPS vote ever.
fortpatches 01-11-2024, 05:07 PM This says the city maintains 3500 miles of road:, privately%20owned%20streets%20in%20OKC.
A Google search will turn up estimates of $2 to $5 million per mile to construct concrete roads.
Obviously, there are concrete roads already in place, but to do the entire city, it would easily cost in the billions, plural.
I assume materials are allocated using traffic metrics and factoring in maintenance, but someone smarter than me has that spreadsheet.
I went down a rabbit hole recently on the differences between asphalt concrete and Portland cement concrete. They each have their issues and neither is necessarily always better than the other. Generally, PCC is not recyclable and is used for rigid needs or where it is likely that a larger amount petroleum products will come in contact with the surface, such as when a vehicle is stopped (which would otherwise degrade AC) and AC is fully recyclable and is used for flexible needs or where the ground has more imperfections. Generally, AC is cheaper than PCC in both construction costs and maintenance. For example, resurfacing of miles of AC can be done in a matter of weeks (like Reno was recently resurfaced), whereas PCC cannot be resurfaced and is instead ground down, thereby thinning the road thickness.
bombermwc 01-12-2024, 08:12 AM Sand availability may be a factor. I understand that the sand used in cement is getting harder to get, which is why concrete recycling has taken off to much faster. Moore has both, and I'll say the concrete roads do last longer, but their smoothness factor deteriorates and is a lot harder to fix (and expensive) compared to several asphalt shavings and resurfacings.
I'm a little bummed that we do have to wait so long for the next MAPs project. 10 years is a long time to wait. But i then expect OKC to come up with something that is off the charts for that one (after having so long to think about it). Monthly or quarterly think-tank meetings should do good. Here are a couple of things I think would be nice....
Youth Centers - including before-after school care/tutoring/youth sports/etc. Keep the kids involved and busy!
Infrastructure - It's never sexy, but it's necessary. Water, for example. Maybe do some construction at the Fire Stations to be able to house Ambulances to get ready to fire EMSA and absorb it in to OCFD? Long-term piping for lakes/reservoir, maybe prepping for an expanded Draper.
Roads - OKC doesn't really do bond stuff for this, but a city-wide focus on the worst of the worst. But don't leave out the rural areas. Think of roads like 74th between Anderson and Hiawassee...holy crap!
Prep work for expanded Light Rail - I personally have reservations about this being successful, but i'm not going to actively fight against it.
Just some thoughts.
Canoe 01-12-2024, 08:32 AM MAPS 5 should focus entirely on infrastructure and all concrete roads in OKC! These OKC roads are deplorable and to think the taxpayers in OKC continue to allow this and have the mentality mindset "business as usual". Fix the roads correctly with no more asphalt!
Many people buy heavier vehicles to cope with the poor-quality roads which makes the poor-quality roads break down quicker.
Anonymous. 01-12-2024, 09:28 AM MAPS 5 should focus entirely on infrastructure and all concrete roads in OKC! These OKC roads are deplorable and to think the taxpayers in OKC continue to allow this and have the mentality mindset "business as usual". Fix the roads correctly with no more asphalt!
Concrete roads everywhere in OKC is a joke. The sprawl here is too great to ever think that is possible.
The real progressiveboy stance would be to encourage public transportation and high density residential. Sprawl is the enemy of solid infrastructure and OKC is one of the worst.
Look who we are hanging out with in this top 10 -
TheTravellers 01-12-2024, 10:09 AM ...
Roads - OKC doesn't really do bond stuff for this, but a city-wide focus on the worst of the worst. But don't leave out the rural areas. Think of roads like 74th between Anderson and Hiawassee...holy crap! ...
Better Streets, Safer City is a bond program, and referenced only a few posts up:
BoulderSooner 01-12-2024, 11:49 AM Roads - OKC doesn't really do bond stuff for this,
that is 100% what OKC does with Bond programs ..
gopokes88 01-12-2024, 03:03 PM Didn't the Gap MAPs between 3 & 4 also have money for roads, parks, police, sidewalks? Only went for a few years but it did put more money towards it.
oklanime 01-13-2024, 07:40 PM Building an 8k stadium to start out with room to expand in the future is fine and is the reasonable decision for the OKC Energy. USL teams average about 5.8k in attendance, and the highest attendance overall was Sacramento Republic FC with about 10.6k( so it makes since why they would stick to building just 8k right now and build later. Would it be nice if a 20-25k stadium is built? Sure, but the only way to get it built is to show up to the matches and show that there is demand for soccer in OKC.
Press release:
City Council approves use of economic development funds to leverage MAPS 4 Multipurpose Stadium
Oklahoma City Council today approved using economic development funds to increase the budget for the MAPS 4 Multipurpose Stadium from $41 million to $71 million.
The additional funding is contingent on the multipurpose stadium being located downtown, where an additional $30 million in Tax Increment Financing (TIF) and other economic development funds could pay for a portion of the stadium’s construction costs.
“This outcome addresses three challenges,” Mayor David Holt said. “The MAPS 4 stadium project was always funded below the level this city deserves, the project never had a budget for land acquisition, and the land south of Bricktown needs a catalyst. With adoption of this plan by the Council, we have a more appropriate budget for the stadium, we can secure the donation of land, and we will provide the spark this particular property needs. That we can do all of this without general fund tax dollars is a win-win. I want to thank the Energy FC ownership group for their offer to donate the land for the stadium, and I want to thank the City Manager, Kenny Tsoodle with the Alliance for Economic Development, Councilmen Stone and Stonecipher, everyone who was involved in this for the last two years, the Council and the committees and trusts who approved it. We look forward to the next steps and another exciting development for Oklahoma City.”
Property under contract
OKC Energy FC Ownership is under contract to purchase an area of undeveloped property south of Bricktown and east of the Oklahoma City Convention Center from the Producers Downtown Development, LLC. The ownership group plans to donate 7.2 acres of the area to the City for the stadium, which the City will own.
OKC Energy FC Ownership plans to develop the remaining area into a sports-centered entertainment district.
The land donation is dependent on approval from the MAPS 4 Venues Subcommittee and the MAPS 4 Citizens Advisory Board, which could take place in early spring.
Stadium details
The stadium design includes a United States Soccer Federation (USSF)-approved pitch, seating for approximately 8,000 guests, locker rooms and suites. The venue is expected to drive the development of a sports-centered entertainment district downtown, a model that has proven to be successful in Louisville, Kentucky, and Indianapolis, Indiana. A similar project is under construction in Pawtucket, Rhode Island.
The venue will be the City’s only stadium with a USSF-approved pitch to accommodate professional men’s and women’s soccer. When the area develops, visitors will be able to walk from restaurants, retail and housing to attend events in the new entertainment district.
Tyson 01-16-2024, 11:54 AM Press release:
City Council approves use of economic development funds to leverage MAPS 4 Multipurpose Stadium
Oklahoma City Council today approved using economic development funds to increase the budget for the MAPS 4 Multipurpose Stadium from $41 million to $71 million.
The additional funding is contingent on the multipurpose stadium being located downtown, where an additional $30 million in Tax Increment Financing (TIF) and other economic development funds could pay for a portion of the stadium’s construction costs.
“This outcome addresses three challenges,” Mayor David Holt said. “The MAPS 4 stadium project was always funded below the level this city deserves, the project never had a budget for land acquisition, and the land south of Bricktown needs a catalyst. With adoption of this plan by the Council, we have a more appropriate budget for the stadium, we can secure the donation of land, and we will provide the spark this particular property needs. That we can do all of this without general fund tax dollars is a win-win. I want to thank the Energy FC ownership group for their offer to donate the land for the stadium, and I want to thank the City Manager, Kenny Tsoodle with the Alliance for Economic Development, Councilmen Stone and Stonecipher, everyone who was involved in this for the last two years, the Council and the committees and trusts who approved it. We look forward to the next steps and another exciting development for Oklahoma City.”
Property under contract
OKC Energy FC Ownership is under contract to purchase an area of undeveloped property south of Bricktown and east of the Oklahoma City Convention Center from the Producers Downtown Development, LLC. The ownership group plans to donate 7.2 acres of the area to the City for the stadium, which the City will own.
OKC Energy FC Ownership plans to develop the remaining area into a sports-centered entertainment district.
The land donation is dependent on approval from the MAPS 4 Venues Subcommittee and the MAPS 4 Citizens Advisory Board, which could take place in early spring.
Stadium details
The stadium design includes a United States Soccer Federation (USSF)-approved pitch, seating for approximately 8,000 guests, locker rooms and suites. The venue is expected to drive the development of a sports-centered entertainment district downtown, a model that has proven to be successful in Louisville, Kentucky, and Indianapolis, Indiana. A similar project is under construction in Pawtucket, Rhode Island.
The venue will be the City’s only stadium with a USSF-approved pitch to accommodate professional men’s and women’s soccer. When the area develops, visitors will be able to walk from restaurants, retail and housing to attend events in the new entertainment district.
Wow, this is great news.
KHutch66 01-16-2024, 12:08 PM is there any chance of potentially extending the canal into this area, the same as previously planned.
Rover 01-16-2024, 12:20 PM is there any chance of potentially extending the canal into this area, the same as previously planned.
What was the previous plan?
What was the previous plan?
It was shown when the Producers Coop group was pitching to have the aquarium built on their property as part of MAPS 4.
Purely conceptual.
PhiAlpha 01-16-2024, 01:43 PM We talk a lot about TIF here but this seems like a pretty excellent use of it. The stadium should kick start and incentivize development in a barren area within the core with some significant hurdles that have so far prevented development there.
fortpatches 01-16-2024, 01:59 PM What was the previous plan?
I think this may be what they were referring to
canal022019.jpg (1472×1024) ( (
Rover 01-16-2024, 04:36 PM I think this may be what they were referring to
canal022019.jpg (1472×1024) ( (
Yes, as Pete said, a concept, not a plan.
mugofbeer 01-16-2024, 07:51 PM I would LOVE to see the canal system expanded.
Sonicthunder 01-16-2024, 08:08 PM 7.2 acres donated to city? is that enough room to fit in an arena as well
Rover 01-16-2024, 08:23 PM 7.2 acres donated to city? is that enough room to fit in an arena as well
OKC2017 01-22-2024, 01:33 PM you probably need at least 10 acres just to fit the basic stadium structure and still leave some room for future expansion/renovation.
by the way, the austin fc stadium "Q2" looks like a likely design type even though it is soccer specific and not multipurpose.
mugofbeer 02-25-2024, 11:07 PM Journal Record article on the stadium
OKC2017 04-26-2024, 04:55 PM
indianapolis has the political and financial backing to develop a + $1B stadium/mixed use downtown development to secure an MLS team for the city.
caaokc 07-18-2024, 02:45 PM Echo is now majority owner
Laramie 07-18-2024, 05:13 PM OKC needs to invest in a MAPS 4 Multipurpose Stadium designed for future expansion capabilities.
The new stadium could serve the immediate needs for USL soccer, collegiate Division II football and some high school football games. Construct the initial lower level seating to accommodate 15,000 seats (not 8,000 seats).
Last phase, add an upper deck expansion for 10,000 seats with 25,000 maximum seating capacity.
Laramie 07-18-2024, 07:33 PM
UFL Oklahoma City franchise could use Chad Richison Stadium (Capacity 12,000 - UCO campus) as a 3 year temporary home until the MAPS 4 Multipurpose stadium is built in OKC.
The team could build an Edmond fan base which IMO would be a catalyst for an MLS expansion franchise for OKC.
When Mayor Mick Cornett (2005-2018) occupied 'City Hall' he indicated that if Oklahoma City obtained an MLS franchise that Oklahoma City would build a stadium. The last MLS expansion franchise was awarded to Charlotte, NC for $325 million in 2022.
citywokchinesefood 07-18-2024, 08:25 PM OU's soccer field is not anything to write home about, and they are not getting a new pitch any time soon. It would not be the worst idea to try and have them be an additional tenant to book up more event days for the stadium in the future. If the University NorthPark stadium is built it would be a great spot for the OKC blue to play to again add more event dates to the facilities calendar throughout the season. With the upcoming train connection between campus and downtown a cheap or free student pass to and from games could be a great way to increase both men's and women's OU soccer attendance. They would be playing in one of the nicest and largest facilities in the SEC. The 2026 World Cup being hosted in North America has a chance to really drive interest in soccer in America. I think that having a USL team and two division one programs regularly playing games downtown could really jumpstart the district around the stadium with consistent activation.
aDark 07-24-2024, 10:07 AM Hey Pete, or anyone in the know, I read our State of the City. I noticed Mayor Holt didn't provide any timeline for the Maps 4 Stadium to be built. Considering the location was confirmed ~6 months ago, do we expect to have a timeline for the build soon? I assume there would be a pretty significant push to have it completed before the significant TV coverage re the Olympics in 2028. Is that enough time to build an outdoor stadium consistent with what is proposed? Am I reading too much into Mayor Holt not signaling a completion timeline?
BoulderSooner 07-24-2024, 10:14 AM Hey Pete, or anyone in the know, I read our State of the City. I noticed Mayor Holt didn't provide any timeline for the Maps 4 Stadium to be built. Considering the location was confirmed ~6 months ago, do we expect to have a timeline for the build soon? I assume there would be a pretty significant push to have it completed before the significant TV coverage re the Olympics in 2028. Is that enough time to build an outdoor stadium consistent with what is proposed? Am I reading too much into Mayor Holt not signaling a completion timeline?
per this
it is on the 2025 schedule ...
BoulderSooner 07-24-2024, 10:16 AM not that it matters now .. but if the Energy owners were serious about soccer .. they would have spend 5-10 mil of their own money to build a temp stadium that fit USL requirements and played there until maps 4 stadium is ready ..
just as a reminder the Sacramento stadium that seats 12k cost 3 mil to build .. in 2014
Right, and remember they had plans to do that at Chisholm Creek at one time.
Their excuse at the time was that fans didn't like the location being so far north, but there are tons of other temporary sites closer to the core.
It's pretty galling that taxpayers are putting up all this money and can't even field a team for what will turn out to be close to a decade. We'll see if the new ownership group is more responsible.
BoulderSooner 07-24-2024, 10:44 AM ^
Right, and remember they had plans to do that at Chisholm Creek at one time.
Their excuse at the time was that fans didn't like the location being so far north, but there are tons of other temporary sites closer to the core.
It's pretty galling that taxpayers are putting up all this money and can't even field a team for what will turn out to be close to a decade. We'll see if the new ownership group is more responsible.
and lets be honest ... the city almost for sure would have helped them fund a temp stadium ..
and lets be honest ... the city almost for sure would have helped them fund a temp stadium ..
I'm just waiting for some additional huge ask of public funds.
That's been the common component of every Christian Kanady project.
barrettd 07-25-2024, 07:39 AM I'm just waiting for some additional huge ask of public funds.
That's been the common component of every Christian Kanady project.
Have you any info on what he's done with public funds so far? Wondering if it's just a straight grift or if he's been productive with the public funds. I remember him buying a building downtown, but I lost track of that project, too.
Have you any info on what he's done with public funds so far? Wondering if it's just a straight grift or if he's been productive with the public funds. I remember him buying a building downtown, but I lost track of that project, too.
OKC basically paid him millions to put Prairie Surf in the old Cox Center; now the Thunder are paying him to leave.
Getting tons of public money for the new Wheeler Bio HQ at Innovation Plaza, which bears little resemblance to what was proposed.
OKC is paying for a stadium for his new soccer team.
barrettd 07-25-2024, 01:22 PM OKC basically paid him millions to put Prairie Surf in the old Cox Center; now the Thunder are paying him to leave.
Getting tons of public money for the new Wheeler Bio HQ at Innovation Plaza, which bears little resemblance to what was proposed.
OKC is paying for a stadium for his new soccer team.
Nice work if you can get it.
Rover 07-25-2024, 02:44 PM Nice work if you can get it.
Someone else needs to step up and fill that role or that is what happens. Who is showing they are willing to step in to do the higher risk visionary stuff? Who is making plans and proposals? Did anyone else try to work a deal with the Funks or the city? Was Kanady the best or just the only one competing? Is there more than a casual connection between Kanady and the ones doling out the money?
Laramie 07-25-2024, 04:02 PM
MAPS 4 Multipurpose Stadium has a $71 million budget scheduled to break ground sometime in 2025. Maybe by the time the City is ready to break ground in 2025, there will be an additional $29 million ($100 million project) to add to the budget.
OKC needs to build a minimum 20,000 seat stadium making it MLS ready upon opening. The new USL ownership (Echo - Christian Kanady) could use the lower level 8,000 seats.
OKC could make the stadium available for larger events like OSSAA high school football championships in 6A, 5A, 4A classes.
Also open up the potential for UFL spring football games
Former OU football coach Bob Stoops may want buy or bring a UFL franchise to Oklahoma City area having an option of using the lower bowl 40,000 capacity of Oklahoma Gaylord Family Oklahoma Memorial Stadium or the MAPS 4 - 20,000 seat Multipurpose Stadium.
barrettd 07-25-2024, 04:14 PM Someone else needs to step up and fill that role or that is what happens. Who is showing they are willing to step in to do the higher risk visionary stuff? Who is making plans and proposals? Did anyone else try to work a deal with the Funks or the city? Was Kanady the best or just the only one competing? Is there more than a casual connection between Kanady and the ones doling out the money?
I hear you.
mugofbeer 07-27-2024, 05:02 PM
MAPS 4 Multipurpose Stadium has a $71 million budget scheduled to break ground sometime in 2025. Maybe by the time the City is ready to break ground in 2025, there will be an additional $29 million ($100 million project) to add to the budget.
OKC needs to build a minimum 20,000 seat stadium making it MLS ready upon opening. The new USL ownership (Echo - Christian Kanady) could use the lower level 8,000 seats.
OKC could make the stadium available for larger events like OSSAA high school football championships in 6A, 5A, 4A classes.
Also open up the potential for UFL spring football games
Former OU football coach Bob Stoops may want buy or bring a UFL franchise to Oklahoma City area having an option of using the lower bowl 40,000 capacity of Oklahoma Gaylord Family Oklahoma Memorial Stadium or the MAPS 4 - 20,000 seat Multipurpose Stadium.
If they are going to build it, build it right with sufficient capacity.
bombermwc 07-29-2024, 08:18 AM This is very exciting!!!! And i'm super glad I'm not the only one seeing this for OSSAA. If you can host can host marching band events :) and THAT is where i get excited. LOL
burksooner 08-01-2024, 06:23 AM