I did do a search, but could not find anything. I was NW bound on NW HWY, around Dusk the other evening. The setting Sun was brutal. I could not figure out why this Truck seemed bright on the backside when it was facing the Sun. Worked my way up to get beside it and found out it was this. https://ddmarketingokc.com/
It defiantly got your attention. I do hope they turn it down
02-23-2019, 08:27 PM
I did do a search, but could not find anything. I was NW bound on NW HWY, around Dusk the other evening. The setting Sun was brutal. I could not figure out why this Truck seemed bright on the backside when it was facing the Sun. Worked my way up to get beside it and found out it was this. https://ddmarketingokc.com/
It defiantly got your attention. I do hope they turn it down
There are some city ordinances heavily regulating these trucks on OKC's roads.
02-23-2019, 08:44 PM
I did do a search, but could not find anything. I was NW bound on NW HWY, around Dusk the other evening. The setting Sun was brutal. I could not figure out why this Truck seemed bright on the backside when it was facing the Sun. Worked my way up to get beside it and found out it was this. https://ddmarketingokc.com/
It defiantly got your attention. I do hope they turn it down
They have been driving up and down NWE for over a year now, during rush hours. They are a danger imo. It distorts your vision and is too bright. They also go just under speed limit thus creating another hazard. It causes cars to have to pass and stack up traffic in middle lane.
I tried calling police and other numbers to find out if illegal and got no answer as no one knew. They mess with depth perception
02-23-2019, 09:16 PM
From OKC Muni Code
§ 3-83. - General regulations for all signs.
(b) Signs on vehicles.
(1) signs shall be permitted to be painted or directly attached to a commercial vehicle, provided said signs identify the business for which the vehicle is operated. Commercial advertising on buses or taxicabs is permitted if authorized elsewhere in this Code.
(2) no trailer or vehicle larger than a 1½-ton capacity van or pickup truck shall be parked on the street side of a business property for purposes other than immediate loading or unloading.
(3) use of a message painted or affixed to trucks or semitrailers as an advertising device shall be prohibited, unless said vehicles are parked in a defined storage area as permitted by Chapter 59 of this Code.
(4) no portable, A-frame, sandwich, swinger, or similar sign shall be mounted on a vehicle for purposes of advertising.
(d) Moving, sound emitting, and sign illumination regulations. (1) Moving and sound emitting signs prohibited. a. no sign or part of a sign shall move. b. no sign shall emit any sound which is designed to attract attention. (2) Intermittent lighting restrictions. a. no strobe or high-intensity intermittent lights shall be permitted except where required on structures for aircraft warning lights.
02-24-2019, 06:54 PM
Every now and then - depending on when I leave for work - I come across one of those trucks. In the pre-dawn early morning they are very bright to drive behind. He usually has the sign on, but sometimes not. The signs are static but they are annoying (which is the point I suppose). I just keep my distance to keep from getting blinded. I haven't heard any sound from them while sitting in traffic next to it.