View Full Version : Vast Bank

01-17-2019, 07:00 AM
New headquarters downtown, ~100 employees.

Previously Tulsa's Valley National Bank. NTamKSVcIgTvaqyzQ-iSCYC1pY#.XD9xaxaAi7s.facebook

01-17-2019, 08:42 AM
This project is under construction across from ONEOK Field. In The Raw has planned a rooftop sushi bar and there is a Phase 2 planned for 3 stories of mixed-use on the surface lot to the north

This area is booming, current and recently completed projects:
- Flats on Archer, 5 stories 62 apartments at Archer & Boston (recently completed)
- The View, 5 stories 200 apartments at Archer & Elgin (opening in mid 2020)
- Holiday Inn Express, 5 stories 110 rooms at Archer & MLK (opening this month)
- Parking garage for Vast Bank and the hotel with retail space along Elgin (opening in late 2019)
- Bob Dylan Archive designed by Olson Kundig at Archer & MLK (opening in 2021)
- GreenArch 2, 5 stories of office space with street level retail at Archer & Greenwood (opening in 2020)

01-17-2019, 08:46 AM
Man - this is an awesome project!

04-07-2019, 08:43 PM
Progress as seen from Opening Day at ONEOK Field pg?_nc_cat=100&_nc_ht=scontent.fapa1-2.fna&oh=d81069ea0986e24a2930cb556f8a799a&oe=5D3B6AD6

04-07-2019, 09:06 PM
Ooh that's gonna look nice once completed.

06-10-2020, 02:43 PM
This project is mostly finished. In The Raw sushi with its Rooftop patio and French Hen on the ground floor haven’t announced opening dates yet but should both open this summer pg?_nc_cat=111&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=BV7c3AMorEYAX-mU6M5&_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-1.xx&oh=d204e89030e816834baff750a368d732&oe=5EF3787C

06-17-2020, 06:36 PM
A vet is going into this building - great for the downtown pet owners.

06-17-2020, 06:55 PM
This turned out looking pretty nice!

jonny d
06-17-2020, 07:07 PM
This project is mostly finished. In The Raw sushi with its Rooftop patio and French Hen on the ground floor haven’t announced opening dates yet but should both open this summer pg?_nc_cat=111&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=BV7c3AMorEYAX-mU6M5&_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-1.xx&oh=d204e89030e816834baff750a368d732&oe=5EF3787C

PluPan would love those telephone wires!

Plutonic Panda
06-18-2020, 01:43 AM
Oh god. That was the first thing I noticed despite really liking this building those wires are indeed irritating to me lol

07-23-2020, 11:42 AM
This project is now complete. Cool aerial showing this new building along with construction ongoing at The View apartments across the street. The parking lot to the north of Vast Bank is slated for a future second phase. L7SEkZ9oDpHPatBTwnczMjmr4RVnwrN7bQYbRm1p5Wad5q4agj mU3IccfuqHCcRtz8rZ3mqk8mi-HuHj5cTfboJP8LPOUs5-w5l_xN5FN3g_hvR8ZZHRz8-01aqgke5_pXs1ts3TIp_xQ7JuY7EyfuCnnjJvsNyorPUw_Z0Mx yn1HDV5GcKAUdvgbnhxHqfuIqPrgjedY0XsAr-ZtZvXm9PaItbAzyOksrxgtd1kVXfAzsPMAhwUDBW8yIudDTsC0 zlPJrjDbAQCM1o86UI27acLLGO51ySs9CNL1L4sjRWX0InuYx4 GldriiqDGbPTAJ-YxNmLWKjqd5Msc5udE7s59DiWn-6EVoZLbN3QOsYt19ux1je4pS3LpLsGA-BFs0f4P8upw-pe9uoCAsLZNdfCmKRZLz7jl9lOYQXeI-eHNoRqtET97M38Gi1IsV5tywel8-TGYOm7gOX1QfOPBDvrdHYbRSRIfflg0MYyNMtYEIFuku9FDDBh _NsKPbu5MBfhMuuLremCTdr1yHZRAeYijG6ZqPfa61zZGAey_w StwWbeFvabA5uFJb4l9-QL06v2zWqUq0SIxLBYaQaRJWnC_pz_3TXzlDZUEX8LRg=w828-h552-no?authuser=0