View Full Version : Perfectly good sod farm...

01-06-2019, 06:33 PM
What is going on at the sod farm at 10th and Sooner? First, it was a 6 foot stranded barbwire fence around the innocent sod field. Now, it's looking like they're digging a new reservoir! There must be something good about that Crutcho dirt!
Asking for a friend.

01-07-2019, 01:22 AM
What is going on at the sod farm at 10th and Sooner? First, it was a 6 foot stranded barbwire fence around the innocent sod field. Now, it's looking like they're digging a new reservoir! There must be something good about that Crutcho dirt!
Asking for a friend.

A coworker of mine recently asked about this too. The entire Crutcho Creek Sod Farm is actually owned by Dolese, but that land hasn't changed hands at all, that I can tell. It's just within the Midwest City city limits, and they don't have an online permit portal that I can find, so I'm unable to find a building permit or anything for the site.

01-29-2019, 09:40 AM
That field is owned by dolese, the sod farm has leased it for over 20 years. Dolese is turning it into a sand pit. The are digging the top 8 feet or so of top soil off to get to the sand underneath. The dredge is almost built and they will then go another 30-40 feet down getting the sand will be pumped under the road and sifted at the plant they have on other side of creek.

01-29-2019, 12:17 PM
Brewerrob, welcome to the OKCTalk, and thanks for an informative first post! That's kinda disappointing that it won't be anything more involved than that, but at least the mystery is solved. :)

02-07-2019, 08:13 AM
That field is owned by dolese, the sod farm has leased it for over 20 years. Dolese is turning it into a sand pit. The are digging the top 8 feet or so of top soil off to get to the sand underneath. The dredge is almost built and they will then go another 30-40 feet down getting the sand will be pumped under the road and sifted at the plant they have on other side of creek.

THANKS! I figured someone would know!