09-25-2018, 03:46 PM
Is the Development Map on this site still maintained or updated? I know of several new things going up and the map does not reflect that.
View Full Version : Development Map mtedwards7 09-25-2018, 03:46 PM Is the Development Map on this site still maintained or updated? I know of several new things going up and the map does not reflect that. mtedwards7 10-08-2018, 08:21 AM Cool thanks guys Plutonic Panda 10-08-2018, 08:55 AM Yeah I update it when I can. I just added several new projects and removed some that were completed. I have only been keeping projects in core under recently competed and deleting all others entirely as soon as they’re done if not in the core. You can message me, Pete, or a few others on here who update the map to become an editor so you can add projects yourself. There haven’t really been any established guidelines as to how projects are added or deleted just so as long as whatever is being built in the metro is added. What is being built that isn’t listed on the map? Would you like to be added as an editor? |