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04-06-2019, 01:15 PM
OKC tax payers pay approx. $4mm towards subsidizing the Thunder's payroll. They are doing just fine.

Every player, coach and owner from EVERY team in the league pays Oklahoma State income tax each and every time a game is played in OKC. Millions of dollars that far exceeds any kind of subsidy the Organization receives.

They also pay a lot of hotel and restaurant bills.

04-06-2019, 06:32 PM
There’s something not being mentioned that I think is very pertinent... Over 5.7 million is being spent on a restaurant(s) that is going to have to be viable on more than just game days... That parking may very well be the difference in if that’s possible or not...

I think that sort of the issue. Is it the city's responsibility to use public funds to make an otherwise unsustainable business plan viable? The irony is that the developers involved could fund that plan themselves, whether it's viable on its own merit or not.

It kinda hit me wrong when I saw they were requesting TIF for this but then I saw the budget that Pete posted and the giant basketball art piece and the west plaza are about the same amount as the TIF request. I don't have a problem with it...

Which makes sense. That's just a matter of what column you put it in, but it should be noted that the land and the art will still be privately held assets acquired with public assistance.

And just to be clear, I'm generally indifferent to this project and I don't really understand its execution, but I do agree with some the concerns on principle. The reality is that most things downtown seem to be reliant on public assistance. I understood that strategy on some level when we were trying to get things going, but at what point does it become viable / desirable on its own? Or, in other words, when does the city actually gain leverage from all the money it has invested in the area? In this case, it does seem like we're getting nickled and dimed for a fairly a relatively underwhelming development.

04-06-2019, 06:59 PM

And keep in mind, there have already been hundreds of millions in tax dollars spent directly adjacent to this piece of property: Chesapeake Arena and several different rounds of improvements, $85M in public money for the Omni, all types of subsidies for the Thunder, Project 180, the convention center, rebuilding EKG/Shields, Scisstorail Park, OKC Boulevard, the streetcar, Robinson is being completely rebuilt, a new parking garage across the street.... On and on and on.

Why are we still subsidizing (generally and often very) rich people? And how is it fair to those who are also competing in the area without public assistance? If you just step back and look at this on its face, it's completely absurd.

We we are long past the "jump start" TIF is meant to provide.

04-07-2019, 02:34 AM
OKC finally attracts a higher end hotel chain (with subsidy) and promptly decides to erect a trailer park across from it. Welcome to OKC!

04-07-2019, 10:22 AM
OKC tax payers pay approx. $4mm towards subsidizing the Thunder's payroll. They are doing just fine.


04-07-2019, 11:24 AM

And keep in mind, there have already been hundreds of millions in tax dollars spent directly adjacent to this piece of property: Chesapeake Arena and several different rounds of improvements, $85M in public money for the Omni, all types of subsidies for the Thunder, Project 180, the convention center, rebuilding EKG/Shields, Scisstorail Park, OKC Boulevard, the streetcar, Robinson is being completely rebuilt, a new parking garage across the street.... On and on and on.

Why are we still subsidizing (generally and often very) rich people? And how is it fair to those who are also competing in the area without public assistance? If you just step back and look at this on its face, it's completely absurd.

We we are long past the "jump start" TIF is meant to provide.

Pete, I totally get what you are saying but wanted to offer some other points of view:

- If true then maybe MAPS should also be ended because it subsidizes downtown in relation to its costs.

- Every city offers incentives its like a system which once started and companies took advantage of - now if a city does not offer them they are left out and lose out. Its a tough situation for cities as all want to grow and incentives are a big part nowadays. Thunder are both a business and entertainment and have pretty much put us on the map. I would suggest its had the biggest positive impact overall of all downtown projects.

- I get the rich argument, I really do. On the other hand its these rich people who create and expand companies. Its not fair but its part of our fabric. If we gave the same money to non rich people or companies we would likely not have achieved the same results. OMNI as an example has a high reputation so it helps our image to have one. If we gave Motel 6 the same money as OMNI then I doubt it would have the same effect. Or if we gave the money to a newcomer they may not even survive a year after built. The richer people are also the ones spending money here. It may not seem fair but its how it works.

Your point is valid but I don’t see a better answer. The rich are and always have been how America was built and expanded. We have to pay our “fee” to keep up with other expanding large cities. If we choose not to, its likely some of these name brand companies don’t move/build here because our reputation would then be non business friendly and they would go to another city offering better deals.

Peake has added a key part of who OKC is now so we got/get more bang for our buck with the Thunder. Based on that I have no problem with the expense.

Going forward maybe it can get the discussion started on if we should keep doing these TIFS or how to use them. A rewriting of rules so to speak. What I don’t like is how they get approved with hardly any oversight.

jonny d
04-07-2019, 11:52 AM

And keep in mind, there have already been hundreds of millions in tax dollars spent directly adjacent to this piece of property: Chesapeake Arena and several different rounds of improvements, $85M in public money for the Omni, all types of subsidies for the Thunder, Project 180, the convention center, rebuilding EKG/Shields, Scisstorail Park, OKC Boulevard, the streetcar, Robinson is being completely rebuilt, a new parking garage across the street.... On and on and on.

Why are we still subsidizing (generally and often very) rich people? And how is it fair to those who are also competing in the area without public assistance? If you just step back and look at this on its face, it's completely absurd.

We we are long past the "jump start" TIF is meant to provide.

You are making it seem like only OKC subsidizes the wealthy. It happens in EVERY city in America. Amazon is getting billions. OKC needs to be more selective or demanding on projects it does subsidize, yes. But if you think it isn't happening elsewhere, I have some oceanfront property in Utah to sell ya.

Plus, OKC is still a rather poor city. Not many people with money actually try to invest in making it better. Nothing we can do about that.

04-07-2019, 12:59 PM
The public space costs 1.6 mil. The tif is totally appropriate

04-07-2019, 01:25 PM
- If true then maybe MAPS should also be ended because it subsidizes downtown in relation to its costs.

I think the difference is that most of the MAPS projects are technically public assets. Yes, many investors and developers indirectly benefit from them, and there are some sweetheart deals attached to some of them, but overall, it's not directly picking winners and losers as it is written.

- Every city offers incentives its like a system which once started and companies took advantage of - now if a city does not offer them they are left out and lose out.

No doubt that has become a staple of our economic system in general. We have accepted the argument that capitalism only functions with government assistance, which is fundamentally a contradiction, and it is often the richest companies that get the most assistance. There is a lot of discussion and debate about the broader economic impacts of this kind of system, which is probably too involved to get into on this thread.

Peake has added a key part of who OKC is now so we got/get more bang for our buck with the Thunder. Based on that I have no problem with the expense.

Going forward maybe it can get the discussion started on if we should keep doing these TIFS or how to use them. A rewriting of rules so to speak. What I donÂ’t like is how they get approved with hardly any oversight.

There's no doubt the arena is a great public asset and the Thunder has compounded economic benefits for the city and downtown specifically. But I do think this specific project shows how it's gotten to the point where TIF assistance is almost assumed at this point, regardless of the project or its potential impact. This one is an especially interesting case study because we're essentially talking about the people who are continually directly benefiting personally from public assistance on a scale that dwarfs this project. When you think about it, it's kind of insulting, but as you pointed it, we're to the point of "well, that's just how it's done these days" without much consideration.

04-07-2019, 01:51 PM
Oklahoma City doesn't have these billionaires and multi corporate bases like our regional competitors Dallas-Fort Worth, Houston & Denver.

We need to keep the Thunder in a position that they commit long-term to our community--they are our best ambassadors.

Call it corporate welfare or whatever, MAPS, the NBA and Devon's commitment to remain in OKC turned this big ole raggedy-ass town around.

Hate to imagine what OKC would be like if our 'quality of life' had not improved. A huge farm system for development of professional talent to spoon feed the greedy billionaire base in Texas; if we're going to get anywhere, let's reward; take care of those who invest in our city.

04-07-2019, 06:57 PM
take care of those who invest in our city.

In general, sure, but lots of people invest in the city that do not get direct tax breaks to open and operate their business here. And in this case, the city has "taken care" of them. Whether the city opts to assist them in this project won't affect that at all. I'm not going to be upset either way if it gets approved or not, but let's be honest, this just comes off as "the vig is always 10%, capiche?" And, also, by the way, all those qualifications you have, just ignore them.

It's just kind of amusing at this point. The lingering apathy would be concerning, but there are so many more people throughout the city willing to invest their own money in their own original projects than I can remember in my lifetime, that sweating the "business as usual" at city hall stuff is not as important as it once seemed. I commend the city for helping small business owners with neighborhood and business district improvements, and it has paid amazing dividends, but none of those efforts have equated to what these people are getting from the city, yet, still, when they want to build a modest restaurant / gathering space for 10MM, they can't resist asking for 10% financing assistance from the city, because why wouldn't they, when they always get it?

So, sure let's take care of them. But let's also not forgot that many have done projects on this scale and of higher quality without asking for direct public assistance. I think some are just wondering when we will shed the "raggedy-ass town" complex and feel like we're in a position where we feel like it's okay to demand a little higher quality work when someone is asking for some help. Really, all I am trying to say is that I feel like we are at a point where we can put some quality qualifications on public assistance. IMO, that's a good thing, but I'm not sure we've really even tested that, yet.

04-07-2019, 07:36 PM
Laramie, totally agree! It would be a travesty for OKC to lose the Thunder. The team has helped (I say spearheaded) OKC's renaissance and places us in a class above many other cities of similar and even larger size. The city would be an after thought without the Thunder. During the early seasons of Thunder BB I ran into Clay Bennett at the arena and thanked him for his and others investment in OKC and I still feel that way today. I hope the ownership makes money, they took the risk.

04-07-2019, 09:28 PM
[QUOTE=BDP;1071315]In general, sure, but lots of people invest in the city that do not get direct tax breaks to open and operate their business here. And in this case, the city has "taken care" of them. Whether the city opts to assist them in this project won't affect that at all. I'm not going to be upset either way if it gets approved or not, but let's be honest, this just comes off as "the vig is always 10%, capiche?" And, also, by the way, all those qualifications you have, just ignore them.

I doubt many has put up $ 350,000,000.00 as an investment in OKC..... without some assistance ?

04-08-2019, 09:26 AM

DallasOkie may be talking about Thunder getting quality jobs act money, or something similar that they benefit from. Also, didnt OKC drop or lower ticket taxes so Thunder could keep more of the ticket revenue?

04-08-2019, 09:44 AM

And that's $4 million per year, not total.

04-08-2019, 10:01 AM

And that's $4 million per year, not total.

so the entire state not just OKC and a state program that is not just for the Thunder

the State quality jobs act ... also they leave this program after the 2022-23 season

Jersey Boss
04-08-2019, 10:08 AM
so the entire state not just OKC and a state program that is not just for the Thunder

the State quality jobs act ... also they leave this program after the 2022-23 season

That is not what the article stated. $4 million goes to the Thunder and its 168 jobs.

04-08-2019, 10:31 AM
That is not what the article stated. $4 million goes to the Thunder and its 168 jobs.

that is exactly what the article stated

04-08-2019, 10:33 PM
I doubt many has put up $ 350,000,000.00 as an investment in OKC..... without some assistance ?

Individually, of course not. Collectively, of course they have. In fact, if you dig around in the history, there are many local business people that continued to invest in the city over decades, even as the city gave competitive assistance to outside interests. They are actually the ones that kept investing in the city when it was widely considered a "raggedy ass town". (and, to be sure, those are the ones that we should actually be "taking care of")

But, honestly, I'm not sure that wrap even applies to this project, even if it is emblematic of where we are in this policy debate. The 1.5MM TIF assistance they are asking for is not going to affect them either way and the development they are proposing is not going to negatively affect any smaller long established competing interests, mainly because I'm not sure there are any, nor will it make any significant broader positive impact to the community. It's a covered meeting area with an attached "restaurant" that, for all we know, will exist only to serve over priced hot dogs and draft beer on game days.

Whether they get it or not, I'm not sure I really care, but it does kind of seem like something only a "raggedy ass town", desperate for development would do. I guess I maybe bought too much into the idea that the 350MM investment + the public assistance was made to elevate us above that kind of need.

Jersey Boss
04-08-2019, 10:38 PM
that is exactly what the article stated

Sorry Boulder. I interpreted your post as saying 4 million was for all the q jobs statewise . My bad.

04-09-2019, 07:24 AM

05-23-2019, 12:50 PM
So this week there was a bunch of semi's parked for the Ariana Grande concert tonight along OKC Blvd. Today, they are parked at own lumber mill site with security guarding them. So I guess situations like this would be one of the reasons a surface parking lot would be needed.

05-23-2019, 01:05 PM
So this week there was a bunch of semi's parked for the Ariana Grande concert tonight along OKC Blvd. Today, they are parked at own lumber mill site with security guarding them. So I guess situations like this would be one of the reasons a surface parking lot would be needed.

They don’t need a parking lot for that. Build the area with a plaza that can be used for pedestrian festivals, food trucks, and things like that. Block the plaza off and let semis park there a few times a year.

05-23-2019, 01:20 PM
They don’t need a parking lot for that. Build the area with a plaza that can be used for pedestrian festivals, food trucks, and things like that. Block the plaza off and let semis park there a few times a year.

Not saying I agree with it. Mostly just adding to discussion on what I saw this week. Hopefully, the city doesn't let them park on Blvd once it is fully open.

05-23-2019, 01:40 PM
They don’t need a parking lot for that. Build the area with a plaza that can be used for pedestrian festivals, food trucks, and things like that. Block the plaza off and let semis park there a few times a year.

Or build a parking lot to help get better acts to the arena that can be blocked off to let people on it for festivals or parties a few times a year. I think they know what they are doing.

05-23-2019, 01:57 PM
They don't need a surface lot for that, I was in LA 3 weeks ago while Grande's tour was there. The same semi trucks were parked along the streets all around Staples Center. There was no surface lot next door for them to park at.

Same goes for MSG.

05-23-2019, 02:02 PM

Yes, I seriously doubt that arenas in many big cities have large surface lots directly next to their downtown arenas in order to accommodate big acts.

08-01-2019, 09:33 AM
Resharing some pictures as it relates to this RFP. First though it would be ridiculous to give any TIF if the city is financing these improvements to the arena especially this southeast entrance which would directly help the RFP property. It also leads me to believe they must have changed some parts of it since they will be going over the loading docks that they said the surface parking lot would help for larger events. Overall I'm fine with both if the team signs a new 15 year lease and pays fair value for the land/ no TIF. Pete do we have any timeline for this RFP? 154651546615467

08-01-2019, 11:38 AM
Resharing some pictures as it relates to this RFP. First though it would be ridiculous to give any TIF if the city is financing these improvements to the arena especially this southeast entrance which would directly help the RFP property. It also leads me to believe they must have changed some parts of it since they will be going over the loading docks that they said the surface parking lot would help for larger events. Overall I'm fine with both if the team signs a new 15 year lease and pays fair value for the land/ no TIF. Pete do we have any timeline for this RFP? 154651546615467

the proposed inprovements to the city owned building don't interfere or effect this project in any way

08-01-2019, 12:05 PM
the proposed inprovements to the city owned building don't interfere or effect this project in any way

I don't know if I would say that. They will probably move forward with the plans since the expansion is still 5+ years out. But the Thunder Alley proposal was clearly designed with the assumption that there is no new south entrance. I see them wanting to make the area leading to the new entrance more inviting. On the city side, they may decide to add a pedestrian crosswalk/signal on the BLVD where there will be a lot of people crossing from Omni and garage.

08-01-2019, 01:01 PM
I don't know if I would say that. They will probably move forward with the plans since the expansion is still 5+ years out. But the Thunder Alley proposal was clearly designed with the assumption that there is no new south entrance. I see them wanting to make the area leading to the new entrance more inviting. On the city side, they may decide to add a pedestrian crosswalk/signal on the BLVD where there will be a lot of people crossing from Omni and garage.

i guess i should have said effect whether the continue with this project ... you make a great point that if the arena plans are apporved that the design of the project would likely change

08-01-2019, 01:08 PM
i guess i should have said effect whether the continue with this project ... you make a great point that if the arena plans are apporved that the design of the project would likely change
That's all I was intrigued about. I have no doubt this will be built and didn't mean to infere otherwise. I'm just curious about the TIF and redesign will the loading docks being covered and entrance providing more importance to that corner. Such as, will they still want a parking lot literally feet away from their new entrance and rooftop patio?

08-01-2019, 01:53 PM
That's all I was intrigued about. I have no doubt this will be built and didn't mean to infere otherwise. I'm just curious about the TIF and redesign will the loading docks being covered and entrance providing more importance to that corner. Such as, will they still want a parking lot literally feet away from their new entrance and rooftop patio?

At the very least, I see the driveway leading to the parking lot moved. That's about where the new entrance would be. Also, I assume the team store that is in the plans would be the larger primary one and the one inside the arena would be smaller. Would the Thunder want to staff two? My guess is yes, but only staff the arena store on game days.

11-25-2019, 01:43 PM
OCURA has designated the group behind Thunder Alley as the developers for this project.

Final approval will be through City Council in the near future then they no doubt be approved for the requested TIF funds.

11-25-2019, 04:49 PM
Getting a very nice discount on the land plus $1.5 million in TIF. Add that to the $13 million or so they'll be getting in Maps money for practice facility upgrades (which public doesnt get to use) and this will be quite a generous year that okc has been to Thunder ownership.

11-25-2019, 05:00 PM
Getting a very nice discount on the land plus $1.5 million in TIF. Add that to the $13 million or so they'll be getting in Maps money for practice facility upgrades (which public doesnt get to use) and this will be quite a generous year that okc has been to Thunder ownership.

The public gets to go to the games.

11-25-2019, 06:47 PM
Getting a very nice discount on the land plus $1.5 million in TIF. Add that to the $13 million or so they'll be getting in Maps money for practice facility upgrades (which public doesnt get to use) and this will be quite a generous year that okc has been to Thunder ownership.At least we know that MAPS 4 likely will not pass. You can tell because the guys who run the city (Larry, Bob, and Clay) wouldn’t have Holt palling around with low information voters on the weekends unless the internal numbers looked very bad.

Jersey Boss
11-25-2019, 07:31 PM
The public gets to go to the games.

Which is exactly why the public shouldn't be on the hook for a multi million dollar practice facility.
"It's practice man, practice. We talking practice" - "the Answer"

11-26-2019, 08:41 AM
At least we know that MAPS 4 likely will not pass. You can tell because the guys who run the city (Larry, Bob, and Clay) wouldn’t have Holt palling around with low information voters on the weekends unless the internal numbers looked very bad.

I think you're incorrect but I haven't seen any polling on MAPS 4. Regardless, Holt "palling around" with the general public on the weekends is very much on-brand for him. Do you know something or just speculating?

11-26-2019, 08:41 AM
The public gets to go to the games.

Well, after paying. It's not free. (even thought there are free tickets this year floating around)

11-26-2019, 09:01 AM
I think you're incorrect but I haven't seen any polling on MAPS 4. Regardless, Holt "palling around" with the general public on the weekends is very much on-brand for him. Do you know something or just speculating?

It's a fairly transparent attempt to craft a narrative through spamming the board about how much they don't like MAPS 4.

11-26-2019, 11:05 AM
There are two posters here who are very bitter about Maps for some reason. I don't hear that angry sentiment anywhere else I go. Not everyone is in love with every project but most everyone respects the profound positive impact Maps has had on OKC and what a valuable tool it can be going forward.

11-26-2019, 11:08 AM
At least we know that MAPS 4 likely will not pass. You can tell because the guys who run the city (Larry, Bob, and Clay) wouldn’t have Holt palling around with low information voters on the weekends unless the internal numbers looked very bad.

That's your spin. But, we know how angry you are at Maps. Unfortunately for you, it is likely to pass comfortably.

11-26-2019, 12:45 PM
That's your spin. But, we know how angry you are at Maps. Unfortunately for you, it is likely to pass comfortably. Wrong. You must work for Express? lol

11-26-2019, 03:13 PM
Wrong. You must work for Express? lol

No, you are way off course. It doesn't take a genius to see what MAPS has done for this city, and most of the citizens who aren't angry get it. That's why it passes, over and over. For once, the citizens feel like they have some influence, even if it isn't at a micromanaging level. They don't need to make boogie men and go all "power to the people" fist saluting.

11-26-2019, 04:31 PM
No, you are way off course. It doesn't take a genius to see what MAPS has done for this city, and most of the citizens who aren't angry get it. That's why it passes, over and over. For once, the citizens feel like they have some influence, even if it isn't at a micromanaging level. They don't need to make boogie men and go all "power to the people" fist saluting.I'm not disagreeing about the previous iterations of MAPS. The city needed those projects to regain its footing, and, without a doubt, they were transformative. Now, however, we appear to have run out of Big League City projects. Sprinkling a little bit of money here and a little over there might work at your average Strip Club, but it's not the sort of spending that will further elevate the city's profile. This isn't a particularly well to do city, and our major industry (O&G production) is under attack economically and politically. So it doesn't make much sense to waste what little MAPS funds we have on little league soccer fields or new horse barns, especially when the primary tenant of the soccer field has plenty of Temping Cash to build the stadium without taxpayer largesse. I suppose its okay if we keep the Thunder happy with a few MM, but we should be trying to attract new industry. Previous MAPS were successful in that regard, but this one doesn't have any projects that would be material on that front.

11-26-2019, 04:43 PM
And if we’re going to create a number of new social programs, that increased spending should have a dedicated, permanent funding source. Makes zero sense to create a number of unfunded liabilities that are paid for with a “temporary” tax.

11-26-2019, 04:45 PM
Well, after paying. It's not free. (even thought there are free tickets this year floating around)

Not much is free in life, you get what you pay for more or less. And when you buy your ticket, you get to see some of the best 420 basketball players in the world.

11-26-2019, 04:49 PM
Wrong. You must work for Express? lol

Rover has his own very successful business. He knows how it is.

11-26-2019, 04:56 PM
And if we’re going to create a number of new social programs, that increased spending should have a dedicated, permanent funding source. Makes zero sense to create a number of unfunded liabilities that are paid for with a “temporary” tax.

What are the "number of new social programs" that maps 4 is creating?

11-27-2019, 08:16 AM
I'm not disagreeing about the previous iterations of MAPS. The city needed those projects to regain its footing, and, without a doubt, they were transformative. Now, however, we appear to have run out of Big League City projects. Sprinkling a little bit of money here and a little over there might work at your average Strip Club, but it's not the sort of spending that will further elevate the city's profile. This isn't a particularly well to do city, and our major industry (O&G production) is under attack economically and politically. So it doesn't make much sense to waste what little MAPS funds we have on little league soccer fields or new horse barns, especially when the primary tenant of the soccer field has plenty of Temping Cash to build the stadium without taxpayer largesse. I suppose its okay if we keep the Thunder happy with a few MM, but we should be trying to attract new industry. Previous MAPS were successful in that regard, but this one doesn't have any projects that would be material on that front.
Don’t know about cash at strip clubs... I’ll leave that expertise to you.

Both the multi purpose outdoor field and new fairgrounds arena (don’t believe it’s horse barns) creates public facilities commensurate with a city our side (actually barely comparable facilities) and MAY lead to someone like the Funks investing a couple hundred million more to eventually attract a major soccer franchise. The facilities can host all sorts of other events like high school tournaments, concerts, etc. This spin of it being something Funk needs is ludicrous. And the us vs them mentality of common people vs elite is exacerbated my populist politics.

By the way, O&G is A major business here but we have grown past it as our lifeline. We need to keep progressing as a 21st century city that has a chance to attract people and commerce. Sometimes you have to act like the grownup you now are. That includes investment in all kinds of things like facilities for mentally and socially challenged, transportation infrastructure and public facilities.

11-27-2019, 08:41 AM
Not much is free in life, you get what you pay for more or less. And when you buy your ticket, you get to see some of the best 420 basketball players in the world.

I was commenting that the public can go see them play. It is a private event that requires paid admittance.

Is there a breakdown on what the Thunder pay for the leasing of CHK Arena & the practice facility? Or really, the business economics of the CHK Arena & practice facility. If those two entities are profitable, I don't think the push-back is warranted for the upgrades at all.

11-27-2019, 12:28 PM
OKC's arena was the center piece for MAPS I. The extension to finish the arena eventually paid off with Oklahoma's 1st major league sports franchise.

New NBA arenas 2010 - 2020:

2010: Orlando Amyway Center $380 million
2012: Brooklyn Barclays Center $1 billion.
2016: Sacramento Golden 1 Center $560 million.
2018: Milwaukee Fiserv Forum $525 million

If MAPS 4 passes, OKC will have a total investment of $296 million in our arena since its 2002 opening:

$90 million MAPS I
$93 million MAPS I extension
$ 9 million GO Bonds extension
$104 million MAPS IV

The arena was built for $89.5 million. When the Thunder moved to Oklahoma City in 2008, voters approved a sales tax increase that provided about $93 million to upgrade the arena to NBA specifications. Should the MAPS 4 proposal pass and the proposed improvements be made, the arena’s total cost would approach $300 million.


11-27-2019, 02:12 PM
Don't forget The Chase Center in San Francisco 2019 1.4 BILLION

11-27-2019, 03:02 PM
Don't forget The Chase Center in San Francisco 2019 1.4 BILLION

Thanks Irishman23:

How did I forget one the most recent and most beautiful NBA arenas built.

Good example of the stages we reach as we age. The most recent additions to our memory are the first to go down the drain.

11-28-2019, 01:02 PM
I was commenting that the public can go see them play. It is a private event that requires paid admittance.

Is there a breakdown on what the Thunder pay for the leasing of CHK Arena & the practice facility? Or really, the business economics of the CHK Arena & practice facility. If those two entities are profitable, I don't think the push-back is warranted for the upgrades at all.

This is a google search snippet - Huge gains economically, plus a little national if not world wide relevance, which we never had before.

'According to data provided to the Thunder by the city, each home game translates to $1.5 million in economic impact for OKC. That's almost $700 million since the team arrived in 2008. Since the Thunder arrived, downtown's residential growth has outpaced the city's as a whole. Aug 11, 2018'

11-29-2019, 07:01 AM
This is a google search snippet - Huge gains economically, plus a little national if not world wide relevance, which we never had before.

'According to data provided to the Thunder by the city, each home game translates to $1.5 million in economic impact for OKC. That's almost $700 million since the team arrived in 2008. Since the Thunder arrived, downtown's residential growth has outpaced the city's as a whole. Aug 11, 2018'


12-19-2019, 10:44 AM
Plans for Thunder Alley move forward (

Plans for a large entertainment block directly south of Chesapeake Arena are moving forward, with revised plans being submitted for design approval.

The ownership group behind the Thunder submitted the only application for the city-owned property when a request for proposal was issued earlier in the year. Last month, the Oklahoma City Urban Renewal Authority selected the group as the conditional developer for the property.

The new plans are similar to the previous proposal but with some alterations. The design by Bockus Payne calls for an open plaza at the west end with a large basketball sculpture, a 6,000 and 10,000 square foot restaurants, a large plaza in the center and a small amount of covered surface parking on the east end.

The sculpture is planned to be a 24-foot diameter highly reflective polished stainless steel basketball held by bronze hands. In-ground LED lights will illuminate the artwork at night.

The 6,000 square foot restaurant will be a Thunder-themed sports bar with indoor and outdoor seating.

The 10,000 square foot restaurant will be full-service and casual eatery combining food, music and numerous craft beers on tap. The interior design will be industrial with exposed beams and high ceilings. The two restaurants may or may not be connected.

The plaza in the center of the block is designed to be flexible to accommodate large crowds on game days and restaurant parking otherwise. As a part of the recently-approved MAPS 4, a new southeast entrance to the arena will be constructed and immediately adjacent.

The design application states the east end of the property is very limited due to utilities and thus will be used as covered parking.

The design will be considered at a meeting next month. The original proposal also called for buying the property at a discount and receiving tax dollars from the Tax Increment Financing fund.

Richard at Remax
12-19-2019, 10:47 AM
surface parking area is a tragedy

12-19-2019, 11:07 AM
Still has the parking on the corner of a major intersection which is frustrating.

The monument to the basketball gods is interesting but between it and the sputnik coming, it may seem a bit unoriginal? Not sure about the comparative scales though...

All of that said, I'm super here for the rooftop play area with retail underneath, that's a cool use of the grade change.

Edit: Whelp, that's just my eyes deceiving me, no such thing exists....