View Full Version : Dowell NW 17 & Classen

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09-06-2018, 12:56 AM

Probably better than what's there/higher use, which I appreciate. But not looking forward to that tile Dowell loves making its way to Classen. Is there design review here? Not that it could/should stop anything that's happening here, just wondering.

09-06-2018, 04:14 AM
Yes, the area on the east side of Classen from Reno to approx. 30th (which this is) falls under design review.

This project has yet to be submitted although Dowell has filed for a building permit.

No way this passes design review.

09-06-2018, 11:10 AM
Cool (that there will be design review)

10-02-2018, 01:59 PM
This gas station is coming down today. Meant to report that I saw bulldozers the other day but forgot and Steve tweeted the action today.

10-02-2018, 05:16 PM

10-11-2018, 06:10 PM

12-04-2018, 01:28 PM
From today. Dowell has still yet to file with design review.

12-04-2018, 04:24 PM
Why rush? He's probably got a 50-year plan for developing this property. /s

12-04-2018, 04:32 PM
I've been wanting to mentino this for awhile now. So frustrating. Why demo if your'e going to leave it this way. The sidewalk obstruction alone is maddening here.

12-04-2018, 05:05 PM
I've been wanting to mentino this for awhile now. So frustrating. Why demo if your'e going to leave it this way. The sidewalk obstruction alone is maddening here.

In this case, demo was an improvement even if nothing is ever built there.

kevin lee
12-04-2018, 07:06 PM
I was thinking the same thing.

12-04-2018, 07:12 PM
In this case, demo was an improvement even if nothing is ever built there.

Perhaps but geeze don't leave it all torn up like that

12-04-2018, 07:16 PM
I won't be empty...

There is a sign up promoting Dowell parking downtown (for some odd reason).

Also, very sure that sign did not go through the proper approval process.

12-04-2018, 07:44 PM
I think he just had a crap ton of those signs made at once so he throws them up on all his properties whenever possible until challenged.

12-04-2018, 10:47 PM
SO glad this is now completely gone! It was a huge eye sore!

12-05-2018, 10:51 AM
SO glad this is now completely gone! It was a huge eye sore!

Soon to be replaced (in 15 years) by a cinderblock structure with red Spanish roof tiles and completely darkened windows.

12-05-2018, 12:35 PM
Ummm 15 years...really...that quick?

12-05-2018, 05:40 PM
I have never laughed so hard at a post on okctalk! You made my night!

12-05-2018, 05:41 PM
Soon to be replaced (in 15 years) by a cinderblock structure with red Spanish roof tiles and completely darkened windows.

I have never laughed so hard at a post on okctalk! You made my night!

12-05-2018, 10:32 PM
Soon to be replaced (in 15 years) by a cinderblock structure with red Spanish roof tiles and completely darkened windows.
Meanwhile, OG&E are giving out these customized placeholders--if you apply now, they can ship you one in 4 years.

03-19-2019, 11:03 AM
Nothing has happened here besides Dowell advertising for his downtown monthly parking. When is the City going to call him out on his BS? He is the worst developer in the city, I guess developer is an extremely loose term for him. more of a slumlord.

He tore down the gas station and left a torn up plot of dirt that looks absolutely terrible. I am so sick of structures being demolished then sitting empty. I would rather have that awful looking abandon gas station than what is there now.

03-19-2019, 11:09 AM

He has not even submitted his plans for design review and when he gets around to that, there is no way they will allow what he is proposing.

I suspect nothing will happen here for quite a while.

03-19-2019, 11:57 AM
Then why on earth did he get approval for demo? There should clearly be a rule that allows demo only after all plans have been approved and a timeline established.

Obviously this isn’t nearly the scale of stage center but still absolutely redicilous this continues. Especially with somebody with the track record Dowell does.

03-19-2019, 12:13 PM
Then why on earth did he get approval for demo? There should clearly be a rule that allows demo only after all plans have been approved and a timeline established.

Obviously this isn’t nearly the scale of stage center but still absolutely redicilous this continues. Especially with somebody with the track record Dowell does.

1 that isn't a rule ...

and 2 it wouldn't be enforceable in any event ..

and 3?? a track record of development??

03-19-2019, 12:24 PM

He has not even submitted his plans for design review and when he gets around to that, there is no way they will allow what he is proposing.

I suspect nothing will happen here for quite a while.

This parcel is not in a design district, so are you just saying it wouldn't pass code or the base zoning? It's zoned C-4 and overlaid with the Classen Boulevard Overlay, which only covers:

"13250.3. District Use Regulations.

A. In the office and commercial zoning districts, metal building façades shall be prohibited on primary buildings where the metal façade would be visible from the street. However, metal roofs are permitted and coated aluminum siding may be used to cover clapboards on existing buildings.

B. For the portion of the district south of NW 36th Street, the required off-street parking need not be located on the same site as the principal use, but shall be located within 200 feet of the site measured from a point on the property line of the site closest to the parking area."

03-19-2019, 12:43 PM
This parcel is not in a design district

You are right. It falls in a very small little area that doesn't have to conform. That is very concerning given the faux Venice design Dowell is proposing.

However, he submitted a building permit application last July that requires a bunch of corrections and there has been no follow-up on Dowell's part at all.

If that thing does get built as he's proposing, the people in Mesta Park are going to have a complete fit.

Ross MacLochness
03-19-2019, 01:50 PM
^^at least they will be able to tell the time

03-19-2019, 03:04 PM
^^at least they will be able to tell the time


I believe HP Commission has the authority to weigh in on items that are immediately adjacent to HP districts, but it might be non-binding at best.

Classen really needs more design controls, not necessarily a design review board, but some minimum urban design layout standards (Form Based Code).

Ross MacLochness
03-19-2019, 04:03 PM
^^To add on to that a bit, I see classen from downtown to NWE as one of OKC premier streets in the future. Lots of housing all along with decent building stock and a wide enough street to support streetcars/brt and protected bicycle amenities. If a form based code were to require a certain level of density and we move toward incorporating a wide variety of transport modes, I think classen could be an extension of Downtown.

03-19-2019, 04:29 PM
Classen is basically a collector for a ton of great neighborhoods on the near NW side, including the one I inhabit.

It's perfect for mass transit and dedicated bike lanes / paths.

03-20-2019, 01:38 PM
And now a special message from Dowell Properties.

03-20-2019, 02:14 PM
And now a special message from Dowell Properties.

i mean, sure, but most real estate investors actually like their properties to create spendable cash flow, and it's very difficult to get financing for vacant land.

Ross MacLochness
03-20-2019, 04:13 PM

04-01-2019, 07:39 AM

Richard at Remax
04-01-2019, 09:11 AM
That guy is a consistent April fools joke

04-01-2019, 03:02 PM
Thinking about ideas... what is a structure that could actually go here and work? Maybe something like the flatiron on Harrison and NE 5th?

04-01-2019, 07:42 PM
Thinking about ideas... what is a structure that could actually go here and work? Maybe something like the flatiron on Harrison and NE 5th?

I feel like this footprint sets up nicely for some type of drive-thru convenience store, but between the failure of Cube in Norman and OnCue going in down the street, I doubt it'll happen.

04-01-2019, 07:58 PM
Behold! (And no, this is not an April's Fool joke)

04-01-2019, 08:36 PM
Behold! (And no, this is not an April's Fool joke)

Found one from another angle: 3030.jpg

Isaac C. Parker
04-01-2019, 08:52 PM
Behold! (And no, this is not an April's Fool joke)


04-02-2019, 12:52 PM
Did he make this building on the newest Sims game? This is hideous.

04-02-2019, 02:08 PM
I love it

04-02-2019, 02:23 PM
Behold! (And no, this is not an April's Fool joke)

What... in the actual f&*k is that...

04-02-2019, 04:11 PM
What... in the actual f&*k is that...

It's Venice!

04-02-2019, 04:15 PM
It's Venice!

Narrator: it wasn’t Venice...

04-05-2019, 09:08 AM
What... in the actual f&*k is that...

So... My main complaint is the 90 degree parking on Western is dangerous, because of the speed people drive up Western from NW 16th and Western.

04-05-2019, 01:23 PM
Really hoping Alley Cafe expands to this location.

04-05-2019, 01:27 PM
Really hoping Alley Cafe expands to this location.

I wish they'd just *move* there instead and let a real restaurant/cafe/anything take their space. :)

06-20-2019, 04:53 PM
Anything we can do to make this less of an eyesore until Dowell's son kicks off construction in 2030?

06-20-2019, 06:03 PM
We can only pray it stays a weedy, muddy lot vs. him building what he wants to build there.

12-13-2019, 02:58 PM
It looks like they are finally starting something on this location!

12-13-2019, 03:29 PM
Hopefully it's not the design in post #38!

12-16-2019, 09:05 AM
I think Rick Dowell is doing a great service to architectural education and hope the replica Campanile di San Marco is the first in a series of developments somewhat after the style of the WinStar World Casino on I-35.

12-16-2019, 09:09 AM
Also worth noting that the bell tower at St Mark's square is itself a replica finished in 1912 after the original collapsed in 1902. Useful construction duration benchmark.

12-16-2019, 09:58 AM
I think Rick Dowell is doing a great service to architectural education and hope the replica Campanile di San Marco is the first in a series of developments somewhat after the style of the WinStar World Casino on I-35.

Now you are just taking the piss.

12-16-2019, 10:18 AM
I do think Oklahomans could look further than Texas for architectural inspiration, but no, I was not entirely in earnest. I would rather look at the backside of Homeland than the Dowell scheme, which has less gravitas then the gas station it replaced.

12-16-2019, 10:26 AM
It has less gravitas than the junky, rocky dirt pile it is replacing.

12-16-2019, 11:12 AM

12-17-2019, 08:03 AM

12-17-2019, 08:38 AM
I may be wrong, but what I think is going on now is removing contaminated soil. There was a soil survey done over the summer and now they appear to be digging out specific areas. The day they started digging the smell of gasoline was thick over the entire area.