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emtefury 06-15-2020, 04:17 PM Wow. He wore a shirt of a news station. Should be have been woke and worn a CNN or MCNBC t shirt?
I betcha Hubbard has never even watched OANN. If he did, he may actually like it. You never know.
HangryHippo 06-15-2020, 04:24 PM Wow. He wore a shirt of a news station. Should be have been woke and worn a CNN or MCNBC t shirt?
I betcha Hubbard has never even watched OANN. If he did, he may actually like it. You never know.
catcherinthewry 06-15-2020, 04:27 PM Chuba getting support from his teammates and alums:
This isn't Gundy's first rodeo with OAN. This is what he said in May on a Big 12 conference call:
Gundy has praised the network in the past for its reporting, saying in April that its coverage on the coronavirus was something he found "refreshing."
"They just report the news," Gundy said via The Oklahoman. "There's no commentary. There's no opinions on this. There's no left. There's no right. They just report the news."
dcsooner 06-15-2020, 04:32 PM I would encourage ANY prospect for a Football Scholarship at either OU or OSU in 2021 or 2022 to Rethink. The State of Politics in Oklahoma reflects an overall disdain for Black Lives and Black people. A silent Governor complicit in causing pain to a subset of its citizens just to do what? I am going to post this sentiment on every football recruiting site that I can. Pains me as an OU grad to do so, but what I'm seeing in Oklahoma pains me even more
catcherinthewry 06-15-2020, 04:33 PM Wow. He wore a shirt of a news station. Should be have been woke and worn a CNN or MCNBC t shirt?
I betcha Hubbard has never even watched OANN. If he did, he may actually like it. You never know.
OAN is a fringe conspiracy mongering network with hosts supporting the pizzagate and Seth Rich conspiracies. They called the 75 year old in Buffalo an Antifa provocateur. One of their hosts, Graham Ledger, host of The Daily Ledger, called Black Lives Matter "a criminal organization."
I can see how a young black man would not like that.
OkiePoke 06-15-2020, 04:35 PM OAN is for people who think Fox News is far left.
catcherinthewry 06-15-2020, 04:40 PM I would encourage ANY prospect for a Football Scholarship at either OU or OSU in 2021 or 2022 to Rethink. The State of Politics in Oklahoma reflects an overall disdain for Black Lives and Black people. A silent Governor complicit in causing pain to a subset of its citizens just to do what? I am going to post this sentiment on every football recruiting site that I can. Pains me as an OU grad to do so, but what I'm seeing in Oklahoma pains me even more
That is ridiculous. Are you going to denounce Texas and for that matter the entire SEC and most of the ACC as well? Don't try to turn football recruiting into a red state/blue star thing. Sure our state needs to do better, but one thing that OU has going for it is a great Head Coach. Here's an example:
catcherinthewry 06-15-2020, 04:40 PM OAN is for people who think Fox News is far left.
And Breibart for that matter.
jerrywall 06-15-2020, 05:07 PM I might feel different if he was wearing the shirt at a school event or such, but I keep the crappiest trash t-shirts to wear fishing (or working on cars). If the shirt itself actually said something offensive or racist then I might see some outrage but right now I'm not feeling it. I think he should address it, because obviously there's something there and Hubbard's feelings and experience should be listened to. This doesn't mean it's the type of thing that someone should lose their job over.
emtefury 06-15-2020, 05:22 PM OAN is a fringe conspiracy mongering network with hosts supporting the pizzagate and Seth Rich conspiracies. They called the 75 year old in Buffalo an Antifa provocateur. One of their hosts, Graham Ledger, host of The Daily Ledger, called Black Lives Matter "a criminal organization."
I can see how a young black man would not like that.
I thought colleges taught diversity of thought and different viewpoints.
This is cancel culture where I don’t like what you say so you have to get fired or kicked out of the school and shut down.
kukblue1 06-15-2020, 05:26 PM I'm not felling this either. So he likes this network so what. I don't like what Chick-fil-a stands for being anti gay but I still go there. Not everybody is going to like what your like or believe the same way you will . The bar just gets low and low in this country every day.
kukblue1 06-15-2020, 05:28 PM I'm sure if someone dug into Chuba Hubbard past they might find someone he wore or said offensive too. JS
jerrywall 06-15-2020, 05:37 PM ^^ Gundy is a public employee. A very well paid one at that. Very well paid ( The standard is higher for him than a player. But without some context of Gundy being problematic or having a history outside of this, I'd lean into feeling like this is a potentially dangerous over-reaction. To call back to the Chick-fil-a reference, is that next? Get coaches fired if they're caught with a Chick-fil-a or Papa John's cup?
kukblue1 06-15-2020, 05:45 PM ^^ Gundy is a public employee. A very well paid one at that. Very well paid ( The standard is higher for him than a player. But without some context of Gundy being problematic or having a history outside of this, I'd lean into feeling like this is a potentially dangerous over-reaction. To call back to the Chick-fil-a reference, is that next? Get coaches fired if they're caught with a Chick-fil-a or Papa John's cup?
Worst yet the next head coach is seen shopping at Hobby Lobby and there is a player on the team that don't believe in God. OMG THE HORROR The bar really can't get much lower can it?
Bill Robertson 06-15-2020, 05:50 PM The shirt is going to be the center of attention for many but I think this isn’t about a tee shirt. It was just the straw that broke the camels back. If the comments made by past and current OSU players this afternoon are true there are major problems in the OSU football program.
jerrywall 06-15-2020, 05:55 PM The shirt is going to be the center of attention for many but I think this isn’t about a tee shirt. It was just the straw that broke the camels back. If the comments made by past and current OSU players this afternoon are true there are major problems in the OSU football program.
I hadn't seen those details but if that's the case, then it makes the reaction so much more understandable.
dcsooner 06-15-2020, 06:01 PM That is ridiculous. Are you going to denounce Texas and for that matter the entire SEC and most of the ACC as well? Don't try to turn football recruiting into a red state/blue star thing. Sure our state needs to do better, but one thing that OU has going for it is a great Head Coach. Here's an example:
You are entitled to your opinion, I respect it, but I do not know if you are a person of color or not but I am and Oklahomas history with regard to race is deplorable and extends into this day. Maybe some of us are just tired of being used to make others rich and being cheered on Sat while others who look like us are being shot down in the street routinely in Tulsa, Then the Governor gleefully allows people to walk around with weapons intimidating others for no DXXXN reason. NE OKC cant get a grocery store. Maybe The Governors SILENCE on racial issues is disturbing. Maybe Mary Fallins snub of a sitting President Obama is disrespectful. Please don't talk to me about ridiculous
Chuba getting support from his teammates and alums:
This isn't Gundy's first rodeo with OAN. This is what he said in May on a Big 12 conference call:
Gundy has praised the network in the past for its reporting, saying in April that its coverage on the coronavirus was something he found "refreshing."
"They just report the news," Gundy said via The Oklahoman. "There's no commentary. There's no opinions on this. There's no left. There's no right. They just report the news."
A mob gathers.
All the proof you need folks.
Bill Robertson 06-15-2020, 06:17 PM I hadn't seen those details but if that's the case, then it makes the reaction so much more understandable.
Both sports stations have talked about it all afternoon. KFOR posted the Twitter feed early, before a lot more players chimed in. What I read was a few black players saying they were called thugs, hoodlums and they “Could go back to the hood”. Way too many players for something not to be going on in Stillwater. I expect it to be the biggest national story tomorrow.
5alive 06-15-2020, 06:17 PM I find it very disturbing when someone can't express a view without censorship. In this case Coach Gundy wearing a t-shirt on a fishing trip. This is what Chuba appears to be upset about. And of course he has a right to his views. And so does coach Gundy.
I may not like what you say and may not agree with it but I defend your right to say it. I don't know all the facts but it seems Chuba is saying my way or the highway. Obviously Chuba can stay or go and express his thoughts...but so can Coach Gundy.
I might feel different if he was wearing the shirt at a school event or such, but I keep the crappiest trash t-shirts to wear fishing (or working on cars). If the shirt itself actually said something offensive or racist then I might see some outrage but right now I'm not feeling it. I think he should address it, because obviously there's something there and Hubbard's feelings and experience should be listened to. This doesn't mean it's the type of thing that someone should lose their job over.
If OAN shirt is offensive (for I presume completely botching some stories) the for goodness sake don't wear a CNN T.
You are entitled to your opinion, I respect it, but I do not know if you are a person of color or not but I am and Oklahomas history with regard to race is deplorable and extends into this day. Maybe some of us are just tired of being used to make others rich and being cheered on Sat while others who look like us are being shot down in the street routinely in Tulsa, Then the Governor gleefully allows people to walk around with weapons intimidating others for no DXXXN reason. NE OKC cant get a grocery store. Maybe The Governors SILENCE on racial issues is disturbing. Maybe Mary Fallins snub of a sitting President Obama is disrespectful. Please don't talk to me about ridiculous
Oklahoma's history of racism? I know the race riots are a giant stain, but for goodness sake there was a civil war fought over essentially treating blacks like animals for generations (none of which took place in Oklahoma).
emtefury 06-15-2020, 06:24 PM Both sports stations have talked about it all afternoon. KFOR posted the Twitter feed early, before a lot more players chimed in. What I read was a few black players saying they were called thugs, hoodlums and they “Could go back to the hood”. Way too many players for something not to be going on in Stillwater. I expect it to be the biggest national story tomorrow.
So the players are just bringing this up now on alleged statements. This is timely.
dankrutka 06-15-2020, 07:03 PM Oklahoma's history of racism? I know the race riots are a giant stain, but for goodness sake there was a civil war fought over essentially treating blacks like animals for generations (none of which took place in Oklahoma).
Pick up a history book and read up on the first law passed when Oklahoma became a state. White supremacy has been a dominant feature throughout the state's history from Jim Crow segregation laws to White flight to residential redlining to policing and on and on. I also invite you to learn about the White supremacist structures Roscoe Dunjee and Clara Luper were fighting against. They aren't heroes because White people were nice to them. And, this is nothing to say about the genocide, murder, and exploitation of Indigenous People that are literally the basis of Oklahoma's founding. Just because Oklahoma did not have the southern slave system to the same degree does not mean Oklahoma's past and present aren't structurally unequal.
kukblue1 06-15-2020, 07:11 PM Glad this might end well.
dcsooner 06-15-2020, 07:18 PM Pick up a history book and read up on the first law passed when Oklahoma became a state. White supremacy has been a dominant feature throughout the state's history from Jim Crow segregation laws to White flight to residential redlining to policing and on and on. I also invite you to learn about the White supremacist structures Roscoe Dunjee and Clara Luper were fighting against. They aren't heroes because White people were nice to them. And, this is nothing to say about the genocide, murder, and exploitation of Indigenous People that are literally the basis of Oklahoma's founding. Just because Oklahoma did not have the southern slave system to the same degree does not mean Oklahoma's past and present aren't structurally unequal.
Thank You for simply stating Truth. I could start a constructive dialogue with someone like you anytime. Hope still abounds
Mr. Blue Sky 06-15-2020, 07:18 PM This is BS. This is part of that nobody can dare be offended crap. The student athlete doesn’t get to tell the coach what he wears. This kind of publicly shaming your coach would have resulted in summary dismissal - not all that long ago. I hate OAN, Gundy obviously likes it. Who cares? He shouldn’t have to run down a list of possible “triggers” for anybody. Get over it Hubbard. No hand holding from me and no, “we need to listen” crap. Maybe he, and others, need to listen about how their easily getting offended is unacceptable in a free society - or should be. The athlete speaking publicly this way about a coach wearing a TV logo - or anything! - is not a part of the deal. Surprised there’s so much sympathy.
Pick up a history book and read up on the first law passed when Oklahoma became a state. White supremacy has been a dominant feature throughout the state's history from Jim Crow segregation laws to White flight to residential redlining to policing and on and on. I also invite you to learn about the White supremacist structures Roscoe Dunjee and Clara Luper were fighting against. They aren't heroes because White people were nice to them. And, this is nothing to say about the genocide, murder, and exploitation of Indigenous People that are literally the basis of Oklahoma's founding. Just because Oklahoma did not have the southern slave system to the same degree does not mean Oklahoma's past and present aren't structurally unequal.
I never once suggested Oklahoma was a saint in race relations. Only that we are not alone, and relatively new in our issues as others were trying to make it seem.
And again, as bad as all these laws were and as evil as people were in the 20th century, it pales in comparison to the structural dehumanization that was going on in the 19th century. And when you say pre-statehood in Oklahoma, it's pretty much pre-anyone but Native Americans.
OKCretro 06-15-2020, 07:28 PM Pick up a history book and read up on the first law passed when Oklahoma became a state.
you might know more about the subject than i do, but i recall hearing it was actually in the state constitution until Teddy Roosevelt and a few state leaders wanted it removed. Teddy wouldn't approve Oklahoma for statehood with it in the state constitution. So the writers removed it from the state constitution, became a state, then passed it as a state law immediately.
Any idea who the state leaders were who didnt want it in the state constitution?
Sorry to derail the subject.
OKC Guy 06-15-2020, 07:36 PM This is BS. This is part of that nobody can dare be offended crap. The student athlete doesn’t get to tell the coach what he wears. This kind of publicly shaming your coach would have resulted in summary dismissal - not all that long ago. I hate OAN, Gundy obviously likes it. Who cares? He shouldn’t have to run down a list of possible “triggers” for anybody. Get over it Hubbard. No hand holding from me and no, “we need to listen” crap. Maybe he, and others, need to listen about how their easily getting offended is unacceptable in a free society - or should be. The athlete speaking publicly this way about a coach wearing a TV logo - or anything! - is not a part of the deal. Surprised there’s so much sympathy.
Wow, we agree on something! Its a slippery slope. When the new player sponsor pay starts up what happens if the star player has a sponsor and several players are opposed due to something they are offended by? This sets a bad precedent. What if a coaches wife is found shopping at a store not approved by the players?
This was a time for the school to stand strong and they folded.
catcherinthewry 06-15-2020, 07:39 PM It's not the T-shirt that is the issue with me. If I were an OSU fan I would be concerned that my HC is stupid and gullible enough to think that OAN is a legitimate news source. These are the guys that pushed Pizzagate, Seth Rich, a septuagenarian Antifa Provocateur and said BLM was a criminal enterprise.
Watch this clip from OAN and tell me a young black athlete shouldn't be upset that his coach is watching this BS.
OKC Guy 06-15-2020, 08:25 PM OAN funded this murdered black policeman last week:
Captain David Dorn Memorial Fund
$378,414 Raised
9,288 Supporters
$15,000 Goal 46 Days Left
Campaign Owner
We are raising money for the family of Captain David Dorn, who was killed in St Louis while defending his community. 77 year-old Dorn was reportedly murdered by a looter. All funds from this will go to his family.
Jack works at OAN
chuck5815 06-15-2020, 08:26 PM I would encourage ANY prospect for a Football Scholarship at either OU or OSU in 2021 or 2022 to Rethink. The State of Politics in Oklahoma reflects an overall disdain for Black Lives and Black people. A silent Governor complicit in causing pain to a subset of its citizens just to do what? I am going to post this sentiment on every football recruiting site that I can. Pains me as an OU grad to do so, but what I'm seeing in Oklahoma pains me even more
Oh, because the state politics in Alabama and South Carolina are much more tolerant?
Right . . .
catcherinthewry 06-15-2020, 08:29 PM Jenni Carlson's column:
Let's see if she gets another I'm a man, I'm 40 response.
It's not the T-shirt that is the issue with me. If I were an OSU fan I would be concerned that my HC is stupid and gullible enough to think that OAN is a legitimate news source. These are the guys that pushed Pizzagate, Seth Rich, a septuagenarian Antifa Provocateur and said BLM was a criminal enterprise.
Watch this clip from OAN and tell me a young black athlete shouldn't be upset that his coach is watching this BS.
And the Times denied the Holocust (and won awards for it). Your point?
catcherinthewry 06-15-2020, 08:38 PM And the Times denied the Holocust (and won awards for it). Your point?
So you're defending Gundy falling for a network that Media Bias/FactCheck rates “questionable based on far-right bias, lack of sourcing, promotion of conspiracy theories and propaganda as well as numerous failed fact checks. OAN is not a credible news source.”?
Bold move, Cotton.
Bunty 06-15-2020, 08:40 PM Oklahoma's history of racism? I know the race riots are a giant stain, but for goodness sake there was a civil war fought over essentially treating blacks like animals for generations (none of which took place in Oklahoma).
Open carry is legal in Oklahoma, though blacks might wonder if they will get rushed by the police if they tried it.
Jersey Boss 06-15-2020, 08:48 PM And the Times denied the Holocust (and won awards for it). Your point?
What year(s), what awards, and what specific story(ies)?
Isaac C. Parker 06-15-2020, 09:18 PM Oklahoma's history of racism? I know the race riots are a giant stain, but for goodness sake there was a civil war fought over essentially treating blacks like animals for generations (none of which took place in Oklahoma).
It’s a popular misconception that the Civil War and Oklahoma are somehow distanced and unrelated. If I recall correctly, the very first official use of the word “Oklahoma” to refer to what was then Indian Territory was in the Reconstruction Treaties that the (Southern) Five Civilized Tribes signed with the U.S. government to end their involvement with the Confederate cause and to also free their black slaves.
This is terribly off topic, and I won’t continue, but there were several battles of the Civil War that took place in what would become Oklahoma, and it’s both a fascinating and tragic era in Oklahoma, the South at large, and the country at large.
I always will advocate to members of this forum to read up on Oklahoma history, but it’s especially important in today’s tense racial climate to understand how we got here and not repeat mistakes made by some of our forebears against other of our forebears.
PhiAlpha 06-16-2020, 12:59 AM I would encourage ANY prospect for a Football Scholarship at either OU or OSU in 2021 or 2022 to Rethink. The State of Politics in Oklahoma reflects an overall disdain for Black Lives and Black people. A silent Governor complicit in causing pain to a subset of its citizens just to do what? I am going to post this sentiment on every football recruiting site that I can. Pains me as an OU grad to do so, but what I'm seeing in Oklahoma pains me even more
WOW, Eeyore! You’re now an evangelical Anti-Oklahoman! It seems so worthwhile to keep posting such negative commentary on a site for a state halfway across the country that you hate so much. OKC sucks, Oklahoma Sucks, Oklahoma Schools SUCK! the Governor Sucks. The state government sucks! The city governments sucks! OU Sucks at football because it’s in the Big 12 which sucks so much. The Thunder Sucks! Now OSU sucks too! Am I missing anything? Maybe I missed your reasons for why Tulsa Sucks? In your infinite wisdom, does Edmond suck? What about Lawton, Ardmore or Enid? Can you check to see if there’s anything wrong with Grand Lake or any (or likely ALL) of our State Parks? Surely there’s a comment about our Airport that i missed but if not, what’s wrong with that? What’s wrong with UCO and OCU...did I miss those negative comments too or are they on deck for next week? Maybe I can pool all of your comments together and write “Why Oklahoma and Literally Everything In It SUCKS! For Dummies.” I’ll use the profits to create The DCSooner Center For Oklahoma Kids Who Can’t Read Good And Wanna Learn to Do Other Stuff Good Too”
Maybe if we just admit that we suck at everything so much...we can find a way to stop sucking. Please Lord us the way!!!
PhiAlpha 06-16-2020, 01:05 AM Thank You for simply stating Truth. I could start a constructive dialogue with someone like you anytime. Hope still abounds
That’s only because he agrees with you. You are now easily one of the 2-4 least constructive posters on OKCTalk. Posting the same over the top, excessively negative commentary over and over again does nothing positive for anything and is the opposite of constructive.
dankrutka 06-16-2020, 01:16 AM I never once suggested Oklahoma was a saint in race relations. Only that we are not alone, and relatively new in our issues as others were trying to make it seem.
And again, as bad as all these laws were and as evil as people were in the 20th century, it pales in comparison to the structural dehumanization that was going on in the 19th century. And when you say pre-statehood in Oklahoma, it's pretty much pre-anyone but Native Americans.
Your exact question was, "Oklahoma's history of racism?" One of the lessons I always teach my students is never compare historical tragedies. Don't compare the Rwandan genocide against the Tutsi to the Holocaust. One wasn't "worse" than the other. They are both tragedies and injustices. One person's pain doesn't erase another person's pain. There's no constructive purpose to say "Look! Other states had slavery so how bad was Jim Crow, the race massacre, and criminal (in)justice really? As MLK said in Letter from Birmingham Jail (read it if you haven't in a while ( it's as true today as it was then), "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." Oklahoma has a deep history of racism and I can't imagine the pain generations of Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color have, and continue to, carry with them because the State worked to oppress them.
PhiAlpha 06-16-2020, 01:46 AM Your exact question was, "Oklahoma's history of racism?" One of the lessons I always teach my students is never compare historical tragedies. Don't compare the Rwandan genocide against the Tutsi to the Holocaust. One wasn't "worse" than the other. They are both tragedies and injustices. One person's pain doesn't erase another person's pain. There's no constructive purpose to say "Look! Other states had slavery so how bad was Jim Crow, the race massacre, and criminal (in)justice really? As MLK said in Letter from Birmingham Jail (read it if you haven't in a while ( it's as true today as it was then), "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." Oklahoma has a deep history of racism and I can't imagine the pain generations of Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color have, and continue to, carry with them because the State worked to oppress them.
Is this not, word for word, exactly what DCSooner was doing in the post Eric was responding to by stating that OK was so awful in race relations that he is going to go out on EVERY college football recruiting message board to let recruits know how bad it is so that they will choose a university in ANOTHER STATE over ours? So Eric can’t refute that ridiculous statement by arguing that other states, especially those in the SEC, are equally as bad, if not worse so screaming that recruits should go to other schools instead doesn’t make sense?
Your exact question was, "Oklahoma's history of racism?" One of the lessons I always teach my students is never compare historical tragedies. Don't compare the Rwandan genocide against the Tutsi to the Holocaust. One wasn't "worse" than the other. They are both tragedies and injustices. One person's pain doesn't erase another person's pain. There's no constructive purpose to say "Look! Other states had slavery so how bad was Jim Crow, the race massacre, and criminal (in)justice really? As MLK said in Letter from Birmingham Jail (read it if you haven't in a while ( it's as true today as it was then), "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." Oklahoma has a deep history of racism and I can't imagine the pain generations of Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color have, and continue to, carry with them because the State worked to oppress them.
My comment was in response to someone comparing our racist past and present to the apparent non-existent one in every other state.
Your next lecture to your students should be that context matters.
jedicurt 06-16-2020, 09:09 AM And the Times denied the Holocust (and won awards for it). Your point?
ok. so since you brought it up, i have to ask... can you show me the articles the times ran that denied it?
severely underplayed it? tried to write articles around it? failed to do their job to inform the public? committed terrible acts by doing so??? yes to all of those. but i never saw one that was a flat out denial
and this is just me being honest, because i don't know.. but did some of these articles actually win awards? or did the Times as a paper just still continue to win awards while these articles were being printed? because there is a difference.
jedicurt 06-16-2020, 09:14 AM Your next lecture to your students should be that context matters.
correct... context does matter. and getting back to the subject at hand. the context is that a well payed State Employee who is paid to be in charge of a bunch of mostly young black men, and who is constantly recruiting those same young black men, and thus is never not the OSU football coach when he posts something, is showing how deaf he is to the current national landscape, and i think that proved to just be the final straw for some of these players, who state that there is a consistent and historical (as in the last few years at least) of some of those players feeling as though they were not treated to the same professional level as others on the team, and the basis for that lack of professionalism (in their opinion) is the color of their skin.
so A) if they were not treated to the same level of professionalism, then that is a problem, and B) if A is true, then B certainly shows that this state employee just doesn't care about the current national landscape and that is also problematic and should be dealt with.
ok. so since you brought it up, i have to ask... can you show me the articles the times ran that denied it?
severely underplayed it? tried to write articles around it? failed to do their job to inform the public? committed terrible acts by doing so??? yes to all of those. but i never saw one that was a flat out denial
and this is just me being honest, because i don't know.. but did some of these articles actually win awards? or did the Times as a paper just still continue to win awards while these articles were being printed? because there is a difference.
Google the editor for pete sake people. I'm sorry I used the word deny, implying they were shouting at the moon that it didn't happen. They just didn't report it. All the news that's fit to print.
Even a paper wide award would be ludicrous because their job is to cover ALL of the news, not just the stuff they deem newsworthy. I hope we aren't patting papers on the back for suppressing news that makes the staff uncomfortable.
The Shadow 06-16-2020, 09:48 AM If OAN shirt is offensive (for I presume completely botching some stories) the for goodness sake don't wear a CNN T.
How about a "2-13" shirt?
Talk about offensive. :lol2:
jedicurt 06-16-2020, 09:49 AM Google the editor for pete sake people. I'm sorry I used the word deny, implying they were shouting at the moon that it didn't happen. They just didn't report it. All the news that's fit to print.
Even a paper wide award would be ludicrous because their job is to cover ALL of the news, not just the stuff they deem newsworthy. I hope we aren't patting papers on the back for suppressing news that makes the staff uncomfortable.
and it was deplorable that they refused to print a lot of information about the holocaust.
but i don't think it would be ludicrous if during the same time they won awards for reporting about other issues not related to war coverage at all.
you know who did a better job of calling the Times our for this??? the NY Times in November of 2001. when they were approaching their 150th Anniversary... they were very critical of this time period and talked to the Failures that occurred and how it was deplorable. it laid blame for it on the views of the publisher at the time, Arthur Hays Sulzberger. They openly admit this
so this was comparing the Times to OAN... where has OAN once ever admitted wrong doing??? will they when they look back on their time???
you have made a wonderful comparison here... the Times is now self aware of how awful they were during this period... that doesn't make the current OAN any less deplorable in their "reporting". and hopefully, eventually, someday they will come to that realization, like the Times has. But i don't see a lot of people walking around wearing shirts that support the Times specifically during the 1940's...
you know who did a better job of calling the Times our for this??? the NY Times in November of 2001. when they were approaching their 150th Anniversary... they were very critical of this time period and talked to the Failures that occurred and how it was deplorable. it laid blame for it on the views of the publisher at the time, Arthur Hays Sulzberger. They openly admit this
so this was comparing the Times to OAN... where has OAN once ever admitted wrong doing??? will they when they look back on their time???
you have made a wonderful comparison here... the Times is now self aware of how awful they were during this period... that doesn't make the current OAN any less deplorable in their "reporting". and hopefully, eventually, someday they will come to that realization, like the Times has. But i don't see a lot of people walking around wearing shirts that support the Times specifically during the 1940's...
Yes I know, which is why it blows my mind when I suggest that the Times botched the reporting (didn't report) the story, when they themselves admit to doing that very thing.
And look if we are using the Times as a gauge, I suppose OAN has about 40 more years or so to fess up to it's transgressions before we smear them.
The Shadow 06-16-2020, 12:12 PM At least he wasn't photographed wearing one of these shirts....
Jersey Boss 06-16-2020, 12:54 PM Yes I know, which is why it blows my mind when I suggest that the Times botched the reporting (didn't report) the story, when they themselves admit to doing that very thing.
And look if we are using the Times as a gauge, I suppose OAN has about 40 more years or so to fess up to it's transgressions before we smear them.
You not only suggested, you flat out stated the Times got awards for denying the holocaust. This is pure BS.
What papers in the USA were reporting this? In fact did the War Department or State Department report it at the time? Did the War Department order the bombing of the rail lines to the death camps? Why not? Was there a possible strategic reason for not publishing? You fail to consider that.
You failed in your outlandish claims. You, not we, were using the Times as a gauge.
You not only suggested, you flat out stated the Times got awards for denying the holocaust. This is pure BS.
What papers in the USA were reporting this? In fact did the War Department or State Department report it at the time? Did the War Department order the bombing of the rail lines to the death camps? Why not? Was there a possible strategic reason for not publishing? You fail to consider that.
You failed in your outlandish claims. You, not we, were using the Times as a gauge.
The Times reported that 400,000 Hungarian Jews had already been sent to their deaths and 350,000 more were about to follow them-but the story was hidden, given only four column inches on page 12.
This was in the summer of 1943. The US knew at the latest by 1942.
Dob Hooligan 06-16-2020, 09:11 PM What all these great arguments have to do with convincing 18 year old black athletes to attend OSU?
dcsooner 06-17-2020, 06:15 AM That’s only because he agrees with you. You are now easily one of the 2-4 least constructive posters on OKCTalk. Posting the same over the top, excessively negative commentary over and over again does nothing positive for anything and is the opposite of constructive.
Glad to see my commentary is striking a cord. Have a great day!
dcsooner 06-17-2020, 06:25 AM WOW, Eeyore! You’re now an evangelical Anti-Oklahoman! It seems so worthwhile to keep posting such negative commentary on a site for a state halfway across the country that you hate so much. OKC sucks, Oklahoma Sucks, Oklahoma Schools SUCK! the Governor Sucks. The state government sucks! The city governments sucks! OU Sucks at football because it’s in the Big 12 which sucks so much. The Thunder Sucks! Now OSU sucks too! Am I missing anything? Maybe I missed your reasons for why Tulsa Sucks? In your infinite wisdom, does Edmond suck? What about Lawton, Ardmore or Enid? Can you check to see if there’s anything wrong with Grand Lake or any (or likely ALL) of our State Parks? Surely there’s a comment about our Airport that i missed but if not, what’s wrong with that? What’s wrong with UCO and OCU...did I miss those negative comments too or are they on deck for next week? Maybe I can pool all of your comments together and write “Why Oklahoma and Literally Everything In It SUCKS! For Dummies.” I’ll use the profits to create The DCSooner Center For Oklahoma Kids Who Can’t Read Good And Wanna Learn to Do Other Stuff Good Too”
Maybe if we just admit that we suck at everything so much...we can find a way to stop sucking. Please Lord us the way!!!
First, let me suggest you don’t move to far away from either your bottle or medication, you appear to really stressed. Facts are often painful and the fact is Oklahoma does suck in many ways. There I said it! My angst is that it appears many residents like it that way. I was born and raised in Lawton, place is worst than when I was a kid and I’m 65. I am entitled to my opinion just as you are and will continue to express it . Have a great Sooner day
PhiAlpha 06-17-2020, 08:19 AM First, let me suggest you don’t move to far away from either your bottle or medication, you appear to really stressed. Facts are often painful and the fact is Oklahoma does suck in many ways. There I said it! My angst is that it appears many residents like it that way. I was born and raised in Lawton, place is worst than when I was a kid and I’m 65. I am entitled to my opinion just as you are and will continue to express it . Have a great Sooner day
Ha! Okay. Well if posting about how much it sucks in the same post over and over again every day from halfway across the country makes you feel better as a 65 year old guy ...then power to you but it doesn’t make it any more constructive. And we all realize Oklahoma has issues. I can’t think of anyone here that is content with that, we just don’t post the same negative diatribe in response on every other thread and offer zero solutions....Pete sets a great example of how to express what’s wrong but do it constructively. Have fun with your constant Oklahoma bashing from afar! Go get em!
catcherinthewry 06-18-2020, 09:42 AM This is BS. This is part of that nobody can dare be offended crap. The student athlete doesn’t get to tell the coach what he wears. This kind of publicly shaming your coach would have resulted in summary dismissal - not all that long ago. I hate OAN, Gundy obviously likes it. Who cares? He shouldn’t have to run down a list of possible “triggers” for anybody. Get over it Hubbard. No hand holding from me and no, “we need to listen” crap. Maybe he, and others, need to listen about how their easily getting offended is unacceptable in a free society - or should be. The athlete speaking publicly this way about a coach wearing a TV logo - or anything! - is not a part of the deal. Surprised there’s so much sympathy.
Apparently Gundy doesn't agree with you. He looked into it more and realized that a lot of what OAN stands for is offensive and that he was a "dumbass" for falling for it. Sometimes things are just wrong and like Chuba said, we shouldn't stand for it.
The Shadow 06-18-2020, 10:09 AM From today's Tulsa World...
Mr. Blue Sky 06-18-2020, 10:20 AM Apparently Gundy doesn't agree with you. He looked into it more and realized that a lot of what OAN stands for is offensive and that he was a "dumbass" for falling for it. Sometimes things are just wrong and like Chuba said, we shouldn't stand for it.
I don’t like One America News. Grundy does and is now lying. You would have to believe his previous praise of OAN was just a figment of his imagination the couple of other times he’s praised the network. Here, check this out, from just April(!) ... the link for the full story I’ll put at the end, but here’s a screenshot of the part that shows good and well he knows what OANN is all about. I’m sure he was told to walk it all back or OSU would lose recruits. What do you think the explanation could be? Does he think we’re stupid? Stand by your convictions! Whatever they may be. (Just click or tap on the image so you can read it.)
Again, from April 20th of this year.