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08-17-2018, 04:49 PM
Sometimes I see the scooters located in what looks like neighborhoods in N OKC, are these chargers or are people taking them to their homes?

08-17-2018, 05:01 PM
So who will charge Norman's scooters tonight. My understanding is it takes over a week to get qualified to be a bird charger.
Would guess that Bird has advance people doing this in each new market. All of the scooters in OKC somehow managed to start each day with full charges and in neat rows in designated nests. I would expect the same in Norman.

08-17-2018, 06:59 PM
Sometimes I feel like the bird-handlers are genius. Sometimes I think they are fools. 3 scooters lined up outside one of those bail bond places on Classen today. Wut?

Yet in Deep Deuce this morning there were 4 at 10am (probably started out with more and folks rode them to work in the cbd), and two of them were marked damaged in the system.

08-21-2018, 08:44 AM
Does anyone know if the City has issued a permit to Bird (or any other scooter service)?

08-21-2018, 11:11 AM

The new ordinance allows Public Works, not the police, to impound rental scooters. But no, none were impounded. As of Monday, Bird has revocable permits for 15 "nests" of five scooters each around downtown. ^mk

08-21-2018, 11:24 AM
People should be furious that "fads" get billions in VC money... pretty serious social implications on s#$% like that.

I think this is a fad versus a long term structural shift like Uber

08-21-2018, 11:48 AM
People should be furious that "fads" get billions in VC money... pretty serious social implications on s#$% like that.

i suppose i don't understand why that should make somebody furious. as long as that venture capital money is from private rather than government (i.e. taxpayer) sources, then why should i care how somebody chooses to invest their own money? even for a "foolish" investment that ends up being a short-lived fad, doesn't that money create more economic impact (hiring/contracting employees, having things like scooters built, etc.) than it otherwise would?

08-21-2018, 11:52 AM
People should be furious that "fads" get billions in VC money... pretty serious social implications on s#$% like that.

Why should people be “furious” about priviate money being invested in startups?

08-21-2018, 12:13 PM
Because the origins of the extreme wealth being put into these entities is shady....people can afford to put money into s$@% like this, but
we can't have affordable health care, fully funded fire/police, good roads, education etc... all because the money for that stuff is handed over
to hedge fund managers, Bezo's types, big pharma, pr firms, defense contractors, etc..

08-21-2018, 12:14 PM
Sometimes I feel like the bird-handlers are genius. Sometimes I think they are fools. 3 scooters lined up outside one of those bail bond places on Classen today. Wut?

Yet in Deep Deuce this morning there were 4 at 10am (probably started out with more and folks rode them to work in the cbd), and two of them were marked damaged in the system.

I saw 3 today at 8th and Classen in the parking lot of the closed hotel there. The placement was curious to me.

08-21-2018, 12:55 PM
Because the origins of the extreme wealth being put into these entities is shady....people can afford to put money into s$@% like this, but
we can't have affordable health care, fully funded fire/police, good roads, education etc... all because the money for that stuff is handed over
to hedge fund managers, Bezo's types, big pharma, pr firms, defense contractors, etc..

Please take this socialist political every owes me garbage to the politics section where it belongs

08-21-2018, 12:56 PM
Because the origins of the extreme wealth being put into these entities is shad.

care to explain this further???

08-21-2018, 02:14 PM
Please take this socialist political every owes me garbage to the politics section where it belongs

The best way to request political conversations be moved elsewhere is definitely to include political jabs in the request. /s

08-21-2018, 03:12 PM
People should be furious that "fads" get billions in VC money... pretty serious social implications on s#$% like that.

there are some cities, like D.C. for example, where owning an automobile might be cost prohibitive and the public transit system, while good, isn't readily available in certain areas of the city (see, e.g., Georgetown). in these cities, the scooters have the potential to fill a very important role in moving people where they need to be in a relatively economic way.

there is some social and economic utility in play with these Birds.

08-22-2018, 09:49 AM
True. Lots of good info here.... some mean F#$%'n people scattered about. Not really cool!

The best way to request political conversations be moved elsewhere is definitely to include political jabs in the request. /s

08-22-2018, 11:30 AM

08-22-2018, 11:54 AM
I saw a few younger looking people zipping around the Jones Assembly last night. As we were walking to the Jones before the concert a guy came zipping up behind us on the sidewalk, it wasn't busy so there was plenty of room, but he could have at least shouted. Anyways, he nearly made it to the Jones but the scooter must have ran out of juice a few blocks before and he had to walk the rest of the way.

08-23-2018, 01:18 PM
Tuned in to NPR this morning and they were interviewing an Uber driver about his impressions about these scooters. This was taking place, I want to say in NYC where they're having the same responses and issues we're having in OKC. This doesn't appear to be a fad and I think if the pricing models could move to more of a subscription-based fee rather than per use fee, people might be able to integrate these things into their daily routines. Also, what a cool way to roll this thing out. No media, no ads. Just boom. Here's a scooter. Everyone figuring out how it works creates a buzz. The lack of working together with the city creates free media. All of this is genius.

08-23-2018, 05:06 PM
Tuned in to NPR this morning and they were interviewing an Uber driver about his impressions about these scooters. This was taking place, I want to say in NYC where they're having the same responses and issues we're having in OKC. This doesn't appear to be a fad and I think if the pricing models could move to more of a subscription-based fee rather than per use fee, people might be able to integrate these things into their daily routines. Also, what a cool way to roll this thing out. No media, no ads. Just boom. Here's a scooter. Everyone figuring out how it works creates a buzz. The lack of working together with the city creates free media. All of this is genius.

Are the scooters dropped in places consistently enough so that someone wanting to "integrate these things into their daily routines" could do so?

08-24-2018, 02:20 AM
The birds have landed in Stillwater
'Disruptive' Bird Scooters ruffle feathers in Stillwater:

Dockless scooters scoot into Stillwater:

Mayor's comments:

08-24-2018, 05:44 AM
Are the scooters dropped in places consistently enough so that someone wanting to "integrate these things into their daily routines" could do so?
They certainly are in the downtown area.

08-24-2018, 07:29 AM
Disruptive sure is the latest annoying word... hopefully "innovate!" has gone away
and this has taken it's place....

08-24-2018, 10:34 AM
Lime coming to OKC next week

08-24-2018, 11:19 AM
So are Bird, and now apparently Lime next week, forced to place the scooters each morning in only the permitted locations the city allows? This is kind of dumb as it makes most sense to give them the flexibility to place them where the demand is, which is ever changing.

08-24-2018, 01:15 PM
So are Bird, and now apparently Lime next week, forced to place the scooters each morning in only the permitted locations the city allows? This is kind of dumb as it makes most sense to give them the flexibility to place them where the demand is, which is ever changing.

As a layperson, my understanding is that is correct under the current ordinance and permitting process; however, the city has been working on establishing a new ordinance that would allow dockless transportation companies like Bird and Lime more flexibility in where they stage their scooters and bikes at the beginning of the day.

08-24-2018, 01:46 PM
This is exactly right. The short-term solution was to permit specific addresses via revocable permit, which is presently the only mechanism available within current ordinance. The long-term goal is to provide a framework whereby the scooters could be left in ANY appropriate amenities zone or private property with permission of the property owner, as I indicated in this post on page 7:

You're correct.

But not if they are able to get revocable permit for such a use. Which the the workaround that the City is recommending. But currently it would specify locations by address and if a scooter was left elsewhere it would be in violation, which is why Bird says it is the wrong approach. They are right about that of course, but it is the best the City can offer until the framework is created which would allow such businesses in TYPES of locations rather than SPECIFIC locations, which is what they City is working on.

08-24-2018, 10:01 PM
Update: City of Stillwater says electric scooters are street legal:

08-25-2018, 08:02 AM
Question: Been utilizing the Bird scooters when I go from the office to a destination several blocks away. That said, a few times I've gone to a location where the map showed several scooters should be - only to see not a single scooter anywhere in that immediate area. What causes this? Just a GPS issue? Are the scooters actually inside a building at that location?

Just curious, as its aggravating to walk two blocks only to find the map appears to be incorrect.

08-25-2018, 10:00 AM
Based on my experience I’ll bet your second guess is correct; that is, someone has taken the scooter inside a building to hoard it and be certain it will be available for their next trip, but without paying to keep it under their control. This would be a TOS violation but not sure how one would report it. To some extent this service relies on the honor system and unfortunately some people are less than honorable. Has it been the same location every time?

You have every right to keep a scooter dedicated to you when not riding it, but you must continue to keep the meter running. I’ve done this myself several times now.

I think that this issue will probably largely disappear once the inventory is much higher and procurement is more reliable.

08-25-2018, 10:57 AM
I had an issue where a scooter I used was gone after I finished my task but it still showed on the map in the spot I left it for quite awhile.

My biggest annoyance so far is scooters that are unavailable due to maintenance still showing up on the map.

08-25-2018, 12:18 PM
I went to downtown Denver yesterday for dinner and at Union Station, people were using the heck out of the scooters. Must have seen 30 people on them (not seeming to be tourists) walking from the light rail to the restaurant.

08-25-2018, 02:37 PM
Wife came downtown to visit me at work earlier today and we decided to scooter to Kitchen 324 for some brunch.

Only thing I didn't like is that literally virtually all the scooters were in Automobile Alley, Bricktown or Midtown. I had to go hunt scooters down blocks away and brought them to the office and we then left from there. Can't wait for much more inventory.

I'd even consider buying a couple of my own for office use if I can come up with a reliable way to lock them up at each stop....

08-28-2018, 03:25 PM
OSU to have a 100.

08-28-2018, 03:45 PM
Scooter ordinance hearing set:

08-28-2018, 05:24 PM
Based on my experience I’ll bet your second guess is correct; that is, someone has taken the scooter inside a building to hoard it and be certain it will be available for their next trip, but without paying to keep it under their control. This would be a TOS violation but not sure how one would report it. To some extent this service relies on the honor system and unfortunately some people are less than honorable. Has it been the same location every time?

I've also experienced this, and I attribute it to people hiding them away. If a scooter isn't where the map says it is, you can report it as missing in the app. I suspect that if the same person used it before and after the "missing" report, Bird would investigate by sending a message to the user, with a TOS reminder.

08-28-2018, 08:17 PM
Scooter ordinance hearing set:

Seems super reasonable.

08-29-2018, 09:02 AM
"The City would have the right to require the licensee to use geo-fences – GPS or RFID technology creating a virtual boundary that triggers a response by the scooter if it enters a fenced area – preventing the scooters from use in certain prohibited areas. These areas would be shown to users on the smartphone apps needed to use the scooters."

Just curious.. is this something the Scooters currently have the ability to do?

08-29-2018, 09:11 AM
"The City would have the right to require the licensee to use geo-fences – GPS or RFID technology creating a virtual boundary that triggers a response by the scooter if it enters a fenced area – preventing the scooters from use in certain prohibited areas. These areas would be shown to users on the smartphone apps needed to use the scooters."

Just curious.. is this something the Scooters currently have the ability to do?

They currently have areas blocked off in red on the app, i'm not sure what happens if you enter that area.

08-29-2018, 09:23 AM
Seems super reasonable.

Except the part that the city designates where BIrd can put them first thing in the morning. This should be something that is flexible based on demand or which day of the week. I dont know why it has to be set in stone where they can put them out. Whats to stop Bird from putting them out in the designated areas and then immediately "riding" them to where they really want them? This seems to be the one heavy handed thing about this ordinance.

They currently have areas blocked off in red on the app, i'm not sure what happens if you enter that area.
I suppose they could keep beeping that they become too annoying for the jerk who took inside his house or office building.

08-29-2018, 09:38 AM
"The City would have the right to require the licensee to use geo-fences – GPS or RFID technology creating a virtual boundary that triggers a response by the scooter if it enters a fenced area – preventing the scooters from use in certain prohibited areas. These areas would be shown to users on the smartphone apps needed to use the scooters."

Just curious.. is this something the Scooters currently have the ability to do?

It would take a little programming, but yes. Just as FAA established geofences around airports and other restricted areas (like Washington DC), the same hardware & software can be employed with scooters. If trying to ride a scooter into an area, the motor could be programmed to stop. If inside the zone, the motor would not start. The geofencing burden should be placed on Bird.

08-30-2018, 08:41 AM
Lime Scooters have arrived in OKC. Saw about four in front of Bleu Garten this morning.

09-06-2018, 08:01 PM

09-07-2018, 02:22 PM
In reference to the geofencing - an email I recently got confirmed that the "No Ride or Park Zones" that appear on the map are just that. If you enter these zones, your bird will either be reduced to 5 mph or will stop completely.

10-01-2018, 09:41 PM
Stillwater Police Impounding Birds When Obstructing Sidewalks.

10-15-2018, 12:18 PM
They certainly are in the downtown area.

They certainly are also in the Stillwater downtown area, but kicked off of OSU as of later today. pg?_nc_cat=105&oh=80a41a3288dac6de840c7f90a645bc3b&oe=5C3E5304

10-15-2018, 12:24 PM
I have to say, neither Bird or Lime have created any sort of clutter problem that I have seen.

They are almost always placed in well-trafficked areas but out of the way.

Used a Bird this weekend and enjoyed it as always.

10-15-2018, 12:43 PM
Stillwater Mayor Joyce's comment on the situation:

"There is no doubt that the major problem with the scooters in Stillwater have been caused by Bird's corporate strategy and blatant refusal to operate in an organized way.

After dropping in unannounced, and causing the City and OSU to scramble to accommodate them, they have far exceeded the allowed number of scooters on the ground. Each company was permitted for 100; Bird dropped 600.

The City has been impounding any scooter that was improperly parked or otherwise not following the rules. We have been working with Lime and Bird to try to come to a reasonable agreement about the number of permits, but OSU's action will likely affect that, so we'll have to wait and see in the next couple of days.

I think there is some benefit to expanded transportation options, and we would all like to see reduction in car traffic and parking burdens around the OSU campus. Scooter and bike sharing programs can be a part of real transportation improvements, and the City wants to be a part of finding those solutions.

We didn't have to accommodate them, but tried to work with Bird as a part of these larger plans. They have not been a good partner in the process.

If you would like to have the option of this new and useful transportation option in Stillwater, I would suggesting contacting Bird and asking them to operate fairly and within the rules."

10-15-2018, 01:06 PM
Stillwater Mayor Joyce's comment on the situation:

"There is no doubt that the major problem with the scooters in Stillwater have been caused by Bird's corporate strategy and blatant refusal to operate in an organized way.

After dropping in unannounced, and causing the City and OSU to scramble to accommodate them, they have far exceeded the allowed number of scooters on the ground. Each company was permitted for 100; Bird dropped 600.

The City has been impounding any scooter that was improperly parked or otherwise not following the rules. We have been working with Lime and Bird to try to come to a reasonable agreement about the number of permits, but OSU's action will likely affect that, so we'll have to wait and see in the next couple of days.

I think there is some benefit to expanded transportation options, and we would all like to see reduction in car traffic and parking burdens around the OSU campus. Scooter and bike sharing programs can be a part of real transportation improvements, and the City wants to be a part of finding those solutions.

We didn't have to accommodate them, but tried to work with Bird as a part of these larger plans. They have not been a good partner in the process.

If you would like to have the option of this new and useful transportation option in Stillwater, I would suggesting contacting Bird and asking them to operate fairly and within the rules."

this pretty much sums up my opinion of the whole situation. i think they are a great idea... i think the companies (bird specifically) are horribly run and not willing to work with a community when they actively try to

10-15-2018, 01:40 PM
600 scooters? Is that a typo? That seems insane for a campus.

10-15-2018, 01:50 PM
was under the impression OKC only had 250-300, so 600 seems high

10-15-2018, 01:54 PM
600 scooters? Is that a typo? That seems insane for a campus.

Maybe. I don't know about campus but off campus there doesn't seem like over 600 of them around, but then I don't drive all over Stillwater. It's a large small town. My guess downtown has no more than 75-100 birds parked at one time plus a much smaller number of limes. Corners on W. 6th from downtown to the strip have birds and some limes. I seldom see them in use off campus, so won't be surprised if the scooter companies conclude Stillwater is too small of a market for them and will leave town with them by the end of the year. I don't see cooler weather helping ridership numbers.

I think the scooters are kinda cool and wouldn't mind being proven wrong, though I doubt I would be brave and crazy enough to ride one without a crash helmet. But using crash helmets aren't cool. What do you do with it when you're through riding? Keep it on your head? No! So hardly anybody ever uses a helmet. I would suggest OSU cops on bikes pull them over if scooter riders are doing something illegal or dangerous.

10-15-2018, 02:02 PM
LOL, Save the scooters: lect_all.pacific_email_copy_en_gb_4.v1.pacific_ema il_copy_en_us_3.control.pacific_email_copy_en_us_5 .v1.lightning_share_by_medium_message.control.ligh tning_2primary_share_options_more.fake_control&utm_term=psf_combo_share_abi.pacific_abi_gmail_sen _all.pacific_email_copy_en_us_3.control.pacific_em ail_copy_en_us_5.v1.pacific_email_copy_en_gb_4.v1. lightning_share_by_medium_message.control.lightnin g_2primary_share_options_more.control

10-15-2018, 03:52 PM
I've ridden them enough in downtown OKC I'm considering just buying my own. They run about $500 for the equivalent (less for other brands). I find if I hop on one just to get to the other side of downtown it consistently costs me $1.45+ each way. And I have to first find one and then hope one is close by when I want to return.

I wouldn't mind just owning 1 or 2 for myself and others in the office to do runner type stuff and then take home to put around on the weekend in the neighborhood with the wife.

Question: Anyone know of a way to lock these things up to keep a privately owned one from being stolen? I was hoping to find one with a reinforced hole or loop that would easily allow for a bicycle locking type cable for temporary security.

Thomas Vu
10-15-2018, 03:58 PM
Maybe. I don't know about campus but off campus there doesn't seem like over 600 of them around, but then I don't drive all over Stillwater. It's a large small town. My guess downtown has no more than 75-100 birds parked at one time plus a much smaller number of limes. Corners on W. 6th from downtown to the strip have birds and some limes. I seldom see them in use off campus, so won't be surprised if the scooter companies conclude Stillwater is too small of a market for them and will leave town with them by the end of the year. I don't see cooler weather helping ridership numbers.

I think the scooters are kinda cool and wouldn't mind being proven wrong, though I doubt I would be brave and crazy enough to ride one without a crash helmet. But using crash helmets aren't cool. What do you do with it when you're through riding? Keep it on your head? No! So hardly anybody ever uses a helmet. I would suggest OSU cops on bikes pull them over if scooter riders are doing something illegal or dangerous.

Cool factor aside. I don't think everybody carries around a spare helmet to ride on the fly.

10-15-2018, 04:36 PM
I've ridden them enough in downtown OKC I'm considering just buying my own. They run about $500 for the equivalent (less for other brands). I find if I hop on one just to get to the other side of downtown it consistently costs me $1.45+ each way. And I have to first find one and then hope one is close by when I want to return.

I wouldn't mind just owning 1 or 2 for myself and others in the office to do runner type stuff and then take home to put around on the weekend in the neighborhood with the wife.

Question: Anyone know of a way to lock these things up to keep a privately owned one from being stolen? I was hoping to find one with a reinforced hole or loop that would easily allow for a bicycle locking type cable for temporary security.

Interesting that you bring this up. Both Bird and Lime are launching services soon where you can schedule rides at certain times, and "reserve" a scooter. Basically they will bring a scooter to your desired loctation and leave it locked, for only you to unlock.

10-15-2018, 05:05 PM
Don't think a crash helmet would have helped here. From comments:

"Sitting in OR WAITING with my grandson who has three fractures to his left ankle. He will have surgery today at 1:00 pm to set the fractures. He is a freshman at OSU who had an accident on a Bird �� last Wednesday."


10-15-2018, 06:13 PM

Might not be a typo, looks to be a lot there.

10-17-2018, 11:24 PM
The campus wide ban of scooters doesn’t mean the end of Bird and Lime in Stillwater. Bird has responded to the announcement, putting a red zone covering the campus on the map on the application. Patrons can ride the scooters to the campus vicinity, but scooters will shut down as soon as they reach the red zone on the map.

10-18-2018, 08:36 PM
Joe Weaver, an OSU vice president, discussed Bird scooter ban at SGA meeting Wednesday

10-19-2018, 08:54 AM
SGA president Chase Blevins discussed the topic during his report.

Bird offered SGA money to go against the administration’s decision and permit Birds on campus.

“They offered us a dollar a day, per bird, per ride, per scooter.” Blevins said. “The estimate was $60,000.”

Blevins addressed the senate about the money Bird offered.

“The relationship with the administration is more important than the money,” Blevins said.

Blevins said he was concerned with the way that Bird handled the situation. “The way their business practice was conducted was very iffy to me and kind of unethical in a way.” Blevins said.

That's a little eye-opening, and definitely feels a bit unethical at least to me. It also makes me laugh hard that they thought a student government organization would be able to permit the scooters if the administration said no.