View Full Version : Villa Teresa OKC...did you attend this school?

07-04-2018, 06:47 PM
Hey All...

I attended Villa Teresa in OKC..not..Moore and wondered if anyone else did. I have a sister who is nine years older than me and attended before I did.

I was born in Kindergarten would have been 68/69 school year.
1st grade 69/70 school year
2nd grade 70/71 school year
3rd grade 71/72 school year

After 3rd grade we moved to my folks hometown area of Chandler.

I remember Miss Ann in Kindergarten, Sister Agnes Jean and Sister Francella in the other grades. I remember having to(boys) learn tap dance and piano, while the girls learned ballet and piano. When my sister went, she learned French, ballet, and piano. Oh boy!!! Do I remember the recitals and Christmas plays we had at St.Anthony's...our school's little stage and cafeteria/auditorium was waaaaaaay to small.

I do remember a few names of my school mates and...........some of the boys bringing Playboy magazines to look at in the boy's restroom. If they were caught, I know they would have been expelled!!! Trust me ......punishment was swift and sure!!!

Sooooooo, any Villa Teresa kids from 68-72 reading this???

07-05-2018, 02:21 PM
Have friends who went there.
There is a small FB group of alums. If you can't find it PM and let me know.

07-06-2018, 12:19 PM
Yes went there at around the same time period, born in 64 so probably a year behind you. I remember the Sister's you mentioned as well as the a tap recital to raindrops keep falling on my head. Also cant forget those yummy{at the time} PB&J sandwiches and orange drink as well as the awesome swimming pool. Have pics around here somewhere of a Halloween carnival circa 72 or so. FYI the Carmelite Sisters used to have a house at Lake Eufaula.