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Rover 02-05-2019, 04:52 PM You could say the same about the youngsters who find everything about the existing world to be a horrible injustice and terribly unfair, while they post on the internet from their iPhone.
I'd rather have them working to make things kinder, fairer and better than those who have given up (or never fought) whose philosophy is just "deal with it".
You could say the same about the youngsters who find everything about the existing world to be a horrible injustice and terribly unfair, while they post on the internet from their iPhone.
And this has also always been the case, apart from the means of delivering the message.
Plutonic Panda 02-05-2019, 05:30 PM I'd rather have them working to make things kinder, fairer and better than those who have given up (or never fought) whose philosophy is just "deal with it".
Who exactly are you suggesting gave up?
Rover 02-05-2019, 07:50 PM Who exactly are you suggesting gave up? People who are apathetic or too lazy to try to effect positive change... the “there’s nothing I can do about” crowd.
ahlokc 02-06-2019, 03:52 PM YouÂ’d be surprised where all universities own surface land and minerals. Not sure if the history on this parcel (probably a university purchase) but schools often get real property donations sometimes they are willed the properties and other times just outright donated.
The past few weeks what I think is a well (right now you just see the metal structure) is being constructed just east of the YMCA. Looks to be in the area between Mendel Place and Priestly Ave if you look on google maps. Don't know if it is OU or not. Will drive by tomorrow and get some more details.
mugofbeer 02-06-2019, 10:22 PM Lol. Colleges have always had their safe places. They called them sororities and fraternities. And there was the Jewish Student Union. There were other social Cubs and meeting areas.
And in the real world, the practical safe place was the old white men clubs that dominated board rooms, executive positions, etc.
This idea that today’s youth can’t compete in the real world is establishment propaganda. It is fear that the old guard doesn’t know the new rules and they themselves won’t be able to compete. If you are losing your protected position it feels like you are being discriminated against, not being brought back to a level playing field.
If you read my post, that was what I said and was my point, those facilities have been there and were when I was at OU - but they were welcoming places. There wasn't a group or facility on campus I couldn't visit if I wanted. Today, they are promoted as exclusion zones.
There is some truth to your statement, but not really applicable statement, of old white mens board rooms. I don't know about you, but I've never been in a board room. I never had a safe place to go other than a bar with friends - but the few hundred old white men in board rooms isn't who I am talking about. I'm talking about average people.
As to your statement that youth today can't compete, I never said that either. What I said describes what I have been up to my neck in for 30 years - hiring, training, managing, teaching, coaching, driving, encouraging, mentoring, firing, getting 2 week's notices, seeing where they are going. I don't know what you do but I've seen it all in person.
Go to Google and type in "millennial employee values" and see the hundreds of articles that say the same thing. This is a generational issue. I love that millennials are, to their credit, more environmentally connected but they are far more demanding of things. The demographics of our cities reflect what millennials are looking for - most all of it positive - but definitely changes. They want public services, they are NOT looking for suburban houses, they are looking for walkability, quality restaurants and bars, condominiums and apartments, public transportation, bicycle and other alternative transportation lanes.
Some cities are kind of ready made for them. OKC is NOT one of them. Denver IS one of them - but thats another conversation.
My point isn't one of being a sour old white guy. Iv'e worked just like everyone else for every penny I have. I am only stating things I have lived and worked in for - really 40 years. I'm just repeating what I've seen and what there are a 1000 articles out there that study and analyze the changes of this generation.
PS, Pete, I think this responds to you, as well.
Millennials were born into this ridiculous standard of living which is part of the problem. Their valid bitch is that they will not have the fair opportunity to enjoy what Baby Boomers have which is affordable housing and reasonable health care. The rest of what you say, I completely agree with.
soonerheart 02-06-2019, 11:13 PM Anyone so isolated as to believe that kids in urban and suburban settings as a group have the same work ethics and standards driving them that were once very common 30 to 40 year or more ago needs to go have many very long conversations with dozens of older educators nearing retirement.... who will often talk about how they have been forced to dumb down what they teach several times.
Part of it is relaxed standards with too little discipline...Some of it is a lot more bad parents. Some of it is the school boards and management not doing a good job. There is a lot more problems but these problems are very real and are now much worse for the average student.
I have older OU professor friends teaching OU medical students at the graduate levels who complain all the time about how they are now forced take up class time doing remedial work for many of their students that they did not do a decade or so ago. They tell me they hear the same stories coming from other major teaching hospitals.
It’s really sad that so many are so isolated and in such strong denial about how much worse the average situation is for the average student growing up. For example gangs and arrest are an every day deal in almost all OKCPS, including some grade schools. They have arrested first graders... That wasn’t the case 30 to 40 years ago.
Anyone so isolated as to believe that kids in urban and suburban settings as a group have the same work ethics and standards driving them that were once very common 30 to 40 year or more ago needs to go have many very long conversations with dozens of older educators nearing retirement.... who will often talk about how they have been forced to dumb down what they teach several times.
Entrance standards -- the only objective measure -- are way, way higher than when I graduated from OU in 1982. And anyone with kids knows what is required of them in grade school through high school is much more rigorous than when they were in the same grades; way more homework, skills are taught much younger, etc.
This just more 'these kids today' griping by an aging generation.
soonerheart 02-07-2019, 02:45 PM Entrance standards -- the only objective measure -- are way, way higher than when I graduated from OU in 1982. And anyone with kids knows what is required of them in grade school through high school is much more rigorous than when they were in the same grades; way more homework, skills are taught much younger, etc.
This just more 'these kids today' griping by an aging generation.
No it’s not the same as 30 and 40 years ago...!
Go talk to a wide range of people who have actually worked in the field of education as a career and virtually all would tell you that your opinion and statical information is wrong and that they produce on average a watered down product that is not as emotionally as resilient as it once was.
You can also hear the same complains made from major employers about the product they are receiving out of colleges and high schools.
With the advent of social media in recent years the art of conversation and personal interaction is simply not what it once was which has had a very major impact on the personalities of younger people. Attention spans are much lower.
The severity varies but ADD is bad and growing worse and is widely recognized as a major problem among career educators who deal with hundreds of kids
soonerheart 02-07-2019, 02:53 PM I feel bad for the people involved but this is more good news for OU in its goals to become a more fiscally responsible and stronger university .
Feb. 7, 2019
OU Announces Staff Reductions
The University of Oklahoma announced today 28 employee reductions in specific areas of the Norman and Health Sciences Center campuses. The action follows recommendations submitted by university and department leadership asked last semester to develop plans for cost savings and efficiencies for their areas.
The reductions are expected to provide over $2 million in annual savings.
The 28 staff reductions come primarily from the Information Technology department on the Norman Campus and the landscaping department on the Health Sciences Center campus. All affected employees have been notified by their supervisor and provided at least 60 days of paid notification in advance of their last day of employment and a separation program that includes compensation and a payment for insurance continuation benefits under COBRA.
The IT department is reorganizing leadership positions, ending some specialty functions that can be managed at the university level, and reducing positions that are associated with IT work supporting new construction projects. The reductions are not expected to impact the level of IT services provided to classrooms or offices.
The reductions in the landscaping department at OUHSC were positions associated with seasonal work. OUHSC will retain landscaping staff to maintain the campus year-round.
Similar to the previous reduction announced in November, affected employees will be provided at least 60 days of paid notification in advance of their last day of employment and offered a separation program that includes compensation, a payment for insurance continuation benefits under COBRA, and a payout of accumulated compensatory time and paid time off in accordance with Sections 4.3.2 and in the staff hand book.
Rover 02-07-2019, 02:56 PM 50 years ago at my small town high school (in an affluent City) we had plenty of drug dealers, drug users, smokers, alcoholics, drop outs, pregnant coeds, marginal students, malcontents, arrogant asses, draft dodgers, protesters, etc., etc. etc. Today's kids do not have a monopoly. But today's elders have very generous romantic self serving notions about their generation and what good citizens, athletes, students, etc. they were. LOL
And, just because YOUR kids are vaping entitled brats doesn't mean ALL kids are. That's a cop out. Parents love to give themselves a pass when their kids act up by throwing up there hands and declaring "It's this generation. It's a problem with everyone". I know lots of great kids.
Rover 02-07-2019, 03:01 PM I think someone on this board works for Gallogly as head of PR. LOL
soonerheart 02-07-2019, 03:02 PM edit
Lazio85 02-07-2019, 03:47 PM A new accounting standard GASB 68 and 75 was put into place during fiscal year 2018 and it is having negative effects on the financial outlook. This liability was not taken into consideration until this past fiscal year, and the resulting restatement caused the university to lose $158,400,000 instead of gain $58,400,000. The number we keep hearing the press is a $100,000,000 loss in Net position, but we never hear anyone talk more on the new accounting restatement.
Looking at the publicly available Norman Campus Audited Financial Statements the third party auditing firm, EideBailly, concluded:
Economic Outlook
The University’s economic outlook continues to be closely related to its role as one of the State’s premier
comprehensive institutions. It benefits from ongoing financial and political support from the State of Oklahoma.
The University continues to scrutinize budget allocations to align with anticipated revenues and to focus attention
on the management of its existing resources. While current economic conditions facing our state are challenging,
the University’s competitive position remains strong.
Another significant factor in the University’s economic position relates to its ability to recruit and retain high
quality students. The University continues to attract top students from across the nation and more than 100
countries around the world. Enrollment continues to grow 1-2% annually and retention rates reached record levels
last year. (This factor will be negatively affected by the new Bursar Holds and Housing policy) (
jedicurt 02-07-2019, 03:57 PM right... so something they knew for a few years was coming they didn't account for.. now i understand why Chris Kuwitzky and Clive Mander were some of the first fired. makes sense now.
Lazio85 02-07-2019, 04:07 PM State Appropriations since 2007 have declined $35,000,000. (
soonerheart 02-08-2019, 10:17 AM State Appropriations since 2007 have declined $35,000,000. (
^Good posting^
You can’t reach maximum potential in any situation with the fiscal irresponsibility that existed at OU under Boren...
Drip by drip by drip as more is learned, more and more reasonable well-adjusted ordinary people are now understanding that OU wasn’t as well operated and wasn’t exercising enough fiduciary responsibility to the state’s population and economy under Boren.
As many of the state elected leaders grew dissatisfied with Boren it’s likely this is part of why state funding was cut so severely and then not restored.
Gut feeling tells me the state will start restoring some state funding in the coming years to OU.
aDark 02-08-2019, 11:57 AM I think someone on this board works for Gallogly as head of PR. LOL
Seriously. The title of this thread alone is misleading. It'll be interesting to see if the propaganda continues with as much vigor now that Clay has stepped down from the BOR.
Rover 02-08-2019, 12:49 PM ^Good posting^
You can’t reach maximum potential in any situation with the fiscal irresponsibility that existed at OU under Boren...
Drip by drip by drip as more is learned, more and more reasonable well-adjusted ordinary people are now understanding that OU wasn’t as well operated and wasn’t exercising enough fiduciary responsibility to the state’s population and economy under Boren.
As many of the state elected leaders grew dissatisfied with Boren it’s likely this is part of why state funding was cut so severely and then not restored.
Gut feeling tells me the state will start restoring some state funding in the coming years to OU.
So they also don’t agree with Burns Harris, or other higher ed leaders. They’re all incompetent? Lol. The spin is so obvious.
soonerheart 02-08-2019, 01:57 PM Seriously. The title of this thread alone is misleading. It'll be interesting to see if the propaganda continues with as much vigor now that Clay has stepped down from the BOR.
We are learning under Boren there was nothing aspirational about misleading people to build power and a legacy that looks more shallow by the day. This is based on facts and fiscal irresponsibility the Boren groupies can never explain away.
When the Boren era mistakes are fully corrected OU will be in a position to become a much stronger university.
Lazio85 02-08-2019, 02:09 PM The University of Oklahoma can't get it's funding independently raised
Higher Education is the third largest state agency by appropriation at $810 million in FY 2017, which is 16 percent below the prior year. Over the last six years, agency appropriations have fallen by 20 percent while the overall state budget was nearly identical in FY 2011 and FY 2017. The Constitution prohibits the Legislature from appropriating funds to specific campuses. The allocation among the 25 colleges and universities is made annually by the Regents for Higher Education from a lump sum appropriation by the Legislature. The largest allocations for FY 2016 were:
University of Oklahoma (includes all campuses and OU Health Science Center)–$198 million;
Oklahoma State University (includes all campuses and OSU Center for Health Sciences)–$196 million;
University of Central Oklahoma–$43 million; and
Northeastern State University – $30 million.
In addition to money allocated to institutions, a portion of higher education funding went to debt service payments ($59 million in FY 2017), financial aid programs ($31 million), endowed chair program ($10 million) and other functions. Funding for the Oklahoma Promise scholarship program – $68 million in FY 2017 – is allocated directly to a dedicated fund out of income tax collections and is not considered part of legislative appropriations.
State appropriations (36 percent) and tuition and fees (48 percent) funded most spending for Oklahoma higher education in FY 2016. From 2007 to 2016, the share of appropriated funds has decreased from 51 percent to 36 percent, while tuition and fees have grown from 36 percent to 48 percent of spending. Tuition and most other non-appropriated funds stay at the campus that collects them.
Lazio85 02-08-2019, 02:11 PM The University of Oklahoma can't get it's funding independently raised
Higher Education is the third largest state agency by appropriation at $810 million in FY 2017, which is 16 percent below the prior year. Over the last six years, agency appropriations have fallen by 20 percent while the overall state budget was nearly identical in FY 2011 and FY 2017. The Constitution prohibits the Legislature from appropriating funds to specific campuses. The allocation among the 25 colleges and universities is made annually by the Regents for Higher Education from a lump sum appropriation by the Legislature. The largest allocations for FY 2016 were:
University of Oklahoma (includes all campuses and OU Health Science Center)–$198 million;
Oklahoma State University (includes all campuses and OSU Center for Health Sciences)–$196 million;
University of Central Oklahoma–$43 million; and
Northeastern State University – $30 million.
In addition to money allocated to institutions, a portion of higher education funding went to debt service payments ($59 million in FY 2017), financial aid programs ($31 million), endowed chair program ($10 million) and other functions. Funding for the Oklahoma Promise scholarship program – $68 million in FY 2017 – is allocated directly to a dedicated fund out of income tax collections and is not considered part of legislative appropriations.
State appropriations (36 percent) and tuition and fees (48 percent) funded most spending for Oklahoma higher education in FY 2016. From 2007 to 2016, the share of appropriated funds has decreased from 51 percent to 36 percent, while tuition and fees have grown from 36 percent to 48 percent of spending. Tuition and most other non-appropriated funds stay at the campus that collects them.
OU's financial picture can change for the better or worse, but it won't matter in the end as all higher education funding is linked to all campuses in this state.
Lazio85 02-08-2019, 02:51 PM State support for Oklahoma’s higher education system has been set back a full generation. The $773.6 million appropriation to public higher education for FY 2018 is $41.2 million less than the amount appropriated in FY 2001. (
FY 01: $814,772,157.
FY 02: $858,575,544.
FY 03: $846,555,610.
FY 04: $756,880,403.
FY 05: $787,036,296.
FY 06: $859,333,880.
FY 07: $982,333,880.
FY 08: $1,050,970,669.
FY 09: $1,039,886,280.
FY 10: $1,001,948,530.
FY 11: $953,666,030.
FY 12: $945,160,277.
FY 13: $955,260,277.
FY 14: $988,549,007.
FY 15: $987,523,284.
FY 16: $874,588,790.
FY 17: $810,022,109.
FY 18: $773,597,659.
Rover 02-08-2019, 05:51 PM We are learning under Boren there was nothing aspirational about misleading people to build power and a legacy that looks more shallow by the day. This is based on facts and fiscal irresponsibility the Boren groupies can never explain away.
When the Boren era mistakes are fully corrected OU will be in a position to become a much stronger university.
If you don’t work with Gallogly you should. All you post on here is how bad Boren was and how great Gallogly is with no regard for actual facts. Create a crisis, try to scare everyone with misleading facts, mistruths and spin, and then claim savior status to fix your emergency. Oh, and then hope everyone is too stupid to actually know or find out the truth. Straight out of Trump and tea party playbook. Lol
Rover 02-08-2019, 05:59 PM State support for Oklahoma’s higher education system has been set back a full generation. The $773.6 million appropriation to public higher education for FY 2018 is $41.2 million less than the amount appropriated in FY 2001. (
FY 01: $814,772,157.
FY 02: $858,575,544.
FY 03: $846,555,610.
FY 04: $756,880,403.
FY 05: $787,036,296.
FY 06: $859,333,880.
FY 07: $982,333,880.
FY 08: $1,050,970,669.
FY 09: $1,039,886,280.
FY 10: $1,001,948,530.
FY 11: $953,666,030.
FY 12: $945,160,277.
FY 13: $955,260,277.
FY 14: $988,549,007.
FY 15: $987,523,284.
FY 16: $874,588,790.
FY 17: $810,022,109.
FY 18: $773,597,659.
Thanks for posting. Fallon and tea party legislature was controlled by Gover Norquest who is all about starving government and public institutions. Who needs vision, commitment, and resources for education, right? And leaders who yearn for academic excellence need to be cut off at the knees if it costs money and fosters free thinkers.
soonerheart 02-08-2019, 06:25 PM This is more waste at OU that is being corrected that has added up to many millions in total....I believe if I am counting correctly that it’s now up to 33 million so far in annual savings for OU?
The example on this link under Boren was gross incompetence...There should be laws against waste like this. With waste like this I wonder how many were courtesy hires or ghost employees?
“Gallogly said the landscaping department previously had landscapers year-round, although during the winter there was not much work to be done.”
“All we did is level that off and then we'll hire people at the peak,” Gallogly said. “Every business does that. We weren't, and so the students were paying for a lot of those folks to sit around and wait for the summer to come or spring planting season.”
Rover 02-08-2019, 06:56 PM This is more waste at OU that is being corrected that has added up to many millions in total....I believe if I am counting correctly that it’s now up to 33 million so far in annual savings for OU?
The example on this link under Boren was gross incompetence...There should be laws against waste like this. With waste like this I wonder how many were courtesy hires or ghost employees?
“Gallogly said the landscaping department previously had landscapers year-round, although during the winter there was not much work to be done.”
“All we did is level that off and then we'll hire people at the peak,” Gallogly said. “Every business does that. We weren't, and so the students were paying for a lot of those folks to sit around and wait for the summer to come or spring planting season.”
Lol. We all know that the only thing about landscaping is mowing and the grass doesn’t grow in winter.
I actually served the homeless with a member of the landscaping staff and am aware of work done year round. And none of them were paid that much, and they and their families rely on year round jobs. That probably is of no concern though for Mr. Gallogly.
mugofbeer 02-09-2019, 12:39 AM Lol. We all know that the only thing about landscaping is mowing and the grass doesn’t grow in winter.
I actually served the homeless with a member of the landscaping staff and am aware of work done year round. And none of them were paid that much, and they and their families rely on year round jobs. That probably is of no concern though for Mr. Gallogly.
O n the other hand, there might be a ton of students who would be willing to do these jobs and be readily available to help pay for school, to put a few dollars in their pockets and to be able to get out and enjoy being outside. My son starts next fall and we've already looked around a bit for places that might hire out a few hours a week. There are schools where this type of thing is expected and even required of students.
jccouger 02-09-2019, 07:43 AM O n the other hand, there might be a ton of students who would be willing to do these jobs and be readily available to help pay for school, to put a few dollars in their pockets and to be able to get out and enjoy being outside. My son starts next fall and we've already looked around a bit for places that might hire out a few hours a week. There are schools where this type of thing is expected and even required of students.
When i was a student landscaping jobs were absolutely listed on the student employment opportunities portal. I seriously doubt they aren’t listed now. Outside of food & housing jobs they were probably the 2nd most listed job opportunity.
jccouger 02-09-2019, 07:44 AM O n the other hand, there might be a ton of students who would be willing to do these jobs and be readily available to help pay for school, to put a few dollars in their pockets and to be able to get out and enjoy being outside. My son starts next fall and we've already looked around a bit for places that might hire out a few hours a week. There are schools where this type of thing is expected and even required of students.
Oh and I’ll also point out that university jobs will always be great for flexible hours. Would be a great opportunity for your son.
Rover 02-09-2019, 09:42 AM There are schools where this type of thing is expected and even required of students.
Just curious what schools of OU’s size and stature require doing yard work to be a student? Or even where it is expected.
soonerheart 02-09-2019, 11:01 AM Just received word that OU BOR Bill Burgess has unexpectedly passed away.
By all accounts he was a great man who will be missed.
mugofbeer 02-09-2019, 10:18 PM Just curious what schools of OU’s size and stature require doing yard work to be a student? Or even where it is expected.
I don't know of any large schools where it is required but there isn't any reason OU couldn't offer a lot of part time work. Small colleges, College of the Ozarks in Missouri, Berea college in Kentucky (both fascinating places to visit to see the agri-culture and woodcrafting at Berea) and Berry College in Georgia (supported greatly by Truett Cathy of Chick-fil-a ) come to mind.
soonerheart 02-10-2019, 09:43 PM When graduate fees at OU were $4,681 compared to $1,019 at public AAU institutions and now they will be cut by $1100 with more after’s showing more about how poorly OU was managed and the irresponsibility. Yet somehow people still defended this wasteful incompetence.
Some of this is so bad that it couldn’t be made up.
From the OUdaily
Boulder92 02-11-2019, 06:02 AM OU's graduate student fees are outrageously high. They damage recruiting efforts and grad student morale. It is plainly immoral to claim you're paying a certain amount and then rake back a quarter or more in mandatory fees. The "company store" model of employer/employee relations should have died a century ago.
That said, the graduate student fee reduction plan was annouced to campus in December 2017. According to my calendar, Boren was still president then. Give credit where it's due.
LocoAko 02-11-2019, 07:14 AM OU's graduate student fees are outrageously high. They damage recruiting efforts and grad student morale. It is plainly immoral to claim you're paying a certain amount and then rake back a quarter or more in mandatory fees. The "company store" model of employer/employee relations should have died a century ago.
That said, the graduate student fee reduction plan was annouced to campus in December 2017. According to my calendar, Boren was still president then. Give credit where it's due.
That, and the statement made clear that the total cost isn't going to change -- they've just been able to move things around from "fees" to "tuition". Which, as a recent OU graduate student, I understand fully will have a huge impact on the lives of grad students for whom that technicality makes a huge difference. But as I understand it it isn't a cost savings measure at all on the University end of things. Let's not let that get in the way of some good spin, though.
Directly from Gallogly:
"As part of the graduate education plan developed by Graduate College Dean Randy Hewes and a faculty committee, we announced a cut of approximately $425 per graduate assistant in fees for the 2018-19 academic year. In addition, we established a new tuition remission rate policy for grants and contracts that approximates actual GA tuition. Finally, we increased the graduate student resident tuition rate to offset the reduction in fees (for non-GAs, this action changed the ratio of tuition versus fees, but it did not result in a net change in the overall graduate student cost of attendance). . . . Due to these measures, and an additional $2 million that we have been able to earmark for graduate education savings thanks to the operational efficiencies we have achieved together, I am pleased to announce that for the 2019-20 academic year, we will again be able to reduce graduate fees. The average graduate student with 18 credit hours of enrollment will see a reduction in fees of at least $675 next year. We will raise graduate student resident tuition to offset this reduction in fees, and this will again result in no net change in the overall cost of attendance for non-GAs."
So yeah, about all that inefficiency and "savings"...
Rover 02-11-2019, 08:00 AM I don't know of any large schools where it is required but there isn't any reason OU couldn't offer a lot of part time work. Small colleges, College of the Ozarks in Missouri, Berea college in Kentucky (both fascinating places to visit to see the agri-culture and woodcrafting at Berea) and Berry College in Georgia (supported greatly by Truett Cathy of Chick-fil-a ) come to mind.
So, in other words, no even approximately comparable schools require students to work taking care of the landscaping?
Rover 02-11-2019, 08:12 AM When graduate fees at OU were $4,681 compared to $1,019 at public AAU institutions and now they will be cut by $1100 with more after’s showing more about how poorly OU was managed and the irresponsibility. Yet somehow people still defended this wasteful incompetence.
Some of this is so bad that it couldn’t be made up.
From the OUdaily
You remind me of Baghdad Bob. Regardless of what is known, you keep trying hard to spin.
OU is regularly listed as a good to excellent value by multiple rating systems. Just saw one with the the #2 value in OK. They total costs of education is vey much in line with major public comprehensive universities. You and the rest of the staff of Gallogly can keep telling everyone what a savior he is, but all I hear is how bad everyone else at OU is if they were somehow attached to Boren.
It is easy to tear down and is hard to lead and build up. Let’s see Gallogly and his sycophants do that. And once, I’d like him to actually talk about investment in a VISION that involves education/academics and not just dollars.
LakeEffect 02-12-2019, 02:19 PM So, in other words, no even approximately comparable schools require students to work taking care of the landscaping?
I knew numerous friends at the University of Michigan that worked their summer job for Michigan's landscaping department. I'm sure it's common at many universities.
Rover 02-12-2019, 05:01 PM I knew numerous friends at the University of Michigan that worked their summer job for Michigan's landscaping department. I'm sure it's common at many universities.
The claim was that some schools require it. I sincerely doubt Uof M requires their students to work at landscaping the school.
mugofbeer 02-12-2019, 09:15 PM The claim was that some schools require it. I sincerely doubt Uof M requires their students to work at landscaping the school.
OK. Try reading what was said. The idea was that there shouldn't be much worry about seasonal campus work because there should be plenty of students willing to do that kind of work for extra cash or a reduction in tuition. I said on the side some schools require it. I provided the names of 3 very special places where that is the case. I didnt make any broad sweeping comment that numerous colleges do this. There was no "claim." You dreamed that up totally on your own.
Buffalo Bill 02-12-2019, 11:47 PM OK. Try reading what was said. The idea was that there shouldn't be much worry about seasonal campus work because there should be plenty of students willing to do that kind of work for extra cash or a reduction in tuition. I said on the side some schools require it. I provided the names of 3 very special places where that is the case. I didnt make any broad sweeping comment that numerous colleges do this. There was no "claim." You dreamed that up totally on your own.
Until then, we can only dream of the day when OU reaches the majestic heights of the 3 academic powerhouses that you cited.
mugofbeer 02-12-2019, 11:56 PM Until then, we can only dream of the day when OU reaches the majestic heights of the 3 academic powerhouses that you cited.
We aren't talking about academics. We're talking about the lament that OU has to cut back on landscaping. Yet again, all I'm doing is stating there's little need for an army of full time landscapers. Maybe try reading the posts bright boy ..... and try reading a bit on the 3 schools l mentioned before you heap your vast Okie superiority on them. For what they do, you get an excellent education without tuition.
dankrutka 02-13-2019, 12:35 AM I am not commenting on OU's spending on landscaping because I haven't researched it, but as someone who is on college campuses everyday, I will say that landscaping makes a big difference in the overall aesthetic and beauty of a campus. In some cases, good landscaping is the result of someone actually caring about what it looks like. I've seen campuses where no one cared, including the landscaping staff, and the campus looked terrible. Anyway, in my opinion and I do at least visit lots of campuses, OU has an absolutely beautiful campus and it is a factor that sets it a part from some peer institutions. Again, I'm not saying what should be spent, but just pointing out that it does make a noticeable difference.
Plutonic Panda 02-13-2019, 02:04 AM We aren't talking about academics. We're talking about the lament that OU has to cut back on landscaping. Yet again, all I'm doing is stating there's little need for an army of full time landscapers. Maybe try reading the posts bright boy ..... and try reading a bit on the 3 schools l mentioned before you heap your vast Okie superiority on them. For what they do, you get an excellent education without tuition.
Part of what makes some of the best universities I've been to so outstanding other than academics and related programs are the landscaping. They all have an army of full time landscapers so I'd think OU should too. I'm not trying to say OU needs to compete with Stanford, but we shouldn't get a defeatist attitude here. One thing that always stands out to me it how ugly OKC is in regards to the lack of landscaping in almost every aspect of the city. That is slowly changing for the better I've noticed, but it sure would be a shame to see OU move downhill in this regard.
Plutonic Panda 02-13-2019, 02:09 AM Anyway, in my opinion and I do at least visit lots of campuses, OU has an absolutely beautiful campus and it is a factor that sets it a part from some peer institutions. Again, I'm not saying what should be spent, but just pointing out that it does make a noticeable difference.
Last time I came to OKC, I brought a friend who is attending Stanford and when we toured Norman and OU, he immediately pointed out how beautiful the campus was noting that is was beautifully landscaped.
Take it for what its worth, but anecdotally, I've had several occasions as I am always bringing in friends and family from other states at every chance I get to see OKC and Oklahoma. One common theme among almost all of them was their high impressions of OU's campus.
I am not commenting on OU's spending on landscaping because I haven't researched it, but as someone who is on college campuses everyday, I will say that landscaping makes a big difference in the overall aesthetic and beauty of a campus. In some cases, good landscaping is the result of someone actually caring about what it looks like. I've seen campuses where no one cared, including the landscaping staff, and the campus looked terrible. Anyway, in my opinion and I do at least visit lots of campuses, OU has an absolutely beautiful campus and it is a factor that sets it a part from some peer institutions. Again, I'm not saying what should be spent, but just pointing out that it does make a noticeable difference.
Having lived on campus for 4 years that pre-dated the Boren era, then making a point to walk around the whole campus (and I mean the ENTIRE campus) on frequent occassions since, the change is nothing short of miraculous.
Not just the lanscaping but all the patios and fountains and public spaces.
What some would see as a waste I see as one of the greatest marketing tools of all. Get someone there and they can't help to be very impressed, from prospective students and staff to donors.
dcsooner 02-13-2019, 07:46 AM Having lived on campus for 4 years that pre-dated the Boren era, then making a point to walk around the whole campus (and I mean the ENTIRE campus) on frequent occassions since, the change is nothing short of miraculous.
Not just the lanscaping but all the patios and fountains and public spaces.
What some would see as a waste I see as one of the greatest marketing tools of all. Get someone there and they can't help to be very impressed, from prospective students and staff to donors.
HangryHippo 02-13-2019, 08:56 AM Having lived on campus for 4 years that pre-dated the Boren era, then making a point to walk around the whole campus (and I mean the ENTIRE campus) on frequent occassions since, the change is nothing short of miraculous.
Not just the lanscaping but all the patios and fountains and public spaces.
What some would see as a waste I see as one of the greatest marketing tools of all. Get someone there and they can't help to be very impressed, from prospective students and staff to donors.
This. As you said, the change is nothing short of a miracle and should be celebrated and continued. I can't tell you how many people I've taken to OU who have been blown away by the aesthetics of campus. You can't put a price on that kind of impression, IMO.
IMO, the OU campus is the best place to walk in the entire state.
More than once, I've parked on Campus Corner and walked all the way to Loyd Noble and back, taking a winding route. Then, top it off with a cold beer on one of the corner's great patios.
People don't even realize that in the Boren era they made the entire South Oval car-free, creating sidewalks and landscaped areas where there once were cars and roads. Same way with Brooks Ave., which runs east/west.
So much to see, tons of protected sidewalks and just a great place to be outside.
This. As you said, the change is nothing short of a miracle and should be celebrated and continued. I can't tell you how many people I've taken to OU who have been blown away by the aesthetics of campus. You can't put a price on that kind of impression, IMO.
Agree with all the comments regarding the impressiveness of OU's campus. Definitely needs to be maintained at its current high level.
jccouger 02-13-2019, 11:46 AM I had more than a handful of friends I made at OU, who told me they chose to come to OU after a campus visit and saw how beautiful it was. Some of these being out of state students, who bring in even more $. It absolutely is a deciding factor for prospective students, and OU's campus is stunning.
It would be hard to determine an ROI on that, because there are many other factors in where students decide to attend school, but I can say with certainty that if OU didn't invest in campus beautification as much as they did they'd miss out on a good chunk of students.
Rover 02-13-2019, 11:53 AM OK. Try reading what was said. The idea was that there shouldn't be much worry about seasonal campus work because there should be plenty of students willing to do that kind of work for extra cash or a reduction in tuition. I said on the side some schools require it. I provided the names of 3 very special places where that is the case. I didnt make any broad sweeping comment that numerous colleges do this. There was no "claim." You dreamed that up totally on your own.
No, you insinuated that OU should because others do it. I suggested no comparable university did. You can keep bobbing and weaving, but the fact is that no one of OU's ilk requires it as you have stated. Other obscure private schools have all sorts of obligations which are totally different than what OU should seriously consider. Just asking apples to apples. Still haven't seen it.
DowntownMan 02-13-2019, 07:14 PM No, you insinuated that OU should because others do it. I suggested no comparable university did. You can keep bobbing and weaving, but the fact is that no one of OU's ilk requires it as you have stated. Other obscure private schools have all sorts of obligations which are totally different than what OU should seriously consider. Just asking apples to apples. Still haven't seen it.
Not sure this is the right place for this but seems to be the discussion most of the time but I just saw articles posted that Boren is now under investigation for harassment. Any one have any information on this?
soonerheart 02-13-2019, 07:39 PM Not sure this is the right place for this but seems to be the discussion most of the time but I just saw articles posted that Boren is now under investigation for harassment. Any one have any information on this?
I had heard some big news was coming about Boren but after decades of rumors that everyone had heard I wasn’t expecting this. I would have thought something would have been done years ago.
As we have seen many times in other cases, once the word gets out others come forward...Boren is probably looking at very serious consequences.
The University of Oklahoma is paying one of the largest law firms in the world to investigate former President David Boren, sources have confirmed.
Investigators with the Jones Day law firm have asked whether Boren sexually harassed male aides, sources said.
OKCretro 02-13-2019, 07:58 PM
dcsooner 02-13-2019, 08:00 PM I had heard some big news was coming about Boren but after decades of rumors that everyone had heard I wasn’t expecting this. I would have thought something would have been done years ago.
As we have seen many times in other cases, once the word gets out others come forward...Boren is probably looking at very serious consequences.
The University of Oklahoma is paying one of the largest law firms in the world to investigate former President David Boren, sources have confirmed.
Investigators with the Jones Day law firm have asked whether Boren sexually harassed male aides, sources said.
Very sad to see people hell bent on disparaging the reputation of a lifelong Oklahoman. A citizen/statesman who did nothing but give his life serving to make this State better. I lay this at the feet of Galogly
Bunty 02-13-2019, 08:12 PM Very sad to see people hell bent on disparaging the reputation of a lifelong Oklahoman. A citizen/statesman who did nothing but give his life serving to make this State better. I lay this at the feet of Galogly
Right. It looks bad on the university to wait so long, especially if it was already known that sexual harassment had possibly been going on before he quit.
soonerheart 02-13-2019, 08:21 PM Very sad to see people hell bent on disparaging the reputation of a lifelong Oklahoman. A citizen/statesman who did nothing but give his life serving to make this State better. I lay this at the feet of Galogly
No! Boren has had these rumors floating about since the time he was running for Governor...Well placed and well connected people have been talking about this issue for many decades....long before Gallogly ever stepped foot on OU’s campus as a student...
Any misconduct is 100% Boren’s fault!
If there is any truth to this and I suspect there are people coming forward with substantial information that is enough to launch an investigation....Its pure corruption / fraudulent to think we should continue looking the other way. OU's legal department would have likely approved based on information they received.
Thank god OU now has leaders who will not ignore our serious problems.
jccouger 02-13-2019, 08:42 PM So OU is leading the investigation. Why now?
Don’t want to put my tin foil hat on, but coudl gallogly have ordered this? I feel like if the University is responsible for starting this investigation, it has to be called by the president. Right?
Not saying Boren is innocent, but this seems weird to be started now.