View Full Version : Where are the Hummingbirds?
cindycat 06-20-2018, 09:35 AM We live in SE OKC near I-40 and Choctaw Road. This time of year we usually have three hummingbird feeders and fill them regularly to keep up with the "demand". This year is totally different, with hardly any hummers in sight. We miss the little fellers. Any idea why they're not so prolific this year? Thanks.
OkiePoke 06-20-2018, 09:37 AM We live in SE OKC near I-40 and Choctaw Road. This time of year we usually have three hummingbird feeders and fill them regularly to keep up with the "demand". This year is totally different, with hardly any hummers in sight. We miss the little fellers. Any idea why they're not so prolific this year? Thanks.
I just put out a feeder 2 weeks ago. I haven't seen any... NW OKC
jedicurt 06-20-2018, 09:47 AM it's not just around here
now that is for black chinned hummingbirds. which we sometimes see, but not often. ours are the Ruby throated hummingbirds.... and it sounds like their migration path kept them way East this year. seems to be a bunch of articles out there talking about both declines in populations as well as changes in migration pattern. A lot seem to attribute it to farming pesticides... but I don't see anything from a science research group or anything.
BBatesokc 06-20-2018, 10:00 AM We put out three feeders every year off our patio. Wife makes her own sugar water solution, as she finds the hummingbirds prefer it to the store bought stuff.
We have 4-5 hummingbirds each summer that regularly feed and defend their favorite feeder. We've certainly got hummingbirds back this year, however, we used to refill the feeders about every 8 days. Right now it's easily 2+ weeks before they need refilling. That said, we also have a large pollinator garden that is in full bloom and sometimes the hummingbirds prefer those plants over the feeders.
jccouger 06-20-2018, 10:45 AM I've always put my feeder out, but last year I had a big time issue with it attracting wasps/jackets. I'd often see the wasps/jackets get in fights with the hummingbirds. Anybody know how to prevent that?
ultimatesooner 06-20-2018, 04:39 PM my grandma in law's house at Texoma has dozens and dozens non stop, was just there last weekend
OKCisOK4me 06-20-2018, 06:16 PM I've heard complaints about this in interior NW USA. You know...where the mega cauldron is beneath Yellowstone. I don't know if they're related but, you never know. Also, there were comments about certain breeds of birds from the US showing up in Europe and Australia. Again, who knows.
ctchandler 06-20-2018, 09:54 PM I don't know if there is a problem because I no longer have feeders but I know that when I was maintaining them I always put them out in March so the scouts knew they were there and I had dozens of them feeding on my three feeders. By the way, not my idea but a recommendation by a hummingbird web site.
C. T.
betts 06-20-2018, 09:56 PM Are you using pesticides and Roundup? They’re getting into the water and food chain and killing insects and small birds. What people don’t realize is that all living things have cells that perform cellular respiration the same way. We’re not as impacted because of our size - at least not yet. But we have to realize that we lose the good bugs with the bad, birds with the weeds. Mosquito Joe and his compatriots are taking care of the bees and Monarchs and likely the hummingbirds will follow suit.
Motley 06-21-2018, 09:10 AM I live north of Altus, and we have 6 or so hummingbirds feeding. I don't know the species, but one is smaller and has a very long bill and there other one is larger with shorter bill. Neither are particularly colorful, but that may be due to the fact the feeders are in the shade.
Zuplar 06-21-2018, 09:19 AM I haven't put out my feeders this year, but I got one that flew in my shop side door. Luckily I have big 12x12 doors so I opened up and he flew right out, but I could tell he was getting real stressed while he as in there.
I typically make my own feed as well since I heard the store bought stuff with red dye is bad for them.