View Full Version : OECFiber

05-03-2018, 04:02 PM
Just saw on Twitter that OEC is rolling out a Fiber network of their own. No pricing is listed but the show a Basic plan with 100 Mbps up and down no caps and an Ultimate with 1 GB up and down no caps. No roll out time frame is provided but there is a roll out map. Always glad to see other options become available especially since the Google Fiber news died down.


05-03-2018, 05:05 PM
I sent them an e-mail asking if they would be bringing there fiber internet to Moore.

05-03-2018, 05:35 PM
I may be a fool, but I still believe Google Fiber is not dead, it just may take a different form. We all know what the local monopolies did everywhere they went, so I think the plan is to step back and re-evaluate how physical the network has to be. We know they bought a wireless company or two, and 5G is right around the corner...5G will probably be the last nail in the coffin for DSL and unless Cox does something drastic, it's going to put the hurt on them as well.

THAT said, I still wish this plan covered Mustang. For that matter, I wish Mustang could use them for power, as well. I signed up for their "let me know when you come to the area" thing, but I'm not holding my breath.

05-03-2018, 06:34 PM
My neighborhood in central OKC doesn't even have AT&T U-Verse. It's either Cox or basic DSL (which is wayyyy to slow for 2018). If 5G offers speed, reliability, latency, and data caps at least comparable to Cox I might switch once that becomes available. It would be nice to not have to pay for both a phone data plan and Cox service. Currently wireless is still inferior to a terrestrial Internet connection.

05-03-2018, 06:50 PM
Awesome, I'm glad to see a local company stepping into the fray.

However, I think that in 10 years or so, the idea of buying an internet connection for your house and your phone will be considered weird. If a person can get 5G with unlimited data on their phone, putting your phone in WiFi hotspot mode to service your home devices will likely become the norm. I'll probably never do that personally because I've had gigabit internet for over a year and I want FASTER - NOW!!! Yes, I'm that guy.

05-03-2018, 07:37 PM
saw this on oec's website when i was paying my last electric bill... according to the map, i'm literally just 2 miles north of their projected coverage area. really hope that they expand further so that i can ditch cox.

05-04-2018, 04:53 PM
Well, Cox put fiber in my backyard back in 2016 I think. Still don't have any actual access to it though.
05-04-2018, 08:02 PM
Wow! I live a mile off of 77, I wonder how far the web will weave off of the main fiber. Still on 3/.66 and just found out I can upgrade to 10/1 on Windsuck. Getting the bonded modem installed on Wed.

Thomas Vu
05-05-2018, 08:10 AM
Nothing for the North =(, and they have presence up there too.

05-06-2018, 02:16 AM
Oh my god I wish this was available for my dad's office in NW OKC. He unfortunately has Cox, and their business plans are ridiculous. What's the point of no data caps when the speeds are so freaking slow???
I was so bummed when the Google Fiber project died, so I hope OEC will become available in more areas soon.

05-06-2018, 06:16 PM
Oh my god I wish this was available for my dad's office in NW OKC. He unfortunately has Cox, and their business plans are ridiculous. What's the point of no data caps when the speeds are so freaking slow???
I was so bummed when the Google Fiber project died, so I hope OEC will become available in more areas soon.

AT&T has been busy running fiber in NW OKC - he may soon be able to get it. I'm near Expressway & 63rd and they ran it here about 16 months ago.

05-07-2018, 08:41 AM
Awesome, I'm glad to see a local company stepping into the fray.

However, I think that in 10 years or so, the idea of buying an internet connection for your house and your phone will be considered weird. If a person can get 5G with unlimited data on their phone, putting your phone in WiFi hotspot mode to service your home devices will likely become the norm. I'll probably never do that personally because I've had gigabit internet for over a year and I want FASTER - NOW!!! Yes, I'm that guy.

I can see google and apple making routers that your phone will automatically connect to. Your phone as a personal hotspot is limited on how well it can handle a network. With homes becoming more and more "smart" a lot of people are going to still want a stationary cellular hotspot while their gone.

05-07-2018, 07:33 PM
I can see google and apple making routers that your phone will automatically connect to. Your phone as a personal hotspot is limited on how well it can handle a network. With homes becoming more and more "smart" a lot of people are going to still want a stationary cellular hotspot while their gone.

This is a good point I hand't considered.

05-07-2018, 10:00 PM
And it might change in the future, once cost and speed catch up, but most people I know use their in-home WiFi for their mobile devices when browsing or streaming. For me, having my phone jump on the home network that is already streaming to another phone, Netflix to the TV, and the laptop or a tablet still results in faster speeds than having my phone access the wireless signal. And that’s just for my phone, let alone trying to run the entire household over the phone.

05-08-2018, 03:15 AM
Looks like this will initially be available only to OEC customers, which sucks, as I'm in an OG&E area.

05-17-2018, 11:16 AM
First off I'd like to thank everyone's peaked interest in the OEC Fiber project! In an effort to not kill you with paragraphs after paragraphs I'm going to bullet point and answer your questions, thoughts and concerns. from the previous posts.

Yes, we are running fiber cables to each of our 21 substations first and foremost to ensure we have a reliable and safe electrical system.

We will have 2 redundant paths to the internet. So basically we are covered for cut lines, etc unless a major storm hits us. We want to make sure we are providing the best internet experience possible.

We are keeping it simple. 2 speeds. 100Mbps and 1GB up and down constant speed, no data caps. Stream all the cat videos you want.

We will be able to hopefully the end of 2018 start offering service to OEC members AND quite possibly OG&E customers that are inner twined in our service territory. Sorry, we won't be going to Edmond! :)

We are about 10 weeks into construction and this year alone will be over 500 miles of fiber that will be pulled. There's a TON more to do and we are best guessing that it's a 5-6 year total build to get to every OEC member and like I mentioned hopefully able to offer to OG&E customers too.

Best thing to do is to sign up over at for updates. The website is pretty vanilla right now, but we have plans of course to add to it as the project changes, areas open up for service, etc. We are following our electrical lines and basically re-creating what OEC did in 1937 when they started serving power to our members, so patience will be key!

We did an extensive survey and listened to our members. We know they want options, better options or just have something to be able to enjoy a necessity of life now. We are going to make it as reliable as we can, deliver it as safe as we can and best part make it beyond affordable.

Once we get pricing finalized we will update it on the website and share it via email to subscribers.

I hope that helps! If you want more specific information email me over at I am personally answering emails and calling people back who have all kinds of questions, so please know you are getting right to the source. We are not a faceless giant. We want to make it right and need to hear from you all!

Thanks again!

David Goodspeed
President, OEC Fiber

05-19-2018, 06:57 PM
The pres has the perfect name

05-24-2018, 10:09 AM
The pres has the perfect name

He ran the OU IT Store for many years.

07-04-2018, 07:29 AM
Since OEC can offer it, I have to wonder about OG&E offering it. They already have a right of way.

While Cox offers decent service, It still gets a bit wonky from time to time. I am guessing the age of the physical cable as it was placed by Multimedia back in the 80's IIRC. Irrespective, the need some serious competition to keep them honest. I am getting predictable service with 208 Mb/sec. download during off hours and fairly consistent 100 Mb download during peak hours. Uploads run about 30 Mb/sec.

AT&T has always teased with the fiber idea, but the reality is they are not going to run it into most existing neighborhoods, relying instead on the copper last mile. The have never been a realistic contender.

It seems my several year old iPhone 6 is speed impaired due to the battery/iOS. I have been using Verizon for service and am essentially happy with them. No doubt I will have to upgrade before long, but I doubt they will have 5G rolled out by then. (Currently getting about 65 MBps download and 31 Mbps uploads during off times by one source, and 224 Mbps/31 Mbps from another speed test.)

There is always dial-up. Don't laugh, apparently there are still a few people using it, but not even tech support really understands how to make it work anymore!

07-04-2018, 11:54 AM
Since OEC can offer it, I have to wonder about OG&E offering it. They already have a right of way.

While Cox offers decent service, It still gets a bit wonky from time to time. I am guessing the age of the physical cable as it was placed by Multimedia back in the 80's IIRC. Irrespective, the need some serious competition to keep them honest. I am getting predictable service with 208 Mb/sec. download during off hours and fairly consistent 100 Mb download during peak hours. Uploads run about 30 Mb/sec.

AT&T has always teased with the fiber idea, but the reality is they are not going to run it into most existing neighborhoods, relying instead on the copper last mile. The have never been a realistic contender.

It seems my several year old iPhone 6 is speed impaired due to the battery/iOS. I have been using Verizon for service and am essentially happy with them. No doubt I will have to upgrade before long, but I doubt they will have 5G rolled out by then. (Currently getting about 65 MBps download and 31 Mbps uploads during off times by one source, and 224 Mbps/31 Mbps from another speed test.)

There is always dial-up. Don't laugh, apparently there are still a few people using it, but not even tech support really understands how to make it work anymore!

OGE was one of the biggest obstacles to Google Fiber's expansion plans in OKC. Google was moving quickly to get agreements in place so they could start stringing up the fiber and OGE suddenly backed out of the negotiations and slowed-played it with no explanation. That delayed GF for over a year, and ultimately led to GF "pausing" the OKC expansion along with a dozen other cities as they decided to explore the wireless solution. Many speculated Cox and ATT put pressure on OGE or OGE was planning to start their own fiber service (which is highly unlikely at this time).

07-04-2018, 07:10 PM
OGE was one of the biggest obstacles to Google Fiber's expansion plans in OKC.

Thanks for the info, I had not been aware of OG&E being such an obstacle. I knew there was a reason I sold the OG&E stock a couple of years ago. . .

Still a shame, the consumer is the loser.

07-05-2018, 12:06 PM
AT&T has always teased with the fiber idea, but the reality is they are not going to run it into most existing neighborhoods, relying instead on the copper last mile. The have never been a realistic contender.

I don't know about that... I was actually extremely surprised to see that AT&T decided to deploy fiber in my neighborhood. They haven't run any cable just yet but on Monday they put up signs at the entrances to the neighborhood advertising that it's coming. My neighborhood is on the south side, near SW 59th and Walker, and was built (mostly) in the 60's. Maybe part of that is because our lines are mostly all pole mounted in this neighborhood, I dunno... but supposedly AT&T has been aggressively pushing fiber into older neighborhoods. Probably looking to retire their ancient copper physical plant. But I'm surprised that Ma Bell beat Cox to the punch, after Cox built a neighborhood hub right next to my neighborhood about 2 years ago. Cox reps were saying we should have Gigablast within 3 months of completion - never happened.

07-05-2018, 08:28 PM
I've got AT&T fiber in NW OKC, and I'm loving it!

07-09-2018, 12:24 PM
First off I'd like to thank everyone's peaked interest in the OEC Fiber project! In an effort to not kill you with paragraphs after paragraphs I'm going to bullet point and answer your questions, thoughts and concerns. from the previous posts.

Yes, we are running fiber cables to each of our 21 substations first and foremost to ensure we have a reliable and safe electrical system.

We will have 2 redundant paths to the internet. So basically we are covered for cut lines, etc unless a major storm hits us. We want to make sure we are providing the best internet experience possible.

We are keeping it simple. 2 speeds. 100Mbps and 1GB up and down constant speed, no data caps. Stream all the cat videos you want.

We will be able to hopefully the end of 2018 start offering service to OEC members AND quite possibly OG&E customers that are inner twined in our service territory. Sorry, we won't be going to Edmond! :)

We are about 10 weeks into construction and this year alone will be over 500 miles of fiber that will be pulled. There's a TON more to do and we are best guessing that it's a 5-6 year total build to get to every OEC member and like I mentioned hopefully able to offer to OG&E customers too.

Best thing to do is to sign up over at for updates. The website is pretty vanilla right now, but we have plans of course to add to it as the project changes, areas open up for service, etc. We are following our electrical lines and basically re-creating what OEC did in 1937 when they started serving power to our members, so patience will be key!

We did an extensive survey and listened to our members. We know they want options, better options or just have something to be able to enjoy a necessity of life now. We are going to make it as reliable as we can, deliver it as safe as we can and best part make it beyond affordable.

Once we get pricing finalized we will update it on the website and share it via email to subscribers.

I hope that helps! If you want more specific information email me over at I am personally answering emails and calling people back who have all kinds of questions, so please know you are getting right to the source. We are not a faceless giant. We want to make it right and need to hear from you all!

Thanks again!

David Goodspeed
President, OEC Fiber

If only Cimarron Electric would also do this . . .

07-10-2018, 10:41 AM
Sounds nice, hopefully we'll get it eventually (we're OG&E at 36th/May). This made me laugh, though - he does realize what state he's in, right?

"We will have 2 redundant paths to the internet. So basically we are covered for cut lines, etc unless a major storm hits us."

02-08-2019, 06:45 PM
OEC just started installing in our neighborhood this week. Very excited as our only options are satellite. Saw the pricing plans and if I remember, it is $65 or $85 month depending on usage and devices. Very reasonable considering we are paying about the same for crappy Atlink satellite

02-08-2019, 07:13 PM
lucky! i can't wait for oec to start in my neighborhood so that i can ditch cox... if you don't mind me asking, what is the closest major intersection to your neighborhood?

02-09-2019, 07:48 AM
lucky! i can't wait for oec to start in my neighborhood so that i can ditch cox... if you don't mind me asking, what is the closest major intersection to your neighborhood?

I am in Old Tuscany which is basically SW104 and MacArthur. We can't even get cox here

02-09-2019, 09:24 AM
OEC just started installing in our neighborhood this week. Very excited as our only options are satellite. Saw the pricing plans and if I remember, it is $65 or $85 month depending on usage and devices. Very reasonable considering we are paying about the same for crappy Atlink satellite

Do you have OEC electric? I’m right down the road but OGE. We actually got ATT fiber last summer by begging because they were installing in the new neighborhood behind us. Ironically I own land out in Noble, way out there like 25 minutes east of downtown Noble, and when I was out there earlier this week OEC is installing fiber out there. Incredible considering how remote it is.

02-09-2019, 02:00 PM
Do you have OEC electric? I’m right down the road but OGE. We actually got ATT fiber last summer by begging because they were installing in the new neighborhood behind us. Ironically I own land out in Noble, way out there like 25 minutes east of downtown Noble, and when I was out there earlier this week OEC is installing fiber out there. Incredible considering how remote it is.

We are on OEC Electric

02-09-2019, 02:07 PM
I am in Old Tuscany which is basically SW104 and MacArthur. We can't even get cox here

gotcha… thanks! didn't realize that cox didn't serve that area. i'm at 119th & may and at the edge of oec's service area... oec's site has been entirely unhelpful in providing a rough estimate on when they'd be in my area. this gives me an idea.

02-09-2019, 02:26 PM
gotcha… thanks! didn't realize that cox didn't serve that area. i'm at 119th & may and at the edge of oec's service area... oec's site has been entirely unhelpful in providing a rough estimate on when they'd be in my area. this gives me an idea.

We are this little island in the middle that has no service even though everyone around has services. We are on well, septic, OEC Electric. No cable or internet. The only services we receive from the city is trash, fire and police. Our road is private so we maintain it ourself. You go 1/2 to 1 mile in any direction and they have city water, sewer, Cox, etc

02-09-2019, 03:26 PM
gotcha… thanks! didn't realize that cox didn't serve that area. i'm at 119th & may and at the edge of oec's service area... oec's site has been entirely unhelpful in providing a rough estimate on when they'd be in my area. this gives me an idea.

Which side of the edge? While they do have plans to offer service outside their area as soon as they can, they've said upfront they're focusing on their own first, pretty much because nobody can say anything about it. I would expect OG&E and Cox to cry the second they so much as look across their border, so I've resigned myself to not having it any time soon. I wish Mustang would let them in (for both internet and to give a choice with electric), but for various reasons I feel this unlikely.

02-09-2019, 06:13 PM
Which side of the edge?

oec is my electricity provider... i'm pretty sure that the neighborhood to the north and the one to the east are both on the og&e grid. i agree with your conclusion regarding easements and don't expect oec fiber to be available outside of where they offer electricity.

02-09-2019, 06:24 PM
We are this little island in the middle that has no service even though everyone around has services. We are on well, septic, OEC Electric. No cable or internet. The only services we receive from the city is trash, fire and police. Our road is private so we maintain it ourself. You go 1/2 to 1 mile in any direction and they have city water, sewer, Cox, etc

that's a surprise as it seems really close to not be on city water/sewer... certainly that was a decision of the developer and not the city refusing to negotiate.

02-10-2019, 07:46 AM
Which side of the edge? While they do have plans to offer service outside their area as soon as they can, they've said upfront they're focusing on their own first, pretty much because nobody can say anything about it. I would expect OG&E and Cox to cry the second they so much as look across their border, so I've resigned myself to not having it any time soon. I wish Mustang would let them in (for both internet and to give a choice with electric), but for various reasons I feel this unlikely.

My grandmother lives in Chisholm Trail neighborhood in mustang and is OEC electric.

02-10-2019, 12:35 PM
that's a surprise as it seems really close to not be on city water/sewer... certainly that was a decision of the developer and not the city refusing to negotiate.

We were the first neighborhood out here and everyone has 5 plus acres so no density to warrant them to come back in 1/2 mile to service us. All the other new neighborhoods further out are 1 acre or less so they have higher density. We have tried to get gas and water but cost prohibitive. The developer I am sure was part of the problem if the quality of our road is any indication of how they do business.

02-12-2019, 02:37 PM
First lucky winners have been revealed.

03-01-2019, 03:24 PM
Seeing that small bit of green east of Mustang, yet outside the ring, gives me a glimmer of hope.

11-27-2019, 09:31 AM
The will be offering TV service starting next year as well

11-27-2019, 09:58 AM
The will be offering TV service starting next year as well

sadly for me. but might honestly be a better market for them to build this on... it looks like they are more focused as a solution to compete with directtv and dish in rural areas, rather than the local cord cutting option i was hoping for. but i really do hope it plays out well for them, and really thing it will among that market that they are aiming this at

01-07-2020, 09:01 AM
OEC has started burying lines for their fiber network in my neighborhood in Moore - SW 34th & Santa Fe

01-07-2020, 09:18 AM
OEC has started burying lines for their fiber network in my neighborhood in Moore - SW 34th & Santa Fe

Are you an OEC customer? I am in an OGE area and about 1 block away from their network. I am guessing it will be a few years until I get it since they are going to OEC customers first and all of us second.

01-07-2020, 09:55 AM
Are you an OEC customer? I am in an OGE area and about 1 block away from their network. I am guessing it will be a few years until I get it since they are going to OEC customers first and all of us second.
Yes, our neighborhood (Oak Ridge) is serviced by OEC for electricity. In the 12 years we've been on OEC we've had very few power outages, and the ones we had were typically resolved very quickly. Definitely looking forward to this option so we can completely move away from Cox.