View Full Version : Two men on motorcycles are assaulted after being cutoff by man in truck on OK backroa
Dustin 09-13-2017, 02:00 PM
The obese gentleman threatens to kill them as well... Lovely bunch of good ol' boys.
mkjeeves 09-13-2017, 02:16 PM I don't know what the story is supposed to be, but pulling up on the wrong side of the road on a bike next to a driver to have words with him seems like a really bad idea.
I guess this was near Bixby?
Does not put our state in good light, to say the least.
mkjeeves 09-13-2017, 02:21 PM Reminds of this road rage incident in California where the cyclist got away and a couple of other people didn't.
rezman 09-13-2017, 02:21 PM The bad thing about this video is that, like many others out there, you don't get to see what led up to the to the stop on the road. So it's real easy to blame the good ole' farm boys for causing the trouble. It looks to me more like a group of hot doggers out for a ride and they took on more than they bargained for.
SOONER8693 09-13-2017, 02:23 PM I don't know what the story is supposed to be, but pulling up on the wrong side of the road on a bike next to a driver to have words with him seems like a really bad idea.
No matter what came before, pulling a gun and threatening people with it is a serious crime.
Swake 09-13-2017, 02:44 PM Yeah, at most the motorcycle could be cited for driving on the wrong side of the road.
The good old boys are guilty of assault and battery, brandishing a weapon, making threats to kill and injure, armed robbery and maybe obstruction of justice and probably more.
mkjeeves 09-13-2017, 02:50 PM No matter what came before, pulling a gun and threatening people with it is a serious crime.
We don't know what other serious crimes may have been committed before that either. It's obvious this was some kind of ongoing traveling incident in that they drive for a couple of minutes up onto the red pickup who is stopped with a gun already pointed out the window. Had to be plenty happen before that not in the video.
Around 3:10 the voice off camera says something like "I don't have a problem with you. Don't f'ing don't cut me off when I got the kids in the car." Did he mean kids in the truck? Who cut who off? It's possible the cyclists started the whole incident with reckless actions that turned into words, cat and mouse, phone a friend, and ended with what we saw on the video. Or not even close.
It just goes to show how silly it is to get that angry over anything, but especially over some perceived cut-off while driving.
You never know who you are dealing with and there are plenty of people who don't have much to lose and/or don't value life; either their own or anyone else's. And let's face it, there are lots of people running around with guns and not a lot of sense.
Like the guy that shot and killed the younger guy in the Target parking lot after the two had some sort of road rage incident. Frankly, I'm just as concerned about the angry middle-aged dude (believe he was around 60 or so) as I am some tough-looking kid.
When someone does something ridiculous on the road I really, really try to say to myself, "It happens" and just move on. There is nothing but bad things that result if you do anything more, no matter how wrong you perceive the other person to have been.
mkjeeves 09-13-2017, 03:03 PM Yep. Time to take a deep breath, slow down, back off. Forget about it.
I've never had much of a temper but certainly have a male competitiveness about me that sometimes gets misdirected. The need to stand up for myself, not take crap, etc.
But the older I get the more I realize anger is the domain of those who don't have the emotional intelligence to deal with things in any other way.
To the extent I can, I give such types a wide berth. And the last thing I want to do is engage some random stranger while they are frothing. Just them being in that state in the first place tells me a lot and reaffirms why it's so important to not interact with such types.
Swake 09-13-2017, 03:34 PM Stealing the camera with video evidence isn't the behavior of innocent people. And if you are going to steal one camera under threat of a gun, you better be sure you have ALL the cameras.
mkjeeves 09-13-2017, 03:37 PM I'm a pretty aggressive driver at times but not in a rage about it. I wasn't driving aggressively at the time but I think I must have cut someone off on the east side of town heading back into OKC on I-40 a few weeks ago. I had a truck I had not even noticed haul up fast around me, cut me off to get ahead of me, slow down for a half mile but not like they were trying to get me to rear end them, just to assert they owned that lane I guess. Then after 30 seconds or a minute, they cut across a couple of empty lanes onto an off ramp. It was weird. No reason for it other than to prove something. Made me think I wasn't paying enough attention to my driving since I had no idea what this was about.
stile99 09-13-2017, 05:48 PM People are just flat out effing stupid, and this is the reason I am very pro self-driving cars. The other day I really offended someone by driving the posted speed limit. I assume I offended them, because otherwise why take the risk of passing in a clearly-marked no passing zone (which was marked that way because it was a hill)? Anyway, there was a van about 4-5 car lengths ahead of me that saw this happen in his rear-view mirror and decided he'll do 45 in a 55 for awhile, just to annoy the idiot who was now behind him/in front of me. Whenever it was safe to pass, he would speed up to the speed limit, dropping back down to 45 when there was traffic in the on-coming lane.
I'll admit I laughed, but let's be honest...the driver of the van was an asshole too. Removing both of these people from the road would be a REALLY great thing.
Anonymous. 09-13-2017, 06:22 PM I like the blue shirt guy realizes he just did everything on about 4 cameras and peels his magnet logo off his truck near the end. Too late, the internet is already spam calling and emailing the company. RIP his career.
People need to just stop doing stupid things. You are on camera 24/7.
rezman 09-13-2017, 06:29 PM Agreed.
We don't know what other serious crimes may have been committed before that either. It's obvious this was some kind of ongoing traveling incident in that they drive for a couple of minutes up onto the red pickup who is stopped with a gun already pointed out the window. Had to be plenty happen before that not in the video.
Around 3:10 the voice off camera says something like "I don't have a problem with you. Don't f'ing don't cut me off when I got the kids in the car." Did he mean kids in the truck? Who cut who off? It's possible the cyclists started the whole incident with reckless actions that turned into words, cat and mouse, phone a friend, and ended with what we saw on the video. Or not even close.
^^^ This is where I'm coming from. It's so easy to get caught up in what we see, that we forget to ask "what did we not see ?". And it was obvious the guys down the road were waiting. And they all knew each other. My point was you never know what your going to get yourself into when you take someone on.
I like the blue shirt guy realizes he just did everything on about 4 cameras and peels his magnet logo off his truck near the end. Too late, the internet is already spam calling and emailing the company. RIP his career.
People need to just stop doing stupid things. You are on camera 24/7.
Although the lack of privacy is a bit scary, I generally feel like if you need to be hiding something you shouldn't be doing it at all.
The law still protects all of us from violations of privacy where that privacy is to be reasonably expected. But if you are out on the road or in another somewhat public space, then it's a good thing there are cameras because that's the best protection for those of us who obey the law.
Video is awesome because it tells its own story. Yes, there often needs to be a fuller context but fundamentally the camera doesn't lie and you immediately can move past the 'I didn't do what he said', etc.
Imagine merely reading about this story: "A man on a motorcycle got into a scuffle with another man in an apparent road rage incident." Completely different that what you experience by watching that vid.
Video forces you to confront harsh realities. You see these people and the way they look and talk and how they brandish weapons and threaten lives over something absolutely silly. That's extremely unsettling for those of us who work hard to insulate ourselves from crap like this.
But it doesn't at all change there are way, way more people out there like this then any of us would like to believe and that in an instant a fit of anger could change your life forever.
ultimatesooner 09-13-2017, 06:52 PM Looks like some city boys on their fancy little bikes learned u can't go to the country and mess with people the hard way, guy in the helmet was begging that truck to pull over and got slapped around with his helmet on, hopefully they learn to be a little more respectful of people on the road from now on
mkjeeves 09-13-2017, 06:52 PM One of the odd things in the video...the guy in the bib overalls who had the gun, later seems to be helping the biker who got the beat down, then gets in a shoving match with another biker.
OKCRT 09-13-2017, 06:59 PM I've never had much of a temper but certainly have a male competitiveness about me that sometimes gets misdirected. The need to stand up for myself, not take crap, etc.
But the older I get the more I realize anger is the domain of those who don't have the emotional intelligence to deal with things in any other way.
To the extent I can, I give such types a wide berth. And the last thing I want to do is engage some random stranger while they are frothing. Just them being in that state in the first place tells me a lot and reaffirms why it's so important to not interact with such types.
20 years ago I would have taken that shotgun away from that guy and stuck it up his you know what. Today I would walk away.
Something very strange and ominous about how the pickup was already stopped up ahead and the guy was waiting and ready to use his gun.
The bottom line is that the bikers may get a slap on the wrist but those other dudes could easily go to jail and the one who pointed the gun and threatened could go to prison for a long time.
I'm morbidly curious to see how this plays out and what had happened before the camera started rolling. I suspect the bikers felt like the guy in the first truck did something uncool so they started harassing him back, then the driver called his buddy to help him deal with the bikers.
OKCRT 09-13-2017, 07:06 PM Did heavy loud mouth guy with the tats on his fat pull a knife at the end of video?
Midtowner 09-13-2017, 08:38 PM The media has picked up on this, Payne County Sheriff is investigating. Cameras are everywhere.
Roger S 09-13-2017, 10:45 PM Something very strange and ominous about how the pickup was already stopped up ahead and the guy was waiting and ready to use his gun.
The bottom line is that the bikers may get a slap on the wrist but those other dudes could easily go to jail and the one who pointed the gun and threatened could go to prison for a long time.
I'm morbidly curious to see how this plays out and what had happened before the camera started rolling. I suspect the bikers felt like the guy in the first truck did something uncool so they started harassing him back, then the driver called his buddy to help him deal with the bikers.
That other pickup on the side of the road was the first thing I noticed. The Bubba Syndicate was in full force there and those motorcyclists didn't even notice it.
Both growing up in a rural community and still spending a lot of time in rural areas. One thing you have to always realize about a lot of rural men.... There isn't a problem in this world they don't think can't be fixed with a good ass whoopin and if they have to put on a bigger boot to do it they will.
Not saying it's right but it's their culture and how they view what it means to be a "Real Man". It's also a big reason why while I enjoy a lot of the same things as most rural men. I do them by myself and stay away from the Bubba Syndicate.
Urbanized 09-14-2017, 05:01 AM Yes, Fatty did pull a knife and threaten the motorcyclists with it ("I'll cut your throat"). Also, it's easy to miss but Overalls actually discharges his shotgun at about the thirty second mark.
Authorities Investigating Viral Oklahoma Road Rage Incident (
PAWNEE COUNTY, Oklahoma - A road rage incident escalates into an all out brawl in rural Oklahoma.
The Pawnee County Sheriff's Office confirmed an investigation is now underway.
One driver, Paul Wiseley, 60, who can be seen wielding a knife in the video, has been arrested for assault with a deadly weapon & robbery.
Investigators said they could not comment due to the ongoing investigation.
Video of the clash between a group of motorcyclists and armed motorist was posted to social media, Monday.
Camden, the biker seen wearing a blue t-shirt and jeans, says it happened while he and nearly a dozen street bikers from Stillwater were traveling through Maramec in Pawnee County, Sunday.
"I was on a small bike so i couldn't go very fast but i was at least going the speed limit and a truck pulled up on us," Camden said the incident escalated quickly," he slowed down enough to where we thought he might have been mad about something."
The video shows the driver of a pickup truck arguing with a biker after the driver allegedly cut the biker off.
Camden said the truck narrowly missed one of the bikes and nearly ran another off the road.
"He was telling us to pull over but we were scared," Camden says he'd seen videos of what could happen if they were to stop.
Camden says the driver of truck parked up the road fire a gunshot into the air causing everyone to stop.
The video shows that only intensified the situation.
A fight broke out. The driver could be seen shoving the biker, then repeatedly, punching the biker.
Several other trucks pull up and a man waving a knife ordered everyone to get back.
Camden says he wanted to intervene and help his friend who was still under attack and nearly unconscious; however, the driver armed with a knife allegedly attacked him.
"I'll cut your (expletive) throat. do you hear me ?," the man can be heard saying off camera.
Camden replies, "alright, calm down, we will go."
The video didn't stop there, other fights broke out within the group.
We were unable to identify and locate the truck driver involved in the fight. However, a woman who was passenger in the truck could be heard yelling at the bikers for allegedly endangering her the children in the car.
mkjeeves 09-14-2017, 08:07 AM The kids are all over the road in both lanes in the 9 minute video. In the trailing end of the video they are recounting what happened. It's garbled. Ones says one of the trucks passed so and so. Almost ran him off the road. Another says "I wouldn't let him pass me." What does that mean?
Sounds like there is a longer video on the Go Pro camera the one guy stole.
Paul Wiseley, the guy with the big belly that claimed to be a Hell's Angel, has a rap sheet a mile long and spent time in prison for assaulting a police officer. He's the one who threatened with the knife and gun.
It sounds like it happened pretty much as I had guessed, that the guy in the first truck got frustrated while trying to pass the bikers and then did something to piss them off, which led to the confrontation.
It is frustrating when you can't go as fast as you want but in the end, what does such a delay cost you? A minute of extra time? People risk their life and those of others merely because they won't be slowed down for even a tiny fraction of time. Then the driver of the truck wants to claim the biker is endangering his wife in kids who are passengers.
You see this all the time when cars aggressively change lanes to get from behind someone making a left turn. All to save maybe 5-10 seconds of wait time.
Urbanized 09-14-2017, 08:15 AM ^^^^^^
I saw it was close to Hallett (someone in the YouTube comments provided location data) and wondered if they were headed up there. I rode through that area and came within a mile of that location a few weeks ago coming back from Keystone.
If that news story is to believed it sounds like the guy in the truck may have become enraged by not being able to pass a big group of riders, some of whom could not go fast due to riding Groms and other non-interstate-capable bikes. I've encountered this type of road rage before on organized group rides, especially at scooter rallies, where some of the scoots might only be able to go 45 or so. That's why these bikes were sticking to country highways, in addition to them simply being better rides than divided highways.
Urbanized 09-14-2017, 08:24 AM Oops. I was composing my post at the same time as yours, Pete, but reached the same conclusion. The guy most likely was pissed because he couldn't pass easily, then probably did something reckless and aggressive. Motorcyclist yells at him through window, guy calls ahead to round up (armed) friends to back him up, more or less ambushes biker and beats him senseless with zero physical provocation from the rider.
Weapons discharged, people threatened with knives, and robbery by intimidation (stolen GoPros) this should be very cut and dried, but it won't be. People will defend the actions of the assaulter and the people with weapons because the public in general hates motorcycles, because the riders were in a pack, or because the riders "didn't stay in their lane." All you have to do is read the YouTube comments to see how many people think all motorcyclists deserve to die and celebrating the fact that this guy (who didn't swing or even really fight back) got a "good old country ass-whipping."
Also disturbing to see the detention center seems to be in violation of the Open Records Act.
Read the comments on the Youtube video.
The majority are praising the good 'ol boys for whipping the snide 'city kids'.
It's amazing that so many don't understand or don't care about the law.
Say what you will about the anonymous nature of much of the internet but it does tend to unmask the true attitudes that many hold, as scary as that may be.
The only thing that has really changed is we can now see this sort of thing in plain view.
mkjeeves 09-14-2017, 08:33 AM Oops. I was composing my post at the same time as yours, Pete, but reached the same conclusion. The guy most likely was pissed because he couldn't pass easily, then probably did something reckless and aggressive. Motorcyclist yells at him through window, guy calls ahead to round up (armed) friends to back him up, more or less ambushes biker and beats him senseless with zero physical provocation from the rider.
Weapons discharged, people threatened with knives, and robbery by intimidation (stolen GoPros) this should be very cut and dried, but it won't be. People will defend the actions of the assaulter and the people with weapons because the public in general hates motorcycles, because the riders were in a pack, or because the riders "didn't stay in their lane." All you have to do is read the YouTube comments to see how many people think all motorcyclists deserve to die and celebrating the fact that this guy (who didn't swing or even really fight back) got a "good old country ass-whipping."
Also disturbing to see the detention center seems to be in violation of the Open Records Act.
That's the gist of it but there is more to it than that. Guys on bikes were probably hogging the road, riding both sides, grouped to not let faster drivers past. Got passed aggressively and almost run off the road, got pissed, more aggressive, helped to escalate the event until it was completely out of control. Just because you are in a group does not mean you can hog the road, drive the wrong way on both sides, block people passing. That's against the law and reckless.
I've been in a situation where I passed bikers and had them decide they needed to run up on me, tailgate, and act aggressively. There are a holes everywhere.
Anonymous. 09-14-2017, 08:34 AM The local county jail not releasing any information is one of the scariest parts of that story. You know they know this guy and probably all of those country guys. Small towns in OK are very oldschool when it comes to these things and I wouldn't be surprised if there is a lot of protection going around as the whole area is likely related to one another.
The local county jail not releasing any information is one of the scariest parts of that story. You know they know this guy and probably all of those country guys. Small towns in OK are very oldschool when it comes to these things and I wouldn't be surprised if there is a lot of protection going around as the whole area is likely related to one another.
I run into this sort of thing when dealing with people who are not used to getting open records requests.
The City of OKC has an entire process outlined for this sort of thing but if I call or go by Warr Acres, or Bethany or the Village or Nichols Hills, I am almost met with first resistance and suspicion then a complete lack of understanding of the laws. Even when I press, they often make things difficult.
And even people within OKC can be very resistant in some circumstances.
Filthy 09-14-2017, 08:51 AM dumb country bumpkin f*cks
Urbanized 09-14-2017, 08:54 AM After watching the entire (longer) video - including the off-camera dialog at about 8:30 - it seems to confirm the bikers' stories. Guy was pissed and trying to pass, pulled aggressive moves, bikers blocked him, then he tried to run bikers off road. The REAL mistake they made was following him when he turned down that country road, where he had obviously called ahead to coordinate armed friends and a beating of someone who never touched him or his vehicle.
Creating a false equivalency between yelling at someone through the window of a moving vehicle or even making it difficult to pass, compared to trying to run a person on a motorcycle off a road with a pickup, assault with a deadly weapon, discharging a shotgun, brandishing a knife, beating a victim unconscious, threatening to "kill all of you," "cut your throats," "blow your faces off," etc, shows how badly people always want to find a way for a car driver to be in the right and a motorcyclist to be deserving of whatever bad thing comes their way.
Urbanized 09-14-2017, 09:01 AM I'll put its this way: the driver of the pickup who assaulted the kid claims to also be a motorcyclist, and the guy with the big belly and the knife claims to be a Hell's Angel (not sure what the local Outlaws think about this, BTW). I'll promise if the guy in the pickup had instead been on a bike, and a car driver with a GoPro had been lured down a country road to be ambushed by bikers wielding knives and shotguns, beaten unconscious and robbed, commenters would nearly universally want the motorcyclists to be strung up. NOBODY would be excusing their actions.
You could say the same thing about motorists' attitudes towards people on bikes.
"They think the own the road!" In fact, people on motorcycles and bicycles have just as much right to the road as someone in a car.
Heaven forbid you actually have to drive the speed limit for a couple of miles or actually wait until it's safe to pass.
All this anger in so many forms. Why are people so easily enraged over such trivial things?
Urbanized 09-14-2017, 09:08 AM ^^^^^
Anonymous. 09-14-2017, 09:09 AM ...
All this anger in so many forms. Why are people so easily enraged over such trivial things?
Louis is spot-on when it comes to driving:
Urbanized 09-14-2017, 09:11 AM y_anonymous_and_emotionally.html
All of this is exactly why it's such an incredibly bad idea for so many to be driving around with guns.
OkiePoke 09-14-2017, 09:20 AM That's the gist of it but there is more to it than that. Guys on bikes were probably hogging the road, riding both sides, grouped to not let faster drivers past. Got passed aggressively and almost run off the road, got pissed, more aggressive, helped to escalate the event until it was completely out of control. Just because you are in a group does not mean you can hog the road, drive the wrong way on both sides, block people passing. That's against the law and reckless.
I've been in a situation where I passed bikers and had them decide they needed to run up on me, tailgate, and act aggressively. There are a holes everywhere.
Not saying the bikers didn't do this. Not sure if you are trying to defend the actions non-bikers.
Assault one, threaten another with a knife, to shoot off 1-2 shots from a shotgun, and steal their cameras is not justified and is illegal. This isn't assault, this is assault with a deadly weapon.
Not referring to anyone in this thread but it's scary how so many don't understand that some small wrong by one party (real or perceived) does not mean you can do whatever you want in return.
Urbanized 09-14-2017, 09:24 AM ce_on_two_wheels_.html
Urbanized 09-14-2017, 09:27 AM Not referring to anyone in this thread but it's scary how so many don't understand that some small wrong by one party (real or perceived) does not mean you can do whatever you want in return.
Yep. "You yelled at me" or "you wouldn't let me pass when I wanted to" does not deserve a response of ADW, vehicular assault, ambush, beating someone unconscious and THEN kicking them, armed robbery, and on and on...ever.
Anonymous. 09-14-2017, 09:32 AM Not referring to anyone in this thread but it's scary how so many don't understand that some small wrong by one party (real or perceived) does not mean you can do whatever you want in return.
Yes, and this is why I avoid confrontation at all costs. People exist that legitimately think you can beat and kill others if they simply did something that upset you or inconvenienced you in any way. The social media comments on this video are extremely telling as you say. I used to be susceptible to road rage back in the days, but now I am one of the most patient drivers out there I think. I also run a dashcamera, so the peace of mind also stems from that.
jerrywall 09-14-2017, 09:38 AM Just to throw this in for those that don't know. One of the most disturbing things in the video is when the guy removed the bikers helmet. It's a good way to cause severe neck damage. Never remove someone else's helmet, even if you're tring to help. Let the paramedics or the folks in the ER do it. I have a sticker on my helmet telling folks not to do that.
You really have to stop and think about how much you have to lose and how someone who has such a crazy, over-the-top reaction probably lacks self control and likely doesn't place nearly the same value on life and in consequences in general.
People may recall that not long after I moved here i had an outrageous run-in with someone over road rage. That I made a right turn onto 10th and this guy must have just then decided to change into that same lane which caused him to slow down slightly as I pulled in front of him.
He's blowing his horn and screaming into the windshield and generally losing his mind. I made a right turn onto Broadway and pulled into a parking space on the side of the road, and he pulls up beside me, rolls down his window and let fly with a torrent of threats and obscenities. In 25 years of living in L.A., I never had anything close to this happen.
I was really shaken by it but I didn't say a word to the guy (as hard as it was) and merely walked away. He sped off in a fit of rage. All this at about 9AM in the morning.
I really do think people in this area of the country are worse about this sort of thing. Everyone is used to going as fast as they want and if someone actually causes them to tap their brakes or slow down for a minute, it's a huge personal affront and reason for physical confrontation.
And as stated, many more people here drive around with guns in their cars. Really a scary situation and I hope I can always find the presence of mind to never escalate no matter how 'wrong' the other person may be.
mkjeeves 09-14-2017, 09:45 AM "false equivalency" ... "motorcyclists strung up"...etc.
Obviously you must be talking about comments from some other thread, I haven't seen anyone here say what the bikers got was deserved, legal, appropriate.
Likewise, some of the the bikers broke the law repeatedly in the video, one did admit to not letting a motorist pass him, whatever that entailed and exercised horrible judgement, reckless driving, in carrying on a heated discussion while riding down the wrong way of a two lane road. No need to pretend none of that happened either. Bikers can be total A-holes at times, discourteous, aggressive, full of road rage. I've seen it. And some can act normally. I've owned a bike. Do not presently.
Both things appeared to have happened. Cite them and/or lock them all up for their respective crimes.
jerrywall 09-14-2017, 09:47 AM Paul Wiseley, the guy with the big belly that claimed to be a Hell's Angel, has a rap sheet a mile long and spent time in prison for assaulting a police officer. He's the one who threatened with the knife and gun.
This is interesting, because if true, he identified himself as a Hell's Angel member in a red and gold state. And if not true, it could be even worse for him.
"false equivalency" ... "motorcyclists strung up"...etc.
Obviously you must be talking about comments from some other thread, I haven't seen anyone here say what the bikers got was deserved, legal, appropriate.
Likewise, some of the the bikers broke the law repeatedly in the video, one did admit to not letting a motorist pass him, whatever that entailed and exercised horrible judgement, reckless driving, in carrying on a heated discussion while riding down the wrong way of a two lane road. No need to pretend none of that happened either. Bikers can be total A-holes at times, discourteous, aggressive, full of road rage. I've seen it. And some can act normally. I've owned a bike. Do not presently.
You say no one is saying they got what they deserved then go on to talk about all the things they did wrong and make generalized negative comments about bikers and about these guys in particular.
You seem to be completely contradicting yourself.
Otherwise, why does it matter what the bikers did? The law will sort this out and you know at most one of them may get a ticket.
TheTravellers 09-14-2017, 10:02 AM ^^^^^
Ego depletion (or self-control being a limited resource) might not be really valid any longer, now that it's been studied more. Was disappointed to hear it since one of the books about eating better that we were going to use relies on that concept.
mkjeeves 09-14-2017, 10:02 AM You say no one is saying they got what they deserved then go on to talk about all the things they did wrong and make generalized negative comments about bikers and about these guys in particular.
You seem to be completely contradicting yourself.
Otherwise, why does it matter what the bikers did? The law will sort this out and you know at most one of them may get a ticket.
While you were typing that, I was adding this: Both things appeared to have happened. Cite them and/or lock them all up for their respective crimes.
That's my point.
rezman 09-14-2017, 10:25 AM I was talking with a coworker this morning, who lives up there and knows some of the folks involved, and he's saying that it all started about 15 minutes before the video we see. He said the guy in the pickup may have pulled out on the road when the bikes were approaching. Since he was carrying the load, he was driving slow and the bikes came up on him quick. The bikers got pissed off and somewhere along the way, they rode beside him and were hitting his side windows. He had his wife and kids in the truck and it went from there. The guy who took the ass wooping, and the guy that was waving the shotgun, wound up knowing each other, and didn't realize it until he was checking on him and the helmet came off.
This is exactly why video is so awesome.
Almost every case devolves into someone claiming one thing and someone else swearing it didn't happen that way. Even impartial eye witnesses are notoriously unreliable.
In this case, even if what happened before filming start can never be proven, it really won't matter much.
A side note about eye witnesses. Several years ago I was working at home and heard tires squealing on my street and as I glanced out the window I saw this car careening into the cul-de-sac running up on the sidewalk, hitting a parked car then coming to rest in the middle of the road.
I went outside to find an bewildered elderly lady behind the wheel. I called the police and waited with her. Turns out she seemed to have had a mild stroke but was otherwise okay.
When the cops arrived I described what I had seen. One of them said, "Are you sure her car went up on the sidewalk before hitting the parked car? The marks on the road and vehicles don't seem to match that account."
And while I had been 100% sure before he asked, I suddenly realized it all happened in a very unexpected flash and then couldn't be completely sure of the sequence.
It was really a bizarre experience because I pride myself on an excellent memory, but attorney friends have told me eye witnesses are often terrible in trials exactly because things happen unexpectedly and quickly and the mind can play tricks.
Jersey Boss 09-14-2017, 10:51 AM FWIW. As someone who enjoys the benefits of cycling I can only offer anecdotal comments. I have never had a motorcycle engage with me when I am road cycling. However I have had motorists swerve at me as well as throw things from open widows. It also seems that the more aggressive cage drivers are in trucks and not sedans. This type of behavior is why I have gravitated more to trail riding. I have never passed a tree that threw something at me.
In my experience, the bigger the truck the more aggressive the driver.