View Full Version : Elizabethtown

10-11-2005, 09:27 PM
I just saw the premier of Elizabethtown. Very good movie. I went in a bit skeptical thinking it was just another chick flick and I'm not usually real into those that much.
However, it was much better than I expected. There was no huge plot, but it was just a movie about life.

It was very funny and yet sometimes you would just finish laughing your head off and suddenly feel like almost crying.

The OKC Bombing Memorial and the Round Barn are in it. Go Oklahoma!

Anyway, I just thought I'd give my recommendation. Guys, this would be a good date movie. It was lightly romantic without being mushy or uncomfortable. Although it was rated as PG-13 I'd say that was mainly due to the F word being used twice, and then only as part of conversation - not as something degrading. There was no nudity - unless you count Orlando Bloom's barechest while he's sleeping. Also, no sex scenes. They only insinuate - but don't show you or anything.

02-08-2006, 01:56 PM
I just watched this movie last night - I had forgotten all about the Oklahoma references in the movie so I was so surprised!!! I had to rewind that part a few times.. it was beautiful!

Speaking of beautiful!

OMG - Orlando Bloom is so gorgeous!!

I think you have to watch it just to see OK and him ...

02-08-2006, 02:44 PM
Karried, if you want to view a movie shot entirely and set in Oklahoma City, may I suggest Sam & Janet. It's an indie directed by KATT FMs own Rick Walker, and yes, it's a chick flick.

There are awesome shots of OKC, and the film makes OKC look really good, but the acting is eh, and the storyline is okay. It did win best screenplay at the NYC film festival in 2002. It's Rick's first flick, and he used some local beginning actors, and guest stars Gary Busey (from Oklahoma).

You see scenes form Lake Hefner, Bricktown Brewery, downtown OKC, and one of our historic neighborhoods, as well as Samuel Gordon Jewelers.

Sam & Janet is for available for rent at Hollywood Video on VHS and DVD, at least I believe it still is. I rented it in 2004.

02-11-2006, 11:17 AM
Cool, I'll check it out.. thanks

02-15-2006, 05:47 PM
Yes, Sam and Janet is a pretty decent flick with lots of OKC in it.