View Full Version : I-40 West of Amarillo Junction

08-23-2017, 07:30 AM
So for months now, ODOT has been working on the west-bound lanes and are finally finishing up work on this side before they start on the east-bound. That's an assumption since the cones are now showing up on the east bound side. They had been pulling out sections at night and dropping in pre-fab blocks, then they cover them to smooth it out. They've worked about half of the total driving surface this way in the concrete section between the bridge of the junction and Meridian.

So here's my question. Does anyone know if they will be shaving off the top when the whole project is complete? Right now, the surface is more bumpy than before they started the work. So i'm HOPING that they have some magic fix up their sleeve for when each side is totally finished with this portion. They haven't painted as they have gone around, so i'm hoping that's a good sign that they aren't done working the surface.

08-23-2017, 09:28 AM
When I-40 was reworked east of Choctaw Road, the bad patches were cut out and new concrete poured. When that was all finished both lanes were ground down and it was AMAZINGLY smooth.