View Full Version : Lasik Eye Surgery, Any recommendations?

10-11-2005, 10:01 AM
Has anyone had anyone had an experience with Lasik ? Who would you recommend.

10-11-2005, 11:25 AM
I highly recommend Advance Laser Center and Dr. Belardo. My wife (soon to be ex) had an excellent experience with him. It costs only $699/eye for either PRK or Lasik. The initial consultation is free and they will be up front with you about whether you qualify or not. In fact, my wife originally did not qualify, but they gave her drops to put in her eyes for 2 weeks and told her to quit rubbing. She did that, they ran the tests again and she qualified. The PRK procedure takes a little more recovery time but has a higher overall success rate.

Another thing about the cost. The $699/eye covers 3 months worth of follow-up appts. However, you can pay more per eye and get more 'coverage' We ended up paying the maximum cost per eye ($999/eye I believe) which gave my wife lifetime coverage and covers any additional procedures that might have to be performed in the future.

The doctor and his staff were extremely friendly and very knowledgeable.

Please keep in mind that the above information was as of December 2004/January 2005, so it might have changed since. The link to their web site is below:

10-20-2005, 02:04 PM
I used Dr. Belardo as well.....great experience. I paid for one year of "enhancements"...had to have one and it worked great! I didn't pay for the lifetime, because I figured new technology might come out and I'd rather have that.

10-20-2005, 02:06 PM
I used Dr. Belardo as well.....great experience. I paid for one year of "enhancements"...had to have one and it worked great! I didn't pay for the lifetime, because I figured new technology might come out and I'd rather have that.

We were told that it would include any new technology that might come out. We'll see. So far, she hasn't had any difficulties (knocking on wood)

10-20-2005, 03:16 PM
The PRK procedure takes a little more recovery time but has a higher overall success rate.

This is what I have heard as well, when it comes to your eyes and your eyesight, its worth paying a little more than the cheapest guy in town. It is an investment for the rest of your life

10-23-2005, 12:33 PM
I had both eyes done in late '01, it was up on N.W. Expressway, but I don't remember the Drs. name.
I would highly recommend it! The experience was very professionally yet compassionately done. I remember the Dr. saying the whole time things like you're doing great everything is going along beautifully. Very reassuring words when you are getting laser things done to the only two eyes you've got! The most painful part of the whole thing...recovery time included, was the drops they put in at the very beginning, stings like crazy but you blink through it and in a minute or so you don't feel a thing....which is a good thing!
I would say to anyone that can benefit by it to get 'er done! It's worth it~IMO

10-25-2005, 11:47 AM
The interesting thing is that most of the docs here at Dean McGee still haven't gotten LASIK. I wonder why? They still haven't gotten all the bugs worked out yet. About 2-3% of people still have their night vision ruined by LASIK, mostly due to doctors that perform the surgery on people that shouldn't have it done. Still, I wouldn't get the surgery done until they get the kinks worked out.

10-25-2005, 11:54 AM
The interesting thing is that most of the docs here at Dean McGee still haven't gotten LASIK. I wonder why? They still haven't gotten all the bugs worked out yet. About 2-3% of people still have their night vision ruined by LASIK, mostly due to doctors that perform the surgery on people that shouldn't have it done. Still, I wouldn't get the surgery done until they get the kinks worked out.

That's exactly what the doctors at Advanced Laser Center said as well. They took my wife thru about 3 hours worth of tests only to find out that she was a borderline candidate. They gave her some drops and told her to stop rubbing for two weeks and then they would re-check her. We went back, for another 2 hour stint, and they told her that for her the PRK procedure would be best since she is a known "rubber".

I was extremely pleased with their honesty and professionalism. I've heard horror stories about other places in town, but haven't heard anything but great things about Advanced Laser Center and Dr. Belardo.

(wow, that sounded like a commercial! i should offer to do spots for them...LOL)


10-25-2005, 11:58 AM
That's great that they spend so much time with their patients determining successful candidates from potential nonsuccessful ones. Not many LASIK specialists are that thorough.

11-27-2005, 08:28 PM
I wear glasses, but im not confident to get laser surgery
I know you have to sign a statement saying you cant sue them if they cause injury to your eyesight... to me thats just too risky.

03-01-2007, 02:16 AM

I had laser surgery about 12 years ago on both eyes, it was the best thing I have ever done. They said that after the age of 45 eyesight would start to change again and I would probably need reading glasses at some time. I'm now 55 and can still see fine. If glasses bother you that much and they tell you that you should get a really good result be brave and go for it. Good luck.


03-01-2007, 06:50 AM
My wife went to Dr. Belardo after her regular doctor suggested it. This was about 3 years ago. She loves it. It got rid of her headaches and she hated keeping up with glasses. We had a relative lose an eye to an infection from a contact, so the wife wasn't going to risk it.

I wouldn't hesitate going to a big outfit like Dr. B's. He's done thousands and ANY procedure has 'kinks' or risks. If everyone took waited for a zero risk nobody would go the the dentist as there are still deaths from routine oral procedures.

03-01-2007, 01:31 PM
I havent had Lasik myself but went for a consultation at the TLC Laser Eye Center on NW Expressway quite a few months ago. Everyone was really polite, despite the fast that I was extremely late due to obtaining the wrong directions for Mapquest. I hate being late and was really embarassed. Anyway, it was like $1400 an eye there so I said no thanks. I am not sure if I will go there, but I am saving to have the surgery early next year. I'm already nervous but I can't wait to not have to deal with the hassle of glasses and contacts. What a feeling it must be to wake up in the morning, open your eyes, and see the world clearly. My dad had it 7 years ago and hasn't had one problem. Oh and that $1400 included anything for the next 5 years.

03-01-2007, 10:15 PM
My sister paid $1300.00 per eye about 6 years ago and now the price has gone down considerably, I would love to have it done.

01-10-2008, 01:28 PM
Has anyone had anyone had an experience with Lasik ? Who would you recommend.

heya upisggr8, how are you now? Anyway i undergo Lasik surgery last year the reason i replied to your thread, the result to me was pretty amazing, at first there was side effects ( its normal) but after a couple of months the condition of my eyes went great I can now see 20/20 and its pretty cool going out without having an eye glasses. It makes me feel young again. I had my Lasik at my2020 ( actually. How about you where did you had it?

01-10-2008, 11:36 PM
Only positive experiences reported here!

Must be because those 2% of cases can no longer even read a computer screen.

I don't know if its that bad, but it seems that I've heard horror stories.....

LASIK surgery ruined my eyes (

01-10-2008, 11:54 PM
You could also try this new revoltionary procedure.

YouTube - Phaser Eye Surgery ( (

01-11-2008, 05:47 AM
I'd like to have this done but was thinking of waiting to move back so I'd have the doctor nearby for the lifetime warranty (wouldn't do me much good if I was not there). At the same time, I don't know that I want to wait five years which is when I plan to move back.