View Full Version : Would be state capitol? (Putnam City/Warr Acres subterranean tunnels)

07-19-2017, 04:57 AM
Would-be State Capitol?

In the summer of 1910, Oklahoma voters selected Oklahoma City for their capitol. Entrepreneur I.M Putnam planned development on a large tract of land he intended to donate along with cash to the state if it would build the capitol there. In August, Governor Haskell accepted the Capitol Commission’s recommendation for Putnam’s land as the site of the building. The building, which was at the heart of Putnam’s plan, was located near N.W. 40th and modern-day N.W. 39th, which was at that time called Putnam City Boulevard; it was a wide, tree-lined boulevard with railroad tracks down the center.
A large forested park, called Putnam City Grove, ran from N.W. 34th to N.W. 39th, between today’s Ann Arbor and Grove. That summer and fall of 1910, engineers and laborers began to excavate and lay utility lines in the area for the capitol.
By November, however, legal issues were brought up regarding the legality of the ballot which named Oklahoma City the capitol was invalid. If the ballot was illegal, then the Capitol Commission wasn’t valid, and Putnam City was not the site of the new capitol.

The legislature then convened and declared that the will of the people was for Oklahoma City to be the capitol, which set the wheels in motion for the present location at N.E. 23rd and Lincoln, because it was closer to downtown.
“Putnam City,” of course, was never incorporated as a city, and most of the land that would have been the location of the capitol is now what we know as Warr Acres, originally a housing addition which was created nearby in 1937 by Clyde B. Warr, an Oklahoma City real estate promoter since the 1920s. He followed with Warr Acres Second Addition. In the area’s early years an interurban railway provided quick access to jobs in Oklahoma City, and a bus line launched in 1946 by Warr provided similar service. Transportation promoted growth that accelerated in the post-World War II era.
By the 1940s many housing developments had been planted in the western part of Oklahoma County. The impetus for incorporation came in January 1948 when Bethany’s city council voted to annex Ferguson Park, Smythe Place, and part of Warr Acres. Therefore, in February residents of eight other additions, including Putnam City, joined the three in petitioning to incorporate. The county commission allowed it. Of the approximately 2,000 area residents, 857 voted for the merger (40 voted against). Bethany filed suit, and the Oklahoma Supreme Court upheld the Warr Acres incorporation. The name Warr Acres remained, because the community had earlier been given that postal designation.

Now, for the part most don’t know:

This past two weeks, one of the buildings in Putnam’s would-be capitol complex, known for decades as the Putnam City Schools maintenance building, located near N.W. 39th and State, has been undergoing demolition. When Putnam began to develop this complex, he installed subterranean tunnels throughout the small area, rumored to be wide enough through which to run a train or trolley. The idea was that the buildings in the capitol complex could be accessed through the tunnels.

I have no idea how extensive the tunnels originally were, but I know that in the past three decades there was a section of tunnel that ran at least from under the elementary school, (Arbor Grove Elementary) which was formerly located between Macarthur and about Wall St on N.W. 40th, to the Maintenance building at N.W. 39th and State, and under N.W. 39th Street to at least the back lot of what was formerly Cable Mitsubishi, directly south of the Maintenance building. There was originally an entrance to the tunnel both under the elementary school, as well as the maintenance building, and another in the back lot of the auto dealership south of N.W. 39th.

When the elementary school demolition was completed by October of 2014, the entrance to the tunnel was sealed. I’d heard rumors for years that the entrance under the Maintenance building had also been sealed. Warr Acres Fire Department personnel reportedly conducted training in and around the tunnel before it sealing. I’ve had conversations with a Warr Acres Fire Captain who confirmed he’d been down into the tunnels, which he described as being built of brick and easily wide and large enough to drive a car through. He said one tunnel went north and crossed under N.W. 42nd street, another went south under N.W. 39th, but that section was sealed and “filled in” when he was in the tunnels. He further said that his father, the former Fire Chief, told him that the tunnel that crossed under N.W. 39th (Which the Fire Captain had been in) at about Grove, and that it had another point of entry behind what is now 39th Street Pawn, and further, that at one point, that tunnel had caved in at N.W. 39th Street, causing construction crews to have to fill the tunnel in to repair N.W. 39th Expressway. The Fire Captain was unaware, or unable to confirm the other tunnel at the Maintenance building, or the entrance in the auto sales lot.

When I learned about the impending demolition of the Maintenance building, I knew that time was short to have any chance at all at seeing the tunnel before it was sealed forever, and made attempts to secure permission to enter the building and check out the stories of the tunnel entrance, but I did not get my chance until literally DAYS before the proverbial “wrecking ball.” (More literally, a Cat Excavator) The rumors I’d heard over the past 30 or so years were that the building had a basement, and the tunnel entrance had been there. In searching the building, I was disappointed to find a hatch on the ground level, which I’d describe as similar to a hinged hatch one would normally find to a cellar on the outside of a house, inside the building… after lifting the hatch, I found that the opening underneath looked as if it had been filled with concrete… thus, making the word I’d heard of that entrance being sealed all the more credible.

Sadly, only the day before, I’d found that the entrance hatch in the back lot of the auto dealership, which I’d found hasped and padlocked shut in previous years, no longer had the lock on it, but, alas, heaving the heavy metal hatch had revealed even more bitter disappointment: the shaft descending to the tunnel was filled to within approximately two feet of the surface with green, murky water!
I find it sad that this building is being destroyed after standing for about 100 years. I don’t have an exact date of the building’s completion, and would welcome any further information on the building from anyone here, or more information on the tunnels themselves, as well as any further documentation, or even oral tradition about the tunnels themselves, as I have been unable to find any such documentation.

I have learned that Putnam City Schools have issued a 100 year book on the school district, and that most of the metropolitan libraries have copies. I will endeavor to check one of those books to see if I can find any vintage photos of the Maintenance building, or any other documentation of the tunnels.

07-19-2017, 06:38 AM
The maintenance building was built in 1909 IRC. and was known as the Arnett Building. It was originally about twice the size that it is now. There was a section of the building that was destroyed by fire in the late 40's or early 50's... not sure of exact year.

I went to school there in the 70's and had also heard of the tunnels, but had never saw or been in them. At that time the building was being used as the industrial arts building, housing the wood and metal shops, and was known as the east annex.


07-19-2017, 08:13 AM
The maintenance building was built in 1909 IRC. and was known as the Arnett Building. It was originally about twice the size that it is now. There was a section of the building that was destroyed by fire in the late 40's or early 50's... not sure of exact year.

I went to school there in the 70's and had also heard of the tunnels, but had never saw or been in them. At that time the building was being used as the industrial arts building, housing the wood and metal shops, and was known as the east annex.


Thanks for that, rezman. I'll add that to the information I'm compiling. Actually, from what little was available on the net, I didn't think the building was built until after 1910, which would mean the other rumor that the state seal had been "stored" there overnight in its move from Guthrie was impossible... probably still just a story, but feasible, however unlikely.

07-19-2017, 09:15 AM
I neglected to give credit where credit is due, and it may help straighten out some facts.

Since I grew up in Warr Acres, I have been very interested in the history of the original Warr Acres, and prior to that, the planned Putman City development and exactly where the center of the development would have been. It's a very interesting history, and like you said, there's not a lot on the net, and it has to be pieced together.

It's a shame the Arnett building is being razed. It was only a couple weeks ago that I rode by there on the motor scooter and it was still standing. I took wood shop in that building and you could tell it was ancient even back then.

In fact, it's all gone now. From Ann Arbor to Macarthur, including the old Coronado Shops, that used to be on the corner of 39th & Mac.

07-19-2017, 10:06 AM
never actually heard of the tunnels... but i was interested in the idea of the capitol being located there after finding an old map online several years ago. here's a section that i cropped from that map:

here is a copy with modern streets overlaid. (

07-19-2017, 10:19 AM
^^^ Very cool Martin. By this map, the house I grew up in at 47th & State is sitting on what was part of the State Capitol Land. I can see how State street may have got it's name.

07-19-2017, 02:27 PM,-97.6117897,3a,75y,311.24h,90.88t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sTyv7kmPUf67hNsp4jPbovA!2e0!7i1 3312!8i6656,-97.6118572,3a,75y,163.15h,94.08t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1stUqKWHMH7jeWS2sCXpgHaw!2e0!7i1 3312!8i6656,-97.6118572,3a,75y,125.62h,95.41t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1stUqKWHMH7jeWS2sCXpgHaw!2e0!7i1 3312!8i6656,-97.6122712,3a,30y,169.68h,90.33t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1swSTbJjCh11y-gK2OvWX7gg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

07-20-2017, 08:43 AM
Matt B, Nice read!!! I went to school there in the mid 80's and never heard of these tunnels until just a few days ago. There is a guy named Kyle Howerton that I went to school with, and he briefly went down one of the tunnels once. He is on facebook. If you want his #, send me a message on here.

07-20-2017, 08:50 AM
Matt B, Nice read!!! I went to school there in the mid 80's and never heard of these tunnels until just a few days ago. There is a guy named Kyle Howerton that I went to school with, and he briefly went down one of the tunnels once. He is on facebook. If you want his #, send me a message on here.
If he has photos...

07-21-2017, 04:47 AM
Mary Srum Parks says: "When I was in 5th grade there were 7 classrooms upstairs. The next year there were none upstairs but they hired a new 6th grade teacher and put her in the main floor lobby. Sometime later in that school year I remember a maintenance worker or custodian leading the entire class down to the basement and pointing out a tunnel that looked like it went out under the football field. The tunnel was stacked full of really old desks and other furniture so you couldn't explore it but it was still fascinating to see. This was almost 60 years ago so I don't remember where the entrance to the basement was."

07-21-2017, 04:47 AM

07-21-2017, 06:58 AM
Years ago, I explored remaining visible signs of the old street car routes around town. One of the cool ones that thousands pass by daily without realizing it is at 40th & Penn where the old easement to Classen is still visible.,-97.5472286,3a,37.5y,90.59h,87t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1srYxOIHrtaXeuQ4TDw29_gw!2e0!7i1 3312!8i6656

07-21-2017, 08:41 AM
Wow, fascinating thread!

Regarding old streetcars, I was reading about the history of Jefferson Park on and came upon this excerpt:
"From their beginnings around 1902, use of Oklahoma City street cars reached their zenith in 1919, carrying a total of 17.5 million passengers, up from the 9.5 million passengers in 1915. Ridership fell in 1924 to just about twelve million due to increased automobile travel. In 1925, the railway company put its first buses into operation, further detracting business from the streetcar system. By 1930, bus service was available throughout the city, including a route north along Walker Avenue, along the Jefferson Park neighborhood. Street car use rose briefly again in 1930 to seventeen million. Obviously the future of public transportation was moving ever closer toward buses exclusively.[23] Street car service continued in Oklahoma City until 1946, when the decision to convert to strictly a bus system forced the sale of assets related to inner-city street car lines.[24]"

07-21-2017, 09:04 AM
Wow, fascinating thread!

Regarding old streetcars, I was reading about the history of Jefferson Park on and came upon this excerpt:
"From their beginnings around 1902, use of Oklahoma City street cars reached their zenith in 1919, carrying a total of 17.5 million passengers, up from the 9.5 million passengers in 1915. Ridership fell in 1924 to just about twelve million due to increased automobile travel. In 1925, the railway company put its first buses into operation, further detracting business from the streetcar system. By 1930, bus service was available throughout the city, including a route north along Walker Avenue, along the Jefferson Park neighborhood. Street car use rose briefly again in 1930 to seventeen million. Obviously the future of public transportation was moving ever closer toward buses exclusively.[23] Street car service continued in Oklahoma City until 1946, when the decision to convert to strictly a bus system forced the sale of assets related to inner-city street car lines.[24]"

Yup. It seems that the land developers of the day financed the Oklahoma Railway Company, with small profit margins, in order to help their land developments... moving more people more easily flooded their developments, so they didn't mind "subsidizing" the railway, and the people reaped the benefit. They even founded the Belle Isle powerplant to feed the railway system and sold surplus to Yukon, Cashion and others.
Later, when the car, bus and taxis started to become prevalent, unfortunately, the land developers had no need or care to continue subsidizing the system, and it was doomed.

07-21-2017, 09:18 AM
The centennial history of Putnam City Schools was published by the PC Schools Museum and copies are available to the Museum at NW 40 and Grove, open Saturdays 10-2. We are the most comprehensive district wide school museum in Oklahoma and have many artifacts and documents about the district's history, dating to 1914.

07-21-2017, 09:21 AM
Years ago, I explored remaining visible signs of the old street car routes around town. One of the cool ones that thousands pass by daily without realizing it is at 40th & Penn where the old easement to Classen is still visible.

in that time period, penn was... different. here's a map from 1947 showing that penn took a bit of a detour around nw 40th and wasn't even a through street.

07-21-2017, 09:48 AM
Interesting and explains that big curve we still have today.

07-21-2017, 02:27 PM
By the way we also have Putnam's original plat plan for the entire development that would have surrounded the Capitol, along with a full history of the Arnett Building. One aerial photo in the 1939 PC yearbook clearly shows all the surrounding buildings and the streetcar line, just before the original 1914 school building burned in 1940. We even have an original 1930s Warr Acres bus line schedule! Anyone interested in all this history should really pay our museum a visit.

07-21-2017, 02:58 PM
Isn't the PC museum located in what was once "The Candy Box", on the corner of 40th & Grove?.

07-25-2017, 04:05 AM
Went out to the site this morning. I could see the tunnel that runs west from the Arnett, still intact- but not much inside- pitch black. Standing water. The tunnel that runs north and south, and under N.W. 39th, had the "roof" stripped off of it by the excavator... there are partitions in that tunnel, presumably added for support when the building was constructed over it? It lines up perfectly with the hatch I mentioned that was in the back lot of Cable Mitsubishi across the street, to the south.
I was met by a PC Schools worker, who stood and talked with me for about a half hour. He said that a former shop teacher for PC (Miller, maybe?) had told him he'd been down in the tunnels and that there was another east-west tunnel south of N.W. 39th that went from the car lot just east of Ann Arbor, to about where Autozone stands today, (Used to be Whitaker's Grocery) and the teacher claimed he had found an old buck board in that stretch of tunnel south of N.W. 39th. He also told me that they'd found a network of tunnels under the elementary school east of the Arnett when they razed the school. He mused about what may lie in the east-west tunnel west of the Arnett, and added that Capps was to be torn down next, and that we "will find out."

Looking west, into one of the tunnels that runs west under the football field:

07-25-2017, 04:12 AM
Looking north:

07-25-2017, 04:13 AM
Looking east:

07-25-2017, 04:17 AM
Looking south:

07-25-2017, 04:20 AM
And, apparently, there is more to the story of the Arnett building; it was the former mansion of entrepreneur and eccentric Eugene Arnett, and this 1961 article further sheds light that the fire occurred in 1953:

07-25-2017, 04:22 AM
Can't delete.

07-25-2017, 06:39 PM
MattB, this is awesome. .... and very sad at the same time. I went to PC Central from '67 - '77, ... . kindergarten to 8th grade, before moving over into PC West teritory.

As I mentioned, I had heard of tunnels, but had no idea of their expansive network. My vision was that of a simple walkway between buildings or something.

What's really sad is that the whole time I attended school there, no one ever mentioned the rich history that our school grounds were on, and the surrounding area.

I remember in the late 60's the jr high building on the east side of Grove burned in a late night fire, but the gym was saved.
After the fire jr high students attended school accross the street at the church across the street. When I was in jr high, the old gym was still there and I remember a WPA plaque attached to the front by the doors.

I also remember an old wood frame building that stood along Ann Arbor, from 40th to 39th next to the intermediate building. When I was in 4th or 5th grade, that building was torn down to make room for a cafeteria / multipurpose building.

That wood frame building was very old and at the time was home to the special ed classes.

08-02-2017, 04:26 PM
I went to a PC Alumni meeting this week and they have some bricks from the Arnett Building.

I grabbed one... If anyone wants it, send me a message.

08-02-2017, 04:37 PM
He mused about what may lie in the east-west tunnel west of the Arnett, and added that Capps was to be torn down next, and that we "will find out."

I talked to a one of two of my coworkers who also attended PC, and she said the land that the old Ione YMCA branch on 58th, west of MacArthur sat on will be used to build the new Capps middle school.

So everything east of Grove to Ann Arbor will be gone.

08-02-2017, 04:51 PM
I talked to a one of two of my coworkers who also attended PC, and she said the land that the old Ione YMCA branch on 58th, west of MacArthur sat on will be used to build the new Capps middle school.

So everything east of Grove to Ann Arbor will be gone.

This is correct.

08-02-2017, 05:58 PM
Pete, have you heard what the plans are for the land once it's all been cleared?

08-02-2017, 06:04 PM
Pete, have you heard what the plans are for the land once it's all been cleared?

No but I'll see what I can find out.

08-04-2017, 09:25 AM
This is an interesting story. I've never heard of these tunnels.

08-11-2017, 08:57 AM
Excellent Thread!

Doug Loudenback
08-14-2017, 03:19 PM
Great sleuthing, all. Keep up the good work!

09-05-2017, 10:36 AM
Pete, have you heard what the plans are for the land once it's all been cleared?

Traded messages with the spokesperson for PC Schools:

"Our plan at this point is to have the new Capps Middle School be ready and open for business for the 2020-2021 school year. At some point after the new building opens and the old building is no longer needed, the old building will be torn down. There are no plans right now to put anything specifically where Capps Middle School is now. However, at some point after the school has been taken down we will build a new building that is a combination of teacher training facility, community meeting center and administrative offices. We haven’t done a site analysis yet to determine exactly where that will go. It may or may not end up on land where the Capps Middle School building or surrounding grounds are."

09-08-2017, 07:01 AM
For those interested in PC schools history, you really should drop by our museum some Saturday, NW 40 and Grove, hours 10-2. Also the annual PCHS Alumni Association all class reunion is the last weekend in October and will include a Saturday pancake breakfast at the high school and extended hours at the museum, plus a Sunday ceremony to honor the Class of 1967 on their 50th reunion. Keep in mind the PC Schools Museum (which is volunteer run( has history and artifacts from all PC schools, from elementary through the three high schools.

The info about the NW 39 site is correct. The bond issue set for this fall includes funds to finish the new Capps Middle School at the old Ione Branch Y site off 58 and MacArthur. The district has also acquired some right of way to allow buses from the new school to exit onto NW 63 and avoid jamming up the residential streets in that area. Once the old Capps is gone and the new administrative center is built the only school on the original Putnam City site will be the Central Elementary School which sits on the footprint of the original PC school building constructed in 1914.

By the way our centennial history books are now on sale for $40 at the Museum.

10-08-2017, 08:50 PM
Thank you for posting this? I had never heard of this, and I grew up in Bethany.