07-10-2017, 12:34 PM
like the one that hangs in Johnnie's in Norman. Anyone have access to it?
View Full Version : Looking for a picture of the old Split T sign HillcountrySooner 07-10-2017, 12:34 PM like the one that hangs in Johnnie's in Norman. Anyone have access to it? Pete 07-10-2017, 12:37 PM http://www.okctalk.com/images/pete/splitt.jpg stile99 07-10-2017, 02:13 PM https://www.google.com/search?q=split+t+okc&num=100&newwindow=1&safe=active&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwje16vwtf_UAhUB9YMKHdUGBXAQ_AUICygC&biw=1920&bih=940 shawnw 07-10-2017, 02:14 PM there was a bunch of those for sale at a booth at the festival of the arts John 07-11-2017, 03:53 PM You can find it through First Rate Co. (George Verstraete) which has a booth at The Market by Quail Springs Mall and I believe a couple other locations in town... Also, for a version on canvas, you could probably find it through Lindsay Harkness' work (found at dna galleries) or message Art [at] DNAGalleries [dot] com HillcountrySooner 07-12-2017, 02:02 PM Thanks everyone. I picked up 2 from George yesterday. |