View Full Version : Pool removal companies?

06-30-2017, 03:21 PM
We're in south OKC and we have an in-ground vinyl liner-type pool in our backyard that needs to be removed. It hasn't worked in about 15 years, thanks to the City (long story). I'd love to reclaim the space and use it as an actual yard. Does anyone have any recommendations on companies that specialize in pool removal, and a very rough guess of how much I should be expecting to pay for removal? Thanks in advance!

06-30-2017, 07:08 PM
Is it possible to offer it as a free dirt only disposal pit ?

06-30-2017, 08:09 PM
Not this time of year. I can barely get anyone to come out to look at a small repair job on my pool. I'm sure it'll be easier to get someone out in the fall.

07-03-2017, 06:47 PM
Not sure on the companies but my mother had someone out a few years ago to fill hers in and get everything fixed up. It was quite a shock at 10 grand for the whole job. I am hoping they were just trying to gouge her as that seems insane.

Richard at Remax
07-03-2017, 08:34 PM
I almost went through on a deal with a rental investment property a while back that needed a pool removed. We got 3 quotes and they were all around the $10,000 range. I guess they have to do a lot of code work and it can get real tedious.

07-03-2017, 09:35 PM
We went through this yeas ago at our old house. It had an in-ground pool that was only about 4-5' deep and once the kiddo was in his teens he never used it.

We thought we'd just fill it with dirt and top it off with cement and make it all just a large patio. However, the cement truck nor dirt truck could get anywhere near the backyard - making the estimated cost too prohibitive. If I remember correctly they wanted approx. 13,000.

Another option was to rent a jackhammer, bust up the concrete and remove the first 10-12 inches of debris and wheelbarrow dirt and compact it over where the old pool was (and also filling the pool with dirt). That too was going to cost a few thousand dollars.

We decided to place sandbags in the pool to change it's shape, backfilled with dirt and then placed a pond liner in it and converted the whole thing into a koi pond. Added a water fall and lots of pollinator plants and it turned out beautiful and a fraction of the cost of the other two options.

Just some things to consider....

07-03-2017, 10:39 PM
While this solution wouldn't necessarily work for a vinyl liner type pool, I've often thought that a repurpose for a concrete pool would be to drill in some joist hangers on the sides, use the bottom for footings, then build out a nice least along a portion of it. Might turn out not to be practical, but interesting to think about.

07-04-2017, 09:42 AM
While this solution wouldn't necessarily work for a vinyl liner type pool, I've often thought that a repurpose for a concrete pool would be to drill in some joist hangers on the sides, use the bottom for footings, then build out a nice least along a portion of it. Might turn out not to be practical, but interesting to think about.

That'd be like building a deck over a mosquito nursery. :wink: