06-22-2017, 02:04 PM
Very random thread here but thought I'd survey the community to see where you've found the best used car auto loan rates recently as we look to finance a new to us used vehicle.
The best I've been able to find thus far is 1.99% at TrueSky (we already have our Jeep there as well) but I've heard rumblings there are possibly some hidden rates from other CUs in the 1.49% range.
06-22-2017, 02:14 PM
Well I haven't shopped used rates in awhile, but when I did a year ago State Farm bank was pretty cheap at 1.49% with no extra fees or any of that stuff. Actually would take another .15% off if you opened a checking out. Rates have probably gone up now since we are in a raising rate environment so I'd get a loan quick if you are thinking about it. The bank I work for has terrible car rates, but that really isn't a focus of ours.
06-22-2017, 02:38 PM
I just got a used car loan through Oklahoma Employees Credit Union... My rate isn't quite as good as yours at TrueSky, but just so you have the data point, mine came in at 2.74%.
06-22-2017, 04:17 PM
I understand that RCB is being VERY aggressive right now, as they are still somewhat new to the OKC market and trying to attract new member/customers.
Communication Federal Credit Union is at 2.99, but they run a special on Black Friday that will drop it 1 point to 1.99. Mine is at 1.74 with them. You do have to have a checking account with them that has a $100 minimum balance.
06-24-2017, 06:26 PM
Communication Federal Credit Union is at 2.99, but they run a special on Black Friday that will drop it 1 point to 1.99. Mine is at 1.74 with them. You do have to have a checking account with them that has a $100 minimum balance.
And you have to go in to their location if you want to set up on auto pay. Others you can set up auto pay online. This is for the folks that don't like writing and mailing checks every month.
06-27-2017, 01:15 PM
What are the term lengths for the rates you guys are quoting?
What are the term lengths for the rates you guys are quoting?
Mine was for 60, but I pay a bit extra. I think Communication Federal was the same for 48-72.
I did not have to set up on auto pay to get that rate. I am old school and drive it by every month.
06-27-2017, 04:52 PM
Mine (2.74%) is also for 60 months, with autopay. Without autopay, the rate would have been 3.24%. I'm satisfied with what I got... especially because I wanted to keep my money local and OECU services their own loans.
06-30-2017, 02:45 PM
Thanks everyone. It sounds like TrueSky is indeed going to be my best bet at 1.99%.
07-04-2017, 11:58 AM
As long as we're on the subject; what is the going rates for new car loans? I've been thinking of getting a new car recently.