06-19-2017, 11:34 AM
Of these high school splits that are likely to come in the not-too-distant future (based on enrollment numbers at the districts' existing high school(s) and their growth rates) which do you think will occur next?
Mustang gets their second high school
Yukon gets their second high school
Norman gets their third high school
Edmond gets their fourth high school
Moore gets their fourth high school
06-19-2017, 11:51 AM
Edmond, since it's the only one that's planned. Mustang's plan is to never split, I'd imagine Yukon would mirror that sentiment. Moore has been adding space through recent bond issues and I don't have any knowledge of Norman's schools.
06-20-2017, 09:24 AM
I agree it will be Edmond. I live in Norman and don't expect to see a new one anytime soon.
What Zuplar said.... the plan for Mustang and Yukon is to never split. I coached at Yukon for 2 years and that is definitely the plan, so they can compete with the Jenks and Tulsa Union's of the world someday. Moore doesn't really want to split anymore, although that is inevitable due to space. No clue on Norman.
06-20-2017, 01:23 PM
I. sort of amazed at the schools that plan to never split. As some point it would seem you're gonna run out of space. Especially Mustang unless they were to build all new facilities elsewhere. But even if you build a large enough building, you start getting into traffic and other logistical issues. And this type of thunderous growth can happen so quick. I graduated in the last "single" graduating class in Edmond, and it was the largest graduating class in history in Edmond. Now with 3 schools each graduating class is almost as large. With all the growth going on West of the metro there are going to be some giant school populations.
It'd be nice to see Union and Jenks get some competition though...
06-20-2017, 07:33 PM
Being competitive ain't always about the numbers.
04-11-2018, 07:01 AM
I noticed that at their last board meeting (https://www.boarddocs.com/ok/moore/board.nsf/Public) the Moore schools is seeking to buy "approximately 73 acres" of land on Bryant just north of 104th. With a lot that big I'm wondering if that may be where they're thinking about building the district's fourth high school (maybe named "Northmoore" or "Eastmoore"?).
04-17-2018, 09:56 AM
I noticed that at their last board meeting (https://www.boarddocs.com/ok/moore/board.nsf/Public) the Moore schools is seeking to buy "approximately 73 acres" of land on Bryant just north of 104th. With a lot that big I'm wondering if that may be where they're thinking about building the district's fourth high school (maybe named "Northmoore" or "Eastmoore"?).
Response from Moore School Board Member Mike Wright-“MPS doesn't have a specific plan right now for the land, it could be used for a high school, junior high, or elementary school. We felt it was in the area of our district that has the most growth potential over the next several years”.
Highly doubt it’s an elementary school with Bryant Elementary less than a mile to the north