View Full Version : Sports Wish List

10-10-2005, 02:41 PM
From today's Oklahoman:

A wish list for sports in OKC

Mr. Monday still sees some space on Oklahoma City's wish list.
When reviewing the future of Oklahoma City's sports scene, it's tough not to get too giddy.

Let's review -- NCAA championships? Check. Wrestling is coming next spring. Softball is here to stay. Big 12 Basketball Tournament? Check. Headed this way in 2007.

State high school championships? You got it.

America's most popular minor-league hockey team. Yup.

World-class marathon? Great and getting better.

Plus the regatta, the national capital of horse shows, a new triathlon and ...

Is Mr. Monday forgetting something?

Oh yeah, the NBA. At least for this year, depending on which Mr. Shinn you want to believe.

But there's plenty of other events OKC could be getting -- and should be getting.

A pro golf event: This might be where we need help from our well-heeled brothers in Edmond. There's no reason one of the metro's abundance of courses couldn't land at least a regular stop on the PGA, LPGA or Champions tours. Find a spot in the spring to avoid the heat, and we'd be solid. Devon Energy Open, anyone?

The Frozen Four: For novelty's sake, this would be a cool draw downtown. NCAA hockey fans are like their wrestling kin. Cr-a-z-eee. They follow their squads -- South Dakota, Colorado College, et al., anywhere they go.

Football: What's lacking from the downtown renaissance? A place to play football. There's been chatter of converting the Brick for some high school games. But why not find a spot for a mid-sized stadium, good for prep title games in grid and soccer?

X Games: Memo to Mayor Mick, this here is Mr. Monday's home run swing. What better way to highlight all the city has to offer and get on ESPN for a week? It's time to get Mat Hoffman on the horn to make this happen. BMX at Mat's park downtown, MotoX at the Ford, wakeboarding on the river. The whole panorama.

Let's make it happen.