06-08-2017, 12:44 PM
Looks like they plan on building at the old Los Vaqueros site. Glad to see something go in there as it was going into disrepair quickly.
View Full Version : Mustang to get a Starbucks Zuplar 06-08-2017, 12:44 PM Looks like they plan on building at the old Los Vaqueros site. Glad to see something go in there as it was going into disrepair quickly. http://i.imgur.com/LWkXY98.jpg Mike_M 06-08-2017, 12:56 PM This is some excellent news! I was holding out hope that Dunkin would put a location here, but I can live with Starbucks. That's a pretty large lot for a Starbucks. Hopefully it's one of their full-size stores (like NW Exp and Rockwell). stile99 06-08-2017, 01:27 PM I'm glad they are knocking the building down. After being a Burger King, a Whataburger, a pool store, and I can't even remember what else, it was already in major need when Los Vaqueros went in. That said, the building itself wasn't nearly as bad as the parking lot, hope they completely rebuild that as well. Zuplar 06-08-2017, 02:15 PM I'm glad they are knocking the building down. After being a Burger King, a Whataburger, a pool store, and I can't even remember what else, it was already in major need when Los Vaqueros went in. That said, the building itself wasn't nearly as bad as the parking lot, hope they completely rebuild that as well. Agreed. Glad to see something get done with it. I was real afraid when Los Vaqueros moved that it was going to sit a long time like the old Pizza Hut has. AFCM 06-10-2017, 01:25 PM This is horrible news for Wild Hero Coffee. Even if they're not forced out of business, they'll take a hit in profits. emtefury 06-10-2017, 05:36 PM I sure hold Wild Hero makes it. I know two people that said they will still go to wild hero over Starbucks. On a traffic note, going in and out in the mornings mY be difficult, but to being near the stop light Mike_M 06-11-2017, 09:15 PM I've really tried my best to like Wild Hero as it's just a few miles from my house, but I've only really found one or two (highly customized) drinks that I actually feel is worth the money. I think that there are enough people in Mustang to support both coffee shops, but they're going to have to respond to the competition. Wild Hero is a really cool spot to hang out or study, much more so than Starbucks. They should really capitalize on that. stick47 06-12-2017, 06:21 AM Really wish these type businesses, were established more toward the fringes of communities to alleviate traffic congestion. Likely they're going in where they are for the real estate investment more than for making money from coffee sales. emtefury 07-09-2017, 04:24 PM The Los Vaqueros building is no more. I drove by today and the foundation is getting broken up. stile99 04-22-2018, 08:57 AM Starbucks will open Monday, April 30th, 5:30am. Wishbone 04-22-2018, 10:01 AM Cant wait for the traffic. :Smiley099 stile99 04-22-2018, 11:22 AM What would have been really nice is a little forethought in the entrance. Make it curved, you can enter from the west, and when you exit you have to go east. Better yet, have the drive-thru exit curved so only eastbound exit is possible. But, it is what it is, and people are what they are. It'll be fun. There will be accidents with people turning left out of Starbucks and people trying to turn left from 152 into the shopping center (itself completely unnecessary, as they could have turned north on Mustang road and had a right hand turn into the shopping center). Mike_M 05-02-2018, 05:51 PM This is now open, and it's pretty nice, even by Starbucks' standards. It's not quite as big as the ones on Expressway, but much bigger than the one in Yukon. Also, the traffic situation is way overblown. The actual drive-thru area is way at the back of the parking lot. They could be 10-12 cars deep and not even be approach SH 152. Also, there's a middle merge lane so the left turn situation is actually better than Wild Hero. Like I said before, I think there are more than enough people to support both. I actually think most of Starbucks customers are people that just didn't bother getting their coffee in Mustang rather than "stealing customers" from Wild Hero. stile99 05-02-2018, 06:10 PM My concern isn't the drive thru backing up onto 152, it's more the people who think a turning lane is a merging lane. They're the ones going to cause the accidents. Then again, it's illegal, so the police can just station someone nearby during certain hours if it becomes an issue. https://law.justia.com/codes/oklahoma/2014/title-47/section-47-11-309/ Mel 07-11-2018, 11:56 AM I think Wild Hero's Coffee is better. Not roasted as dark as Charbucks. I buy whole bean and grind at home. I always try and support local ventures over national chains. Thomas Vu 07-11-2018, 07:43 PM I'm glad wild hero still exists. I enjoyed that place when I lived out in Yukon. |