View Full Version : Attention Veterans.

Jersey Boss
06-06-2017, 01:29 PM
To all veterans,

You may have heard that beginning 11 Nov 2017, the military exchanges (Army & Air Force Exchange, Navy Exchange, Marine Corps Exchange) will allow ALL HONORABLY DISCHARGED VETERANS access to the online Exchange. This means that we can purchase almost everything available at reduced prices and tax free! This does not include the physical exchanges located on bases, just the online exchange. Anyway, you can get ready by having your status verified now. Simply go to and answer a few questions. Your veteran status will be immediately verified and once verified, you will be able to log into the exchange once it opens up on 11 Nov. I have heard that they will roll out a beta program earlier, so that some who are already verified may be able to participate in that program. That means that, if you are selected, you can begin using the Exchange before the Veterans Day official opening.

A legal way to avoid the sales tax.

Semper Fi

06-06-2017, 02:22 PM
Thanks. My grandpa is a vet and they actually like to do online shopping, so I'll be a good grandson and help them get this setup.

06-06-2017, 09:00 PM
Let me be sure I understand. I spent a little less than eight years in the Navy from 1960 to 1968, honorable discharge. Am I eligible?
C. T.

06-06-2017, 09:21 PM
Let me be sure I understand. I spent a little less than eight years in the Navy from 1960 to 1968, honorable discharge. Am I eligible?
C. T.

Yes. Granted you probably can't easily be verified online but they tell you how to do the advanced verify.

06-09-2017, 11:38 AM
I went to the web site and they couldn't locate me with the information I provided, but if I read it correctly, all they want is a form DD-214 which I have (I requested five copies several years ago from St. Louis and still have four of them). Do I just scan it and email it to them? I know you folks didn't "take me to raise", but I thought if you had been through it you might save me some time.
C. T.

06-09-2017, 04:15 PM
Never mind, I contacted the folks in St. Louis and the reason I can't login is they have my age and gender wrong. I told her if they had me younger than 73 I would take it but she couldn't disclose the date. She did say that I wasn't listed as female, the gender field was blank for some reason. I now have the fax number and the mailing address and the information I have to provide on a cover sheet that I will mail in with a copy of my birth certificate. Then I will be able to use their website to qualify for the military exchange purchases. Now I just hope it's worth it. With my luck, they won't be any cheaper than anybody else. That's pretty much the way it was when I was in the Navy.
C. T.