View Full Version : Apartments and Townhomes around Stephenson Park

05-23-2017, 09:08 AM
Downtown Edmond to get apartments, town homes

By: Molly M. Fleming The Journal Record May 18, 2017

EDMOND – Nearly 100 apartment units are planned for Edmond’s downtown.

In the past, the city has turned down apartment proposals. Last month, residents voted against a rezoning proposal that would allow high-end multifamily units in an expansion at Spring Creek Plaza.

Edmond Economic Development Authority Executive Director Janet Yowell said the downtown units are smaller in scale and closer to the downtown business core. The Spring Creek Plaza project came with 325 luxury apartments.

Edmond-based The Grant Group developers Casey Massegee and Chris Anderson are constructing 17 apartment units and 14 town homes near Stephenson Park. The apartment building, called Park 17, measures 16,000 square feet and will have 5,000 square feet of first-floor retail. The project is southwest of Stephenson Park at E. Fifth Street and S. Littler Avenue, near Hideaway Pizza.

The town homes, called the Towns at Stephenson Park, will be at E. Third Street and S. Littler Avenue.

Construction will start on both projects in the next quarter. It will take nine months to complete the two projects.

The Grant Group owns all the land around Stephenson Park, so more buildings are planned, he said.

“We have a clear vision of what we want it to be,” he said.

The city has several upgrades planned for the park. Being near the park means the developers don’t have to worry about planning green space with their projects.

Massegee said the apartments and town homes will be higher-end. Nearby restaurants Café 501 and The Martini Lounge are very successful, so more mixed-use could do well in the area, he said.

At N. Jackson Street and E. Campbell Street, two three-story apartment buildings are being reviewed, but have not gone through the city’s approval process. The two buildings will have a combined 66 units, each with first-floor retail space.

When The Grant Group finishes its Littler Street projects, it will figure out its final design for the Fifth and Broadway site. Massegee said he could not confirm that Tucker’s Onion Burgers would be a first-floor tenant.

“We have a building design with additional work that needs to happen,” he said. “The northeast corner is what’s being called a Tucker’s site by many people.”

Yowell said several land parcels are changing hands in and near downtown Edmond. She doesn’t expect that to slow down anytime soon.

“The urban resurgence is happening,” she said. “We’ve seen a jump in people buying property. The university (of Central Oklahoma) drives some of this, but a lot of this multifamily residential may not be targeted to the students. It could be higher-end, and we don’t have that option for the most part.”

06-19-2017, 07:19 AM
Here is amore detailed article:

This should be good for downtown.

06-19-2017, 07:59 AM
I personally would like to see some kind of high end town homes and mixed use built along I-35. With the Lake Arcadia walking trails and hopefully more retail and easy access to I-35 I would think that this would be a great location. Thinking 33 rd and I-35 area.

06-19-2017, 09:46 AM
Apartments and retail built near a park? The citizens werent down for that just a few months ago at Hafer Park and Spring Creek, wonder what they will say about this.

06-19-2017, 09:53 AM
Apartments and retail built near a park? The citizens werent down for that just a few months ago at Hafer Park and Spring Creek, wonder what they will say about this.

This is a different animal. This area around Stephenson park has already transitioned to something special, and it's going to continue to get even better. It's revitalizing and reworking a really ugly part of Edmond. Getting rid of the terrible buy here pay per car lot, filling in these empty fields and more is going to be so nice.

06-19-2017, 10:57 AM
This is a different animal. This area around Stephenson park has already transitioned to something special, and it's going to continue to get even better. It's revitalizing and reworking a really ugly part of Edmond. Getting rid of the terrible buy here pay per car lot, filling in these empty fields and more is going to be so nice.

Well I thought a $100 million investment that would turn an empty field into possibly the best shopping center experience in the metro would have been nice too.

06-19-2017, 11:09 AM
Well I thought a $100 million investment that would turn an empty field into possibly the best shopping center experience in the metro would have been nice too.

I agree, and supported it. But I can see the difference between building small scale high end units in an already mixed use area replacing blighted lots and run down houses is a big difference than 325 apartments in a giant complex directly against a park's tree and water line.

The Spring Creek Plaza will probably happen, just without all those apartments.

Plutonic Panda
06-19-2017, 04:17 PM
Yes it is happening without the apartments. Hopefully they'll find a way to build the apartments after the project is built. Perhaps not known to some, but the apartments would have added an aspect that the metro does not currently have anywhere.

06-21-2017, 01:48 PM
While I think that the idea may be fine, the location bugs me some. A few nights ago went to the Super Scoop. WIth all the restaurants, the park and now the Super Scoop, 5th and Rankin are seems to be getting very congested.

06-21-2017, 02:11 PM
There's plenty of parking around there. People just want to be able to park right in front of the business they're going to, which will take some time to mentally adjust. 5th and Littler is 3 blocks from downtown. Definitely still not as dense. I expect we'll see an infill so that eventually there is a core downtown district that runs from Ayers to 9th, between the railroad tracks to BLVD. I know of some new multistory buildings going in on Hurd nearer the railroad tracks, and some other developments that are in the work. The city is pretty good about reviewing parking demands and has pretty strict requirements for parking for new developments especially in the downtown area.

This area is also ideal because there is a bus stop there. The very next stop after the 5th and Littler stop is the Farmer's Market which is where you can get on any other the other busses or the citylink and go into OKC. So this makes commuting via bus very viable for folks in these new residences.

The other thing I like is that these economic investments in the immediate area are spurring the city to invest in the park. Hopefully they'll do some upgrades on the pavilion, and maybe the playground as well.

06-21-2017, 05:50 PM
While I think that the idea may be fine, the location bugs me some. A few nights ago went to the Super Scoop. WIth all the restaurants, the park and now the Super Scoop, 5th and Rankin are seems to be getting very congested.

If there's not congestion in the densest part of your city...

Plutonic Panda
06-22-2017, 01:16 AM
While I think that the idea may be fine, the location bugs me some. A few nights ago went to the Super Scoop. WIth all the restaurants, the park and now the Super Scoop, 5th and Rankin are seems to be getting very congested.i laugh anytime anyone in Oklahoma or even Dallas complains about congestion.

06-22-2017, 02:44 PM
While I think that the idea may be fine, the location bugs me some. A few nights ago went to the Super Scoop. WIth all the restaurants, the park and now the Super Scoop, 5th and Rankin are seems to be getting very congested.

Even the suburbs need areas of walkable density to help grow and thrive in the future, and this area, along with the adjacent downtown, makes the most sense.

As the area develops into more housing, retail, and maybe office, the nearby dwellers and office users wont complain, and I doubt the restaurants will either with a new captive audience. The only people who wont like it are the ones who are used to parking within 25 feet of the front door of their desired destination or who arent used to seeing other people use a park.

06-26-2017, 10:14 AM
i laugh anytime anyone in Oklahoma or even Dallas complains about congestion.

Whoever said we wanted Dallas-type congestion in a suburb of Oklahoma City?

06-26-2017, 10:15 AM
Even the suburbs need areas of walkable density to help grow and thrive in the future, and this area, along with the adjacent downtown, makes the most sense.

As the area develops into more housing, retail, and maybe office, the nearby dwellers and office users wont complain, and I doubt the restaurants will either with a new captive audience. The only people who wont like it are the ones who are used to parking within 25 feet of the front door of their desired destination or who arent used to seeing other people use a park.

I actually like the closeness of all the things that are there, I just don't think it was designed to handle the pedestrian and car traffic. Would love it if they could discourage car traiffic down 5th and Rankin in that area, at that point, I wouldn't have any issues.

06-26-2017, 10:20 AM
You mean 5th and Littler right? Rankin is on the other side of blvd in the middle of a neighborhood.

Plutonic Panda
06-29-2017, 01:23 AM
Whoever said we wanted Dallas-type congestion in a suburb of Oklahoma City?
Umm, no one. Neither did I. I think you misinterpreted what I meant by that. I'm saying congestion is non existent in Edmond. At grounded in reality to people from major metros. There is more congestion occurring, but 10 years from now you will be scolding your past self for claiming there was any congestion at all in Edmond 10 years ago.

I was just in Edmond recently with my grandmother who was claiming traffic was bad because it took her 20 minutes to get across edmond and I just laughed. In LA that same trip would take you an hour and half.

06-29-2017, 11:05 AM
Umm, no one. Neither did I. I think you misinterpreted what I meant by that. I'm saying congestion is non existent in Edmond. At grounded in reality to people from major metros. There is more congestion occurring, but 10 years from now you will be scolding your past self for claiming there was any congestion at all in Edmond 10 years ago.

I was just in Edmond recently with my grandmother who was claiming traffic was bad because it took her 20 minutes to get across edmond and I just laughed. In LA that same trip would take you an hour and half.

Congestion's relative. Ask your grandmother how long it took her to get across Edmond 10 years ago (to use your own timeframe), and I'll bet the answer is somewhat less than 20 minutes. Ask a Chinese driver how long it takes them to travel the same distance in one of their godawful traffic jams in Beijing and I'll bet the answer is longer than LA's 90 minutes.

When we moved back here to the NW 164th/Penn/May area in 2009, the May/Memorial intersection backed up southbound on May for maybe 15-20 cars, now it's 2-3 times that, it's all relative...

06-29-2017, 11:34 AM
I have to agree. I live in West Edmond five miles from my mom. When I bought this house it was less than 10 minutes to here house near UCO. Now I can get to Bricktown quicker than her house.

But that's what happens with growing communities.

Plutonic Panda
06-29-2017, 05:39 PM
Congestion's relative. Ask your grandmother how long it took her to get across Edmond 10 years ago (to use your own timeframe), and I'll bet the answer is somewhat less than 20 minutes. Ask a Chinese driver how long it takes them to travel the same distance in one of their godawful traffic jams in Beijing and I'll bet the answer is longer than LA's 90 minutes.

When we moved back here to the NW 164th/Penn/May area in 2009, the May/Memorial intersection backed up southbound on May for maybe 15-20 cars, now it's 2-3 times that, it's all relative...
I agree with you it is relative, no argument from me on that. I know people that would consider having 3 cows on a dirt road to be bad traffic.

What gets me though is when people use the traffic argument as a way to prevent development. I don't agree with that. Especially in this case.

07-03-2017, 11:35 AM
Congestion's relative. Ask your grandmother how long it took her to get across Edmond 10 years ago (to use your own timeframe), and I'll bet the answer is somewhat less than 20 minutes. Ask a Chinese driver how long it takes them to travel the same distance in one of their godawful traffic jams in Beijing and I'll bet the answer is longer than LA's 90 minutes.

When we moved back here to the NW 164th/Penn/May area in 2009, the May/Memorial intersection backed up southbound on May for maybe 15-20 cars, now it's 2-3 times that, it's all relative...

Precisely. Saying that congestion is non-existent depends on what you are comparing it to. It is laughable to compare Edmond to LA or Dallas, but to compare it to Edmond 10-15 years ago isn't.

Plus as I had said, I'm not against building, but I think you have to do it smartly with pedestrians in mind, and I'm not sure that has been considered in this particular area.

Plutonic Panda
07-04-2017, 09:33 PM
It's certainly not laughable to compare Edmond to LA air Dallas when people are talking about horrid traffic. Even more so when people try and use that as an excuse to stop development.

This project is being developed with pedestrians in mind.

Plutonic Panda
10-31-2018, 04:44 PM
They have started work on Park 17. Didn’t get any pictures, but I will try to post renderings in a bit.

Plutonic Panda
10-31-2018, 05:45 PM
This is Park 17.

Will try and get a picture soon of the construction, but there isn't much to see.

03-27-2019, 07:53 PM
Going vertical.