05-02-2017, 09:11 AM
Supposed to be building a 'yuge' house across the street from
our home but can't find any details b/c the search function at isn't working. I enter the address and
click the search button but it's yielding no results. Same thing for
the last 10-12 days. ???
The search is working it's just that whatever you are putting in is resulting in no results.
Are you sure the plans have been filed?
05-02-2017, 09:26 AM
In the past Pete I have been able to view all the permits for my own home built in 2011 as well as others in the neighborhood. I'm pretty sure I am entering search criteria in all the fields that I used before so if you say it works, they must have changed something. Maybe you need to be registered now?
05-02-2017, 11:41 AM
No registration is necessary. The search site is EXTREMELY finicky over entry of correct search terms for the streets and modifiers like "avenue," "boulevard," or even "hwy" for service roads along interstates like I-44. And many times the road you *think* is the proper location for a parcel of land really isn't. I found that out trying to search permits for a new stripmall along I-240, only to find out the "actual" street name was entirely different (Penn Park Boulevard) with no directional designator.
Bottom line, I feel your pain. It's a good search tool, but it is very finicky.
05-03-2017, 10:43 AM
I was double clicking in the zip code field and I 'think' it was leaving a space in the box when I selected the correct zip code. Had that happen on USPS click & ship so shoulda known. :tongue: