View Full Version : Fight at Penn Square Mall on Friday night?
OKCretro 03-10-2017, 08:21 PM Anyone know what it was about or who it was between?
Seems like we are now a Big League City with a mall brawl
kevinpate 03-10-2017, 08:32 PM At 6 p.m. Friday, it was unknown how many people were arrested or what prompted the fight.
Plutonic Panda 03-10-2017, 10:28 PM No. If OKC was a big league city you wouldn't see it pop up on a message board because these things happen almost daily in big league cities.
Snowman 03-11-2017, 02:08 AM Anyone know what it was about or who it was between?
Seems like we are now a Big League City with a mall brawl
It is hardly the first or worst incident at an OKC mall, I remember some incidences back when Shepard still had retail and around a decade ago at Crossroads that seem worse than this. Violent crime has been overall trending down across the US for decades but you would hardly known that going by the media, who are happy to hook more views pushing fear than reality.
ABCOKC 03-11-2017, 03:14 AM No. If OKC was a big league city you wouldn't see it pop up on a message board because these things happen almost daily in big league cities.
If this is the case I wouldn't think we'd want to be a big league city...
dcsooner 03-11-2017, 03:39 AM No. If OKC was a big league city you wouldn't see it pop up on a message board because these things happen almost daily in big league cities.
+1 more like bush league
dcsooner 03-11-2017, 03:40 AM If this is the case I wouldn't think we'd want to be a big league city...
You need not worry, OKC isn't
In_Tulsa 03-11-2017, 01:10 PM No. If OKC was a big league city you wouldn't see it pop up on a message board because these things happen almost daily in big league cities.
You are absolutely right! This stuff happens at the Tulsa promenade every day.
chuck5815 03-11-2017, 03:19 PM You are absolutely right! This stuff happens at the Tulsa promenade every day.
But Tulsa doesn't have even a single, professional sports club. Can it honestly claim Big League status based solely on the number of fights entered into by its residents?
ABCOKC 03-11-2017, 04:56 PM You need not worry, OKC isn't
Show me where I said we were. I'll wait.
Seriously though, weak troll attempt. You always get a much bigger rise when you call Oklahomans inbreds and hicks.
In_Tulsa 03-11-2017, 07:52 PM But Tulsa doesn't have even a single, professional sports club. Can it honestly claim Big League status based solely on the number of fights entered into by its residents?
It was a joke!
Plutonic Panda 03-11-2017, 11:53 PM If this is the case I wouldn't think we'd want to be a big league okay well as dcsooner pointed out OKC isn't or anywhere close to being a big league city and by the looks of the oil market and the way the state seems bent on f0cking over OKC at every chance it gets it'll be awhile.
Plutonic Panda 03-11-2017, 11:55 PM Show me where I said we were. I'll wait.
Seriously though, weak troll attempt. You always get a much bigger rise when you call Oklahomans inbreds and what was your point to your reply then? That you want all of the positives of a 'big league city' and none of the negatives?
I swear man sometimes half of OKC talk lives in a fcking fantasy world. I love OKC but it gets so depressing seeing threads about Carla jr tire shops wanting to remove "highway looking signage" on Lincoln a main thoroughfare, the states only urban cvs closing due to lack of business people getting worried because they aren't sure if more than one movie theater can survive within 5 miles of another one and i can go on and on here. I see all of this stuff posted and try to look past it so I don't just post negative sh!t all of the time but people like dcsooner and bchris who get berated constantly are usually spot on with their post and it's sad that people on this forum just can't take criticism and/or look the other way.
Instead they will try and make comparisons to other cities as if something the op said was implied that it was exclusive to OKC and want exact specific examples. Idk man it just gets old. Sorry for the rant
Plutonic Panda 03-12-2017, 12:02 AM You are absolutely right! This stuff happens at the Tulsa promenade every
Bunty 03-12-2017, 12:23 AM It was a joke!
I'm not surprised. No fights there when I was shopping at Macy's going out of business sale there in Jan.
jerrywall 03-12-2017, 01:27 AM so what was your point to your reply then? That you want all of the positives of a 'big league city' and none of the negatives?
I swear man sometimes half of OKC talk lives in a fcking fantasy world. I love OKC but it gets so depressing seeing threads about Carla jr tire shops wanting to remove "highway looking signage" on Lincoln a main thoroughfare, the states only urban cvs closing due to lack of business people getting worried because they aren't sure if more than one movie theater can survive within 5 miles of another one and i can go on and on here. I see all of this stuff posted and try to look past it so I don't just post negative sh!t all of the time but people like dcsooner and bchris who get berated constantly are usually spot on with their post and it's sad that people on this forum just can't take criticism and/or look the other way.
Instead they will try and make comparisons to other cities as if something the op said was implied that it was exclusive to OKC and want exact specific examples. Idk man it just gets old. Sorry for the rant
You're choosing the wrong hill to die on and the wrong companion considering you're siding with a troll who does nothing but trash OKC (if I was bchris I would be super offended being grouped in). There are valid concerns of course but there's a reasonable balance You'll be judged by the company you keep, so keep that in mind. Just advice mind you. Take it as you wish.
ABCOKC 03-12-2017, 03:44 AM so what was your point to your reply then? That you want all of the positives of a 'big league city' and none of the negatives?
I swear man sometimes half of OKC talk lives in a fcking fantasy world. I love OKC but it gets so depressing seeing threads about Carla jr tire shops wanting to remove "highway looking signage" on Lincoln a main thoroughfare, the states only urban cvs closing due to lack of business people getting worried because they aren't sure if more than one movie theater can survive within 5 miles of another one and i can go on and on here. I see all of this stuff posted and try to look past it so I don't just post negative sh!t all of the time but people like dcsooner and bchris who get berated constantly are usually spot on with their post and it's sad that people on this forum just can't take criticism and/or look the other way.
Instead they will try and make comparisons to other cities as if something the op said was implied that it was exclusive to OKC and want exact specific examples. Idk man it just gets old. Sorry for the rant
Lol alright man. I'm going to choose not to take this personally because most of it seems directed at other people. If you did mean for it to be personal let me know though.
Plutonic Panda 03-12-2017, 05:27 AM Lol alright man. I'm going to choose not to take this personally because most of it seems directed at other people. If you did mean for it to be personal let me know though.geeeze man I'm sorry dude you're right I took it too far man sometimes I get super bummed and I'm stressed out here so I'm sorry dude. My mistake. I actually came back here trying to get here before anyone responded as a lame attempt to defend myself buuttt yeah my bad again.
Plutonic Panda 03-12-2017, 05:29 AM You're choosing the wrong hill to die on and the wrong companion considering you're siding with a troll who does nothing but trash OKC (if I was bchris I would be super offended being grouped in). There are valid concerns of course but there's a reasonable balance You'll be judged by the company you keep, so keep that in mind. Just advice mind you. Take it as you are correct.