03-07-2017, 06:09 PM
Does anyone know why a man in his 30's would want to hang out with an 18 year old? Secondly does anyone know why a 32 year old man would want an 18 year old as a boyfriend?
View Full Version : Question I am wondering about Bobby821 03-07-2017, 06:09 PM Does anyone know why a man in his 30's would want to hang out with an 18 year old? Secondly does anyone know why a 32 year old man would want an 18 year old as a boyfriend? SoonerDave 03-07-2017, 06:52 PM Does anyone know why a man in his 30's would want to hang out with an 18 year old? Secondly does anyone know why a 32 year old man would want an 18 year old as a boyfriend? Sounds Officially Creepy (tm) to me. kevinpate 03-07-2017, 06:59 PM The heart/mind/libido wants what the heart/mind/libido wants. Bill Robertson 03-07-2017, 07:53 PM The heart/mind/libido wants what the heart/mind/libido wants.Yep. And I've known some 18 year olds that we pretty much as mature as 30 year olds and vice versa. ctchandler 03-07-2017, 08:51 PM When I was in the Navy (I was 19 at the time) a Chief and I hit it off. He was in his late 20's to early 30's. We did several things together and had a great time. We went to Yosemite in his VW camper and it was a first for both of us. Then he was transferred closer to his wife. So, things aren't always what they seem. C. T. Bobby821 03-07-2017, 09:25 PM No my step son is gay and he met this guy online and has been hanging out with this guys friends. We have given him a deadline of March 31st to be out of our house and he is planning on moving in with this other gay guy who is 32 since they are a thing. I just find it really odd that a 32 year old would be interested in a lazy 18 year old who wont get a job or do anything to further his life along other than sit on our sofa playing on the computer from the time he wakes up in the morning until he goes to bed at night if he doesn't just fall asleep on the sofa. He is not very bright and doesn't know his way around town or even where he is at when we ask him where his friend lives he doesn't know and doesn't really know a whole lot about him either. When we ask him where he has been or about his friend we get told none of your business, that's one reason he has to leave our house the other is because we do not agree with his lifestyle choices. ljbab728 03-07-2017, 10:45 PM This is much too complicated to be resolved in a discussion here, but I suspect your disapproval of his lifestyle choice (I assume you mean being gay, which is not a choice) could be a major factor. kevinpate 03-08-2017, 04:09 AM Straight, gay, fluid, whatever, it's quite possible you son is considered a catch. Particularly if the partner may prefer a docile, dependent, lower ambition house bound partner over someone with stronger self esteem who would expect to be treated as an equal in a relationship. Of Sound Mind 03-08-2017, 06:19 AM straight, gay, fluid, whatever, it's quite possible you son is considered a catch. Particularly if the partner may prefer a docile, dependent, lower ambition house bound partner over someone with stronger self esteem who would expect to be treated as an equal in a relationship. bingo! Bobby821 03-08-2017, 06:57 AM This is much too complicated to be resolved in a discussion here, but I suspect your disapproval of his lifestyle choice (I assume you mean being gay, which is not a choice) could be a major factor. Yes it is a CHOICE to be gay no one is born that way. It is sin and rebellion HangryHippo 03-08-2017, 07:49 AM Nevermind. tyeomans 03-08-2017, 08:18 AM Yes it is a CHOICE to be gay no one is born that way. It is sin and rebellion Looks like somebody really needs to be educated on this subject. d-usa 03-08-2017, 08:19 AM Maybe the older person sees a younger guy in a hostile home and is offering an environment that is more nurturing. Maybe the younger person sees an accepting older adult. Maybe it's better for everyone involved to get out of the current house because that living situation isn't benefiting anybody. stile99 03-08-2017, 08:23 AM Yes it is a CHOICE to be gay no one is born that way. It is sin and rebellion Well, thread's over. Good game, everyone. Well, maybe not EVERYONE. And maybe the game wasn't even that good. But there's definitely nothing more to see here. stile99 03-08-2017, 08:25 AM Maybe the older person sees a younger guy in a hostile home and is offering an environment that is more nurturing. Maybe the younger person sees an accepting older adult. Maybe it's better for everyone involved to get out of the current house because that living situation isn't benefiting anybody. :congrats: Bobby821 03-08-2017, 09:17 AM I came here looking for others advice and thoughts on this matter that was all. This is a real life situation and not something that was just posted to stir up trouble on here. AP 03-08-2017, 09:43 AM There is plenty of advice that has been shared. It seems like you aren't interested in it though. :/ Throckmorton 03-08-2017, 09:52 AM Question *I* am wondering about: Why are you so concerned about who your stepson is having sex with? Bobby821 03-08-2017, 09:56 AM Question *I* am wondering about: Why are you so concerned about who your stepson is having sex with? Because he is having sex with another man and not a woman which is the correct relationship to be in. Bullbear 03-08-2017, 09:56 AM Maybe the older person sees a younger guy in a hostile home and is offering an environment that is more nurturing. Maybe the younger person sees an accepting older adult. Maybe it's better for everyone involved to get out of the current house because that living situation isn't benefiting anybody. Sounds about right to me. I don't feel this was an attempt at getting opinions. I feel bad for your son that he doesn't have unconditional love and support from his parents. I am a 45 year old Gay man who never had to face those issues as my parents were loving and supportive unconditionally. I hope your son finds that same love and support elsewhere. |