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07-27-2017, 05:05 PM
It's an absolutely abysmal place to work whether one is salaried or not. 100% turnover in any given position is the marking of a company that doesn't care about it employees, contractors, etc.

My stepson and his wife both work for Amazon in Seattle and have for a few years. They work in the HQ building and an adjacent building. They love their work, people actually will bring their dogs to work. They are on a come and leave as you go basis. They both make over 100 k a year. They also received 200 shares each as an incentive.... the share price was $1,058 yesterday. They have to work 4 years to get the full amount as it's partially awarded I believe on annual basis. They said not every person can work for them, they see people come and go, but they seem to be somewhat happily employed.

07-27-2017, 05:19 PM
My stepson and his wife both work for Amazon in Seattle and have for a few years. They work in the HQ building and an adjacent building. They love their work, people actually will bring their dogs to work. They are on a come and leave as you go basis. They both make over 100 k a year. They also received 200 shares each as an incentive.... the share price was $1,058 yesterday. They have to work 4 years to get the full amount as it's partially awarded I believe on annual basis. They said not every person can work for them, they see people come and go, but they seem to be somewhat happily employed.

yea, I suppose it might be a bit better in Seattle. I have several buddies who worked as Area Managers in the distribution centers. One of the guys was promised day shifts when he was hired but was given nights once he started. The other had, on more than one occasion, vacations scheduled months in advance, but the company said he couldn't go at the very last minute.

One of the guys calls me up out of the blue asking if my company had a place for him. He was completely miserable even though he had been with Amazon for less than a year. And this kid was no Snowflake.

I just think people need to understand that, just because Amazon is absolutely killing it, doesn't necessarily mean it's a great place to work. We can't deny that Amazon is phenomenal for consumers, but that level of performance can take a toll on the workers. And I don't think Jeff really cares. He just wants a piece of everything. Hopefully the government steps in and blocks the Whole Foods deal.

07-27-2017, 07:24 PM
Amazon's Jeff Bezos is now the richest man in the world (

I cannot even fathom those sums of money.

When you break it down in these terms you realize even $1B is an unfathomable sum of money:

If you want to consume $1,000,000,000 you have to spend a little under $55,000 every single day for 50 years straight. Sure, you could buy lots of people lots of stuff and make it go a lot quicker, but at that point *you* are not the person consuming all of that wealth. And so much of what would be purchased isn't even entirely consumable. You can't "consume" a $1.5M home. You can use it, see it depreciate, etc. But to go from $1.5M to completely valueless is not a real thing.

While I guess it's "doable" it's not even remotely practical.

07-27-2017, 08:36 PM
Yet, we all want cheap stuff so in the end Walmart and Amazon do massive business that drives the need for these jobs.

I saw the same thing in California over and over again... People claiming to care about the field workers but not so much to actually pay more for produce.

People care right up until it hits the wallet.

07-28-2017, 08:06 AM
Hopefully the government steps in and blocks the Whole Foods deal.

They don't seem to mind Comcast/Charter, and Sinclair/Tribune. Now, after gobbling up DirecTV, AT&T is eyeing Time Warner and it looks likely enough to make bets on, rather than against. Comcast/Charter is in the dating phase with Sprint. I don't think they'll even bat an eye at Amazon/Whole Foods.

07-28-2017, 10:15 AM
They don't seem to mind Comcast/Charter, and Sinclair/Tribune. Now, after gobbling up DirecTV, AT&T is eyeing Time Warner and it looks likely enough to make bets on, rather than against. Comcast/Charter is in the dating phase with Sprint. I don't think they'll even bat an eye at Amazon/Whole Foods.

That was a different administration. This administration hates the Washington Post, and Jeff Bezos owns the Post. Those are non-political facts. Therefore it's not far fetched to think they might kill the deal.

07-31-2017, 12:01 PM
Roof is on and they are moving fast.

07-31-2017, 01:32 PM
That was a different administration. This administration hates the Washington Post, and Jeff Bezos owns the Post. Those are non-political facts. Therefore it's not far fetched to think they might kill the deal.

On what legal basis would they kill the deal? Whole Foods is such a small part of the grocery industry it certainly won't be restraint of trade.

07-31-2017, 01:40 PM
On what legal basis would they kill the deal? Whole Foods is such a small part of the grocery industry it certainly won't be restraint of trade.

They can find something, or just hold it up with studies indefinitely.

07-31-2017, 07:21 PM
On what legal basis would they kill the deal? Whole Foods is such a small part of the grocery industry it certainly won't be restraint of trade.

This is a long but very interesting note. She basically argues that the existing anti-trust framework does a poor job of regulating companies like Amazon, primarily because Amazon's business practices haven't amounted to an illegal restraint of trade--at least when viewed on a short time horizon. As you know, Anti-trust scrutiny is almost entirely focused on whether a business's activity would negatively impact consumers or other stakeholders in the near term, and most of Amazon's growth has either occurred organically or through acquisitions of smaller competitors (i.e. the kind of activity that slips by the government's radar).

That doesn't mean, however, that the government should turn a blind eye to what's going on in Seattle and in fulfillment centers across the country. Left unchecked, Amazon is going to close in on 40-50% market share in a number of categories, while continuing to devastate the commercial real estate sector and possibly even the shipping sector if it figures out realistic ways to cut out UPS and other shippers. Is it tenable for the government to stand idly by while Jeff continues to consolidate market power? Do we want Jeff to be the next Carlos Slim? I appreciate Amazon as a platform, but I'm not sure its current trajectory/structure is a good thing over the long run.

In terms of solutions, I like the idea of treating Amazon like a common carrier. Even Bezos has admitted that he thinks of Amazon like a Utility. So let's give them a few more hoops to jump through, starting with blocking the Whole Foods deal.

08-01-2017, 12:08 AM
Blocking Amazon's purchase of Whole Foods will never happen. Its not being talked about and it has plenty of competition.

08-24-2017, 07:26 AM
Amazon-Whole Foods Deal Clears Last Two Major Hurdles

08-25-2017, 11:43 PM
There might be a lot of things we can wish for, but to block this merger, there must be a legal reason to do so. If there is no legal means to do it, it won't happen. If anything, the lower prices sure to come will benefit the public

08-28-2017, 09:48 AM
It's going to be a real shame when Amazon and Walmart are the only grocers in this country.

08-28-2017, 09:56 AM
43% price cuts? The bastards!!!

08-28-2017, 03:28 PM
I hear they'll also be offering discounts etc. to prime members.

08-28-2017, 03:36 PM
It's going to be a real shame when Amazon and Walmart are the only grocers in this country.

That's almost how it's been in OKC for years now since Albertson's pulled out of the market. Still, Amazon will have to open many more Whole Foods locations to really get the kind of market share that Wal-Mart has. I doubt that brick-and-mortar will be a focus for the company post-merger, but OKC is a market that I think could really benefit from an expansion of the brand if it were to happen.

08-28-2017, 05:55 PM
That's almost how it's been in OKC for years now since Albertson's pulled out of the market. Still, Amazon will have to open many more Whole Foods locations to really get the kind of market share that Wal-Mart has. I doubt that brick-and-mortar will be a focus for the company post-merger, but OKC is a market that I think could really benefit from an expansion of the brand if it were to happen.

yea, i think you're right. AMZN will use the WF locations to prove the viability of the "no-cashier" concept (and then license it to every other retailer), and shift most of the former cashiers to online order fulfillment. And I'm guessing that the price of Prime might increase again. I just don't know if $99/year can cover all of the existing benefits/shipping costs + the increased orders associated with WF.

08-29-2017, 04:08 AM
It's going to be a real shame when Amazon and Walmart are the only grocers in this country.

Its interesting though chuck, walk mart did the same damn thing didn't they? Lol, now look at Amazon about to push them out (or at least try to). To think, I remember when wal-mart shoved k-mart, and target (in some cases), and a host of other competitors out of the way. Now amazon, the day after the merger, and after Walmart and google combined to try and fight amazon with that home robot is literally going for the jugular lol. Its comical to me. But reality sets in for me because although our government hates a monopoly and these moguls know it they could still corner the market and make our lives miserable smh.

08-29-2017, 11:19 AM
43% price cuts? The bastards!!!

Watch the documentary - The high cost of low price - sometime.

08-31-2017, 07:53 AM
Wait....are you guys comparing Walmart with Whole Foods here? I mean you realize the microscopic market that goes to WF doesn't hold a candle to the droves of walmart zombies, right? Amazon and WF can merge all they want, but Wally World is still going to continue to rake in more money every day and keep building more stores. They're not quite the lumbering beast people think they are. We don't see the concept stores in OKC. But Wally's been doing the cashier-less system for years. Been doing the order online, pickup at store thing for years too (via the bins.....groceries/etc, not just stuff).

I have no love-loss for walmart, but with relatives working in the corporate office, i hear of things that the public doesn't always see. I'd just assume avoid one at all cost, but millions upon millions of people give them money every day, Whole Foods is a premium brand, which means it's the first thing to suffer in any economic downturn. And with more and more competitors offering the same thing for a lower price, their market is thinning. That $5 tomato isn't going to sell, but the .50C ones at walmart will....always, and in sufficient quantity to overtake that thin grocery profit margin in the blink of an eye. Hell, even WM is working towards local sources. Helps their transportation cost and gives them an edge since WF can't get that scale with their smaller footprint.

I dont mean to sound like a walmart flag not, im just trying to be realistic in what this means for Amazon/WF compared to others. WF sold because they weren't doing well. If anything, i expect their prices to fall some.

08-31-2017, 09:01 AM
Duly noted sir. I guess I jumped the gun with all the recent news. You make good points.

What other things have Walmart done that we aren't aware of as general public?

08-31-2017, 10:28 AM
Wait....are you guys comparing Walmart with Whole Foods here? I mean you realize the microscopic market that goes to WF doesn't hold a candle to the droves of walmart zombies, right?

I don't think anyone is comparing Walmart and Whole Foods. What we're saying is that the margins in the grocery business are already razor thin, and that Walmart and Amazon/Whole Foods are in a position to price many of the other major players out of business. And I think it's a bit of a miscalculation to look only at people who shop at WF right now. Amazon has 85 million Prime Members. Most of those people buy almost everything imaginable from Amazon, but they don't really buy groceries. The goal with the Whole Foods deal is to get those 85 million people to start buying groceries either at Whole Foods or on Amazon. And, if Jeff is successful, there's major risk for the middle-market grocers like Kroger. That's why Kroger's stock is down 37% this year.

Amazon and WF can merge all they want, but Wally World is still going to continue to rake in more money every day and keep building more stores. They're not quite the lumbering beast people think they are. We don't see the concept stores in OKC. But Wally's been doing the cashier-less system for years. Been doing the order online, pickup at store thing for years too (via the bins.....groceries/etc, not just stuff).

Sure, but checking out your own items while someone looks over your shoulder isn't even close to the technology Amazon is leveraging in its Amazon Go locations. The idea that you walk in, grab your items, walk out, the store knows exactly what you bought, and charges your Chase Sapphire Card? That's miles and miles ahead of Walmart's current systems.

I have no love-loss for walmart, but with relatives working in the corporate office, i hear of things that the public doesn't always see. I'd just assume avoid one at all cost, but millions upon millions of people give them money every day, Whole Foods is a premium brand, which means it's the first thing to suffer in any economic downturn. And with more and more competitors offering the same thing for a lower price, their market is thinning. That $5 tomato isn't going to sell, but the .50C ones at walmart will....always, and in sufficient quantity to overtake that thin grocery profit margin in the blink of an eye. Hell, even WM is working towards local sources. Helps their transportation cost and gives them an edge since WF can't get that scale with their smaller footprint.

I dont mean to sound like a walmart flag not, im just trying to be realistic in what this means for Amazon/WF compared to others. WF sold because they weren't doing well. If anything, i expect their prices to fall some.

You're admitting that WF is premium and then conceding that it will, in time, become a discounter, and I tend to agree. Amazon doesn't give a flying F about being "premium." Jeff just wants a piece of absolutely every transaction that happens in this country. And he realizes that discounting is the way to achieve that. They've already begun to lower prices, and, even so, I'm not sure that selling organic, cruelty free avocados for $1.99/lb. is sustainable, even for a company like Amazon. With that said, it won't surprise me when Amazon starts to roll back many of the organic offerings, replacing them with the kind of product you might find in a Homeland or a Kroger.

In the end, this much is clear: AMZN will lower prices and quality at WF, turn many of the WF locations into quasi-distribution centers, make life miserable for the existing WF associates (just like they do for the folks working in the distribution centers), continue to gain consumer-facing market share, and eventually raise prices in a few years when there's less competition in the grocery space.

08-31-2017, 11:16 AM
Had lunch with a former employee yesterday who essentially makes his living as an Amazon seller these days. I was shocked at some of the stuff he revealed about how predatory the company is with its own sellers. Basically they treat them as product R&D. He said the most important thing is that you make sure never to make to MUCH money, because if you do they will directly contact YOUR supplier and take you out of the middle man role, requiring the supplier to sell directly to them and allowing nobody else to sell that product. There were a bunch of other things that were really nasty, but that one stuck in my craw the most.

08-31-2017, 12:02 PM
Was exploring this area the other night since I don't get down SW much, and wow. There really is a ton of development happening in this part of the city.

Also this building is absolutely massive in person, and they seem intent on getting it done judging by the fact that the construction crew was hard at work when I drove by at 1:30 a.m.

08-31-2017, 12:09 PM
Had lunch with a former employee yesterday who essentially makes his living as an Amazon seller these days. I was shocked at some of the stuff he revealed about how predatory the company is with its own sellers. Basically they treat them as product R&D. He said the most important thing is that you make sure never to make to MUCH money, because if you do they will directly contact YOUR supplier and take you out of the middle man role, requiring the supplier to sell directly to them and allowing nobody else to sell that product. There were a bunch of other things that were really nasty, but that one stuck in my craw the most.

I sell a few items a year on Amazon and I pray that I never have to compete with Amazon Warehouse Deals. They try to beat anyone by a few cents while having the backing off the parent company if any part of the transaction goes bad.

For us indie sellers, there isn't much we can do in those situations because the selling fees are just so high.

So it doesn't surprise me that they are looking at marketplace sellers to find out what items they should sell themselves.

08-31-2017, 04:17 PM
Had lunch with a former employee yesterday who essentially makes his living as an Amazon seller these days. I was shocked at some of the stuff he revealed about how predatory the company is with its own sellers. Basically they treat them as product R&D. He said the most important thing is that you make sure never to make to MUCH money, because if you do they will directly contact YOUR supplier and take you out of the middle man role, requiring the supplier to sell directly to them and allowing nobody else to sell that product. There were a bunch of other things that were really nasty, but that one stuck in my craw the most.

Sounds *very* similar to the way Wal-Mart works (or used to).

09-01-2017, 08:05 AM
chuck, you put words in my mouth. I dont see WHole Foods becoming a discounter. There are too many of them out there for Amazon to be interested in that. They wanted the premium brand, otherwise they could have gone after Kroger/H&B/etc. But with so many new competitors in the premium market, WF has been refusing to bring prices down and that's hurt them as people go to the other stores. What i'm saying is that Amazon is going to bring some smarts to the table and bring the prices in line with the competition so it's only 3/4 Paycheck instead of of Whole Paycheck. ;)

And my points about WalMart were to say that just because we dont see it here in OKC, doesn't mean that the corporate side isn't trying to push technology (that makes sense for them). They aren't a backwards company by any means. And to also say that any view that this merger would cause WalMart to shake in its boots is an exaggeration.

09-01-2017, 09:48 AM
chuck, you put words in my mouth. I dont see WHole Foods becoming a discounter. There are too many of them out there for Amazon to be interested in that. They wanted the premium brand, otherwise they could have gone after Kroger/H&B/etc. But with so many new competitors in the premium market, WF has been refusing to bring prices down and that's hurt them as people go to the other stores. What i'm saying is that Amazon is going to bring some smarts to the table and bring the prices in line with the competition so it's only 3/4 Paycheck instead of of Whole Paycheck. ;)

And my points about WalMart were to say that just because we dont see it here in OKC, doesn't mean that the corporate side isn't trying to push technology (that makes sense for them). They aren't a backwards company by any means. And to also say that any view that this merger would cause WalMart to shake in its boots is an exaggeration.

I bought Wal Mart stock after reading this

90% of Americans live within 10 miles of a Walmart
09-01-2017, 04:01 PM
You also have to take into consideration that Whole Foods spends a lot of money doing research into where to put their stores. They are primarily in or very close to prominent neighborhoods. Those neighborhoods can also afford the Prime membership fees. Amazon buying Whole foods puts them at the doorstep of the majority of their Prime members making their 2 hour grocery order to door delivery service that much easier to achieve without them having to spend the money to research where to put those distribution centers. Whole Foods will be those centers. It totally makes sense in their ultimate strategy to have a piece of every dollar spent in US/Global economy.

09-07-2017, 09:00 AM
Come on OKC city leaders!!!!! lol

Amazon launches search for a second headquarters in North America
Amazon on Thursday said it plans to open a second company headquarters in North America.
The online retailer is soliciting pitches from cities and states for what it calls HQ2.
Amazon estimates its investments in its Seattle operations from 2010 through 2016 resulted in an additional $38 billion to the city's economy.

Amazon said it would prioritize bids from metropolitan areas with more than one million people; regions that provide a "stable and business-friendly environment"; urban or suburban locations with the potential to attract and retain strong technical talent; and communities that "think big and creatively when considering locations and real estate options."

09-07-2017, 09:03 AM

09-07-2017, 09:05 AM
Come on OKC city leaders!!!!! lol

What is Amazon HQ2?Amazon HQ2 will be the second Amazon headquarters in North America. We are looking for a location with strong local and regional talent—particularly in software development and related fields—as well as a stable and business-friendly environment to continue hiring and innovating on behalf of our customers.

Can you even imagine the amount of incentives required to land this HQ2?

Seems like this has Austin (or Atlanta) written all over it.

09-07-2017, 09:10 AM
Our central location in the country should be a bonus for Oklahoma. I really wish and hope that our leaders will think big and make an effort. Can you imagine how this would completely revolutionize our state. Wow...what might be...what could be!!!

09-07-2017, 09:15 AM

I was excited about this also; however, one of Amazon's main requirements is that the new HQ be within 45 minutes from an International airport. And although Will Rogers calls itself a world airport (this is being said in jest), I'm not sure how the city gets over this hump.

09-07-2017, 09:16 AM
Requires mass transit and an international airport.

We should do those things anyway!

09-07-2017, 09:25 AM
What is Amazon HQ2?Amazon HQ2 will be the second Amazon headquarters in North America. We are looking for a location with strong local and regional talent—particularly in software development and related fields—as well as a stable and business-friendly environment to continue hiring and innovating on behalf of our customers.

Can you even imagine the amount of incentives required to land this HQ2?

Seems like this has Austin written all over it.

Yes I sure feels like a fit for Texas.

Though I could see Amazon wanting an East Coast HQ to go along with their Seattle HQ.

Hell for all we know they could just use California.

09-07-2017, 09:25 AM
double post error.

09-07-2017, 09:26 AM
We can go compete for it and maybe we'll get it maybe not. They are already familiar with okc because of the facility they are building so that's a plus. If I had to guess I bet Dallas or Fort Worth gets it though.

09-07-2017, 09:29 AM
Yeah, it looks like we don't meet the standards but what's the worst that would happen if we threw our hat in the ring anyway? They would tell us no. That's the worst. Alternatively, they might not tell us no and like our central location and work with us on not meeting the standards. I think if Amazon did build HQ2 here, our airport becoming international would follow that pretty quick.

Who do we need to tell or forward this to?

09-07-2017, 09:32 AM
Yes I sure feels like a fit for Texas.

Though I could see Amazon wanting an East Coast HQ to go along with their Seattle HQ.

Hell for all we know they could just use California.

Yea, I suppose anything is possible. Perhaps they would locate it in OKC if we traded the Thunder back to Seattle? :cool:

jonny d
09-07-2017, 09:40 AM
Yeah, it looks like we don't meet the standards but what's the worst that would happen if we threw our hat in the ring anyway? They would tell us no. That's the worst. Alternatively, they might not tell us no and like our central location and work with us on not meeting the standards. I think if Amazon did build HQ2 here, our airport becoming international would follow that pretty quick.

Who do we need to tell or forward this to?

Probably Mary Fallin, or Mick Cornett (City-level). Could be wrong, though.

09-07-2017, 09:46 AM
The proximity to an international airport is only a "core preference" on the RFP. I know it says site requirement, but again that is listed under their preferences.

Honestly I wish OKC owned the Producers Coop site. That would be a mighty gift. Or we could gift them the CCC block.

Oh and I like the joke about giving them the Thunder. I thought this would be entertaining to discuss, and so far it has been!

09-07-2017, 09:52 AM
The lack of international airport and mass transit would be just two of the issues and not even the biggest obstacles. Amazon would need a huge educated workforce to support their R&D and tech departments. I just don't think we have the population to support their needs. And the city is always trying to get big players to come to the city, I don't think you have to worry about Amazon not coming here because the city didn't try.

09-07-2017, 10:00 AM
The lack of international airport and mass transit would be just two of the issues and not even the biggest obstacles. Amazon would need a huge educated workforce to support their R&D and tech departments. I just don't think we have the population to support their needs. And the city is always trying to get big players to come to the city, I don't think you have to worry about Amazon not coming here because the city didn't try.
Didn't try? I thought the process was just beginning, not already over.

09-07-2017, 10:09 AM
North Carolina would be my bet. Either Raleigh or Charlotte. Or possibly a Midwest city like Pittsburgh or Cincinnati.

09-07-2017, 10:12 AM
This is what will kill us if we tried to compete with the likes of DFW, Chicago, Boston, etc for this gig...

We are looking for a location with strong local and regional talent—particularly in software development and related fields

If you're in the tech hiring business you know why I say this. I'm not just talking about run of the mill developers. We lack a certain depth in particular areas (doesn't mean we have zero talent, we just don't have as much as other areas). One example is Oracle. We have plenty of DBAs, but there are deeper Oracle skills that are just really hard to find here, in any sort of quantity, and sometimes folks will simply not move here because there are plenty of those sorts of jobs where they are.

09-07-2017, 10:25 AM
This is what will kill us if we tried to compete with the likes of DFW, Chicago, Boston, etc for this gig...

If you're in the tech hiring business you know why I say this. I'm not just talking about run of the mill developers. We lack a certain depth in particular areas (doesn't mean we have zero talent, we just don't have as much as other areas). One example is Oracle. We have plenty of DBAs, but there are deeper Oracle skills that are just really hard to find here, in any sort of quantity, and sometimes folks will simply not move here because there are plenty of those sorts of jobs where they are.

Bingo, Amazon is a company who is trying to get on par with Google. We don't really have large software companies here in OKC. Paycom is the largest I can think of. We mostly have call centers providing desktop support.

09-07-2017, 10:28 AM
Didn't try? I thought the process was just beginning, not already over.

I just find it funny that Amazon launches a PR campaign stunt and everyone is like OMG the city better get on this.

09-07-2017, 11:28 AM
Come on OKC city leaders!!!!! lol

Oklahoma does not have the leadership on any level to pull something like this off. They never try for automobile, R&D or anything else. 2-300 jobs is a big deal to them and a major headquarters out of the question. You expect too much from the leadership in the State.

09-07-2017, 11:31 AM
As much as we would all love this, Amazon is not going to ask 50,000 people to come work for them in a place that has terrible schools.

09-07-2017, 11:36 AM
I just find it funny that Amazon launches a PR campaign stunt and everyone is like OMG the city better get on this.

But it's a defeatist attitude to just say "Don't even try because we'll never get it anyway."

09-07-2017, 11:43 AM
As much as we would all love this, Amazon is not going to ask 50,000 people to come work for them in a place that has terrible schools.

Sure, but most of the people working at Amazon's headquarters probably make enough $$ to afford private schools. I'm sure Seattle's private schools are filled with the offspring of Amazonians.

The bigger questions are the (1) lack of skilled people and the (2) King's Ransom the city/state would have to pay, either in direct subsidies, tax abatements, or both.

jonny d
09-07-2017, 12:08 PM
Oklahoma does not have the leadership on any level to pull something like this off. They never try for automobile, R&D or anything else. 2-300 jobs is a big deal to them and a major headquarters out of the question. You expect too much from the leadership in the State.

I'm curious to know what future leaders OK has on the rise you would consider able to dream this big...

09-07-2017, 12:09 PM
Sure, but most of the people working at Amazon's headquarters probably make enough $$ to afford private schools. I'm sure Seattle's private schools are filled with the offspring of Amazonians.

The bigger questions are the (1) lack of skilled people and the (2) King's Ransom the city/state would have to pay, either in direct subsidies, tax abatements, or both.

I don't know if I would say most, There is a large support staff who don't make nearly as much as some of the more skilled workers. Amazon would still like a local government that values education.

09-07-2017, 12:21 PM
Oklahoma does not have the leadership on any level to pull something like this off. They never try for automobile, R&D or anything else. 2-300 jobs is a big deal to them and a major headquarters out of the question. You expect too much from the leadership in the State.

Now aren't you a ray of sunshine. lol

Hey, back in the day we scored GM. This past year or so we scored a General Electric Global Research Center (one of 8 in the world), lots of O&G and what is very overlooked is Boeing at TAFB, many high paying technical jobs. And I'm sure there are more I'm overlooking.

09-07-2017, 01:01 PM
If for no other reason than optics, the city/state should pursue a bid. Having said that, I think Amazon knows exactly where it's headed. This is the "let's see how many incentives we can get" phase.

09-07-2017, 01:04 PM
Our lack of commitment to education probably rules us out.

09-07-2017, 01:18 PM
Our lack of commitment to education probably rules us out.

But I thought Commitment Runs Deep in OKC? Surely that extends to education for the children!

09-07-2017, 02:15 PM
According to Market Watch these are the cities that best meet Amazon's criteria:

From this list I would rank Raleigh #1, Denver #2 and Austin #3 (they did just buy Whole Foods..)