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05-09-2022, 12:32 PM
Why is it too early to ask for data but not too early to say we got it wrong?

I think my big question is this: the City hired consultants to tell us what kind of room count we needed for the type and size of facility we wanted to build - why did we not follow that recommendation? Others have said we ended up with a 605-room Omni based on "sound judgement coupled with successful business experience"; presumably the consultants would have exercised that same judgement and called upon their prior experience as well to come up with the need for 735 rooms. I'm just curious why there was a discrepancy between the two and why did the lower room count win out - and I imagine there are others who share my sentiment, judging by how many on this forum are already concerned that we might have gotten it wrong.

05-09-2022, 01:01 PM
Because consultants aren't always right, or Omni doesn't have enough money, or they didn't think it would make the best economic sense for them to build more, or they have a different plan.

I think the current height of Omni is perfect, maybe because I'm not a fan of dull glass towers, look at Austin, so damn ugly skyline. The only building I wish it could be taller is the new medical center building.

05-09-2022, 01:21 PM
A big factor was the amount the city could come up with.

As it was, the city had to not only pay Omni $85 million, those had to be the first dollars in which meant about $53 million more in interest expense since that money had to be borrowed.

In order to come up with all this -- and to build the adjacent parking structure that was another Omni requirement -- the city had to move heaven and earth, shifting TIF funding between districts among other things and then selling off the highly profitable Santa Fe garage so COTPA could get the financing needed for the new structure next to the hotel. The land plus the garage cost was another $40 million.

In all, the city incurred expenses of almost $200 million to get the Omni and that doesn't include the convention center itself which was another $300 million in public funds and was driving the need in the first place. Scissortail Park was another massive public outlay.

It was/is a crazy amount of tax dollars just to get what we have now. Even if there was the ability to spend more, it would be very hard to justify.

05-09-2022, 02:35 PM
(MSA rank)

(43) Memphis Radisson Convention Center Hotel - 800 guestrooms
(50) Birmingham Sheraton Convention Center Hotel - 757 guestrooms
(45) Louisville Omni Convention Center Hotel - 612 guestrooms
(42) Oklahoma City Omni Convention Center Hotel - 605 guestrooms

An extra 100 luxury guestrooms would put OKC in a much better position to compete with cities on our level.
I think that population size doesn’t necessarily relate to size of convention center and the associated convention hotels. There are lots of other factors to evaluate. One to one correlations are simple but not very realistic.

05-09-2022, 02:43 PM
A big factor was the amount the city could come up with.

As it was, the city had to not only pay Omni $85 million, those had to be the first dollars in which meant about $53 million more in interest expense since that money had to be borrowed.

In order to come up with all this -- and to build the adjacent parking structure that was another Omni requirement -- the city had to move heaven and earth, shifting TIF funding between districts among other things and then selling off the highly profitable Santa Fe garage so COTPA could get the financing needed for the new structure next to the hotel. The land plus the garage cost was another $40 million.

In all, the city incurred expenses of almost $200 million to get the Omni and that doesn't include the convention center itself which was another $300 million in public funds and was driving the need in the first place. Scissortail Park was another massive public outlay.

It was/is a crazy amount of tax dollars just to get what we have now. Even if there was the ability to spend more, it would be very hard to justify.

I kind of figured the answer would be somewhat along this line, but didn't quite realize the extent the city had to go to in order to make the numbers work. I appreciate the detailed answer, thanks! Hopefully the 605 rooms we did end up with - along with other nearby supporting hotels - will be sufficient to meet demand.

05-09-2022, 03:47 PM
And if not, maybe they can build a second Omni on the opposite end to bookend the convention center (leaving the space for the CC expansion of course)


05-09-2022, 04:10 PM
And if not, maybe they can build a second Omni on the opposite end to bookend the convention center (leaving the space for the CC expansion of course)


Great idea...

05-19-2022, 08:45 AM
Opening has been pushed back to June. Looks amazing in person.




05-19-2022, 09:26 AM
Good addition to Bricktown and the portfolio of downtown area hotels.

Can't help hearing the words of 'The Eagles,' Welcome to Hotel California when I saw this
magnificent structure the other day:

One of my favorite songs & groups of all time.

05-19-2022, 10:00 AM
Great pics Pete, I don't remember what was there before the hotel

05-19-2022, 11:14 AM
Great pics Pete, I don't remember what was there before the hotel

A parking lot

05-19-2022, 11:18 AM
A parking lot

Ha! No wonder I don't remember!

05-19-2022, 11:29 AM
Do we have a thread for the proposed (and I assume dead) parking garage for the lot across the street? I've been looking for the details but am coming up short.

05-19-2022, 11:30 AM
Do we have a thread for the proposed (and I assume dead) parking garage for the lot across the street? I've been looking for the details but am coming up short.

That property was bought by Drury Hotels years ago:

05-19-2022, 11:33 AM
That property was bought by Drury Hotels years ago:

Ahh, thanks Pete.

05-19-2022, 01:28 PM
So Bricktown has an entire carnival down there now where the Ferris Wheel is? Never noticed it until these photos.

05-19-2022, 01:32 PM
wow, must be fairly recent, hadn't seen that on my last ride-through.

what's the permitting like for something like that? at least needs a revokable? or no because it's in a private parking lot?

05-19-2022, 01:33 PM
So Bricktown has an entire carnival down there now where the Ferris Wheel is? Never noticed it until these photos.

That is for a specific privately-produced event being held this weekend, the "Bricktown Family Fun Fair." This is a repeat of the same event that was produced last year by the same folks. More details here (

Plutonic Panda
05-19-2022, 02:57 PM
That property was bought by Drury Hotels years ago:
Pete, any movement on that hotel?

05-19-2022, 03:00 PM
Pete, any movement on that hotel?

The put the property on the market then removed it, so I suppose they still plan to develop at some point.

06-12-2022, 09:46 AM
The opening of the new Marriott Renaissance has been delayed until sometime in July.

06-30-2022, 06:54 PM
Looks like they are firm on opening July 21st.

Reservations are now open.

07-17-2022, 07:16 AM
The new Marriott Renaissance opens Thursday 7/21 in the heart of Bricktown.

The district's first full-service hotel includes Culprits serving breakfast, lunch and dinner and room service, with an extensive menu of sandwiches, steaks, chops, sushi and a large wine list as well as a full bar.


The property also features valet parking, a full Starbucks, beautiful common areas, meeting rooms and of course rooms and suites, all with high-end finishes.


















07-17-2022, 08:27 AM
Wow such a cool addition to Bricktown! Great pics Pete!

07-17-2022, 10:25 AM
Much credit to the owner, Andy Patel, who worked on this for the better part of a decade and did a really nice job.

It's a real jewel in the middle of Bricktown.

07-17-2022, 02:26 PM
Wow that looks great and on par with other Renaissance and AC properties I've stayed at.