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10-24-2010, 07:07 PM
Hello OKC, we are planning on visiting your lovely city next spring and I found this forum while I was browsing for info. Happy to be here!

To the previous poster, I just got the info you were asking about and the total is five posts.

11-08-2010, 12:53 PM
Really. I've got like 15. Oh well.

EL Pinky Toe
11-09-2010, 01:06 PM
Hi everyone. This site seems to come up on nearly everytime i google something local, so I figured I'd check it out!

11-09-2010, 01:19 PM
Welcome El Pinky Toe,

Yes you found the right place if you need info about Okc or if you are looking for the solution to the World problems.

11-10-2010, 03:48 PM
Haven't updated my profile in awhile. Last time was when I started this thread.

I've lived in OKC all my life. Currently married for 5+ years. I'm a physician at a local Oklahoma City hospital. Have a 1 year old son! Enjoy all of the great things going on in OKC!

Continue the renaissance!

11-10-2010, 04:21 PM
Hello and welcome back.

One Dot Less Than Nine
11-16-2010, 03:54 PM
long time troll on here... decided to finally get involved. 30 something project manager for an architecture firm in OKC... live in SoSA... and love the changes and momentum in OKC

11-23-2010, 11:40 PM
Hello, my name is Erick and I have lived in Oklahoma my whole life. I am a 20 year old student at Francis Tuttle-Reno, studying computer aided drafting. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading the discussions regarding downtown development and check out the Devon Tower cam multiple times per day! I look forward to participating in various discussions regarding Oklahoma City, am thankful for the site, and am glad to be here!

12-07-2010, 01:52 AM
Howdy, I grew up in OKC on the southside off 89th Street, went to Moore Schools until 10th grade and then my family moved to Mustang which is where I graduated high school and Canadian Valley Vo-Tech in El Reno in the 80's.

Worked a lot of food service after that like Sullivan's Rest and Bar and Mazzio's to name a few. Went to OCCC for a few courses back then as well, but went back to school full time in the early 90's while working at Sears at Quail Springs. Graduated UCO in Edmond in 98'

Moved away to Maryland in 99' for two years and now live in Florida. I miss the people and places of Oklahoma as well as the exciting weather except for the ice and snow! Enjoy talking about "the good ole days" and how things were. When I left, Bricktown was only a block by two blocks, Was NO lottery, no casinos, No memorial, No outer loop, lots of changes since I left!!

12-23-2010, 01:37 AM

My name is Chris. I'm a Realtor and a Police Officer here in the OKC metro. I Have lived here all of my life. I'm married with two kids and I currently live in Yukon. I graduated from Putnam City High School.

12-30-2010, 05:23 PM
I'm Hans, 24, recently was relocated by my employer to work here along with 50 others when they ceased operations in Idaho. Lived in Southern Idaho the last 8 years and grew up in Idaho/Wyoming.


01-12-2011, 01:38 PM
Hey! I've been reading this forum since October when my husband and I decided to start the process of moving to OKC. He is from there and we have visited family there throughout our 16 years of marriage. Since about 2006 we have seen positive changes in OKC that are now drawing us out there. We are aiming for a June 2011 move date.

I am a musician. I have a private lesson studio of about 50 here in Atlanta Ga, am in a big band and freelance when there's work. My husband just graduated from GA State University in Anthropology and a minor in Biology. He has also been a fine dining cook and managed coffee shops. He enjoys volunteering at the Atlanta Zoo.

I have done a lot of internet research on the city but if someone can hook me up with a musician network that would be great.

I look forward to adding to the spirited yet tolerant discussions on this forum.

01-12-2011, 01:57 PM
@ sheboner, there is a musician on this forum named Prunepicker that you might want to message.

01-12-2011, 04:39 PM
My name's Sara, I was raised in Norman and have lived in Edmond (for college), Tulsa and Oxford, England - and now am proud to call OKC home. I want to be part of the progress happening in the downtown area. I'm 34 and married with one child.

01-12-2011, 04:51 PM
Welcome Sara.

01-24-2011, 07:55 AM
Hello, I’ll be your token country bumpkin. I’ve been looking at this forum for a while and there have been a few times when I thought I might be able to add something to the conversation so I’m chambering the round (registering), so to speak and will be ready the next time my expertise would be usefull.

01-30-2011, 02:21 PM
Hello! I'm AFwife04 our family just moved to Edmond in Dec of 2010. I have been married to my wonderful husband for almost 7 yrs. We have a 4 yr old and a 10 month old. We like OKC so far.

01-30-2011, 02:59 PM
Welcome AFwife04!

01-31-2011, 01:36 PM
Welcome AFwife04!

Thank you!

lake hefner breeze
02-07-2011, 12:27 AM
Hi, I have lived in OKC all of my life and have been visiting this site for several years. I really enjoy all the different people on here and their perspectives about living in this great state!

02-17-2011, 03:02 PM
I work for a local, independent real estate team called The Allen Group ( We got a lot of hits on our website from you all and your chatter about the Chesapeake development! We all have access to this, but I am personally the administrative assistant. I'm partially responsible for keeping everyone "in the know" about our wonderful city and I thought what better place to exchange ideas and information? I look forward to conversing with you all! :)

02-17-2011, 03:11 PM
and this is my personal forum log-in for when I want to be opinionated :)

02-17-2011, 03:16 PM
Thank you!!

04-15-2011, 08:49 AM
I'll keep this short. My name is Nate and I'm a transplant from the Chicago area. I'm 27 years old, 5 years into marriage and have a little one on the way. I work for a large commercial roofing contractor here in the city (sales/project management). I'm interested in new construction/development in the city. I'm really interested in discussions about bringing in national retailers to the downtown area to make it more of a destination for locals and visitors.

04-27-2011, 07:11 PM
Hello, My family moved to OKC in 1982 when I was 10 years old. Currently I am a missionary in Sapporo, Japan with my wife and 2 boys.

This website is my lifeline to see how our great city is developing.

05-03-2011, 12:38 PM
Hi everyone,

Honestly, I came across this site while searching for something else. I dont remember what it was because I've been looking at posts on this site for about an hour. I figured I'd better sign up and check it out :-)

the michigander
05-14-2011, 12:53 AM
Hello I just moved here from michigan a few months ago. I came across this site while researching the area.

05-14-2011, 05:28 AM
Welcome Michanger!!!!
Come back to the site often and weigh in on the issues

05-23-2011, 11:10 AM
I'm Zombie - some various people may know me from other boards.

I'll be around here and there...don't worry

06-05-2011, 09:12 AM
Hello I am capt_john_97 or john...or capt. In any event I am a native Oklahoman and I am fascinated with this site. I found it totally by chance as I was searching for material on the old Will Rogers Riding stable. I have lived in OKC all my life and I do love this city. I thought after having been here for a few days I should come and introduce myself. Thanks in advance for helping me find what picques my curiosity. It has been quite the walk down memory lane.
I am a public school teacher in OKCPS

06-27-2011, 11:12 AM
Hey guys,

My name is Benjamin but feel free to call me Ben. I'm a recent UCO grad and just interested learning more about OK and also meeting people who are active online! I'm also a startup internet marketer looking for more ways to do business. When I'm not in front of the computer I'm either playing Badminton or just hanging out with friends. Nice to meet ya'll!

08-02-2011, 07:17 PM
I'm moving from Florida and would like to find a spa-like rental outside of OKC--the more privacy and spa-like features, the better. I am moving from a beach community in Florida and plan to do therapeutic massage and medical billing and coding from my home. I have a master's degree and don't have any children or pets and I don't smoke. I'm very quiet and clean and have great references. I will pay you $10/hour to help me find a great location. Please call Carol at 941-240-0140 if you would like to help me relocate. I will be a good friend and business partner. Email is my preferred method of communication.

08-05-2011, 06:14 PM
Name is James, been lurking here for quite a while, started due to Venture's awesome DIY weather coverage. Oklahoma born and bred going on 31 years. Pretty big internet nerd, like to lurk on a lot of sites/forums and read other peoples opinions on things. (addicted to news story comments more than the story itself most of the time) I have to say you guys seem to have a lot of entertaining characters/personalities here.

Also a pretty big music nerd and a thread about concerts coming to Oklahoma actually led me to finally get around to posting something here. (my luck the thread'll get locked before my post gets approved)

Anyways, here's the obligatory introduction post from that creepy lurker guy who always seems to be logged in.

White Peacock
08-11-2011, 11:01 AM

I am Jeremy, age 30, resident of OKC for most of my life, bar two years during which I lived in Portland, Oregon. I am in the process of buying my first home, so since it's obvious that a home purchase will ground me to Oklahoma for several years to come, I saw fit to get involved in the local discussions.

I work in the mobile industry (won't disclose the company, but we're big and may soon own the entire GSM spectrum in the US), and am a writer, operating my own independent publishing house as a sole proprietor. Largely, I founded it as a means of publishing my own work. I'm a bit of a geek for new technology, especially tablets and smartphones (Android!).

08-11-2011, 03:43 PM
Welcome New Peoples. :-)

James - thanks for the shout out. Glad it sucked you into our demented little crazy OKCTalk family.

Jeremy - Good luck on the new house! Be sure to share some of your work here (or let us know where to find it)...always interested to see what kind of local talent we have.

White Peacock
08-16-2011, 02:59 PM
Thanks much, Venture79. My publishing house is Lux Ferous Press ( - undoubtedly the odd fit for OKC, but c'est la vie.

08-29-2011, 11:51 PM

My name is Myles and I was born and have lived in Oklahoma City all of my life. I'm only 17, so I may not be able to give people information on things they are curious about. Overall I love Oklahoma City and am proud to say I'm from here and plan to be here all of my life. I haven't always appreciated the 405 until recently, when I found out about the Devon Tower, now my imagination runs wild of the possibilities of things to come for OKC. Thanks to OKCTalk, I've been able to stay up to date on new developments in OKC and the suburbs. I think it is a very exciting time to live in Oklahoma City, which makes it a more desired city for young adults my age, some a little older. The older I get, the more appealing the city becomes for me and others in my age group. Thank you to everyone who comes here and supports this forum, and a very big thank you to Pete for starting this forum. God bless.

08-30-2011, 05:47 AM
Welcome! Great to read that young Oklahoma Citians have pride in our city and want to stay and make a difference. We need more like you, hopefully they are out there.

09-11-2011, 12:44 PM
Hello, I'm Jake! I've been browsing this site for a few years and have to say that I love the fact that OKC citizens are actively discussing issues and ideas about their city! I'm actually from Tulsa, but the majority of my friends and my two twin brothers live in the Oklahoma City area so I visit OKC about every couple of weeks. While I'm not a citizen of the Oklahoma City, I take great pride in what the city is and what it is aspiring to be. I'm am enthralled and fascinated with what OKC is doing to further develop itself into a "major-league" city. Along with not being an actual Okalahoa Citian, I'm also only 19 years old. I cannot give insight or information to anyone, but I definitely enjoy what wiser and more informed people have to say about the city!

09-21-2011, 10:43 AM
Hello Iam Cheryl I have lived in OKC for 40 years. I moved one time but came back this is my City.MDot is my grandson I saw him looking @this site thought i would look for myself thing its great

09-23-2011, 01:34 PM
Well, welcome aboard cfeken, good to have you. ;-)

09-27-2011, 08:33 PM
Hello all. My name's John Paul McCain (don't laugh). Been browsing the forum for a couple of months and decided to join. Lived here my entire life with the brief exception of an ill fated move to Tyler, TX for six months in 2009. I'm 26 and absolutely love our city and where it is going. I consider myself a bit of an OKC history buff and like to peruse sites like . Look forward to talking to many of you!

10-22-2011, 04:12 PM
Realized I've never introduced myself on here.

My name is Michael Herndon. I'm 19, born and raised on the inner-north and south sides of the city. I graduated from Southeast in 2010, and I attend OCCC and UCO now with a major in Graphic Design. If I had the means, my true dream would have been to pursue a career and education in urban planning, city development, land-use planning, etc. But life is give and take so until that dream comes true, OKCTalk holds me over. I love following the urban progress in our city and I'm an advocate of smart, green planning. When I graduate UCO in in a couple years I want to work and live downtown, maybe even work for Ghost.

Joined OKCTalk in 2007, but I've been lurking since 2006. I'm still more of a lurker, than a poster, but that's because I use the site mainly as a place to get information on new developments in our city. Love the site and all the information from everyone. One of my favorites.

10-22-2011, 05:16 PM
Hi all, I'm Nikki. I have lived in or around OKC since 2002.

10-22-2011, 07:24 PM
Welcome, Nikki. Glad to have you.

10-22-2011, 07:37 PM
Welcome, Nikki. Glad to have you.

Thank you.

10-23-2011, 01:27 AM
Realized I've never introduced myself on here.

My name is Michael Herndon. I'm 19, born and raised on the inner-north and south sides of the city. I graduated from Southeast in 2010, and I attend OCCC and UCO now with a major in Graphic Design. If I had the means, my true dream would have been to pursue a career and education in urban planning, city development, land-use planning, etc. But life is give and take so until that dream comes true, OKCTalk holds me over. I love following the urban progress in our city and I'm an advocate of smart, green planning. When I graduate UCO in in a couple years I want to work and live downtown, maybe even work for Ghost.

Joined OKCTalk in 2007, but I've been lurking since 2006. I'm still more of a lurker, than a poster, but that's because I use the site mainly as a place to get information on new developments in our city. Love the site and all the information from everyone. One of my favorites.

We're not so different, you and I. You've been here 4 years longer than I have so I can't really :welcome55 you so, glad you introduced yourself and hope your ambitions come true as I have similar ambitions. Good luck in the rest of your College years and may you become a successfull Oklahoma Citian.

11-06-2011, 04:25 PM
Hi all, I am so excited to find this place!

Professionally I manage a paint store. In my free time I explore OKC! I love to just drive around and see what's out there, this site will save me on gas and feed my curiosity! I am a huge fan of Mid-Century Modern architecture, Modern Architecture, and the historic International style in OKC.

I moved here after college a few years ago from a small Missouri farming community- this is a very big city for me, I will probably stay here longterm and I plan to take it all in. I bought and am in the process of renovating a MCM home in Mayfair Heights near N May and NW 43. After it is complete I hope to sell it and look for a bigger and better MCM project somewhere else in NW OKC.

11-09-2011, 02:58 PM
Just found your site while looking for information on the earthquakes looks interesting thanks

11-11-2011, 12:40 AM
Hey, friends! So I guess this is where I'm supposed to introduce myself. Hi, my name is James (that's always the awkward part, isn't it?) I have lived in the OKC Metro all my life. Early on I lived in The Village, then moved to the South Side, and later the west side (between Yukon and Mustang) during high school. I managed to remain at Southeast High School due to the lack of JROTC options out west. Joined the OK Air National Guard while still in high school, and have been serving for over 11 years and counting. Spent a little less than a year in Biloxi, MS for training, then moved to Edmond and attended UCO. Lived in various areas on the NW side for a few years before marriage and just welcomed my first son earlier this year.

I first caught the urban development bug as a VERY young child. My grandmother had a book on urban development in OKC and after reading it (or looking at the pictures) at an age so young I barely remember (it was a fairly new book, and all I remember was it was written while the Oklahoma Tower was still under construction) I was hooked. I think I am the only person I know who read the Buisness section in elementry school. I spent 14 years in retail, but now have my dream job on the Bricktown Canal, and I couldn't be happier.

I've read this website for years, and finally decided to take the time to register.

Sorry if I rambled

11-11-2011, 05:50 AM
Friends KNOW me those who don't, we will get to know each other over time. Glad to find a site to talk about Oklahoma issues and hear about Oklahoma Events.

11-16-2011, 12:23 AM
Hey, friends! So I guess this is where I'm supposed to introduce myself. Hi, my name is James (that's always the awkward part, isn't it?) I have lived in the OKC Metro all my life. Early on I lived in The Village, then moved to the South Side, and later the west side (between Yukon and Mustang) during high school. I managed to remain at Southeast High School due to the lack of JROTC options out west. Joined the OK Air National Guard while still in high school, and have been serving for over 11 years and counting. Spent a little less than a year in Biloxi, MS for training, then moved to Edmond and attended UCO. Lived in various areas on the NW side for a few years before marriage and just welcomed my first son earlier this year.

I first caught the urban development bug as a VERY young child. My grandmother had a book on urban development in OKC and after reading it (or looking at the pictures) at an age so young I barely remember (it was a fairly new book, and all I remember was it was written while the Oklahoma Tower was still under construction) I was hooked. I think I am the only person I know who read the Buisness section in elementry school. I spent 14 years in retail, but now have my dream job on the Bricktown Canal, and I couldn't be happier.

I've read this website for years, and finally decided to take the time to register.

Sorry if I rambled

Welcome James! It sounds like you've lived all over Oklahoma City in your lifetime (I have as well). Congratulations on the birth of your son as well! And I would also like to thank you for your service.

I never cared for urban development untill recently so I cannot relate to you in that sense, however, I have always read the Business section and have always been fascinated with development as a whole. But this isn't about me, this is about you. It's great to add a new member to the OKCTalk family and hope to see you engage with the rest of us (pier pressure voice) as it makes it more interesting to hear other opinions; no obligations though, I know you have a life to live outside of here because I do too. Lol

BTW, you didn't ramble, no need to apologize. =)

12-08-2011, 02:23 AM
Hi, I'm Vicky...I have been living in OKC since I was 16 yrs old...I am now 53. My husband and I are both retired and live in Tecumseh, OK now. We just sold all of our mini horses and donkeys so we don't have to feed in the getting a little harder for us to endure now. We now just have our chihuahua's and my new yorkie. I registered on here to learn more about what's going on in OKC, to share memories of the old OKC and to find ways to "pay it forward" ...we live on a limited income but try to help others. Thanks for taking the time to read!

12-08-2011, 02:45 AM
Hi, I'm Vicky...I have been living in OKC since I was 16 yrs old...I am now 53. My husband and I are both retired and live in Tecumseh, OK now. We just sold all of our mini horses and donkeys so we don't have to feed in the getting a little harder for us to endure now. We now just have our chihuahua's and my new yorkie. I registered on here to learn more about what's going on in OKC, to share memories of the old OKC and to find ways to "pay it forward" ...we live on a limited income but try to help others. Thanks for taking the time to read!Welcome Vicky! You must like small animals.

12-08-2011, 06:56 AM
Hi my name is Mike, I was born in NW oklahoma moved to OKC and lived there for 25yrs until I moved to Philly been here for 15yrs. My son and I do home remodels and cleanouts, I enjoy comming home to see all the great work that has been done in OKC, when I retire I'll move back.

12-22-2011, 06:43 PM
Hi everyone
My name is Will, but some folks know me as Sandy. I lived in various parts of the OKC area from 1968 to 2000, but mostly in Moore, where I graduated from high school in '84 (while wearing a body cast). I moved from the area in 2000 to southwest Missouri, and then later on to far northeastern Oklahoma where I presently live with my wife and almost 2 year old son. We also have a 22 year old daughter who elected to move back to OKC a few years ago.
Anyway, I miss living down there, there have been so many changes in the short time that I have been gone, so I've especially enjoyed reading the nostalgia and memories section. From some of the postings I've read, it wouldn't surprise me if I already know some of you, or we at least have some mutual friends. A lot of the time when we do get down there visit, no matter what side of town we're on I always bump into 3 or 4 people I know
Anyway, its good to be here.

12-23-2011, 06:15 AM
hi i live in philadelphia pa i have been out here for 14yrs, my son and i run a business togather, i miss being in okc and look forward to moving back some day

12-24-2011, 04:12 PM
I've been to Philly a couple of times, and it seemed like a nice place, but I was there on business and really didn't have time to look around

12-28-2011, 02:13 AM
Hello, I'm Jake! I've been browsing this site for a few years and have to say that I love the fact that OKC citizens are actively discussing issues and ideas about their city! I'm actually from Tulsa, but the majority of my friends and my two twin brothers live in the Oklahoma City area so I visit OKC about every couple of weeks. While I'm not a citizen of the Oklahoma City, I take great pride in what the city is and what it is aspiring to be. I'm am enthralled and fascinated with what OKC is doing to further develop itself into a "major-league" city. Along with not being an actual Okalahoa Citian, I'm also only 19 years old. I cannot give insight or information to anyone, but I definitely enjoy what wiser and more informed people have to say about the city!

Hi Jakey! You're going to absolutely love it here!

01-08-2012, 12:18 PM
Hello all my name Roland I moved to OKC in 1996 for a job in the past 4 years my wife has taken on 2 new business in OKC, OK Integrated Massage Therapy College and 2 of the local Elements franchise if you care to view either here are the links to the school and Elements. and, thank you for your interest.