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03-02-2009, 05:45 PM
Don't think I ever posted here - if I did, please forgive me.

I lived in OKC until I was 42, then moved to the east coast for my husband's job (we're nearly 51). We have a home in SW OKC (family stays there) waiting for us to return in the next year or three. I am a lawyer, crazy about my dogs and quilt. I am so homesick it is pathetic.

03-02-2009, 11:27 PM
If it weren't for ECO I wouldn't be posting here.

I've lived, on and off, in OKC since 1959. We moved from CA. For those of
you with a government school education, that's California. It's on the west
coast of the USA.

At any rate, I'm an avid fly fisherman, note I did not say fisher person.

There is one place I like to fish in Oklahoma and it's the Mountain Fork river
that runs through Beaver's Bend state park. Otherwise I'll fish in North
Carolina in May and New Mexico in October.

Why? Because that's what I do.

03-03-2009, 07:42 AM
I've enjoyed the friendly banter back and forth from all the members here, but the last two members are my favorites.
ECO and PP, you guys rock!

03-14-2009, 09:46 PM
My name is Curtis. My first memories are of OKC. My dad was a minister so we left when I was about 6. Living in Oklahoma has allowed me to visit OKC often and I still love it! I could go through all the things I love about OKC, but so many on this site have already named them. I am just glad this site is here.

03-16-2009, 06:29 PM
Hello, im obviously new here this is probably my 4th or 5th post. I registered last week after lurking for quite a while. I found this site while looking for info on the new Devon Tower, and i have been lurking every since.

I live in NW Okc, i am a civilian at Tinker working in the Supply/Logistical field for the last 7 years. Before that i was in the military (army) for 8 years, along with several other jobs in this city and others (to include Atlanta).

My passions and hobbies include sports like OU football, OU anything, Dallas Cowboys, cars (Corvettes in particular, but anything nice), music, fun, and the general enjoyment of living a good life.

Though i was born out of state, my family transferred here 30 years ago with GM when i was a little kid. Luckily my father retired in 2002 before the plant shut down. I have lived 20 of my 37 years here in central Oklahoma, and even though i have left several times every time i come back i can really tell that this place has grown. I can honestly say while we are not as "big" as Atlanta or Dallas, who needs the population, pollution, traffic, and crime those places have to deal with?

Sure we have had a few setbacks with weather events and other incidents in recent years, but we are heading in a positive direction. I'll take this town and the spirit of it's people anyday.

03-16-2009, 07:35 PM
Hello, my name is Jason, I am new to OKCTALK, I live in Ada, but I do come to OKC on a occasion, I am a big fan of the Thunder (even though I have not been to a game yet), I also like the Sooners and the Redhawks, I am thinking about moving up to OKC in the future, I just really excited about the future of OKC and Oklahoma, I can't wait until the Devon Tower gets built, the new I-40 crosstown, and some other things also. I am so happy to be here on this site.

Mr Pappagiorgio
03-21-2009, 02:21 PM

I'm not from Oklahoma City, but found this site through a Thunder fansite. I sometimes think down the road I'd like to live in OKC, although it won't even be an option for a good long while. So I figured I'd register and maybe this site will help me learn a little more about the city. I also run a Thunder Fansite over at Welcome to Loud City - BRING THE THUNDER! (Oklahoma City Thunder Fansite) ( I live in Sapulpa, which is about 15 minutes outside of Tulsa, and have been to OKC for about 10 Thunder games this season. Really enjoyed the Bricktown experience and sitting in Loud City with the other great fans in OKC.

03-22-2009, 08:32 PM
My name is Harold. I lived on se40th and High for the first 6 years of my life then onto Del City (Grad 1984). Spent 17+ years in Houston and moved back to OK in 2006. Glad to be back.

03-24-2009, 12:54 AM
Hello! I was searching for up-right freezers and somehow stumbled onto this Forum. Read some of the posts and decided that I would join up! :pg_bubble:

USG '60
03-24-2009, 06:28 AM
Hello! I was searching for up-right freezers and somehow stumbled onto this Forum. Read some of the posts and decided that I would join up! :pg_bubble:Well, have you found a freezer yet?

03-24-2009, 08:29 PM
Well, have you found a freezer yet?

No I have not found a freezer yet that I think fits my budget! Lol!!

03-25-2009, 05:57 PM
My name is Harold. I lived on se40th and High for the first 6 years of my life then onto Del City (Grad 1984). Spent 17+ years in Houston and moved back to OK in 2006. Glad to be back.

I'll bet you are!!

My dad was not from Oklahoma. He lived and worked in Houston most of his adult life, then his health failed and he retired to Oklahoma where I was living. He LOVED it!! No traffic to speak of (at least in comparison). Congrats on being back home. Can't wait until I'm back, myself.

03-28-2009, 06:14 PM
Hello! I'm Jordan. I'm 20 and have lived in Oklahoma City since birth. Right now I am at OSU in Stillwater but I'm home a lot of weekends. I've always liked OKC but my interest really took off when I was a part of the "Youth Council" program in 2005; I was a Ward 8 councilor. Youth Council made urban planning, civic issues, architecture, local politics etc etc a huge interest of mine.

Aside from that stuff my interests include graphic design, podcasting/journalism, art, and electronic music (mostly house, trance, and trip hop).

I've lurked on this board for a long time...probably close to a year now, and figured I'd might as well register!

04-01-2009, 12:12 AM
Hello! I'm Jordan. I'm 20 and have lived in Oklahoma City since birth. Right now I am at OSU in Stillwater but I'm home a lot of weekends. I've always liked OKC but my interest really took off when I was a part of the "Youth Council" program in 2005; I was a Ward 8 councilor. Youth Council made urban planning, civic issues, architecture, local politics etc etc a huge interest of mine.

Fellow Youth Councilperson here, Jordan--I was part of the inaugural class back in 2002 (Ward 1). The OKC Youth Council is a wonderful program to be involved in, and a definite boon to any high school resume! I'm an OSU alum and am currently a first year PhD student in Materials Science at UT-Austin. Having invested considerable time in OKC civic affairs as a teenager, I enjoy keeping tabs on local developments, especially through OKCTalk.

04-03-2009, 03:18 PM
Fellow Youth Councilperson here, Jordan--I was part of the inaugural class back in 2002 (Ward 1). The OKC Youth Council is a wonderful program to be involved in, and a definite boon to any high school resume! I'm an OSU alum and am currently a first year PhD student in Materials Science at UT-Austin. Having invested considerable time in OKC civic affairs as a teenager, I enjoy keeping tabs on local developments, especially through OKCTalk.

Very cool! Yes, the Youth Council program is great, I think. It taught me a ton about the city that most people never get to see!

04-04-2009, 10:16 AM
We are A date with iris floral studio. A unique floral shop on western avenue. We are always excited about our OKC's events and like to keep informed of them all to see where we can advocate and support.

04-12-2009, 09:53 PM
i am a 25 year old wife and mother of three (all boys). i was born in shawnee, grew up in mustang and then lived in okc for a few years before moving to north carolina. i lived there for four years and just moved back to oklahoma in october. i am amazed at how much the city has changed in the short time i've been away. that along with leaving as childless and returning with kids- it's like viewing a whole new city. right now i'm living in okc right on the edge of the city and mustang, but once the hubster officially gets out of the army, we want to move over to the mesta park area. i've always been in love with the houses around there.

04-13-2009, 06:11 AM
i am a 25 year old wife and mother of three (all boys). i was born in shawnee, grew up in mustang and then lived in okc for a few years before moving to north carolina. i lived there for four years and just moved back to oklahoma in october. i am amazed at how much the city has changed in the short time i've been away. that along with leaving as childless and returning with kids- it's like viewing a whole new city. right now i'm living in okc right on the edge of the city and mustang, but once the hubster officially gets out of the army, we want to move over to the mesta park area. i've always been in love with the houses around there.

Welcome! I'm, envious that you are back but happy for you. Yes, the city is definitely changing! It is always excited to get back into town. Mesta Park? What are the schools like in the MP area? You've really got your hands full with three boys in four years. Any multiples?

My husband is a Mustang boy and we also have a place between OKC and Mustang. We aren't living there right now, but sounds like we would be neighbors if we were.

04-23-2009, 10:31 AM
Been reading this site off and on for a long time, only started posting recently. I would post more often but it always requires a moderator to approve my posts... so the thread has moved on and my replies are usually missed/overlooked by the time it clears the moderators. Are all accounts like this?

04-23-2009, 10:38 AM
Been reading this site off and on for a long time, only started posting recently. I would post more often but it always requires a moderator to approve my posts... so the thread has moved on and my replies are usually missed/overlooked by the time it clears the moderators. Are all accounts like this?

If I'm not mistaken that will stop happening afer your 10th (or so) post. I had the same issue when I first started posting. So post away, look for non time sensitive threads to post in unitl you reach that 10 post moderator limit. BTW welcome.

04-23-2009, 10:53 AM
Naturally that post was the first that didn't require mod approval.... so, nevermind me!


04-25-2009, 02:47 PM
Hi All,
I'm Steve and I live in Mustang. Went to HS in Woodward and am now retired from Tinker (in 2004) I was a machinist and later did procrement and administrative work for some of the shops. Prior to TAFB I was a salesman and asst mgr at Otasco & worked at Mayfair, Eastgate Center in MWC, Stockyards and Warr Acres. I'm a native Oklahoman having been born in Stillwater where my Father was a student, then instructor, after the war. My wife is from Seoul, S. Korea. We have no children.

04-25-2009, 09:07 PM
hi steve,
my roommate(in denver) 30 yrs ago graduated from woodward, ok. did you know any of the 'faulk" girls? grad about '70 - '75. their mom owned a girls clothing store too. ring any bells?

04-26-2009, 06:52 AM
Was her name Kaye Faulk? She graduated two years after my class in 1967. I didn't know her but I knew the name. (I located my 1966 college roommate who was from Colorado recently. I hope you have the same good luck!)

04-27-2009, 09:27 AM
My name is Mike and I'm a lifelong resident of NW OKC for 53 years. I went to John Marshall and work in management for the USPS. I have spent my entire life watching OKC change and miss some of the old stuff but am excited about the new as well. It's a great place to live and work, just found this forum today and look forward to hearing from all of you.

04-28-2009, 07:39 AM
Hi all,
My name is Mike. I was born in OKC nearly 66 years ago, and have lived in the area most of my life.

My mother liked to move around a lot, so I have spent some time in California, Texas, and Arkansas. Probably about 6 years in total. The rest has been here in the OKC area.

I graduated from Midwest City High School, but have also attended, US Grant, Capitol Hill High School, and a variety of others. Oh, and did I mention my mother really moved around a lot? hahaha.

Just found this forum yesterday, and I think I'll hang out here a while.

05-03-2009, 08:06 PM
Hola, everybody!

I am a 25 yo student at OSU and will be graduating in December. I grew up in Purcell and have lived in Oklahoma all my life.

I like to make trips to the city for fun stuff and keep updated on what's happening there so I am pretty excited to find this forum!

Stan Silliman
05-05-2009, 08:49 AM
Hi All,
I'm Steve and I live in Mustang. Went to HS in Woodward and am now retired from Tinker (in 2004) I was a machinist and later did procrement and administrative work for some of the shops. Prior to TAFB I was a salesman and asst mgr at Otasco & worked at Mayfair, Eastgate Center in MWC, Stockyards and Warr Acres. I'm a native Oklahoman having been born in Stillwater where my Father was a student, then instructor, after the war. My wife is from Seoul, S. Korea. We have no children.

Hi Steve,

Glad to see you here. As a junior high kid I worked at Otasco in Woodward in the bike repairs. If I remember, and that was over 50 years ago, Mr. Wade was the manager.


05-05-2009, 10:25 AM
Thanks Stan! 50 yrs ago is when my family moved to WW. I only had dealings with Mr Apple at the Firestone store for bike repairs. Sorry I didn't meet you. I don't recall the Otasco mgr but I remember the asst mgr and the Western Auto guys. (how much is this?? A doller-two-eighty!)

05-05-2009, 06:30 PM
hi, lived in okc from '64 - '76. attended western oaks, windsor hills, central jr high & graduated from pc west in '75. left ok in '76 but have terrific memories of biking throughout windsor hills, comet skating club & summers spent @ sportsmans, elks, cabana, and ripper park. best retreats ever @ fallscreek. hung out at shepard mall & penn square. central jr high lunches @ the candybox/ any candybox guys/girls out there? high school worked @ across the street, long john silvers, steak and ale & casa bonita. game nights cruised 39th and shakeys or west's macdonalds. best pizza in america i swear was at ned's across from northwest classen. anyone know how to reach that family for the recipe??? now live on west coast but return to okc for highschool reunions, our 35th is coming up, amazing. what a great safe and fun area to have grown up.

chhs kid ''73''
05-05-2009, 07:30 PM
Hello Everyone, my name is Gary C. lived in south OKC until 1974/1977 when
I was in the service,3 yrs. in Germany.I graduated from Capitol Hill High 1973.
I returned to So. OKC after service, then in 1980 moved to Norman, been
here ever since. But my best memories are growing up and around Capitol Hill area. I still have family in OKC and I'm there alot. I guess you can take
"the kid" out of the city, but you can't take the city out of the kid.

05-09-2009, 12:12 AM
Greets OKC!

I'm a damnyankee, been here since 1979, first in Enid, then to OKC in 1980. You can call me David Duckslammer. That's not about advocating violence towards waterfowl - it's a whimsical name for an instrument I play called the mountain dulcimer.

I'm interested in all things geek, making soap, playing my duckslammer, playing the ancient Asian mindsport called Go, ethnic food, travel, and sharing good convo with interesting people.

I'm a member of l'Alliance Francaise d'OKC, the International Visitors Council of OKC, the OKC Traditional Music Association, Asian Society of Oklahoma, and founder of the Oklahoma Go Players Association.


05-09-2009, 07:02 AM
I'm interested in all things geek, making soap, playing my duckslammer, playing the ancient Asian mindsport called Go, ethnic food, travel, and sharing good convo with interesting people.

Welcome, Duckslammer! You sound like you have interesting hobbies. I've thought about making soap but that is as far as it got. On my list to things to learn.

This is a fun board. From where in NY do you hail?

05-09-2009, 10:34 PM
Welcome, Duckslammer! You sound like you have interesting hobbies. I've thought about making soap but that is as far as it got. On my list to things to learn.

When you decide you want to learn about it, drop me a private message and I will point you towards info and resources.

This is a fun board. From where in NY do you hail?

Now hold on a minute... I didn't say Noo Yawk, are you psychic? :) CNY is my old stomping grounds, from Rochester to Syracuse, north to the largest lake in the world and south to the Fingerlakes wine country.


05-10-2009, 08:32 AM
Now hold on a minute... I didn't say Noo Yawk, are you psychic? :) CNY is my old stomping grounds, from Rochester to Syracuse, north to the largest lake in the world and south to the Fingerlakes wine country.


I've been accused of being psychic, by quite a few. <g>

That is supposed to be very pretty country. My next door neighbors are from Rochester and relative points south. The lake snow sounds daunting! What a climate change for you. I get a kick out of our damnyankee neighbors who wear shorts in 25 degree weather but have the AC blasting at 72 degrees!

05-31-2009, 02:48 PM
hi, lived in okc from '64 - '76. attended western oaks, windsor hills, central jr high & graduated from pc west in '75. left ok in '76 but have terrific memories of biking throughout windsor hills, comet skating club & summers spent @ sportsmans, elks, cabana, and ripper park. best retreats ever @ fallscreek. hung out at shepard mall & penn square. central jr high lunches @ the candybox/ any candybox guys/girls out there? high school worked @ across the street, long john silvers, steak and ale & casa bonita. game nights cruised 39th and shakeys or west's macdonalds. best pizza in america i swear was at ned's across from northwest classen. anyone know how to reach that family for the recipe??? now live on west coast but return to okc for highschool reunions, our 35th is coming up, amazing. what a great safe and fun area to have grown up.

Hi all,
Grew up here also and Graduated from PCWest in 1975. try to stay in contact

06-03-2009, 12:09 PM
Crissy - born and rasied in OKC, and lived here all but one year that I lived in St. Louis. Graduated from Mt. St. Mary HS in 1987

06-03-2009, 12:10 PM
and wow, my avatar is big....i couldn't see it yesterday when I signed up because my posts had to be approved by moderators...i'll make it smaller :D

06-08-2009, 12:12 PM
Crissy - born and rasied in OKC, and lived here all but one year that I lived in St. Louis. Graduated from Mt. St. Mary HS in 1987

Welcome Crissy and Dennis

06-17-2009, 07:49 AM
Hello everyone.

My name is David, and I am a software developer employed in the greater OKC area. I was born and partially raised in Denver, and raised the rest of the way in southern Louisiana and then southern Oklahoma. I have also lived in the DC area and worked in downtown Cleveland and Chicago.

I found this board a few months back, and have been lurking ever sense, mainly in the OKC Metro Area Talk forum. Just a few minutes ago I noticed a post I wanted to respond to, so I figured I might as well give my introduction here first before commenting elsewhere.

06-30-2009, 10:39 AM
What's up everyone?

I'm Steve and I work as a marine meteorologist in Norman. I just recently moved here from Albuquerque, NM. Previous to that, I was in Virginia Beach(in the Navy) and have been stationed in Bahrain, Willow Grove PA, and Biloxi, MS. I'm originally from the Boston area and hope to enjoy the area.

07-04-2009, 10:52 PM
hey everybody...
i am Alex, a brazilian guy, 20, who is spending the summer as a camp counselor for the north side ymca.

i want to know some people i can hang out with.


07-05-2009, 03:49 PM
I have lived in OKC most of my 50 yrs... spent a couple yrs in LA and have family in LA...but came back to OKC for friends & cost of living about 6 yrs ago. Unfortunately I have been the "victim" of company moves, acquisitions, and was recently laid off from a huge OKC corporation. I do love OKC but think it needs to continue to update itself in many ways...I like the changes that have occurred but still feel we need more open minded city leaders, planners, etc. We need to encourage & support small individually owned businesses & restaurants. And we need better grocery stores!!! I will give LA that - better grocery stores and fresh produce.

07-05-2009, 04:59 PM
My name is Dustin. Lived in OKC my whole life. Just got married in May. Really Excited with all that is finally happening in our city

07-12-2009, 09:47 PM
Bob South OKC employed at convergys

07-15-2009, 03:05 PM
That's a big ol avatar there Bob!

07-24-2009, 06:41 PM
Hello OKCTalk. My name is Kelly and I was born at St. Anthony's Hospital in OKC about 41 years ago. I grew up in Blanchard and now live in the Quail Springs Mall area. I work at Dell. Thank you for listening.


07-24-2009, 09:34 PM
My name is Dan. I have been sober for - 8 months. Kidding! I have recently moved back to OKC from Denver after living in Dallas. I am in financial services. Went to OU. Born and raised here and always felt OKC was home. I am a glass half full kind of guy. I was so happy to find this site after seeing the mindless ranting in the comments section of the online DOK. Hope I don't offend anyone, I speak my mind but I dont mean to offend.

07-24-2009, 10:51 PM
My name is Dan. I have been sober for - 8 months. Kidding! I have recently moved back to OKC from Denver after living in Dallas. I am in financial services. Went to OU. Born and raised here and always felt OKC was home. I am a glass half full kind of guy. I was so happy to find this site after seeing the mindless ranting in the comments section of the online DOK. Hope I don't offend anyone, I speak my mind but I dont mean to offend.

07-28-2009, 12:53 AM
Hello OKC,

I am a lurker, and saw a few names I recognized so I decided to register. My parents were part of the great BIA brain child called Indian Relocation, and left in the late 1950's.

That's where the idiots at the BIA thought Indians would benefit from living in large metro areas like Los Angeles and a few other cities. There were quite a few Indians in Los Angeles area at one time. Most have returned to their respective tribal areas by now.

Of course, we all know what happened to L.A. in the last 30 years. Thank god I left that place 25 years ago. Oklahoma has always been home.

I hope my avatar doesn't come out like a 1/2 an acre or something. We will see.

07-28-2009, 05:05 AM
Hagrid, your avatar is perfect.

I have been out of the loop since late June and haven't said welcome. But welcome! Always nice to see new faces.

08-03-2009, 09:58 PM
Hello OKC. My name is Troy and I own a paint contracting company called iPaint. Glad to be here.

08-05-2009, 12:32 PM
Hello new guy Oklahoma transplant married to an okie gal. Going to school here and gtfo of dodge once I got my degree lol.

08-25-2009, 12:53 PM
I am JohnDenver and I have been sober for 20 hours.

My wife and I are transplants from Dallas. We got here about a year ago for the wife's job. Glad to finally have found a place on these intertubes that caters to OKC. We have had a great time exploring the local digs and have very few complaints about OKC. The slower pace of life is fitting us nicely.

08-29-2009, 09:30 AM
Hi. I'm Curtis and I'm from Harlingen, Texas. I moved here 30 years ago to build a log cabin in the woods north of Stella. Now I live in Spencer, and count the days 'til Sooner football starts every year! After the game, we go out on the back porch and play blues and bluegrass music, and finish off the residual ethanol.

08-29-2009, 09:38 AM

Worked in politics for several years, just moved back from DC. Graduated from OU, going back to school for another BA and Masters. Currently living in Edmond.

I have a tattoo of the Osage shield (from our flag) between my shoulders, I've been known to be a hard worker and Oklahoma Advocate.

09-02-2009, 09:46 AM
Welcome RedDirt! My Dad was born in Pawhuska and grew up in Hominy. We don't have any Osage blood in us, but we sure have a lot of Osage friends!

09-05-2009, 05:41 PM
I am not from Oklahoma City but I visited last year and made some good friends.

09-06-2009, 10:56 AM
I am not from Oklahoma City but I visited last year and made some good friends.

Welcome to the board my friend. Hopefully sooner than later you can make another trip and use this place as a guide to future visits and social events.


09-28-2009, 05:13 PM
Hi, I am rxmom03...I am a pharmacist and a mom. I know that was hard to guess :LolLolLol I live in OKC, and although I am a native Texan, I have lived in OK long enough to claim it as home, and even root for the Sooners. Of course, since my son attends OU, he would disown me if I didn't!

I had actually joined a while ago, but forgot about this site until recently. So, hope to catch up on everything going on in OKC.