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06-05-2018, 11:55 AM
that's a shame but not a surprise. i don't think they ever rose to the same level of quality as prairie thunder.

06-05-2018, 11:55 AM
There were all types of ownership issues behind the scene.

Strangely, they just bought a food truck like a month or two ago.

06-05-2018, 12:07 PM
ahh... that makes sense. from the outside, it seemed to me that they never completely hit the concept that they were aiming for.

06-05-2018, 12:13 PM
There were all types of ownership issues behind the scene.

Strangely, they just bought a food truck like a month or two ago.

Yes they had some major fueding between owners and some key departures before they even opened so it was probably doomed from the start. Based on what I’ve been told from some of the involved parties, I’m actually surprised they lasted this long.

Definitely never hit the concept they were going for because those departures.

Roger S
06-05-2018, 12:30 PM
You can blame me... Since I went keto I stopped walking up there at lunch and getting pretzels and wurzelbrot. ;)

I don't know about all the behind the scenes stuff but they never seemed to find an identity.... I went once or twice a month for pretzels and every time I walked in it was like walking into a different store. They had even cut pretzels back to two days a week... The counter help wasn't always the best either.

06-05-2018, 01:55 PM
Never really had the selection and visual appeal as a real bakery of special items. I real identity.

06-05-2018, 02:44 PM
No !!! I just discovered the place few weeks ago while leaving mcnelies. The best baguette in the Metro by far and fairly priced. Same with the small tartelette which were typical from a French bakery.

06-06-2018, 12:00 AM
No !!! I just discovered the place few weeks ago while leaving mcnelies. The best baguette in the Metro by far and fairly priced. Same with the small tartelette which were typical from a French bakery.

I admire them for trying, but their food never quite lived up to the promise. It seems every successful restaurant or cafe has at least one or two standout items. While they had a few decent options, there just wasn't anything essential.

I still believe a similar concept could / would work, but the food has to be a notch better.

06-06-2018, 05:19 AM
May be just me...but the name never seemed right. This thread has been around over a year and everytime I see it, I open it thinking it would be about a spa or hair cut place. I actually looked it up and means food of life but just sounds like a spa, When I have needed a bakery over the last year....we go to Ingrids driving right by this place without thinking about it as name has never stuck with me. Sometimes clever hurts you

06-06-2018, 06:19 AM
May be just me...but the name never seemed right. This thread has been around over a year and everytime I see it, I open it thinking it would be about a spa or hair cut place. I actually looked it up and means food of life but just sounds like a spa, When I have needed a bakery over the last year....we go to Ingrids driving right by this place without thinking about it as name has never stuck with me. Sometimes clever hurts you
Ha, it definitely wasn't just you. Every time I see this thread title, I couldn't remember what it was for and it was the same for a number of friends and family when I asked if they knew what it was. So I think it hurt them.