01-05-2017, 02:14 PM
I am heartsick and deeply angry at the recent death of the young mother and the injury of her passengers by repeat DUI offender Craig Maker. While another family struggles with a senseless death we also seem to lack the fortitude to lay full accountability to those responsible. While Craig Maker should never be permitted to be a part of society due to his reoccurring lack of concern for others I also feel its time to call out judges who allow repeat DUI offenders to mame and kill others. What judge(s) handed down a light sentence to Craig Maker? What judges are repeat offenders of not enforcing the full weight of the court to DUI offenders. Yes, Craig Maker is guilty of taking an innocent life. But so are judges who somehow face little or no accountability for death of the innocent.
01-05-2017, 03:12 PM
You want to call out the judge, but not the prosecutors who offered a ten year deferred sentence?
Cherry pick much?
It is not appropriate to blame the judge because something went south, even horribly south, as happened here. And really, if the defendant had been stone cold sober as he ripped down the road at 100 plus, would the end result be any different?
01-05-2017, 07:24 PM
Clearly there seems to be a lack of accountability on several levels. I realize things can be complex. I get that. But what I don't get is a seemingly lack of out cry from law makers and citizens as well. Thus without outcry and action we can assume many more innocent lives could be lost to repeat DUI offenders. I just hope it doesn't happen to my family....nor yours.
01-05-2017, 08:41 PM
There is outcry. in fact the Legislature recently took DUI out of muni courts and all such cases will go to courts of record now so the cases can be better tracked.
Unless, officers decide to arrest for something other than DUI, keeping the case, and the fines/costs which flow from it, in the muni systems. It could happen.
The lock up all/most repeat offenders idea is popular, until the cost gets considered, something the lock them all up crowd has been coming to terms with due to budget holes, overcrowding, etc.
Bottom line, there are no simple, or inexpensive answers.
TU 'cane
01-08-2017, 06:25 PM
In years past, Oklahoma operated on a by county basis for DUIs. Until last year when a bill was signed into law, it was hard to keep track of repeat DUI offenders. I'm pretty sure now they keep track of the total regardless of county.
Someone please correct me if I'm incorrect, because I thought that's what was going on. If not, maybe I read something else.
All political details and opinions aside, I personally believe after a certain number of DUIs, people need to be held accountable and punished in some form. They're ticking bombs waiting to go off and potentially destroy others lives.