View Full Version : Truelove's Bar & Grill (Pool Hall) to become a Mexican Restaurant?

11-28-2016, 05:30 PM
Drove by the former True Love's Bar & Grill at 3624 S. Robinson Ave. today and noticed the roof had been removed (on purpose). I ask a longtime resident and was told the land finally recently sold and is to become a Mexican restaurant.

No other confirmation.

Looks like it sold in July of last year for $90,000 to Okla South Robinson LLC.

This building has sat boarded up and neglected for many years. Was very disappointed when the former motel/storage unit to the west was sold and turned into an eyesore mechanic shop.

Hopefully this will be a good project, whatever it turns out to be.

09-01-2018, 07:25 AM
Just an update..... The former Truelove's Bar & Grill is currently being demolished. Photo below taken this morning....


Anyone have any idea if there are still currently any plans to build on this location or if it's just being scraped to sell?

The LLC that owns this property also bought the vacant Wood Hollow Apts. at basically SW 22nd and S. Portland (3612 SW 22, OKC) in May of 2017.