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03-14-2012, 07:07 AM
Demolition permit for the Conoco on the SE corner of 50th & Western.

03-28-2012, 10:59 AM
Demolition permit for the Conoco on the SE corner of 50th & Western.

Do we know what the plan is for that corner or is it a secret, too?

03-28-2012, 11:04 AM
Do we know what the plan is for that corner or is it a secret, too?

Some sort of extra-special On Cue, but we only know this from insiders posting here, not from anything CHK has said.

03-28-2012, 11:09 AM
Some sort of extra-special On Cue, but we only know this from insiders posting here, not from anything CHK has said.

Thanks, Pete. I guess that's sort of an upgrade. Wish it was something more interesting, but those don't usually look too bad. Maybe it will put the 7-11 out of business... I know, I know. One can dream, though.

04-09-2012, 04:18 PM
Chesapeake has submitted their plans for 50th & Western.

They are asking to rezone the property to a Planned Unit Development, which allows for CNG and gasoline sales as well as office space. I assume an On Cue will go on the corner but not sure about the rest of the buildings.

Note that the existing CNG station on the SE corner of 49th & Western may be replaced.

04-10-2012, 12:13 PM
1. The existing CNG station will not be active after planned development of the new property (the CNG pumps will be on the new property)

2. The existing CNG property will remain inactive until Chesapeake decides they want to do something with it or sell it

3. The representatives could not tell us how many pumps will be built at the new site (diagram shows 20)

4. Diesel fuel will also be available

5. It will be a 24 hour operation

6. The plans show 50 parking places

7. Current plan is to build the convenience store now and add retail space building later just south of the c-store and north of 49th

8. The property directly west of the fire station is zoned O2 and Chesapeake is seeking that it be rezoned to C3 to install the pumps

9. The neighborhood association that abuts the developing property has asked that a sound barrier be built (comment from the engineer was that would add too much to the cost of the project although one of the representatives did seem amenable to the idea); they also want 49th street closed – traffic has all ready increased (and speeding) there due to the existing CNG station. Representatives stated that the citizens must petition the city council to close the street – lengthy process. Engineer said the curb cut entrance from 49th was required by the project – it would not be removed.

10. Questions about height of the canopy, lighting and location of waste receptacles were asked – not known at this time

11. Representatives said they had done a traffic study and that it would not have a huge impact on the area. I asked if an independent study had been requested or could be done. City has staff who can do this or can authorize independent audit. Number of pumps not known yet – how can they predict the traffic (my opinion)?

04-10-2012, 01:04 PM
with the gas station at 50th and western .. the traffic on 48th should go down ... and the traffic on western is not going to go up because of a new gas station

04-11-2012, 08:01 PM
The site plan looks very good.

04-18-2012, 03:43 PM
The convenience store will get a ton of teenager business.

05-04-2012, 03:13 PM
Renderings of Chesapeake project on the SW corner of NW 50th & Western.

Note that they are calling the operation "Peake".

Looking southeast:

Looking north, just south of intersection:

Looking southwest just east of the intersection:

Looking due west from eastern part of the property:

05-07-2012, 11:18 AM
That is beautiful. I never expected I'd use that word for a gas station in OKC.

Larry OKC
05-07-2012, 12:42 PM
Ummm, not sure if "beautiful" is the first word that comes to mind...the last pic in particular reminds me of a (brutalist?) parking garage structure...looks like concrete column/beams...but I guess the blue and green are a nice touch...LOL

05-07-2012, 12:44 PM
That is beautiful. I never expected I'd use that word for a gas station in OKC.

Likewise, though for the life of me I canna imagine why a fuel/snack shop needs to bother with the expense of being smart-looking. Are enough people really willing to spend more on fuel, pop and snacks to offset the expense of a beyond attractive building v. your typical, not really ugly, OnCue, 7-11, etc.?

05-07-2012, 12:45 PM
Kevin, I think you're operating on the assumption that CHK is breaking even on any of this development..LOL

05-07-2012, 01:20 PM
Likewise, though for the life of me I canna imagine why a fuel/snack shop needs to bother with the expense of being smart-looking. Are enough people really willing to spend more on fuel, pop and snacks to offset the expense of a beyond attractive building v. your typical, not really ugly, OnCue, 7-11, etc.?

POPS in Arcadia seems to be quite a draw still.

Larry OKC
05-07-2012, 01:29 PM
Sure, if you can turn it into a "tourist trap"...LOL

05-07-2012, 01:39 PM
Oh, that's Great Sir !!

05-09-2012, 02:28 PM
I've got a not-completely-gelled thought on this, but Peake might be moving in the right direction on this one. I read (here, I think) that natural gas (of which N. America has a LOT) is cheaper and would make a great car fuel for us -- but there is a strong resistance to buying a NG-fueled vehicle. The purchase of a NG-fueled vehicle would go a LONG way to gaining some energy independence for the U.S. Maybe Chesapeake is doing a lot that just might change American minds on that resistance, an investment in their future, so to speak. Brutalist structure or not.

05-10-2012, 09:53 AM
Well this gas station will serve both regular petro and CNG.

Chesapeake has made domestic distribution points for CNG a priority, to accomplish exactly what you say, Dubya.

05-25-2012, 01:14 PM
Some new renderings:

05-26-2012, 08:25 PM
What intersection is the top rendering taken at?

05-26-2012, 09:58 PM
What intersection is the top rendering taken at?

Pete said earlier that the first view was looking SE. Wouldn't that have to be at 50th and Western with the stoplight?

05-29-2012, 02:48 PM
Like it a lot.
Reminds me of POPS

Larry OKC
05-30-2012, 10:00 AM
Hmmmm, ok...not seeing the resemblance...but to each their own

It’s futuristic vision rising from the pastoral Arcadian valley itself, with its native Oklahoma red rock base and steel trusses like giant tree branches. The huge canopy cantilevers, unsupported, 100 feet to shelter vehicles and their occupants from sun, rain and snow. So big, it creates an “outdoor room,” it’s an unexpected sensation we bet you’ve never experienced -- with wildflowers and trees all around you.

05-30-2012, 01:55 PM
Okay, maybe more like the Classen Curve.
But you can tell they all reflect similar architectural style.

05-30-2012, 07:32 PM
Well it's all Rand.

07-03-2012, 02:43 PM
This project was recommended against by the planning council (or they deadlocked and couldn't decide) so today it went to City Council where after much debate it passed.

Doesn't seem like CHK is slowing down much in it's real estate exploits.

07-04-2012, 08:38 PM
How was there much debate?? This should have been rubberstamped..

07-05-2012, 09:31 AM
There was a lot of opposition from the immediate neighborhood and the planning department failed to give it's approval which is why it went to City Council.

For the most part, it seems the Planning Department is really on the ball. If you read through all the applications that come before them and their responses, they are well thought-out and reasoned.

I'm not saying this project should not have been approved, just that they did their job well but listening to the neighbors, pointing out there was no traffic study, etc.

07-05-2012, 11:34 AM
There was a lot of opposition from the immediate neighborhood and the planning department failed to give it's approval which is why it went to City Council.

For the most part, it seems the Planning Department is really on the ball. If you read through all the applications that come before them and their responses, they are well thought-out and reasoned.

I'm not saying this project should not have been approved, just that they did their job well but listening to the neighbors, pointing out there was no traffic study, etc.

for the most part i agree with you .. however a couple of the planning commissioners IMHO are a little too demanding and unrealistic ....

this site for example was zoned C-3 ... so chk could have built any number of things that would not have been good for the neighbors .. but they eliminated tons of uses and clearly are going to build a great product ...

IMHO the vote would have good CHK's way if the full Planning committee had been present

07-05-2012, 12:27 PM
Given our history and previous standards, I think it's a good thing they tend to be a bit strict.

I've yet to see them stop a project, just raise concerns which are then either addressed or taken to a higher authority.

They seem to have the balance right IMO.

07-06-2012, 10:43 AM
I used to live on 50th and something like that would have been really nice.

That crappy little Connoco was an awful gas station, even if the lady that worked days was nice. I'm glad that the plans got subjected to some rigorous reviews.

07-06-2012, 12:24 PM
Given our history and previous standards, I think it's a good thing they tend to be a bit strict.

I've yet to see them stop a project, just raise concerns which are then either addressed or taken to a higher authority.

They seem to have the balance right IMO.

I hate to see good projects face unnecessary scrutiny and bad projects face no scrutiny. That's what we have here.

08-03-2012, 06:43 PM
Chesapeake has now applied to close 49th Street where this development borders.

Initial recommendation of the planning department is to deny but the committee will make the final decision.

08-03-2012, 10:20 PM
Since when did closing 49th become part of the deal?

08-04-2012, 11:04 AM
Since when did closing 49th become part of the deal?

The residents on 49th requested it. They fear increased traffic on their street if it remains open. Chesapeake said they would request it if that is what the residents wanted. The city opposes closure for public safety access reasons. You can watch the discussion on the recent application hearing.

08-04-2012, 11:38 AM
Sigh... why is dealing with the small ghetto corner of the Crown Heights area so much more difficult than dealing with neighbors who are appreciative of investment and improvement? 49th is important to remain open so that this slick new project is open to the street grid and has that authentic urban feel, is accessible to mixed-uses around it, and so on. Public safety access is also another major concern.

Those homes on 49th behind this project are a dump. It's a very small, tiny sliver of dumpiness -- a block over, closer to Westminster (which I think is technically Douglass Park and not Crown Heights?) homes get very nice again.

08-06-2012, 02:25 AM
Hopefully it's denied. It would be just silly to close a road for fear of increased traffic that is simply not going to happen. I can't imagine a good reason that traffic would increase on a residential street. You neither approach nor leave gas stations from small streets unless you had business to be on those streets in the first place...otherwise it's more time consuming than taking the main arteries the station sits on.

12-14-2012, 11:11 AM
per Dennis Box at the last planning commission meeting a building permit has been applied for the "peake" gas/cng staion at 49th and western and he expects construction to start shortly ..

03-25-2013, 11:08 AM
Although the buzz is that this project is on indefinite hold, CHK has a new application in front of the planning commission to incorporate another border home into the Planned Unit Development. The use would just be more parking.

Perhaps this is just finishing a planning approval process that started a long time ago and not a sign they will be under construction any time soon. But it could also mean they hope to still build at some point.

The latest submitted plan doesn't show any changes to the proposed building configuration:

03-25-2013, 02:01 PM
There also seems to be a lot of demolition and construction on the property caddy corner of this site. The long vacant bank has been razed and dirt work appears to be in full swing. I wonder if this has anything to do the Peake development...

03-25-2013, 02:09 PM
That same bank is building a 2-story office building on the NW corner of 50th and Western, so it's not related to Chesapeake.

03-25-2013, 02:15 PM
That same bank is building a 2-story office building on the NW corner of 50th and Western, so it's not related to Chesapeake.

The drive thru bank building that was torn down was an IBC Bank. Whats going up is First National Bank, which has a small branch next to the split T Sonic.

03-25-2013, 02:27 PM
Thanks for the clarification!

03-26-2013, 05:25 PM
The new gas station looks pretty nice! It is overdue since the other gas stations are old and trashy :tongue:

03-26-2013, 11:34 PM
The new gas station looks pretty nice! It is overdue since the other gas stations are old and trashy :tongue:

I agree. I'm surprised there is not a new gas station on 36th after they rebuilt the i235/36th interchange. There used to be a gas station at 36th and Walker. Anyone knows who owns that property? It would be a prime spot for a "fancy" gas station.

Also 36th and western would work, but they are asking $500,000 for that vacant lot, probably a bit too much for a gas station developer.

03-27-2013, 10:29 AM
I agree. I'm surprised there is not a new gas station on 36th after they rebuilt the i235/36th interchange. There used to be a gas station at 36th and Walker. Anyone knows who owns that property? It would be a prime spot for a "fancy" gas station.

I believe the Crown Heights/Edgemere Heights HOA owns the land on the NW corner of 36th and Walker. They bought that to prevent anything getting built there and creating a not so wonderful aesthetic entrance to the neighborhood. Not sure who owns the property on the SE corner, but you can bet both HOAs would fight any sort of gas station development.

Personally, I'd hate to see a gas station built at 36th & Western. It'd be great to see that land developed into some nicer apartment/town homes. Western needs more density, not more setback shops and gas stations. I don't understand the fascination with new gas stations (no offense intended SSEiYah).

05-19-2013, 02:13 PM
I know this has been discussed previously but I couldnt' find the post.

Does anyone have an update on the project?

05-19-2013, 02:46 PM
Chesapeake is still moving forward with having some of the side streets closed.

Have no idea if they plan to build this project, something else or nothing at all.

05-19-2013, 07:32 PM
I believe the Crown Heights/Edgemere Heights HOA owns the land on the NW corner of 36th and Walker. They bought that to prevent anything getting built there and creating a not so wonderful aesthetic entrance to the neighborhood. Not sure who owns the property on the SE corner, but you can bet both HOAs would fight any sort of gas station development.

Personally, I'd hate to see a gas station built at 36th & Western. It'd be great to see that land developed into some nicer apartment/town homes. Western needs more density, not more setback shops and gas stations. I don't understand the fascination with new gas stations (no offense intended SSEiYah).
I think an adaptive reuse of the station could be a good entry, something like this project in Minneapolis that converted one into an ice cream store. Outdoor seating areas under awnings could create a nice neighborhood feel.

AIA - Adaptive Reuse of Gas Station Wins Preservation Award (

05-19-2013, 07:46 PM
BTW, I wouldn't be surprised if Chesapeake finishes up with the various zoning and street changes then sells the land for someone else to develop.

They've already sunk a bunch of money into this, over $5 million (!) just for the land; almost $2 million an acre. That does not include demolition, attorney, engineering and architecture fees.

They'll never get their money back but it's pretty clear the new leadership wants to get out of the real estate business.

And don't forget, they already have a relatively new CNG fueling station on the southern end of that property.

05-20-2013, 12:19 PM
Chesapeake is still moving forward with having some of the side streets closed.

Have no idea if they plan to build this project, something else or nothing at all.

them pursing the side street closing was per their agreement with the neighborhood .. they stated that they don't really care either way

05-28-2013, 09:46 PM
Did anyone see in the Journal Record that Chesapeake was denied to develop a site on 49th and Western?

05-29-2013, 12:24 AM
Did anyone see in the Journal Record that Chesapeake was denied to develop a site on 49th and Western?

Chesapeake Energy rezoning bid rejected | News OK (

05-29-2013, 07:57 AM
It sounds like the only thing that was denied was re-zoning of the two lots on 49th street, although that's not made very clear in that article:

The Oklahoma City Council on Tuesday denied Chesapeake Energy's bid to convert a residential lot to business use, a decision Councilman Ed Shadid characterized as a “turning point” in efforts to preserve residential neighborhoods in northwest Oklahoma City.

Chesapeake owns commercial property wrapping around the corner of NW 50 and Western Avenue. It wanted to expand parking onto its adjacent residential lot at 1009 NW 49.

They already have commercial zoning on the properties that front 50th and Western, so I don't think their larger plan would be denied -- but again, that's not clear in the reporting here.

These are all the properties they own in that area; you can see by the original site plan below that it didn't even include those two now-demolished houses on 49th; however, it eventually changed to the last image which shows expansion into the neighborhood and the closing of 49th:

05-29-2013, 08:29 AM
Their secrecy has never served them well. From today's story in the Oklahoman:

“City staff and neighborhoods are all left to guess how the development is going to grow,” he (Shadid) said.

Shadid asked attorney Dennis Box, who represented Chesapeake, whether he could tell council members what the energy company planned for the proposed building at NW 49 and Western.

“I would if I knew,” Box said.

A spokesman for Chesapeake Energy, Jim Gipson, declined to comment.

05-29-2013, 09:09 AM
Their secrecy has never served them well. From today's story in the Oklahoman:

“City staff and neighborhoods are all left to guess how the development is going to grow,” he (Shadid) said.

Shadid asked attorney Dennis Box, who represented Chesapeake, whether he could tell council members what the energy company planned for the proposed building at NW 49 and Western.

“I would if I knew,” Box said.

A spokesman for Chesapeake Energy, Jim Gipson, declined to comment.

How can an attorney representing the company not have any idea what that company's plans are? Perhaps I know even less about corporate real estate than I thought.

05-29-2013, 09:14 AM
How can an attorney representing the company not have any idea what that company's plans are? Perhaps I know even less about corporate real estate than I thought.

Even CHK's in-house lawyer, Henry Hood, and top real estate guy, Dan LeDonne, said that they weren't privy to corporate plans.

05-29-2013, 10:30 PM
It doesn't surprise me that the lawyers don't know, they have always operated under a "need to know" basis don't feel like anyone needs to know what they want to do. I know in Austin there were a few who tried to operate like that but were routinely shot down by the planning commission, they could never get anything to the city council because they wouldn't tell the planning commission anything. They wouldn't listen to the advice of long time Austin developers, they were the type who didn't like anyone questioning what they did. Some were used to the behind closed door deals they did in the Houston area and were shocked they couldn't get the same type of response in Austin.

10-28-2016, 12:50 PM
Planning Commission approved an ABC-2 liquor license for a proposed Hideaway Pizza on the property owned by Chesapeake on the southeast corner of NW 50th and Western.

You may recall that CHK originally proposed a high-style convenience store for this location after scraping multiple acquired properties. The land has sat vacant for several years.

The property as of yet has not been sold and the plan shows a bank building and drive-thru lanes to the east and another proposed, smaller restaurant to the south.

With a patio on the north side, the Hideaway would have approximately 6,900 square feet.

There is a current Hideaway location about 1.5 miles north on Western. The Wedge is very nearby as well.

McGuiness -- directly to the north -- offered a letter of support.