View Full Version : More Bond Issues for Mustang
Zuplar 10-19-2016, 12:08 PM Looks like Mustang Public Schools is once again trying to pass another bond issue. This seems to be quite the trend. Seems like the school needs to do a better job planning, as they always seem to be behind the curve. I know when I was in school there many many years ago it always seemed like they expanded after we outgrew multiple portables that were already overcrowded. (
Zuplar 10-19-2016, 12:09 PM ( ( (
stile99 10-19-2016, 02:04 PM "Some of those involved in project discussions have voiced concerns a second high school could cause a community split."
Yes. I know Mustang was completely divided when a new middle school was added. It was a North v South battle to rival the American Civil War, and Mustang still has not recovered from it. It was a permanent wedge shoved right into the community, splitting it apart forever. But also, somehow, unifying apparently, according to the very next paragraph.
Zuplar 10-19-2016, 02:11 PM "Some of those involved in project discussions have voiced concerns a second high school could cause a community split."
Yes. I know Mustang was completely divided when a new middle school was added. It was a North v South battle to rival the American Civil War, and Mustang still has not recovered from it. It was a permanent wedge shoved right into the community, splitting it apart forever. But also, somehow, unifying apparently, according to the very next paragraph.
Yeah their theory is flawed. I was a South kid and never really cared. Also their comment about everyone being a Bronco is not really true, since North are technically the Colts. Maybe what they mean is everyone is eventually a Bronco, but the argument still seems flawed. Moore, Edmond, and Norman having been getting along fine with split schools.
stick47 10-19-2016, 07:22 PM The sports departments don't want the talent diluted between 2 schools or there would already be a 2nd high school.
emtefury 10-19-2016, 10:15 PM The Mustang Board of Education is having a special meeting to discuss the bond with the Administration and the long term planning committee tomorrow the 20th. I find it interesting the meeting is a "special" one and not during the regular board meetings. A disclosure, I am a slight conspiracy theorist.
The BOE website
This takes you right to the Agenda.,%202016%20Special.pdf
emtefury 10-19-2016, 10:25 PM Also I it curious the bond vote is always at odd time like February. Why not have the bond during the November election and Mustang schools would get the best representation of its citizens? I am guessing lower turnout will have a better chance of passing with those wanting it passed will be the most energized.
Wishbone 10-20-2016, 06:19 AM They are wanting to turn Mustang H.S. into Union and Jenks.
stick47 10-20-2016, 07:47 AM They are wanting to turn Mustang H.S. into Union and Jenks.
You're talking about Norman, right?
Wishbone 10-20-2016, 03:10 PM You're talking about Norman, right?
No Norman already has 2 high schools. Mustang only has 1 like Jenks and Union.
stile99 10-20-2016, 03:27 PM So they are wanting to turn a place with one high school into a place with one high school? I'm just not following.
stick47 10-20-2016, 03:34 PM No Norman already has 2 high schools. Mustang only has 1 like Jenks and Union.
I mean if there's going to be another HS football powerhouse in the state, IMO Norman will be it. At least within the next several years they'll have the best chance of that. Mustang is a long way out for having two top ranked Class 6 schools.
Wishbone 10-20-2016, 05:14 PM Im just saying that Mustang is not going to split. They want to remain one big 6A high school so they can compete in sports.
ljbab728 10-20-2016, 09:39 PM You might find the comments in this thread interesting. There is a discussion of the merits or not of the large school concept in the Tulsa area. Many think it is a big benefit beyond athletics.
Zuplar 10-21-2016, 12:18 PM I think this is the same article as the one posted before, just thought I'd add it to the discussion.
Zuplar 11-16-2016, 10:41 AM Another article in today's paper for the upcoming bond. ( (