09-06-2016, 04:02 AM
All thanks for reading my post!
So I have rats in my attic and I believe they are getting thru open spaces or gaps in the roof overhangs. I'd like to hire a company that can close the openings and s
Then remove the rats---any recommendations?
Most exterminators do this type of work but I can't recommend a particular company.
I had a similar problem in California and the first thing the exterminator told me to do was cut back all trees and vines from the house so there would be no easy way for the rats and mice to scale the sides of the house and/or get up on the roof.
09-06-2016, 09:16 AM
Are you certain it's not squirrels? We had them in our previous home, and it took a while to get it resolved. Apparently squirrels instinctively go back to where they were born to have their babies when it's time. Rats might be an easier fix. We used a great guy who has a little dog trained to sniff them out--yes, up in your attic. The company is called Dog Gone Critters, owned by Lane Soukup. 359.7474.
09-06-2016, 10:11 AM
Are you certain it's not squirrels? We had them in our previous home, and it took a while to get it resolved. Apparently squirrels instinctively go back to where they were born to have their babies when it's time. Rats might be an easier fix. We used a great guy who has a little dog trained to sniff them out--yes, up in your attic. The company is called Dog Gone Critters, owned by Lane Soukup. 359.7474.
I had this happen in my house when they started a house next door to me. I just recommend putting several snap traps in your attic and check them daily. Over a week or two the issue will go away. I had field mice in my attic and garage.
09-07-2016, 06:44 AM
Make sure you seal up any sources of food, like bags of dry dog food or similar things. Also, look at your hot water heater and see if there are any gaps in the ducting into the attic. Get a roll of aluminum tape to seal up those gaps - mice won't touch it. Snap traps are simple, cheap, and avoid the poisons. If you don't like dealing with the "debris," there are enclosed snap traps that retain the "victim" and you jjust pick it up and throw it away.
09-08-2016, 03:43 PM
Any gaps around pipes in your kitchen and bathrooms put steel wool in the openings. If your attic has screens in the eves, be sure you use steel mesh, not plastic. Mice and squirrels can't chew threw the metal. If you have any wood, my dad uses metal coffee can lids to cover any holes they have chewed threw.
09-17-2016, 02:54 PM
^^^Heard that one coming, surprised it took so long. Seriously, good advice given in the early responses.
09-19-2016, 03:13 PM
Have you tried fox urine? Apply it on a few sponges and scatter around the attic. It's always worked for me.
09-19-2016, 04:05 PM
The hardest part is getting a fox to pee on a bunch of sponges.
09-19-2016, 06:14 PM
The hardest part is getting a fox to pee on a bunch of sponges.
Ah, quite clever.
Take the sponges to the OKC Zoo, the keepers will be only too happy to soak up some sponges in fresh fox urine.
09-19-2016, 06:39 PM
Well the zoo would be cheaper than Amazon or Bass Pro.
09-21-2016, 11:29 AM
Call a reputable pest exterminator. The exterminator may have some on-hand.