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08-01-2019, 10:25 AM
I outlined the most built up area of this disctrict and overlayed it over downtown.

And you can see, it covers about the same area as the CBD, Bricktown and Deep Deuce combined.

08-01-2019, 10:37 AM
The whole area is very spread out and of course separated from downtown by the interstate.

But by concentrating on this area it would be easy to tie into the street car system.

Which I said all along the SC messed up not going thru this area to start. If instead of circular route they had made tic tac toe type layout in core - then spurs could have easily been extended to surrounding roads. Now it would be whole new circular basically. If the 10th street SC route ran only east/west then could have just extended to this area. Oh well, pipe dream now and expenses to do this area with SC will be so high due to how current system is designed.

By the way they have been doing sidewalk work on 10th for months now, between 235 and Lincoln. Its some type of prisoner work program (not 100% sure).

08-01-2019, 10:39 AM
WOW. That proposed change to the State Capitol is fantastic!! The removal of the surface parking due south of the Capitol building drastically changes the area. This is fantastic.

08-01-2019, 10:42 AM

08-01-2019, 11:22 AM
Thats a very aggressive plan. Looks great though. And will take some of Science and Math land. Would be a game changer for sure.

08-01-2019, 11:52 AM
They've been having frequent events at the Beacon this year, so I'm sure that's part of focusing on that area.

08-01-2019, 12:30 PM
Apart from funding and all that fun stuff, this seems to be a logical way to try and do something to bridge the massive gap between downtown and that area.

At least they could focus on a relatively small and highly visible area.

Otherwise, the existing infrastructure and crazy layout makes any real change over there almost impossible.

08-01-2019, 02:08 PM
The configuration of all the crazy on and off ramps makes this bridge nearly impossible without a full cap somewhere... But of course, money.

08-01-2019, 02:11 PM
It's amazing the billions and trillions of dollars we spend in this country trying to undo things where billions and trillions have already been spent.

08-01-2019, 07:35 PM
ODOT's shrine to the automobile, Lincoln Ave, really hurts this area. It is basically an at grade interstate that's swallowing the entire Capitol complex - destroying any walkability, bike-ability, and general sense of place on the near east side.

Plutonic Panda
08-01-2019, 08:30 PM
ODOT's shrine to the automobile, Lincoln Ave, really hurts this area. It is basically an at grade interstate that's swallowing the entire Capitol complex - destroying any walkability, bike-ability, and general sense of place on the near east side.
How the hell is Lincoln an at grade interstate? That is a ridiculous statement. It's a regular road for most major cities. It ties in the state capitol building to the interstate. Lincoln is a great street and many cities it would be eight lanes.

08-01-2019, 09:49 PM
ODOT's shrine to the automobile, Lincoln Ave, really hurts this area. It is basically an at grade interstate that's swallowing the entire Capitol complex - destroying any walkability, bike-ability, and general sense of place on the near east side.

I guess the goal is for every major non-highway in the city (Classen, Lincoln, etc.) to have a completely landscaped median with bike lanes on each side, the street car going down at least one side, and a stop sign every 200 ft. Did I get it about right?

08-01-2019, 10:39 PM
ODOT's shrine to the automobile, Lincoln Ave, really hurts this area. It is basically an at grade interstate that's swallowing the entire Capitol complex - destroying any walkability, bike-ability, and general sense of place on the near east side.

Say what? Lincoln is a great street and I love how unique it is how it splits the capitol on both sides.

You have to have main roads other than interstate too otherwise how can traffic move? Do you expect these to all be residential streets and mass cars driving through them causing constant danger?

I swear some people need to buy up some empty land and build their mecca city with no cars. Problem is you need trucks to get products in but I guess can use wheelbarrows.

All cities have roads and even NYC has roads. Dallas has roads and that metro is 7 times our size. Why are there so many anti road posters here it seems a much higher percentage than real life from my experience.

If we had spent the SC money on citywide bus system we’d have a model system and maybe a bit less traffic. But we will never get rid of traffic these other modes can only supplement it not replace it. And that means we need roads like Lincoln to move people.

I can only imagine the 235 bottenecks if no Lincoln. And that would be bad for downtown workers, commerce and tourists. And would stagnate downtown area growth, if 235 became a parking lot.

FYI the city has been improving Lincoln and has a construction program starting soon. I would hope they wait til 235/44 is done though, but it is going to be reworked majorly.

Plutonic Panda
08-01-2019, 10:54 PM
^^^^ +1

I've noticed there is an abundance of enthusiasts here that are more anti road than those in major cities like NYC and LA where you'd expect more of that crap. It's strange.

I guess the goal is for every major non-highway in the city (Classen, Lincoln, etc.) to have a completely landscaped median with bike lanes on each side, the street car going down at least one side, and a stop sign every 200 ft. Did I get it about right?
You forgot roundabouts and removing car lanes. ;)

08-01-2019, 11:20 PM
ODOT's shrine to the automobile, Lincoln Ave, really hurts this area. It is basically an at grade interstate that's swallowing the entire Capitol complex - destroying any walkability, bike-ability, and general sense of place on the near east side.

I agree Lincoln will be the biggest obstacle to overcome for this area to reach any type of potential. It really destroys what could be a cohesive livable community.

Now don’t even get me started on the interstate completely lopping this section off from the rest of the core. Another genius move...

Plutonic Panda
08-02-2019, 03:22 AM
I agree Lincoln will be the biggest obstacle to overcome for this area to reach any type of potential. It really destroys what could be a cohesive livable community.

Now don’t even get me started on the interstate completely lopping this section off from the rest of the core. Another genius move...
Yeah Lincoln destroys this community which is why the medical center, capitol, and thousands of people live and work right around it every day.

08-02-2019, 08:31 AM
Yeah Lincoln destroys this community which is why the medical center, capitol, and thousands of people live and work right around it every day.

Just because something functions at some level doesn't mean it's functioning correctly.

jonny d
08-02-2019, 08:35 AM
Just because something functions at some level doesn't mean it's functioning correctly.
Not everywhere needs to be walkable.

08-02-2019, 03:00 PM
Not everywhere needs to be walkable.

How does this go from talking about improvements to this district, part of which would be walk-ability, to being about "everywhere"?

Obviously, everywhere in OKC will not be walk-able. Most of OKC will always unwalkable, no matter what happens in this district. Even if we improved conditions for pedestrians for a half dozen more areas, our walkable districts would still be tiny little exceptions. Though the success of those exceptions is hard to deny up to this point.

That being said, this district is often sold as a synergistic economic engine with parts that compliment each other. I don't actually know how much that is true, so it seems perfectly reasonable that it would benefit from making it more pedestrian friendly.

As for Lincoln, it's really a tale of two sections.

08-02-2019, 03:59 PM
How does this go from talking about improvements to this district, part of which would be walk-ability, to being about "everywhere"?

Obviously, everywhere in OKC will not be walk-able. Most of OKC will always unwalkable, no matter what happens in this district. Even if we improved conditions for pedestrians for a half dozen more areas, our walkable districts would still be tiny little exceptions. Though the success of those exceptions is hard to deny up to this point.

That being said, this district is often sold as a synergistic economic engine with parts that compliment each other. I don't actually know how much that is true, so it seems perfectly reasonable that it would benefit from making it more pedestrian friendly.

As for Lincoln, it's really a tale of two sections.

This district is a business area and was designed that way. 99% of the workers drive in and drive out. Most go to Bricktown or up/down Lincoln to eat lunch as this was not built as entertainment or foodie area.

The walkability is overblown as a majority of workers drive. Now, had SC been run down 10th or 8th street that would have allowed workers to connect to Bricktown for lunch or even afterwork events. But they were never considered.

This expansion is being done in a small 2 block area that fronts 235/10th/8th. The walking will be in this area, if built.

The city could run mini buses from this area to Bricktown at lunch and if were on a tight schedule more would go. Nowadays most avoid Bricktown due to traffic concerns with the downtown lunch rush. SC did nothing but hurt this area ability to get to BT for lunch. So a lot of this district go elsewhere for linch and avoid Bricktown and its overcrowding, since all are driving cars.

I love the upgrades tho they look great. But for some to slam Lincoln when its only on the edge of this upgrade is crazy talk. Lincoln is a needed street.

Plutonic Panda
08-02-2019, 10:20 PM
Just because something functions at some level doesn't mean it's functioning correctly.

I'd say this corridor is functioning at a pretty good level. As Johhny said not everything has to be walkable and I use term knowing the context of how many urbanists here view it. I'm not scared to know I have a sidewalk and know that's walkable enough for me. For others they need more security to feel safe walking. That's all fine and dandy but there has to be corridors like Lincoln that move cars through surface streets without this ridiculous new urbanism aspect applied to every square of inch of the city. I would be in favor of some additional measures for Lincoln to make walking a little easier but overall I think the road should be made eight lanes with a flex bus lane that has restrictions on car use during rush hours.

Add some pedestrian overpasses and wider sidewalks. Other than that leave Lincoln BLVD the way it is. It moves traffic great.

Plutonic Panda
08-02-2019, 10:24 PM
How does this go from talking about improvements to this district, part of which would be walk-ability, to being about "everywhere"?

Because sh!t like this

ODOT's shrine to the automobile, Lincoln Ave, really hurts this area. It is basically an at grade interstate that's swallowing the entire Capitol complex - destroying any walkability, bike-ability, and general sense of place on the near east side.

is prevalent on almost every thread on this site. Be it NWE, Yukon, Moore, Norman, Chisholm Creek, MWC, etc, there is always some poster whining about the area not being walkable enough when an overwhelming majority of people in OKC probably don't give two sh!ts about. It ignores reality and defies logic. Let's focus on better integrating the Innovation District for pedestrians. The plan here does just that. Hyper-bowling like saying Lincoln is an at grade interstate shows people that think that have no clue what an interstate is and just want to live in ideological world where facts and realities need not apply.

08-03-2019, 12:20 AM
This whole conversation about the width of Lincoln Blvd. is silly if we think about the big picture. In 20-30 years nobody will be “driving” the way we are now. There won’t be internal combustion engines, there won’t be oil or natural gas powered energy. Cars will be self-driving. Neighborhoods will be different. Density will be key. When I look at the images of the Innovation District, it looks like the future. This is the first MAPS 4 project t that I’ve seen that looks like it faces the Oklahoma City of my late middle age/senior citizen days.

08-03-2019, 09:06 AM
This whole conversation about the width of Lincoln Blvd. is silly if we think about the big picture. In 20-30 years nobody will be “driving” the way we are now. There won’t be internal combustion engines, there won’t be oil or natural gas powered energy. Cars will be self-driving. Neighborhoods will be different. Density will be key. When I look at the images of the Innovation District, it looks like the future. This is the first MAPS 4 project t that I’ve seen that looks like it faces the Oklahoma City of my late middle age/senior citizen days.
I’ll make a bold prediction that traffic in OKC in 2039 will be worse than today.

08-03-2019, 10:11 AM
This whole conversation about the width of Lincoln Blvd. is silly if we think about the big picture. In 20-30 years nobody will be “driving” the way we are now. There won’t be internal combustion engines, there won’t be oil or natural gas powered energy. Cars will be self-driving. Neighborhoods will be different. Density will be key. When I look at the images of the Innovation District, it looks like the future. This is the first MAPS 4 project t that I’ve seen that looks like it faces the Oklahoma City of my late middle age/senior citizen days.

this is pure fantasy

08-03-2019, 06:27 PM
The walkability is overblown as a majority of workers drive.

Yeah, they drive to it. I assumed the walkability issue is about how walkable it is once you get there.

I mean, I drive to every "walkable" district in the city, and I do so, in part, because they are walkable. I guess the irony is that if they make them less walkable, I'm not going to drive to it. Ha.

And, yes, if there was a reliable way to get to those places using transit, I would. But, until then, I will get there in a car and enjoy walking it.

I just don't see it as this "it has to work one way or the other" problem. I also don't see how any of this applies to how walkable "everywhere" is.

I love the upgrades tho they look great. But for some to slam Lincoln when its only on the edge of this upgrade is crazy talk. Lincoln is a needed street.

I think they look good, too. Actually, the 10th street thing is the one I understand the least.

And, of course, Lincoln is needed (if people were talking about getting rid of it, then, yeah, that's crazy talk), but it can be improved, I'm sure. And, as of now, it's a total waste in its current form above the capitol. That's where the real problem with Lincoln is, imo.

Ross MacLochness
08-05-2019, 09:32 AM
As someone who lived next to lincoln for a while and had a dog to walk, Lincoln is not safe at all for residents and needs to be redesigned or the sidewalks around it need to be greatly improved with safety features.

08-05-2019, 11:23 AM
As someone who lived next to lincoln for a while and had a dog to walk, Lincoln is not safe at all for residents and needs to be redesigned or the sidewalks around it need to be greatly improved with safety features.

Ditto. As someone who lives 2 blocks from Lincoln currently and bikes to work downtown it is painfully apparent how difficult it is for residents to get around.

As to the numrous posters who agonize over posts about "walkability being a fantasy" I concur that it is a fantasy to think all of OKC should be super-walkable. However, to suggest that the neighborhoods circling the OUHSC are not worthy of a re-working seems absurd. It's less than 1.5 miles from downtown. If we are going to invest funds into making areas more walkable and bikeable we should absolutely start near the center. This is within that circle of proximity. No one is suggesting we remove Lincoln but that it be more safely designed.

As an aside, I hope once the 235/44 exchange is complete we see Lincoln traffic start to return to normal levels again.

08-05-2019, 11:32 AM
I'd say this corridor is functioning at a pretty good level... there has to be corridors like Lincoln that move cars through surface streets without this ridiculous new urbanism aspect applied to every square of inch of the city. I would be in favor of some additional measures for Lincoln to make walking a little easier but overall I think the road should be made eight lanes with a flex bus lane that has restrictions on car use during rush hours.


08-05-2019, 01:58 PM
i love that they are actually creating a NEW district in the OMSA area and not just calling Automobile Alley and the OHC as the "Innovation District". By creating a new core in the center, they can get it right in terms of walkability, amenities, and the work-play elements then let that spread to the Oklahoma Health Center to the East and Capitol campus to the north. This will also retain existing district and neighborhood names, Innovation District becoming a new core district - I like this!!

quick observation: the 10th street expansion showed no bike lanes. This is a mistake - there needs to be dedicated, grade segregated bike lanes on 10th and Harrison bridges and those lanes need to continue through the district. Also need to ensure lighting and foliage.

This should be the case for every urban district. I have no idea why they keep designing these things without bike lanes, they keep expecting bikes to ride the pedestrian sidewalks - defeats the whole point of walkability without dedicated, grade separated bike lanes. ....

Lets go big this time!

08-05-2019, 02:21 PM
this is pure fantasy

It really is not that far fetched.

08-05-2019, 02:59 PM
I'm not a resident of the area, but I had an opportunity recently to walk from Deep Duece to the OUHSC district and back, and the pedestrian accessibility of the area needs to be vastly improved.

Ross MacLochness
08-05-2019, 03:19 PM
Especially since its an area where a lot of folks can't drive for whatever reason and must walk. When I lived over there, I saw moms and dads with their kids in strollers going across 235 multiple times a week. In some spots, you have to go into busy traffic to avoid overgrown weeds or because your sidewalk runs out.

08-05-2019, 03:52 PM
I'm not a resident of the area, but I had an opportunity recently to walk from Deep Duece to the OUHSC district and back, and the pedestrian accessibility of the area needs to be vastly improved.

And cyclist accessibility. Many who work there would ride their bikes to work - or ride more often - if the area was made more cycle-friendly. I don't like riding in this area except for NE 4th Street.

08-05-2019, 04:39 PM
Perkins & Will not only missed the fact that 10th Street is irreparably non-pedestrian; they missed another great LINK opportunity. Twelve years ago, Miles Associates did a Master Plan for the Health Science Center and discovered the amazing potential of extending Sheridan Avenue to Lottie Boulevard. Google-Earth it, and you’ll see that the connection is just begging to be made.

If Perkins & Will had spent any time walking and biking the District, they’d have discovered that 9th Street is the logical pedestrian link to Midtown and Downtown… not 10th street. 9th Street is already pedestrian friendly, and has destinations justifying a walk! This is why the original Miles LINK extrudes 9th Street onto the cap, and points westward pedestrians to the Landing…


08-05-2019, 06:28 PM
Perkins & Will not only missed the fact that 10th Street is irreparably non-pedestrian; they missed another great LINK opportunity. Twelve years ago, Miles Associates did a Master Plan for the Health Science Center and discovered the amazing potential of extending Sheridan Avenue to Lottie Boulevard. Google-Earth it, and you’ll see that the connection is just begging to be made.

If Perkins & Will had spent any time walking and biking the District, they’d have discovered that 9th Street is the logical pedestrian link to Midtown and Downtown… not 10th street. 9th Street is already pedestrian friendly, and has destinations justifying a walk! This is why the original Miles LINK extrudes 9th Street onto the cap, and points westward pedestrians to the Landing…


Currently and for the past few months they are putting in sidewalks and trees on both north/south sides of 10th street between 235/Lincoln, so yes it will be walkable soon. Its some kind of prisoner project not sure of details, but its extensive and they blocked off both lanes closest to curbs to do this.

9th street ends at Geary Ave (a block west of Lincoln) and does not connect to Lincoln. So if the idea is to connect to whole district then that idea would fail. 10th and 8th connect to Lincoln. And 9th doesn’t cross 235 so it would make no sense to have a less than 2 block 9th as a main connector. Would need to go thru GE property to have a longer 9th. Then off ramp. Then 235. Then same on other side. Then once done would need to go thru another business property between Geary and Lincoln. And if did that and cross Lincoln to east you are in another parking lot of a business so it goes nowhere.

08-06-2019, 05:41 AM
Perkins & Will not only missed the fact that 10th Street is irreparably non-pedestrian; they missed another great LINK opportunity. Twelve years ago, Miles Associates did a Master Plan for the Health Science Center and discovered the amazing potential of extending Sheridan Avenue to Lottie Boulevard. Google-Earth it, and you’ll see that the connection is just begging to be made.

If Perkins & Will had spent any time walking and biking the District, they’d have discovered that 9th Street is the logical pedestrian link to Midtown and Downtown… not 10th street. 9th Street is already pedestrian friendly, and has destinations justifying a walk! This is why the original Miles LINK extrudes 9th Street onto the cap, and points westward pedestrians to the Landing…


good luck crossing a rail ROW and or line to connect sheridan to lottie

08-06-2019, 05:52 AM
...And 9th doesnÂ’t cross 235 so it would make no sense to have a less than 2 block 9th as a main connector. Would need to go thru GE property to have a longer 9th. Then off ramp. Then 235. Then same on other side. Then once done would need to go thru another business property between Geary and Lincoln. And if did that and cross Lincoln to east you are in another parking lot of a business so it goes nowhere.

Look at the original plan. 9th Street (W. of 235) is pulled onto the cap, forming a terminus that is the target of the westbound food traffic. It connects to 10th Street, and 8th Street on the east side of 235, It's great that they're adding sidewalks to 10th Street, but 9th Street will always be a better path to Broadway...

08-06-2019, 09:19 AM
Look at the original plan. 9th Street (W. of 235) is pulled onto the cap, forming a terminus that is the target of the westbound food traffic. It connects to 10th Street, and 8th Street on the east side of 235, It's great that they're adding sidewalks to 10th Street, but 9th Street will always be a better path to Broadway...

The picture you posted doesn't show 9th st at all. Am I missing something?

08-06-2019, 09:48 AM
Look at the original plan. 9th Street (W. of 235) is pulled onto the cap, forming a terminus that is the target of the westbound food traffic. It connects to 10th Street, and 8th Street on the east side of 235, It's great that they're adding sidewalks to 10th Street, but 9th Street will always be a better path to Broadway...

9th is a dead end and does not connect to the west side of 235. Its a less than2 mini block road going nowhere.

08-06-2019, 10:39 AM
Look at the original plan. 9th Street (W. of 235) is pulled onto the cap, forming a terminus that is the target of the westbound food traffic. It connects to 10th Street, and 8th Street on the east side of 235, It's great that they're adding sidewalks to 10th Street, but 9th Street will always be a better path to Broadway...

What map are you looking at? 9th barely exists east of 235, you would need to raze the GEBH building...

08-06-2019, 02:35 PM
See the beginning of this thread... I was referencing the original Innovation Link drawings:


Plutonic Panda
08-07-2019, 04:27 AM
See the beginning of this thread... I was referencing the original Innovation Link drawings:

I think that would have been much better. I love the plan the new Innovation Link Proposed except for the "link" part. They half assed and project that arguably was proposed as half assed but still could have done a good job. Now just widening the bridge and adding trees and a small park over it? yawn... this is done in suburban area in LA in the foothills. They should focus on district improvements and find other ways to pay for the cap if they can't do it through MAPS. Is MAPS the only way the city can pay for anything?

08-07-2019, 01:40 PM
Is MAPS the only way the city can pay for anything?

Bonds are an option.

I think our last bond measure spent more than our last MAPS initiative...

They like to bundle that, too, so all our roads can be repaved again.

08-07-2019, 02:46 PM
Bonds are an option.

I think our last bond measure spent more than our last MAPS initiative...

They like to bundle that, too, so all our roads can be repaved again.

IIFC the 2017 GO Bonds were not bundled; a bond issue package consisting of 13 separate bonds, you had the option to approve all or choose separate propositions. Please correct me if I'm wrong...

Oklahoma City bond propositions

Bond propositions:

Prop. 1: Streets Approved
Prop. 2: Bridges Approved
Prop. 3: Traffic control Approved
Prop. 4: Economic development Approved
Prop. 5: Parks and recreational facilities Approved
Prop. 6: Libraries Approved
Prop. 7: Civic Center complex Approved
Prop. 8: Transit Approved
Prop. 9: City maintenance facilities Approved
Prop, 10: Drainage control Approved
Prop. 11: Downtown city arena On the ballot
Prop. 12: Police Approved
Prop. 13: Fire Approved

Several of the proposition barely passed. Remember the ASA Hall of Fame stadium was on the ballot tied to parks & recreation if I remember.

08-07-2019, 03:10 PM
IIFC the 2017 GO Bonds were not bundled; a bond issue package consisting of 13 separate bonds, you had the option to approve all or choose separate propositions. Please correct me if I'm wrong...

I think you just corrected me. Thanks for pointing that out.

Plutonic Panda
09-06-2019, 12:46 PM
I have been around this area a lot the past week and no way should they even considering removing a lane and in fact an 8th lane in the form of a bus only lane/right turn lane should be added. Sidewalks are still missing in parts. Another possibility is the new lane could also be on street parking during the nighttime hours. BRT would work well for this corridor and could eventually extend north/south/west to integrate with other BRT routes. Pedestrian bridges should be added in certain places over Lincoln with ped signals removed and more overhead signage added.

09-06-2019, 01:51 PM
I have been around this area a lot the past week and no way should they even considering removing a lane and in fact an 8th lane in the form of a bus only lane/right turn lane should be added. Sidewalks are still missing in parts. Another possibility is the new lane could also be on street parking during the nighttime hours. BRT would work well for this corridor and could eventually extend north/south/west to integrate with other BRT routes. Pedestrian bridges should be added in certain places over Lincoln with ped signals removed and more overhead signage added.

We should all just abandon homes and live in our cars. Highways as far as the eye can see.

What do you do, PlutonicPanda? I can only assume you own a concrete or asphalt company. /s

Plutonic Panda
09-06-2019, 02:00 PM
We should all just abandon homes and live in our cars. Highways as far as the eye can see.

What do you do, PlutonicPanda? I can only assume you own a concrete or asphalt company. /s
Right because reinforcing my belief that this road should be kept at six lanes means we should all live in our cars and abandon our homes. Or was your hyperbole in response to my addition comment that would added a bus route and encouraged mass transit and create a more walkable corridor?

09-06-2019, 02:08 PM
Right because reinforcing my belief that this road should be kept at six lanes means we should all live in our cars and abandon our homes. Or was your hyperbole in response to my addition comment that would added a bus route and encouraged mass transit and create a more walkable corridor?

In response to the suggestion we widen the 6 lane road which was never meant to be a highway.

Plutonic Panda
09-06-2019, 02:12 PM
In response to the suggestion we widen the 6 lane road which was never meant to be a highway.
The widening is for a bus lanes. Did I not make that clear? Are you suggesting that 6 lane roads are meant to be highways? There are hundreds and hundreds of roads widened to six lanes around the country that were never meant to be highways. Why wouldn't the capital of Oklahoma not be on a highway? We're fortunate it is near an interstate, but NE 23rd and Lincoln absolutely should be highways. Routings are important.

09-06-2019, 02:30 PM
The widening is for a bus lanes. Did I not make that clear? Are you suggesting that 6 lane roads are meant to be highways? There are hundreds and hundreds of roads widened to six lanes around the country that were never meant to be highways. Why wouldn't the capital of Oklahoma not be on a highway? We're fortunate it is near an interstate, but NE 23rd and Lincoln absolutely should be highways. Routings are important.

I was really just making a tongue in cheek comment about suggesting Lincoln be widened, for any reason. No sweat bud. I do disagree that it is a good idea to have a state capitol complex sitting on a highway, but we don't need to debate that here.

What do you think of the new proposals for the area?

Plutonic Panda
09-06-2019, 02:45 PM
I was really just making a tongue in cheek comment about suggesting Lincoln be widened, for any reason. No sweat bud. I do disagree that it is a good idea to have a state capitol complex sitting on a highway, but we don't need to debate that here.

What do you think of the new proposals for the area?
The only reason I suggested keeping it at six lanes is preemptive traffic congestion relief. Though 4 lanes could work at the moment, it would definitely make travel times longer through the Innovation District area. I am looking down the road(no pun) as I believe this will become a very busy street one day. With a renovated and used Lincoln Center open it should give more life to northern end of Lincoln.

I suggest an extra lane as a bus lane removing traffic lane is a shortsighted move, IMO. With on street parking added in this lane after day hours, this would alleviate some parking issues that might arise with the future capitol plan renovations with the parking lots being removed and turned into green space which I like.

I like the proposals though I wish they were more ambitious. If a full cap of I-235 isn't feasible, then they should take steps to ensure it can happen one day. I really liked the bridge having buildings over it and now it will be another park which I am not sure will get as many people to walk over it as a developed bridge would. It is better than what is there obviously. I also would like to see ROW preserved for an Adventure District rail line going through this area and allow that project to become shovel ready when funds are found. Looks like no consideration is given to possible rail line which the low density nature of this area could easily be planned before it gets dense.

What are your thoughts?

Plutonic Panda
09-06-2019, 02:55 PM
Oh and another idea I would like to see become a reality is the freeway access ramps to 235 removed in Deep Deuce between Harrison and Fourth. This area could be developed or become park space.

*6th and Harrison become a roundabout

*Loop ramp removed below GE Center for development of land

*long term planning to reconfigure Lincoln to directly connect when the inevitable reconstruction and redesign of I-235/I-40/I-35 mega-interchange happens. When this happens in 2-3 decades the removed ramps I proposed can be made up with new connections here. Until then traffic can use the new BLVD, Lincoln, and/or braided ramps at 13th st. added.

*Sheridan extend NE and connecting with Phillips.
*Multi-use trail running in the middle and sides of Lincoln BLVD with pedestrian bridges in certain places

*P180 style reconstruction for the entire area with road diets where warranted

*Connecting 5th and 6th streets to Lincoln

*Demolition and redesign of the Oklahoma School of Mathematics for a more efficient use of land space

*Get ready for this one... widening of I-235 to 8 lanes

That pretty much sums up my infrastructure wish list for this area.

09-18-2019, 12:24 PM
Pete do you have any updates on this underrated project?

09-18-2019, 06:33 PM
Overrated you mean.

09-19-2019, 08:28 AM
completely middle-rated if you ask me.

09-19-2019, 09:09 AM
Pete do you have any updates on this underrated project?

It's morphed into a scaled-down MAPS 4 project.

Nothing will happen until if/when MAPS 4 passes in December.

09-19-2019, 10:51 AM
It's morphed into a scaled-down MAPS 4 project.

Nothing will happen until if/when MAPS 4 passes in December.

OKC and scaled down, can you name a more iconic duo?

09-19-2019, 11:10 AM
We had a golden opportunity to fully cap the highway, extend the canal through the COOP property and the Wheeler District, and dedicate 1/2 a B to an elite aquarium next to The Scissortail Park.

Instead, we've seemingly settled for a large dose of AOC style handouts and low impact, underfunded projects which will neither raise the profile of the City nor provide a meaningful ROI to the taxpayers.