View Full Version : Northeast Oklahoma City

08-05-2016, 08:10 AM
I'm very interested in why the northeast section of the city never developed like the rest of OKC. There is so much room for growth with the city limits there but home builders keep moving to the edges. Why has no development taken place there? The obvious missing piece in the shot below is northeast okc.

08-05-2016, 08:16 AM
I think it's mostly the school district but also it has to do with momentum. Growth tends to follow growth. Once an area hasn't grown in a long time and the activity has shifted elsewhere, really hard to come back from that. Honestly, if that area does ever grow, it will probably be from the north - as in Edmond creeping south and southeast. There's probably also a tinge of racism, as sad as that is to admit.
It's really too bad though. The area you mention is probably the prettiest part of OKC.

08-05-2016, 08:20 AM
The mayor consistently talks about limiting sprawl but I wonder why there has never been a push to redirect that development this direction. Surely there could be some incentives to curb fringe growth and move it to the northeast.

08-05-2016, 09:36 AM
The mayor consistently talks about limiting sprawl but I wonder why there has never been a push to redirect that development this direction. Surely there could be some incentives to curb fringe growth and move it to the northeast.

There has if you consider the redevelopment of the JFK neighborhood. Then we are also seeing the redevelopment of the NE/C of 23rd and MLK. I would say NE OKC is getting some momentum, but there is still a stigma of the area. When I tell people I used to work in Spencer at a bank, people asked how many times I was robbed (None is the answer). Like stlokc said, it is a lot of the schools and people out there are going to try to get to Choctaw schools and the like, whereas people on the NW side of town tend to venture toward Edmond, Deer Creek, Yukon and Mustang, mostly because of their schools. I am still seeing a lot of development in the Choctaw/MWC area but that is mostly due to Tinker.

08-05-2016, 09:50 AM
I understand the inner ne side, but the dead spot on that map north of 44 is what I was referring to.

08-05-2016, 10:01 AM
How much land do each of the radio towers take up with their guy wires?

08-05-2016, 10:12 AM
Aren't some of those areas north of 44 in a flood plain?. I know that the antenna farm area was originally chosen because it is amongst the highest elevations in OKC.

08-05-2016, 10:27 AM
I understand the inner ne side, but the dead spot on that map north of 44 is what I was referring to.

My apologies, the map in your first post is not showing up for me. Can you tell me the area you are talking about?

08-05-2016, 10:39 AM
Ah, sorry about that. The area is bounded by Kilpatrick, 35, 44, 235.

08-05-2016, 03:51 PM
Aren't some of those areas north of 44 in a flood plain?. I know that the antenna farm area was originally chosen because it is amongst the highest elevations in OKC.

Here's a map of the flood zones within Kilpatrick, 44, and 77, per the OWRB:

Doesn't look much different from the rest of OKC that is built-up so I don't think flood zones are the obstruction.

08-05-2016, 08:14 PM
I'm very interested in why the northeast section of the city never developed like the rest of OKC. There is so much room for growth with the city limits there but home builders keep moving to the edges. Why has no development taken place there? The obvious missing piece in the shot below is northeast okc.

School district could be the primary reason

the michigander
08-05-2016, 09:43 PM
Not all of that area is in okcps though some if that is in Millwood district.