View Full Version : Ghostbusters 2.0
So, has anyone here had the "pleasure" of seeing the latest Ghostbusters movie?
It wasn't terrible until the end, and if you've seen it, I'm sure you will know exactly what I am talking about.
I understand it is make believe to begin with, but seriously?
And I understand they want to make several more of these.
It wasn't horendous, but it wasn't good either. Will I watch it
Will I watch the 80's Ghostbuters again...over and over and over...yes.
dankrutka 07-30-2016, 02:38 PM I really enjoyed it and I'm not sure what you mean by the ending. The original Ghostbusters had an extremely absurd ending... I mean, the Ghostbusters survived a massive explosion that they were in the middle of as they were trying to destroy a 100 foot Stay Puft Marshmellow Man. Anyway, in this version, I thought the acting was good overall and I laughed pretty consistently throughout...
This Ghostbusters reminded me a lot of the most recent Star Wars. In both cases, the newer version closely follows the formula from the first film. Of course, neither offer necessarily as complex of storylines, but if you liked the original Ghostbusters or Star Wars (Star Wars IV) then you should like these versions.
SOONER8693 07-30-2016, 09:12 PM The wife, daughter, and I saw this one on Thursday. We were all in agreement it was one of the worst movies we've seen in some time. Just our opinion. My advice, don't waste your time and money. About half way through I'm looking at my watch wondering how much longer do I have to endure this.
Achilleslastand 07-30-2016, 10:04 PM Remember when movies were made for the sake of entertainment and not pushing an agenda? Ghostbusters 2.0 was very bad.
Midtowner 08-04-2016, 06:06 AM I enjoyed it. I wasn't expecting anything but cornball humor which has been a cornerstone of the franchise. I'm not quite sure what people were expecting?
trousers 08-04-2016, 06:09 AM Remember when movies were made for the sake of entertainment and not pushing an agenda? Ghostbusters 2.0 was very bad.
When was that? Birth of a Nation?
I'm not quite sure what people were expecting?
Not that I expected anything different, but I understand why people are passionate about this perceived slight to a favorite film.
I'll just leave you all with this. I obviously favor the old Ghostbusters. I'm sure that makes me a sexist or whatever.
The Best 2.0 has to offer (apparently, but it is entirely indicative of the humor throughout):
So apparently I can only post one video per post.
Compared with what I consider one of the best comedy's of the 80's (and that is extremely prestigious company):
Swake 08-04-2016, 11:56 AM I enjoyed it. I wasn't expecting anything but cornball humor which has been a cornerstone of the franchise. I'm not quite sure what people were expecting?
More dudes.
jerrywall 08-05-2016, 08:53 AM More dudes.
Better humor, less crass jokes, more originality, and a better writer. Love the stars, but I'm so over Paul Feig.
But yes, lets make everything about agendas and not taste, because that's productive.
dankrutka 08-05-2016, 09:23 AM Everyone has different tastes and that's fine. I just see this version as a sequel that followed the original blueprint very closely. Sequels are hardly ever as good, but I personally thought this one was one of the better ones I've seen. And a lot of the criticisms could apply to the original. For example, the original Ghostbusters was very crass. I mean, one of the male Ghostbusters in the original is sexually pleasured by a ghost in a long, drawn out scene. That seems rather crass to me. I'm not saying people have to like it of course, but I just saw this one as very similar to the originals...
jerrywall 08-05-2016, 09:33 AM Everyone has different tastes and that's fine. I just see this version as a sequel that followed the original blueprint very closely. Sequels are hardly ever as good, but I personally thought this one was one of the better ones I've seen. And a lot of the criticisms could apply to the original. For example, the original Ghostbusters was very crass. I mean, one of the male Ghostbusters in the original is sexually pleasured by a ghost in a long, drawn out scene. That seems rather crass to me. I'm not saying people have to like it of course, but I just saw this one as very similar to the originals...
I agree with you on that scene (and it's considered by almost everyone to be the worst scene in an otherwise great film) but not sure if I consider less than 30 seconds long and drawn out. Much of what happened in the original was implied more than shown (like sliming). There was also more physical humor in this one, which I'm not a fan of (again, a taste issue I know). Something that stands out to me about the original, is that if you took out the humor, if would be a very lovecraftian horror movie. I can't same the same about this one. I also felt the "villain" was forced, and unnecessary.
dankrutka 08-05-2016, 09:42 AM Yeah, and I'm not arguing that the script in the new one compares to the original overall. The story has more depth and complexity in the original. I particularly really like the story in Ghostbusters 2 (the original sequel). But these types of remakes almost always have somewhat shallow storylines. For example, I thought the most recent Jurassic Park had one of the worst stories I've ever seen after the original has an incredibly deep and thoughtful story. I thought this Ghostbusters remake was way better than the Jurassic Park remake. I don't remember that film receiving the same intense criticism for similar issues...
jerrywall 08-05-2016, 09:54 AM Yeah, and I'm not arguing that the script in the new one compares to the original overall. The story has more depth and complexity in the original. I particularly really like the story in Ghostbusters 2 (the original sequel). But these types of remakes almost always have somewhat shallow storylines. For example, I thought the most recent Jurassic Park had one of the worst stories I've ever seen after the original has an incredibly deep and thoughtful story. I thought this Ghostbusters remake was way better than the Jurassic Park remake. I don't remember that film receiving the same intense criticism for similar issues...
Honestly I think lots of the issues come from how near and dear the original is to so many people. I don't think Jurassic park, as an example, has anywhere near the cult fan following. I think a remake of something like Back to the Future would have similar reception.
Now, I say reception, but Rotten Tomatoes, a site HEAVILY populated by those "internet fanboys" everyone claims are hating this film, has NuBusters as like a 73% fresh rating, which is fairly high. So I admit my tastes don't align the the majority. But I also assume that for many folks, this is their first exposure to Ghostbusters.