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06-23-2016, 09:58 AM
Has anyone else noticed the large motorcycle cop presence every morning lately on i40? They have been out every morning this week and last.

Is it end of Fiscal year, end of month, good weather? Just have noticed about 5 officers out every morning the last two weeks.

Just went from never seeing them that early (before 7am) to them being there everyday...

I try to not ever speed through this section anyway but it does get annoying with everyone tapping their brakes when they see them

06-23-2016, 10:05 AM
Yep. They have even been on I-40 eastbound out by Rockwell, during rush hour too. I also know that the Kilpatrick on the west side will have then hiding behind the bridges for 2 miles in a row.
They space out over downtown around the curves and have been very busy lately.

It's like they are looking at traffic through binoculars (radar) while leaning on their bikes.

06-23-2016, 10:08 AM
They're all over 235 right now too. They either hide behind the walls on the on ramps / off ramps, or curves, hills, etc. The speed limit is deceivingly low also... They've been taking their pick on who to pull over every morning.

06-23-2016, 10:12 AM
Yep. They have even been on I-40 eastbound out by Rockwell, during rush hour too. I also know that the Kilpatrick on the west side will have then hiding behind the bridges for 2 miles in a row.
They space out over downtown around the curves and have been very busy lately.

It's like they are looking at traffic through binoculars (radar) while leaning on their bikes.

They're using laser with optical sight. It helps them more accurately pinpoint speeding vehicles.

06-23-2016, 10:21 AM
2 of my 3 speeding tickets have been by a motorcycle cop. I have a beef with dedicated traffic enforcement, while high crime areas continue to grow. But that is a subject matter for a different thread, and a topic I don't really care to discuss anyhow. If they catch me speeding fair and square while driving or on patrol -- that is one thing. But to hide behind corners, trees, and visual barriers to catch people speeding, it seems like a waste of resources. They should be out patrolling these neighborhoods where crime is a problem.

Roger S
06-23-2016, 10:22 AM
Great! I was just thinking to myself the other day, after a motorcycle went flying passed me doing about 100 MPH, that we could use some more traffic enforcement officers on the streets.

Maybe one should go setup on Walker... I get passed by people every morning doing 50-60 MPH in that 40 MPH zone.

Roger S
06-23-2016, 10:24 AM
2 of my 3 speeding tickets have been by a motorcycle cop. I have a beef with dedicated traffic enforcement, while high crime areas continue to grow. But that is a subject matter for a different thread, and a topic I don't really care to discuss anyhow.

Speeding is a crime and from the amount of it I see.... It's one of the fastest growing crimes turning our roads and streets into high crime areas.

06-23-2016, 10:55 AM
Speeding is a crime and from the amount of it I see.... It's one of the fastest growing crimes turning our roads and streets into high crime areas.

Sure, but which crime should take priority? Speeding or car jackings, sex trafficking, and gang crime? The answer is one generates revenue, while the other costs the city and state time and money with no chance of recovering any revenue.

06-23-2016, 10:55 AM
I've got no problem with traffic enforcement, but I'd rather the officers be visible. Highly visible, marked cars, while maybe netting less revenue/tickets, will deter EVERYONE on the road and encourage them to drive safer. Hidden speed traps encourage speeding in order to net tickets.

Roger S
06-23-2016, 11:00 AM
Sure, but which crime should take priority? Speeding or car jackings, sex trafficking, and gang crime? The answer is one generates revenue, while the other costs the city and state time and money with no chance of recovering any revenue.

Use one to finance the other.... Seems like a win-win to me.

06-23-2016, 11:01 AM
I've got no problem with traffic enforcement, but I'd rather the officers be visible. Highly visible, marked cars, while maybe netting less revenue/tickets, will deter EVERYONE on the road and encourage them to drive safer. Hidden speed traps encourage speeding in order to net tickets.

I agree. If you catch me speeding fair and square -- alright. But I hate the hiding, deception, and unmarked cars for the sole purpose of allowing you to break the law, then fine you for it. I'm 100% for safe driving, however if it's unsafe, why are they allowing people to do it for the sole purpose of fining them later? If they were actually concerned for safety they would make themselves very visible, and people would police themselves into slowing down. Those who don't deserve to be pulled over.

Both of my motorcycle cop speeding tickets were for less than 10 over, and for keeping pace with interstate traffic. I just happened to be the one out of 50 cars in that pack that he wanted to pull over.

06-23-2016, 11:01 AM
I've got no problem with traffic enforcement, but I'd rather the officers be visible. Highly visible, marked cars, while maybe netting less revenue/tickets, will deter EVERYONE on the road and encourage them to drive safer. Hidden speed traps encourage speeding in order to net tickets.

I think they have to be honest and just say "Ya we write tickets for money."

I need to find that article on another states budget problem where the chief said he would need to get more revenue so they would just write more tickets.

Edit: Not quite the same thing:

Roger S
06-23-2016, 11:03 AM
I've got no problem with traffic enforcement, but I'd rather the officers be visible. Highly visible, marked cars, while maybe netting less revenue/tickets, will deter EVERYONE on the road and encourage them to drive safer. Hidden speed traps encourage speeding in order to net tickets.

Don't know that I can agree that hiding encourages speeding.... A sense of self-entitlement certainly does.... But I do agree that a more visible presence could possibly encourage people to drive more responsibly.

Then again, as I mentioned in another thread, I regularly see law enforcement disregarding traffic laws as well.... So how does that encourage responsibility?

06-23-2016, 11:04 AM
Use one to finance the other.... Seems like a win-win to me.

Isn't that what our tax dollars are for? To pay for police patrols to serve and protect us?

Roger S
06-23-2016, 11:09 AM
....allowing you to break the law, then fine you for it.

Huh? If you have made the decision to speed. How are they possibly allowing it? You are the one that chose to do it.

I do agree that they should not be in unmarked cars.... That's a hazard to motorists because it creates a safety issue due to the fact that I don't know that an unmarked car is in fact law enforcement and not someone impersonating law enforcement.

Roger S
06-23-2016, 11:11 AM
Isn't that what our tax dollars are for? To pay for police patrols to serve and protect us?

I don't feel like I'm getting my moneys worth based on what I see on the streets these days.

So let's just consider a speeding ticket a luxury tax, ok I really wanted to call it a stupid tax but trying to be nice about it.... and I just failed but.... If you want to speed. Be prepared to get taxed further for it with a speeding ticket.

06-23-2016, 11:34 AM
I would like to see more attention paid to ticketing the dangerous drivers--those who swerve in and out of lanes, don't signal, cut in front of others, etc. Just about every day I have to make some sort of evasive maneuver to avoid an accident caused by a dangerous driver. Some days, multiple times. I do believe the presence of visible officers driving on the roads with us would both discourage speeding and serve as an opportunity to pull over the dangerous ones. Still a revenue opportunity, although probably not as easily done as the motorcycle speed traps.

06-23-2016, 11:46 AM
I've got no problem with traffic enforcement, but I'd rather the officers be visible. Highly visible, marked cars, while maybe netting less revenue/tickets, will deter EVERYONE on the road and encourage them to drive safer. Hidden speed traps encourage speeding in order to net tickets.

So much this. If it was about safety, visible enforcement would absolutely be the way to go. Interesting number of the day from OK Policy yesterday:

Number of the Day

Total of court fees added to the $10 fine for speeding 1-10 mph over the limit in Oklahoma.

06-23-2016, 12:12 PM
On the northbound Hefner Parkway, as your coming into the construction zone and the speed limit drops to 35, the cop likes to sit behind the orange barricades on the left shoulder, parked facing south. If you don't know to be looking for him, you won't see him till your right up on him and passing him.

06-23-2016, 12:22 PM
I have no problem with traffic enforcement, but then again I don't generally speed much. Now I don't say "never"! I don't think people should only focus on their driving habits only when they see a marked police vehicle as I'd rather everyone follow the laws and stuff all the time. Since many folks don't do that already there's the necessity to have unmarked vehicles and motorcycle units. We share the road. I try to keep it as safe as possible for other folks and families driving along side me so I would like the same in return.

06-23-2016, 03:42 PM
They're using laser with optical sight. It helps them more accurately pinpoint speeding vehicles.

The new laser is also almost impossible to detect with a radar/laser detector.

06-23-2016, 03:50 PM
On the northbound Hefner Parkway, as your coming into the construction zone and the speed limit drops to 35, the cop likes to sit behind the orange barricades on the left shoulder, parked facing south. If you don't know to be looking for him, you won't see him till your right up on him and passing him.

I haven't seen them in the mornings in a long time. The speed limit is now also 45 through there but it does drop for north bound traffic around 122nd now which people are still flying to the memorial exit even though it's 45 there and not 65 like it was.

06-23-2016, 05:23 PM
I've seen them there several times. Last time was around 2 weeks ago.

06-23-2016, 07:00 PM
The new laser is also almost impossible to detect with a radar/laser detector.

It's just not fair any longer. They are there to write as many tickets as possible to meet their quota. Once they meet that they can go have donuts and kick back. Then write some more tickets. It's a pattern they all follow. I was told this by a county sheriff. He said OKC cops are the worst.

Plutonic Panda
06-23-2016, 07:06 PM
It's just not fair any longer. They are there to write as many tickets as possible to meet their quota. Once they meet that they can go have donuts and kick back. Then write some more tickets. It's a pattern they all follow. I was told this by a county sheriff. He said OKC cops are the worst.

Yeah. The sheriffs mainly seem to focus more on drugs and won't f@ck with people unless they're driving like idiots.

06-23-2016, 08:55 PM
Few weeks ago, I seen the strangest thing two days in a row... Almost everywhere I went I seen OCPD on the highways with cars pulled over, and on the city streets I seen OKHP with cars pulled over and Sherriffs on both with cars pulled over.....

06-23-2016, 10:56 PM
They have been on 240 the past two weeks during the morning commute. I only ever go 5 over because once you see them it is too late. It is a good deterrent.

06-24-2016, 04:17 PM
I haven't noticed much in the OKC area, but I am only up about 1-3 days in an active month.
In Norman, Robinson between NW 24th and NE 12th has become a hotbed of activity again.
Was driving over to the Mcd's at Porter/Robinson and saw five officers with someone pulled over from the flood to Porter. After nabbing a drink and an artery clogger, I headed south to the office and passed another one before reaching Acres/Jones.

Busy bees this week. The local muni court should be hopping for weeks to come.

06-24-2016, 06:33 PM
The city needs to get some of those motor jocks off the highways where running 5 or 10 mph over the speed limit is pretty safe now days, and start posting them at intersections around town so they can start nabbing the red light runners that we are plagued with. Almost every day I see someone blast through a red signal.

06-24-2016, 09:56 PM
The city needs to get some of those motor jocks off the highways where running 5 or 10 mph over the speed limit is pretty safe now days, and start posting them at intersections around town so they can start nabbing the red light runners that we are plagued with. Almost every day I see someone blast through a red signal.

Could you imagine if they, like actually patrolled our neighborhoods.....possibly deterring real crime like burglary and assaults , rather than setting up speed traps

Plutonic Panda
06-25-2016, 02:31 AM
Could you imagine if they, like actually patrolled our neighborhoods.....possibly deterring real crime like burglary and assaults , rather than setting up speed traps

That makes too much sense.

07-03-2016, 05:46 PM
I drove I-40 EB today. Between Penn and Western, there were no less than 7 motor jocks working traffic, all on the inside shoulder next to the wall. And traffic was pretty light. I'm sorry, but if that's all these officers have to do, than maybe OCPD should re-examine their priorities. Those tax dollars could be better spent elswhere.

07-03-2016, 06:28 PM
Holy crap!!! Cops working traffic during a holiday weekend where people go to picnics, get drunk, and then maybe drive? How dare they? And on I-40 no less, which has had at least three accidents resulting in injury or death in just the last week!

Plutonic Panda
07-03-2016, 06:29 PM
I drove I-40 EB today. Between Penn and Western, there were no less than 7 motor jocks working traffic, all on the inside shoulder next to the wall. And traffic was pretty light. I'm sorry, but if that's all they officers have to do, than maybe OCPD should re-examine their priorities. Those tax dollars could be better spent elswhere.

wow. you never see that here in Los Angeles. Funny, I guess they have better things to worry about here than people speeding.

I should add maybe once in a blue moon do you see cops on motorcycles hiding on the side of road. But 99% of the time, they are on the roads moving with traffic not being pigs

07-04-2016, 12:51 AM
Used to be several that sat on I35 from Crossroads to 44th early in the morning, they used to get {somewhat} behind the bridge supports and if the sun/shadows were just right they were almost impossible to see unless it was to late. I am surprised they weren't wearing ghillie suits.

07-04-2016, 10:34 AM
That's a cute "cartoon", but I would like to hear more about the officer's "lush" salary!
C. T.

07-04-2016, 11:25 AM
This why I always turn on my Waze app when I hit the road. Saved me a ticket just yesterday - coming and going to the Shawnee area. Each time the Waze app warned me long before I got to the speed trap. Of course, the app is only as good as the user providing the input. But I've found it's awesome to knowing where the speed traps are and great at choosing the less congested route when I drive somewhere.

I wish cars came with Waze built-in.

As for my opinion of enforcement - as with most people, i hate it the most when I'm the one being pulled over. Fortunately, while I get pulled over probably 4-5 times each year, I haven't actually been issued a ticket in many, many years. Not very often on the highway (I credit Waze for that), but I have been nabbed by OHP 2x and OCSO once in the last two years and neither ticketed me.

Bob Loblaw
07-04-2016, 03:18 PM
OCPD cycle jockeys are always on Southwest 89 between Penn and May until about noon nabbing folks whistling through the Fairview Elementary school zone - drivers must not realize summer school is in session or think the school zone lights are flashing in error - seen a lot of cars get pulled over every weekday these past few weeks - PD just hides in a tree shadow in front of the school and waits - like shooting fish in a barrel

07-04-2016, 03:22 PM
OCPD cycle jockeys are always on Southwest 89 between Penn and May until about noon nabbing folks whistling through the Fairview Elementary school zone - drivers must not realize summer school is in session or think the school zone lights are flashing in error - seen a lot of cars get pulled over every weekday these past few weeks - PD just hides in a tree shadow in front of the school and waits - like shooting fish in a barrel

No summer school, in session at Fairview, they just don't turn the lights off so they can write tickets, to justify their existence, all the while over in the neighborhood they should be patrolling, grandma is kicking her front door kicked in and her big screen is being loaded up in the back of some criminals truck......

07-04-2016, 09:49 PM
This why I always turn on my Waze app when I hit the road. Saved me a ticket just yesterday - coming and going to the Shawnee area. Each time the Waze app warned me long before I got to the speed trap. Of course, the app is only as good as the user providing the input. But I've found it's awesome to knowing where the speed traps are and great at choosing the less congested route when I drive somewhere.

I wish cars came with Waze built-in.

As for my opinion of enforcement - as with most people, i hate it the most when I'm the one being pulled over. Fortunately, while I get pulled over probably 4-5 times each year, I haven't actually been issued a ticket in many, many years. Not very often on the highway (I credit Waze for that), but I have been nabbed by OHP 2x and OCSO once in the last two years and neither ticketed me.

Everyone is different, but I would be very upset with myself it that happened to me. I have been driving for well over 50 years and have never had one speeding ticket. I have never even been stopped for that. I guess that's why I have no concern about speed traps.

07-04-2016, 10:33 PM
I'm a lot like Ljbab, I got my license in 1959 and I have had a couple of tickets, one for noise in a hospital zone (I really felt bad about that one), one for an illegal left turn, similar to a speed trap, the circumstances forced me to turn left in a no left turn from 7:00 to 9:00. I have had three warnings, one where I was speeding (65 mph on a 55/65 mph depending on day or night and it was early evening in December) and two where I was not speeding. I'm not bothered by reasonable speed on the interstates, I just don't like to pay tickets, so I don't speed.
C. T.

07-05-2016, 07:29 AM
Everyone is different, but I would be very upset with myself it that happened to me. I have been driving for well over 50 years and have never had one speeding ticket. I have never even been stopped for that. I guess that's why I have no concern about speed traps.

Upset about what? Not getting a ticket or getting pulled over?

What's to be upset about? Obviously if my speed was excessive or reckless then I'd get tickets. Get on I-35 and drive no faster than the posted speed limit and most times you'll be in a the minority and often times you'll actually pose a danger because of the other cars whizzing by.

Roger S
07-05-2016, 08:22 AM
Get on I-35 and drive no faster than the posted speed limit and most times you'll be in a the minority and often times you'll actually pose a danger because of the other cars whizzing by.

Think you got that backwards. It's the cars breaking the speed limit on I-35 that create the danger.

07-05-2016, 08:54 AM
Motorcycle cops were out in full force this morning on 235. I saw two people pulled over within a half mile of each other just north of 23rd.

07-05-2016, 08:59 AM
Think you got that backwards. It's the cars breaking the speed limit on I-35 that create the danger.

Depends how you look at it. If they're all going at 70 in a 60 then the guy going only 45-60 (often the legal limits) is most likely causing the safety issues when everyone has to brake and go around them. Simply "going over the speed limit" alone is often not a danger.

Now, the imbecile(s) doing 80+ when everyone else is going slower is certainly creating an issue.

07-05-2016, 10:26 AM
I clicked on this thread because I was thinking about how I've been too busy to ride lately and I'm pleased all my scoots are on battery tenders. I've even bought a rad vintage moto guzzi that I've put about 10 miles on since it arrived in my garage. Now I'm bordering on rage of jealousy of the notion to get grip to ride around on a Harley with a laser pistol and woo-woos and getting paid time and a half for holiday pay.

We've already discussed in another thread the vice cop who took home $105,000 last year before turning his attention to local-legitimate businesses instead of the pimps and pushers. I wonder what we, the taxpayers, spend on these jackals to strap on the jack boots and play Star Wars. "Pew pew, gotcha!" At least the guys in CHiPs made a difference.


07-05-2016, 10:28 AM
I realize that was a bad screen capture, let's try again...rebel scum.


07-05-2016, 11:20 AM
Upset about what? Not getting a ticket or getting pulled over?

What's to be upset about? Obviously if my speed was excessive or reckless then I'd get tickets. Get on I-35 and drive no faster than the posted speed limit and most times you'll be in a the minority and often times you'll actually pose a danger because of the other cars whizzing by.

I drive the speed limit and for years I have heard about how most drivers should be passing me and it doesn't happen that much. I set my cruise based on my gps, not my speedometer and a majority of the drivers are driving pretty close to my speed. I pass a few and a few pass me. I would even challenge anyone to follow me around OKC's interstates and count the cars that pass me and the ones I pass or that are going the same speed as me. Now, I don't do rush hour and maybe that's a different story, but when I retired, I decided to avoid busy times. Tomorrow I have an appointment in Edmond and I will try to keep track of the number that pass me and if I'm able to stay up with the massive numbers, I will post it here tomorrow or Thursday.
C. T.

07-05-2016, 11:29 AM
CT, what are you driving? I used to work construction and had a 3/4ton ford panel van with big tires for the muddy job sites. It had no windows sans the rear, front door, and windscreen. Even when I was speeding 5-10 miles over people would desperately, and I'm talking nascar drafting, slingshot maneuvers, overtake me on the highway simply because they could not see in front of my vehicle. Often times to calamity because said nascar driver could not see I was on pace with all the other traffic in the area. It was amazing to watch. I could always see it about to happen. Tiny car gets 10ft from my rear bumper, checks his mirror then floors the accelerator only to be met with no place to go and doing upwards of 90mph.

07-05-2016, 07:02 PM
CT, what are you driving? I used to work construction and had a 3/4ton ford panel van with big tires for the muddy job sites. It had no windows sans the rear, front door, and windscreen. Even when I was speeding 5-10 miles over people would desperately, and I'm talking nascar drafting, slingshot maneuvers, overtake me on the highway simply because they could not see in front of my vehicle. Often times to calamity because said nascar driver could not see I was on pace with all the other traffic in the area. It was amazing to watch. I could always see it about to happen. Tiny car gets 10ft from my rear bumper, checks his mirror then floors the accelerator only to be met with no place to go and doing upwards of 90mph.

I am a "big" car fan and I have a Mercury Grand Marquis. I don't think it has any impact on who passes me or doesn't though. They don't make the big cars anymore, the Lincoln Town Car, Ford Crown Victoria, or the Grand Marquis. Fortunately (or unfortunately), I think this is my last car. It has 56,000 miles on it so it will last me till I hang up my keys.
C. T.

07-05-2016, 10:00 PM
Upset about what? Not getting a ticket or getting pulled over?

What's to be upset about? Obviously if my speed was excessive or reckless then I'd get tickets. Get on I-35 and drive no faster than the posted speed limit and most times you'll be in a the minority and often times you'll actually pose a danger because of the other cars whizzing by.

I would be upset because I was stupid enough to be driving over the speed limit instead being pleased that I had ways to avoid being caught. I will never apologize for driving the speed limit, which is what I almost always do. I keep very aware of what other drivers are doing and make sure I don't impede traffic. I keep to the right unless I need to pass someone or exit to the left. I just never feel the need to speed for any reason. Driving over the speed limit actually is against the law for those who don't know it and like to consider themselves to be law abiding citizens.

Plutonic Panda
07-05-2016, 10:40 PM
I would be upset because I was stupid enough to be driving over the speed limit instead being pleased that I had ways to avoid being caught. I will never apologize for driving the speed limit, which is what I almost always do. I keep very aware of what other drivers are doing and make sure I don't impede traffic. I keep to the right unless I need to pass someone or exit to the left. I just never feel the need to speed for any reason. Driving over the speed limit actually is against the law for those who don't know it and like to consider themselves to be law abiding citizens.Well you're a very good driver.

07-05-2016, 10:51 PM
I would be upset because I was stupid enough to be driving over the speed limit instead being pleased that I had ways to avoid being caught. I will never apologize for driving the speed limit, which is what I almost always do. I keep very aware of what other drivers are doing and make sure I don't impede traffic. I keep to the right unless I need to pass someone or exit to the left. I just never feel the need to speed for any reason. Driving over the speed limit actually is against the law for those who don't know it and like to consider themselves to be law abiding citizens.

I think we are twins! I am a "right lane" person and like you, I only move to the left to pass or exit. I don't speed for different reasons, I don't want to pay fines. I lived just off of N. E. 122 and the I-35 exit is on the left. By the way, I have driven over 15,000 miles in Great Britain and those people know how to drive on their "M" highways which is the equivalent of our interstates. They do not pass on the left (our right side) ever. And the folks in the passing lanes always move over when somebody signals to change lanes. I thought if I was driving the speed limit it was alright to pass somebody on my right, but my London friend said no, change lanes, period. No exceptions. And I don't think it's the law, it's just the way they drive.
C. T.

07-06-2016, 12:18 AM
Well you're a very good driver.
Thanks, plupan. Would you like lessons? :wink:

Plutonic Panda
07-06-2016, 04:00 AM
Thanks, plupan. Would you like lessons? :wink:

Yeah haha... come on out to LA! ;P

Thomas Vu
07-06-2016, 06:10 AM
I am a "big" car fan and I have a Mercury Grand Marquis.

Maybe many people don't pass you cause casual drivers would mistake you for an unmarked police car

07-06-2016, 06:47 AM
I would be upset because I was stupid enough to be driving over the speed limit instead being pleased that I had ways to avoid being caught. I will never apologize for driving the speed limit, which is what I almost always do. I keep very aware of what other drivers are doing and make sure I don't impede traffic. I keep to the right unless I need to pass someone or exit to the left. I just never feel the need to speed for any reason. Driving over the speed limit actually is against the law for those who don't know it and like to consider themselves to be law abiding citizens.

"Stupid enough to be driving over the speed limit ... Driving over the speed limit actually is against the law for those who don't know it and like to consider themselves to be law abiding citizens." Well, I'm in great company then. Nobody asked you to apologize. But, you sure couldn't wait to label anyone who drives over the speed limit 'stupid.' FYI - I don't label myself a law abiding citizen. I actually highly endorse civil disobedience when appropriate (which can vary depending on one's perspective).

07-06-2016, 08:57 AM
I would be upset because I was stupid enough to be driving over the speed limit instead being pleased that I had ways to avoid being caught. I will never apologize for driving the speed limit, which is what I almost always do. I keep very aware of what other drivers are doing and make sure I don't impede traffic. I keep to the right unless I need to pass someone or exit to the left. I just never feel the need to speed for any reason. Driving over the speed limit actually is against the law for those who don't know it and like to consider themselves to be law abiding citizens.

Yup. Fines are just too expensive. My last speeding ticket was in 2003, and it was too much. Going around the metro, going 10 miles over the speed limit at most might save me 5 minutes getting somewhere (if I'm lucky). That's not worth the $200-300 in fines/fees plus increased insurance. I guess other folks have a lot of more money to blow to save that 5 minutes. That's not counting the risk to my and other's lives (plus I want to set an example to my boys who are just starting out driving).

07-06-2016, 04:43 PM
My report. from Southeast Douglas to I-235 and Northeast 6th, six cars passed me and I passed one, from there to the Kilpatrick turnpike, eighteen cars passed me and I passed five. It was not rush hour, but it was busy. That's not a case where everybody was "blowing" by me. I stand by my original statement.
C. T.

Jersey Boss
07-06-2016, 05:01 PM
It would be appreciated by many if someone sees a speed trap to post on this thread or a new one, the location and time seen.