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warreng88 04-19-2013, 02:33 PM I have noticed in some other cities some buses always pulling into a small indentions in the street so they didn't interupt traffic flow. While a bunch of sidewalks and streets are being redone, would that be a possibility? I know it would probably be a lot of work for the city attorneys to get the rights to the property it is infringing on, but I also think it would make it more safe.
LetsTalkTransit 04-30-2013, 10:14 AM Please make plans to attend a public meeting on May 21 to discuss the findings and proposed re-routing of the bus system. Meetings will begin promptly at Noon and 5 pm and will be held in the Downtown Library Auditorium, 4th floor. More details will become available within the next week. For any questions or comments, please contact 297-1331.
LetsTalkTransit 04-30-2013, 10:42 AM Yes they will be posted online. As soon as everything is up, we'll get a link posted here.
catch22 04-30-2013, 12:00 PM Ed Shadid posted a copy of the proposal on his facebook.
Looks like all bus service to the airport would end. Big League cities have frequent mass transit options available at their airports.
Mr. Cotter 05-07-2013, 08:07 AM Have the proposed time tables for the revised routes been released yet?
warreng88 05-07-2013, 09:14 AM A related story:
Oklahoma City metro-area bus system considers fare hike
The proposal is to raise the fare for a single ride from $1.50 to $1.75, an idea that didn't sit well with riders waiting to catch a bus at the downtown Oklahoma City transit station.
William Crum
May 6, 2013
Frankie Turner thinks Oklahoma City should expand bus service if it expects to raise fares.
Metro Transit is considering whether to raise the single-ride fare from $1.50 to $1.75. That would bring in an estimated $220,000 per year, a spokesman said.
Turner, 50, waited for a bus about 1 p.m. Monday at the Downtown Transit Center at NW 5 and Hudson. Turner said he caught his first bus of the day on SE 44 at 6:56 a.m
Read the rest of the story at: Oklahoma City metro-area bus system considers fare hike | News OK (
Praedura 05-08-2013, 12:15 PM Pardon my ignorance, but I had missed the fact that the downtown trolleys had been replaced with modern buses. Well, I had heard that it was going to happen, but didn't know they had been replaced already.
Links about the new buses:
New Buses Roll Onto Downtown Streets as Trolleys Are Retired | METRO Transit (
Oklahoma Gazette News: Downtown Discovery (
Downtown Discovery | METRO Transit (
Anyone here have a comment about the new buses? Are they any better, more comfortable than the old trolleys? Do you prefer them or do you miss the trolleys?
Just the facts 05-08-2013, 12:26 PM I'd rather see it go to $2 for one-way and stay $50 for unlimited monthly, but it is getting closer.
What is the fare-box recovery for COPTA because I would prefer they become free - at least for OKC residents. Typically, the cost of collecting the money cost more than what is collected. This is why JTA made our local Skyway free.
Praedura 05-08-2013, 01:42 PM They are way better and I see more people on them. They are just nice. Clean, new, comfortable. The trolly cars were fun but frankly, just hard to execute. In the summer they were always too hot and in winter, too cold. Drafty really.
The new buses are a huge improvement.
Thanks. I suspected that would be the answer. :)
I wonder what they did with the old trolleys? Might be cool to save one, take the wheels off, and place it somewhere in bricktown. Could be converted to a little food stand or something like that.
kevinpate 05-08-2013, 09:30 PM Or maybe some eateries snarf a few up and use them to roll their customers to and from events at the arena
shawnw 05-15-2013, 09:51 PM Pardon my ignorance, but I had missed the fact that the downtown trolleys had been replaced with modern buses. Well, I had heard that it was going to happen, but didn't know they had been replaced already.
Anyone here have a comment about the new buses? Are they any better, more comfortable than the old trolleys? Do you prefer them or do you miss the trolleys?
Some driver perspective...
I rode one around the full loop two Sundays ago and my daughter and I were the only ones on board, so we talked to the driver a bunch. She said they (all the drivers) outright hated the tolleys and were very pleased to see them go. She also stopped the bus by the Bricktown Cinco de Mayo celebrations, got out, walked across the street, got a taco, brought it back to the bus, and continued driving. We got a kick out of that.
LetsTalkTransit 05-17-2013, 12:57 PM The individual route recommendations by consultant Nelson\Nygaard are now available at ( Be sure to join us for the community meeting this Tuesday, May 21 at Noon and again at 5 pm.
CaptDave 05-17-2013, 01:27 PM
Here is a direct link to the recommendations. It appears to be a solid piece of work. Any thoughts from people who use the bus system regularly? I did not see if the study stated what would be gained as far as efficiency or making more buses available more frequent service on high volume routes.
I like the initiatives taken by COTPA lately - the electric hybrid and CNG buses appeal to people wanting to be "green". Maybe reduce operating costs? The evaluation of the routes and service is a good sign and will pay dividends later as transit becomes more of a priority.
Praedura 05-18-2013, 12:46 PM You can get a brief but good look at the new metro transit buses in this video:
Bike To Work Day 2013 - YouTube (
Which is primarily about bicycling, but includes a few comments about using the metro bus system to help/accomodate cyclists in their daily transits.
A few screenshots:
The new buses do look nice, and roomy inside.
plaws 05-19-2013, 07:08 PM I wonder what they did with the old trolleys? Might be cool to save one, take the wheels off, and place it somewhere in bricktown. Could be converted to a little food stand or something like that.
Scrapped? We can only hope. They ride poorly, the seats are uncomfortable, etc, etc. And they aren't based on a trolley, but on a cable car. Blech. :-) At least they have rear doors.
Form follows function, not the other way around.
LetsTalkTransit 06-18-2013, 09:58 AM Don't forget that this Friday is a Free Fare Friday. Take a ride with us. Just one trip a month is a great way to start a new habit! Learn more about schedules online at ( or give METRO a call at 235-RIDE (7433) for a custom trip plan.
CuatrodeMayo 06-21-2013, 10:09 PM The Monday before last I had the opportunity to make a trip using our bus system. I usually utilize public transportation when visiting other cities, but I have not actually used the one in my home town. All in all, it was a positive experience and a great value. That trip has inspired me to further utilize the bus for other trips. However, my understanding of the nuances of our system is still quite limited. I am hoping the regular transit riders here on this forum would help me out.
There is a particular trip I would like to make next week, but it depends on where exactly the bus on this particular route actually stops. I live very near the Plaza District and I would like to get to NW 50th and Penn. I would like also like to make the same return trip. Looking at the outbound timetable for route 8, it appears to only stop at Linwood and Indiana, then 23rd and Penn, followed by Penn Square Mall. Route 7 stops at at a bench at 16th and Penn. If I was waiting at the bench at 16th and Penn, will route 8 stop to pick me up or zoom by assuming I am waiting on 7? On the return, there is a shelter at NW 50th and Penn. This particular stop does not show up on any route timetable. Will route 7 stop for me here? Generally, I have noticed that there are many stops between timepoints where riders can get off, but does the bus also pick up at these locations?
I guess I am confused by the schedules. I would expect them to show every stop on a particular route, but they does not seem to. Based on my quite limited experience riding the bus, there seems to be a bunch more intermediate stops. Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
heyerdahl 06-22-2013, 07:50 AM The bus will stop if you are standing by a bus stop sign, it does not have to be a time point. If you want, you could kind of flag down the driver to make sure since there are two routes there. As for stops, I believe the bus will stop on the far side of any intersection. So you can pull the cord just before 50th Street and the driver will stop after passing through the intersection. The drivers can be really helpful in my experience, so you can always talk to them when you board and clarify where you're going so they can help you figure things out.
betts 06-22-2013, 08:22 AM Of course, if we had a grid system and signage at every stop this wouldn't be as confusing as described. Thank goodness there is an effort afoot to make significant changes to our system.
Snowman 07-02-2013, 08:33 PM Given the transit of today and it's poor numbers the city might get with little notice is it is off holidays. If we ever get a good system and the kind of development that the city says they want and could support a good transit system, it will no longer be an option to have down on Sundays or holidays.
Plutonic Panda 07-02-2013, 08:37 PM I left my thoughts. If you agree I hope you will too:
Fire, Police, they don't take off July 4th. Transit here is not regarded as important enough to run on July 4th. Even the downtown circulator which is one of the few times in the year when it will be truly useful.
This is all likely from really poor union negotiations. Police and Fire aren't taking the day off. In cities our size heck I've seen them advertise the fact that transit is available so there are fewer drunk drivers.
Today may not be the day they listen but I hope this holiday, especially due to all the activities happening around town, is one that people really speak up and let the city know it is isn't acceptable to not run transit.did your comment get deleted??? I can't seem to find it :/
catch22 07-02-2013, 08:42 PM Given the transit of today and it's poor numbers the city might get with little notice is it is off holidays. If we ever get a good system and the kind of development that the city says they want and could support a good transit system, it will no longer be an option to have down on Sundays or holidays.
Yes but the excuse for a poor transit system is "well nobody uses what we have why improve it?"
Our ridership is low because the system sucks. No one rides the bus around here on holidays at all, not one person -- because the buses don't even run....
Geographer 07-03-2013, 08:39 AM Biggest problem with the Norman Bus System?
Each route only goes 1 direction, therefore it may take you 10 minutes from the bus stop to your destination...but then when you get back on the bus it may take 30 minutes.
LetsTalkTransit 08-16-2013, 09:47 AM It's Free Fare Friday! We hope to see you on the bus today!
Psst...bring a friend! :D
kevinpate 08-16-2013, 11:39 AM It's Free Fare Friday! We hope to see you on the bus today!
Psst...bring a friend! :D
Just curious. Do the freebie days appear to generate any new public transit devotees, or are they primarily just a discount for regular riders?
LetsTalkTransit 08-16-2013, 05:07 PM That's a great question. Undoubtedly, we see an increase in our overall ridership. Our goal is to nudge folks to ride at least once who normally drive on a daily basis. We see new faces on board our buses every 3rd Friday. Do they return on Monday? Not necessarily, however, this promo serves as a tool for introducing non-riders to our system. We've noticed that they come in many forms, it could be office workers using it for a lunch outing, or a parent and child using it for the first time to visit the zoo. We're interested in creating positive first experiences. This is our third season to do this promotion and at the end of each season we hear positive stories from those who tried it for the first time and are returning (for a variety of reasons). ^ms
Wife and kids enjoyed not having to use their pass (though we've got the monthly pass so it isn't a savings).
I want to go car-free in OKC so bad, but I haven't taken the leap yet. I admire you doing that in such a difficult city to do it in.
I will add that I've been riding my bike as much as humanly possible. :D
Kokopelli 08-16-2013, 05:39 PM Undoubtedly, we see an increase in our overall ridership.
Our goal is to nudge folks to ride at least once who normally drive on a daily basis. We see new faces on board our buses every 3rd Friday.
this promo serves as a tool for introducing non-riders to our system.
I think this is a good promo, but why be so timid in the approach ?
Why not have one free day every week of the month, one month it could be Free Mondays the next could be Free Thursdays. And if one day a month is too much how about one free day every other week.
Frequency and the length of time in which the frequency occur are key factors and adapting new consumer habits and patterns.
Platemaker 09-12-2013, 06:12 PM It's not that hard at all. My car has been parked for about two months. I'm even commuting to Norman on the bus daily (with my bike), and it's been very reliable so far. I can't believe how much work I get done on the bus that was time wasted in my car.
I will say this about Metro Transit: The Sooner Express to Norman is shared by Metro Transit and CART. The times that CART covers the route have ALWAYS been prompt. The times Metro Transit covers the route, while reliable, can run 5-8 minutes behind sometimes. I also like that CART has three bike racks on their buses as opposed to only two on Metro Transit.
LetsTalkTransit 09-17-2013, 12:47 PM Don't forget to join us on the bus this Friday for the season's last Free Fare Friday. Introduce someone new to public transit this month. Give us a call at 235-7433 for help planning your trip.
Also, how would you like to access system and route information? Keep in mind that not everyone has a smartphone. Would you prefer individual brochures like we have now or a comprehensive booklet?
I prefer a comprehensive booklet instead of individual brochures. The individual brochures require that you already know enough about the system to select the route that you need.
Teo9969 09-18-2013, 08:59 AM 4482
LetsTalkTransit 09-27-2013, 01:34 PM FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
September 26, 2013
Higher Frequency Focus of Proposed New Bus System
METRO Transit to Host Public Meetings on Proposed Route and Fare Changes
OKLAHOMA CITY – Citizens will experience less wait-time for weekday bus service if proposed service changes are adopted. METRO Transit is proposing a restructured route network and will be hosting a series of public meetings throughout the city October 3-11 to collect public comment on the proposed improvements.
The changes are based in part on a study by Nelson Nygaard, a firm hired by the Central Oklahoma Transportation and Parking Authority (COTPA) and the City of Oklahoma City to review and make recommendations for improving the current public transit system within METRO Transit’s existing budget and resources. The consultants’ final recommendations focus on increasing the frequency of the bus routes, reducing passenger wait time, reducing passenger travel time and realigning routes to better match demand.
Building on the work of the consultants, the City of Oklahoma City Council allocated an additional $1 million to help increase frequency to every 30 minutes on even more routes; leaving only four local bus routes 9, 11, 14, and 18 with wait times no more than 60 minutes. Consultants say increasing the frequency of a bus route not only makes it more convenient for riders, it also makes the system easier to understand.
“The current system can be confusing and connections between buses can be long because not all routes have the same frequency.” said Thomas Wittmann, with Nelson Nygaard. “Buses may stop in one place every 45 minutes, another place every 90 minutes and another place it may only stop a few times per day. But when you can walk to a bus stop and know you can catch a bus every 30 minutes, it takes out some of the guess work and makes it easier to understand.”
To achieve a higher frequency, the bus routes will make fewer deviations into neighborhoods, primarily sticking to main arterials, a practice consultants say is common in most large cities. The changes also create several bus corridors with 15 minute frequency, establish a mini “transit hub” in west Oklahoma City for improved connectivity and create a new south crosstown route to serve a growing South 29th Street corridor.
Based on pilot programs in 2010 and 2011, METRO Transit ridership increased by about 20 and 30 percent when frequency was increased from one hour to 40 minutes and from 65 to 32 minutes.
According to the study, increased frequency will not only improve convenience for existing riders but states that nationwide market research has shown 30 minute service is the minimum level of service necessary to attract more riders.
“The changes we are talking about are really transformational,” said Rick Cain, administrator for the Central Oklahoma Transportation and Parking Authority. “More frequent service is the first step to a better system. The new alignment and schedule are the foundation for a service that could support future improvements like extended hours and Sunday service. Those improvements will really make a difference for existing and potential riders.”
If additional funding becomes available, the consultants’ long term recommendations for increased frequency on additional routes, later service and Sunday service will be pursued.
Public meetings will be held in all quadrants of the city during October and will address the proposed service changes and a fare increase to help maintain existing service. The proposed fare changes would increase local single-trip fare prices to $1.75 from $1.50 and express single-trip fares to $3 from $2.25. Unlimited day, week and monthly passes would stay the same at $4, $14 and $50 respectively. Other changes include adjusting fares for reserved and curb-to-curb trips on METRO Link, a limited night and Sunday service.
Once public comments have been received and reviewed, fare increases could be implemented as early as January 2014 and service changes could be implemented as early as Spring 2014.
Public Meetings
Thursday, October 3 at 5:15 p.m.
Warr Acres Library (Warr Acres) | 5901 NW 63rd | Along route 8
Monday, October 7 at 5:15 p.m.
Almonte Library (Ward 3) | 2914 SW 59 | Along route 12
Tuesday, October 8 at 11:45 a.m. and 5:15 p.m.
Downtown Library (Ward 6) | 300 Park Ave | Near Transit Center (approx. 3 blocks)
Wednesday, October 9 at 11:45 a.m.
OKC Hispanic Chamber (Ward 4) | 309 SW 59 Ste. 302 | Along route 40
Thursday, October 10 at 11:45 a.m. and 5:15 p.m.
Ralph Ellison Library (Ward 7) | 2000 NE 23 | Along routes 2, 19 and 22
Friday, October 11 at 11:45 a.m.
Boys & Girls Club (Ward 2) | 3535 N Western | Along routes 4 and 5
Each meeting is planned to last 40-55 minutes and will feature the same information and public comment format. Please notify METRO Transit at least 48 hours before the meeting if you require an interpreter or other disability accommodations. Notification can be made by calling 235-7433 (TDD 297-2602) between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm. Comments or questions about the proposed changes will also be accepted through October 18, 2013 and may be made by phone to (405) 297-3020, by e-mail to or by mail to:
METRO Transit
attn: 2014 Service Changes
300 SW 7 St.
Oklahoma City, OK 73109
Details of the proposed service and fare changes are available online at starting October 3.
About METRO Transit
To learn more about METRO Transit and view bus schedules and routes, visit Home | METRO Transit Providing Central Oklahoma Transportation & Bus Service Options ( or call (405) 235-RIDE (7433) for personal assistance from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. To learn more about carpooling or to be matched with someone in your area, visit
- Proposed System Map (
-Learn More (
LetsTalkTransit 10-14-2013, 12:26 PM Watch last week's public meetings to learn more about the proposed 2014 route/fare changes. Visit our YouTube page ( to access the videos.
The final public hearing will be this Wednesday, October 16 at 11:45 am at Ralph Ellison Library along routes 2,19 and 22.
Rover 10-14-2013, 03:07 PM Utah-based WAVE nabs $1.4M to bring wireless electric buses to a dozen cities (exclusive) | VentureBeat (
Isn't this like the system talked about on the streetcar threads? If it can work affordably for buses, why not streetcars?
Urban Pioneer 10-15-2013, 07:50 AM Its similar. They haven't pursued a rail prototype yet. That's the problem. We talked to them at this year's APTA Convention.
LetsTalkTransit 11-21-2013, 10:50 AM Rick Cain Announces Retirement, learn more at (, National search underway.
CuatrodeMayo 11-21-2013, 11:44 AM What is the likelihood it will be an engineer?
G.Walker 12-03-2013, 10:20 AM Does anyone know if they are going to add a new line for the Sooner Express, Route 24? Ridership has to be at an all time high, and bus is always packed. With limited seating, at least for the first morning bus.
LakeEffect 12-03-2013, 10:36 AM What is the likelihood it will be an engineer?
0%. But, could it be a financial/numbers person without operations experience? Maybe... Rick was a numbers guy, not an operations guy, if I recall correctly.
kevinpate 12-03-2013, 05:37 PM Does anyone know if they are going to add a new line for the Sooner Express, Route 24? Ridership has to be at an all time high, and bus is always packed. With limited seating, at least for the first morning bus.
That first run has been the fullest of the three buses that are outbound from Norman each am. I don't think the others really compare. While I do not use it often, it is the one I use the most anymore. Not sure on the evening return buses as I am usually on the mid afternoon bus when I take a bus.
Platemaker 12-06-2013, 06:44 PM I ride the Sooner Express everyday. I ride the 6:05 AM at least 3 times a week. I've never seen it "packed". Many mornings it has been just me. The 7:28 and 9:33 are always significantly fuller, but they are run by CART.
catch22 12-12-2013, 12:59 PM If Amtrak ran another frequency between OKC and Dallas with Norman stop, would OKC/Norman be able to convince them to charge a lower fare for OKC-Norman (and reverse) customers.
It could be a quick solution to commuter rail between the two cities until a greater system was in place.
Current fare is $9 e/w between Norman and OKC.
If it were say, $4.50 or a month pass...would people be enticed to ride it?
Or, on second thought, a better solution would be if the Wichita line came to existence...
have the Wichita leg originate in Norman. Norman-OKC-Wichita. Depart 7am arrive 730am downtown and then continue to Wichita. Then the Heartland Flyer could run OKC-Norman-Dallas at it's current time. It would allow there to be commuter options for both Northbound and Southbound commuters in the morning and in the evening.
kevinpate 12-12-2013, 01:05 PM If given a choice between more runs of the Sooner Express bus or an added AMTRAK run, it is a no brainer. Bus.
I'd be finer than frog hair if Sooner Express simply operated one additional run 11 ish in the day and had a late evening night time run.
I'd also drive to the city a whole lot less if that existed, while making many more trips.
catch22 12-12-2013, 01:07 PM I'm just thinking as I-35 gets more congested, the bus schedule will be harder and harder to stay on-time.
kevinpate 12-12-2013, 01:14 PM Congestion on I-35, well at least the kind that doesn't involve officer shootouts, results in delays that are still measured in minutes. Delays on a track that sees 38 or more major trains go through a day already creates delays measured in hours, and at times far longer.
shawnw 12-12-2013, 02:05 PM If Amtrak ran another frequency between OKC and Dallas with Norman stop, would OKC/Norman be able to convince them to charge a lower fare for OKC-Norman (and reverse) customers.
It could be a quick solution to commuter rail between the two cities until a greater system was in place.
Current fare is $9 e/w between Norman and OKC.
If it were say, $4.50 or a month pass...would people be enticed to ride it?
Or, on second thought, a better solution would be if the Wichita line came to existence...
have the Wichita leg originate in Norman. Norman-OKC-Wichita. Depart 7am arrive 730am downtown and then continue to Wichita. Then the Heartland Flyer could run OKC-Norman-Dallas at it's current time. It would allow there to be commuter options for both Northbound and Southbound commuters in the morning and in the evening.
I had made a similar suggestion to Sid during a discussion some time ago about how we could/should leverage the Flyer as an interim commuter rail option. I like the idea, though you could probably only do one run in the morning from Norman to reset the line to make the Flyer run later that morning. When the Flyer returns at night it could go back down to Norman to park to be ready for the morning commute, but then it would be gone to Texas so I don't know what you'd do about getting the morning commuters home in the afternoon (I'm talking that first interim step of using the existing train, before anything new is acquired).
Platemaker 12-12-2013, 06:35 PM Kevin...
When you were saying that the early AM bus is full were you talking about Norman to OKC?
kevinpate 12-12-2013, 07:13 PM Platemaker, when I bus into the city from Norman, I normally take the earliest bus. It's not SRO, but it has seemed fuller to me than the few times I have ridden in on a later bus.
catch22 12-12-2013, 07:15 PM Does Norman post ridership numbers?
kevinpate 12-12-2013, 07:18 PM catch22, I don't know. Never thought to even look and see.
oops. hit send too fast. If there are numbers, I imagine they'd be reported to OKC Metro bus system.
catch22 12-12-2013, 07:34 PM Who runs the bus? CART or COTPA (Or what's their new name...Endeavor??)
Platemaker 12-12-2013, 07:54 PM I see. My apologies. I ride from the the city to Norman. I thought you were crazy saying the early bus was full. haha. A fuller bus coming into downtown makes a lot more sense.
kevinpate 12-12-2013, 08:10 PM Who runs the bus? CART or COTPA (Or what's their new name...Endeavor??)
Depends on the time of the day, but I don't know which runs are CART and which are OKC. It may be on the schedule at gometro. All I ever concern myself with are when do I need to be at Homeland and when do I need to be at Transit Center. If it is on time, it could be run by Keebler elves and I would be fine.
Urban Pioneer 01-22-2014, 07:21 PM Great new tv ad for the transit system.
EMBARK - Forward Together (
CaptDave 01-22-2014, 08:13 PM That's pretty cool. I hope they do not repaint the newer hybrid buses in the white, blue, gray scheme though.
CaptDave 01-22-2014, 11:29 PM I love the new color scheme.
I agree - it is much better than the old GoMetro. Except for those newer hybrid buses. It is good to see some effort in marketing and improving the brand of OKC transit.
shawnw 01-22-2014, 11:49 PM Do we know if this new branding will carry over to the streetcar or if we'll have to call that something else? (I presume it will carry over)
And by extension, do we think the new branding will carry over to whatever RTA might develop down the line, or will we have another branding exercise in a few years? (I suspect we might have to re-brand)
I used the bus system today for my commute for the first time. I found the overall experience a lot better than I thought it would be going in. The only issue I had was them not taking a card to pay for any type of pass at the transit center. You have to pay with cash or check, so I had to use the ATM they provided.
kevinpate 02-18-2014, 08:36 AM A place that still prefers checks. I thought it was down to only Ozzie's at this point.