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07-08-2016, 11:39 AM
I thought I remember hearing that the engagement was broken off. Not sure when it was or if I'm mistaken, but that came to mind.

Yes, it was broken off long ago.

07-08-2016, 11:39 AM
I thought I remember hearing that the engagement was broken off. Not sure when it was or if I'm mistaken, but that came to mind.

Yeah they broke it off sometime in '14. There was quite the Twitter drama involved, as I recall...

07-08-2016, 11:58 AM
Apparently last night, Dean reported that Kevin was set to close on a $10MM house in Nichols Hills after he finished his hamptons deal. I don't know how accurate that is, but it would seem to suggest that it really was a last minute decision.

Is there even a house existing in NH worth $10 million? I remember the text to Donovan from KD saying he wanted to build a huge house and re-sign.

Also isn't Blevins the one who claimed last week that KD was not only planning to stay in OKC, but sign the full contract early?

07-08-2016, 12:02 PM
Is there even a house existing in NH worth $10 million? I remember the text to Donovan from KD saying he wanted to build a huge house and re-sign.

Also isn't Blevins the one who claimed last week that KD was not only planning to stay in OKC, but sign the full contract early?

Would most likely be buying one or two houses, tearing them down and rebuilding. Even then, a $10MM house would be hard to imagine.

07-08-2016, 12:04 PM
Is there even a house existing in NH worth $10 million? I remember the text to Donovan from KD saying he wanted to build a huge house and re-sign.

Also isn't Blevins the one who claimed last week that KD was not only planning to stay in OKC, but sign the full contract early?

I don't think there is. I have never taken Dean's word for fact.

07-08-2016, 12:13 PM
Wow, not sure I missed the engagement being broken off. So it for sure wasn't a move to "keep momma happy" or some such thing.

Thomas Vu
07-08-2016, 12:39 PM
Yeah, the engagement broken off thing I think was also around when the press wrote that "Mr. Reliable" bit and everybody changed their billboards to reflect otherwise.

07-08-2016, 12:43 PM
One thing that's being mentioned is that we could try to keep Russell Westbrook by bringing in Blake Griffin next year, to play alongside him. Thoughts?

07-08-2016, 01:44 PM
I don't think there is. I have never taken Dean's word for fact.

Well last week he did say that Durant was likely signing a 5 year deal to stay in OKC, so....

07-08-2016, 02:58 PM
In some non-Golden State Warrior news today. . .

Royce Young ‏@royceyoung 2h2 hours ago

Mitch McGary has been suspended five games to begin next season for failing the NBA's drug policy. (Throckmorton edit: It was pot.)


Fred Katz ‏@FredKatz 4h4 hours ago

The Thunder beat the Heat in summer league today to clinch third place in Orlando and finish 4-1 on the week.


OKC THUNDER ‏@okcthunder 2h2 hours ago

News: Victor Oladipo named to 2016 USA Men's Select Team.

And last but not least, Russell was spotted at an Edmond Chick-fil-A.

D ‏@D_beeze 2h2 hours ago

My sister is at chickfila and guess who walks in? Stood next to her, talked to her, hugged each nephew took a pic

07-08-2016, 03:05 PM
One thing that's being mentioned is that we could try to keep Russell Westbrook by bringing in Blake Griffin next year, to play alongside him. Thoughts?

The Thunder should pursue it. Would Blake be interested in coming home? I doubt it, but the Thunder should pursue any star. I'd guess that it's highly unlikely.

07-08-2016, 03:12 PM
The Thunder should pursue it. Would Blake be interested in coming home? I doubt it, but the Thunder should pursue any star. I'd guess that it's highly unlikely.

I bet it's unlikely too, but of all free agents, he might be the one willing to come to OKC since he is from here. The Thunder should at least give it a good push.

07-08-2016, 03:17 PM
As reported by Woj, we're not shopping Westbrook. I have a feeling that's a combination of trying to build the team around him, and also there not being any worthy offers available. Like has been mentioned, I can't imagine any other team wanting to give up valuable assets (whether that's players, picks or a combo) for a player that will be unrestricted after next season.

We still have a playoff team, not likely a contender though. If we can sell him on the fact that this is his team now and we'll do whatever it takes to tailor it to him, I think he stays. We will need another significant option... and Blake would be a good one. I'm back and forth on whether he'd like to come back. Part of me sees the appeal in being the Hometown Hero like he was at OU, and the other part sees it like moving back in with your parents after college. Getting a superstar PG that's 5 years younger than Paul could be a big selling point.

07-08-2016, 04:03 PM
I've stated this before, but I'd love to use the room under the salary cap to go after Blake Griffin.

He's a near superstar and has strong ties to Oklahoma.

He's one of the very few players in the league that could come close to replacing Durant in many ways.

07-08-2016, 04:03 PM
As reported by Woj, we're not shopping Westbrook. I have a feeling that's a combination of trying to build the team around him, and also there not being any worthy offers available. Like has been mentioned, I can't imagine any other team wanting to give up valuable assets (whether that's players, picks or a combo) for a player that will be unrestricted after next season.

We still have a playoff team, not likely a contender though. If we can sell him on the fact that this is his team now and we'll do whatever it takes to tailor it to him, I think he stays. We will need another significant option... and Blake would be a good one. I'm back and forth on whether he'd like to come back. Part of me sees the appeal in being the Hometown Hero like he was at OU, and the other part sees it like moving back in with your parents after college. Getting a superstar PG that's 5 years younger than Paul could be a big selling point.

Given what we just got in return for serge who was in a similar position, I would find it hard to believe that we couldn't find a worthy offer for westbrook.

Richard at Remax
07-08-2016, 04:48 PM
A) there are no $10 million dollar home in NH. Actually not even anywhere close to that. So that's not true.

B) never trust dean Blevins or his sources

Bill Robertson
07-08-2016, 05:37 PM
One thing that's being mentioned is that we could try to keep Russell Westbrook by bringing in Blake Griffin next year, to play alongside him. Thoughts?
As big an OU fan as I obviously am. Blake has become a real jerk since being in the league. Do we really want him?

07-08-2016, 05:59 PM
As big an OU fan as I obviously am. Blake has become a real jerk since being in the league. Do we really want him?

If the Thunder can go him... Of course.

07-08-2016, 06:21 PM
But then he'd be our jerk :)

Russell is thought of that way to the rest of the league.

Bill Robertson
07-08-2016, 06:33 PM
But then he'd be our jerk :)

Russell is thought of that way to the rest of the league.True. But Russ has never missed games for injuring his hand punching a team employee.

07-08-2016, 07:36 PM
Russell is the player if he's on your team you're gonna love him. If he's on the other team you're gonna hate his a$$, just wishing you had a player like him.

07-08-2016, 08:25 PM
Russell is the player if he's on your team you're gonna love him. If he's on the other team you're gonna hate his a$$, just wishing you had a player like him.

Blake-Russ-Adams would be a pretty rough bunch for other teams to deal with.
Add a couple of sharpshooters and you have a winner!

I think Adams will be in line for one of those huge shoe deals soon.

07-09-2016, 07:21 AM
A) there are no $10 million dollar home in NH. Actually not even anywhere close to that. So that's not true.

B) never trust dean Blevins or his sources

The Kuykendall mansion at Wishire and Penn would probably come pretty close if it ever hit the market outside of the family trust. The assessed value is around $5 million right now, but again it has remained with the family that built it in the early nineties. There are a few others that might give $10 mil a run, though I would agree that none probably top that number.

07-13-2016, 11:36 AM
This report is primarily rumors, but the more I've thought about it, the more I think it's likely Russell is traded before the season begins. It's just not a good situation. It's unfair to expect Russ to commit to OKC before the season and not explore his options. But OKC can't wait for that, Russ' value is highest now. If he won't commit then it's time for the full rebuild and some teams, like the Celtics, can offer a great package:

07-13-2016, 11:46 AM
Either Russ commits beyond the end of the year in the near future, or we have to trade him.

We cannot risk losing two superstars within a year with zero to show for it.

That's just the reality we are facing and clearly, we can't just go on a player's word or just hope he sticks around.

07-13-2016, 11:50 AM
I agree and it's a lot to ask Russ to make a commitment like that before the season begins. Without a commitment or restructured contract, Russ has his most trade value before the season. We'll see, but I just see a trade as the most likely scenario, unfortunately.

If this happens, I feel bad for Victor Oladipo who thought he was finally going to play for titles, but now would be back on a rebuilding team.

07-13-2016, 12:56 PM
This report is primarily rumors, but the more I've thought about it, the more I think it's likely Russell is traded before the season begins. It's just not a good situation. It's unfair to expect Russ to commit to OKC before the season and not explore his options. But OKC can't wait for that, Russ' value is highest now. If he won't commit then it's time for the full rebuild and some teams, like the Celtics, can offer a great package:

I've been saying this since minutes after KD's announcement on the 4th. It's the only thing that makes sense. Extend the current deal past next summer's free agency (he an get a hefty raise in the bargain), or trade before the season begins. TONS of teams - especially large market contenders - would give up major value to get Russ for the whole season and would likely feel relatively confident they could re-sign him as a free agent. The deeper they get into the season, the less a team will be willing to give up.

I say all of this with extreme regret, as Russ is my dude. But it is the smart business move and there really IS no other. So we can only hope and pray that KD's departure lit competitive a fire in Russ to win with THIS team.

By the way, every time I have made this case I am argued with and/or damn near ridiculed, and if memory serves you were one of the people who did just that, Dan... ;)

07-13-2016, 01:09 PM
By the way, every time I have made this case I am argued with and/or damn near ridiculed, and if memory serves you were one of the people who did just that, Dan... ;)

I think you're thinking of someone else. I've thought the exact same thing the entire time - keep Russ if he'll commit (preferable option) or trade him. I actually think my first comments after KDs announcement were that we needed to look at moving Russ.

My point in my last post is that I've kind of been hopeful Russ might commit long term, but the more I think about it, the more I think that's unlikely.

My criticisms of recent posts (which weren't directed at you) were of those posters who implied that KD threw or was distracted during the Golden State series, which I think is baseless speculation.

07-13-2016, 01:45 PM
I am pretty sure that report is (once again) across-the-board GM speculation. The same thing happened with KD like every week, "strong belief of re-signing with OKC."

I still think Russ stays. Getting picks from BOS would be neat in the long-run, but another season of RW and showing him crazy love to stay would be a lot of fun. Yea yea, we showed KD love, and he threw it in the city's face - but Russ seems more genuine IMO.

Again I am also biased as Russ is my favorite player in the league...

07-13-2016, 01:46 PM

07-13-2016, 01:52 PM
...Yea yea, we showed KD love, and he threw it in the city's face - but Russ seems more genuine IMO...

Completely agree about Russell's sincerity vs KD's...mostly because Russ doesn't throw out a bunch of platitudes. I get the feeling Russ genuinely likes OKC, but mostly because this is where he plays right now (and also there is something to be said for the fact that he knows this fanbase generally has had his back when a lot of other people did not). But I also get the feeling he'd be happy playing just about anywhere, as long as he had a shot at winning. And I totally respect that. He doesn't blow smoke. If he's gone I'll be crushed to see him go, but I won't hold it against him. Totally different situation than KD, and totally different person.

07-13-2016, 01:56 PM
If he does decide to leave, I hope that doesn't start a narrative that OKC is not a good place to play/live.

Jersey Boss
07-13-2016, 02:24 PM
As Urb so succinctly put it, there is plenty of intrigue. There are so many variables, foremost of which is where does RW see his career, both bb and fashion taking him. The one thing in my mind that is certain is that RW holds the trump card in any moves made by the front office. That is why I advocated paying him the max on a renegotiated 1+1 without any promises from him. It shows him unequivocal respect.

White Peacock
07-13-2016, 03:02 PM
If he does decide to leave, I hope that doesn't start a narrative that OKC is not a good place to play/live.

That's pretty much the existing narrative for outsiders already. Losing our star(s) just confirms the narrative.

07-13-2016, 03:05 PM
I guess that's true. We'll just have to continue what we have been doing. Draft well and trade for contracts that we have control over. Don't let anyone go into free agency. It feels like that's the only options small market teams have. With those options the margin for error is so small and the window for championships is equally as small assuming you don't have generational talent like Durant and Westbrook.

07-13-2016, 03:09 PM
We've done very, very well in the draft. If he doesn't sign an extension our best bet is to stockpile as many picks as we can and whatever decent player we can get for a transitional period. Giving up 2 of the top 5 players in back to back years just can't happen. I love Westbrook too, I just don't see many other options.

07-14-2016, 11:28 AM
Berry makes a good point about rushing to trade Russ... Lots of teams who have traded stars before they left, and got great returns, saw very weak results. The whole point of competing in the NBA is to get stars. After thinking about it some more, this is the first time I've thought that maybe the Thunder don't trade Russ even if there is a chance they get nothing back. Because most teams who got something back, saw no results anyway. In short, if the Thunder think they have even a decent chance, even with no assurances from Russ, maybe they should stick it out...

07-14-2016, 11:55 AM
Can anyone here identify any time in major sports wherein one player's decision to abandon a team has had such a more singularly devastating impact on that franchise than Durant's having abandoned the Thunder?

07-14-2016, 11:56 AM
What's absolutely ridiculous is that even if Russ leaves for nothing, OKC is not a bare cupboard. They'd struggle to make the playoffs initially if at all (depending on how challenging the West remains), especially if they couldn't find some decent Free Agents to come in, but they'd still have (arguably) Top 5 players at 2 positions (Center and SG). Of course, PG and PF in the league are your deepest positions and we'd certainly need to massive upgrade those positions in order to become a playoff squad, and we'd need more off the bench, but with all the cap space we'd have, we'd have some ability to do it.

The problem is that without some extreme luck in the lottery, we'd sort of enter the land that Denver and Washington have been in for the entire decade: Never a Top 8 team, never a Bottom 7 team (where the odds to win a Top 3 pick start improving).

07-14-2016, 12:01 PM
Can anyone here identify any time in major sports wherein one player's decision to abandon a team has had such a more singularly devastating impact on that franchise than Durant's having abandoned the Thunder?

Sure, pretty much any NBA team that lost a top 5 star. When LeBron left Cleveland they immediately plummted to the worst team in the league. They never made the playoffs even with two number one picks. If he hadn't come back I don't think they would have recovered. But scariest camparison is when Kareem Abdul Jabar left Milwaukee in the mid-1970s and they really haven't been very good since.

However, if we can keep Russ then a good analogy might be the Bulls after Jordan left the first time. They went from a title contender to a middle tier playoff seed, which I could see happening to OKC too. Now, if we lose Russ, almost no matter what we get back, it's going to be a long road just to get back to the playoffs.

07-14-2016, 12:02 PM
Can anyone here identify any time in major sports wherein one player's decision to abandon a team has had such a more singularly devastating impact on that franchise than Durant's having abandoned the Thunder?

Ummm...taken by itself, it's really not that bad.

Lebron leaving Cleveland was SOOO much worse. They went from best team in the league to 2nd worst, and didn't even sniff a winning record until he returned.

The Thunder is good enough right now to compete for home-court and maybe even make a surprise trip to the WCF if some things break their way.


07-14-2016, 12:06 PM
Berry makes a good point about rushing to trade Russ... Lots of teams who have traded stars before they left, and got great returns, saw very weak results. The whole point of competing in the NBA is to get stars. After thinking about it some more, this is the first time I've thought that maybe the Thunder don't trade Russ even if there is a chance they get nothing back. Because most teams who got something back, saw no results anyway. In short, if the Thunder think they have even a decent chance, even with no assurances from Russ, maybe they should stick it out...

I think we should try to keep Russ. We're screwed either way if we lose him. A trade won't bring equal value, and draft picks will take time to develop. I'd hope we could go all out to demonstrate this is his team and get him to take on the challenge and shove it down the Warriors' throat.

After KD leaving, I really have no idea of anything, though. But Russ has to realize we've still got a pretty darn good team and will only improve.

07-14-2016, 12:06 PM

Memphis is banking on a lot of injury-prone players. If they're healthy, Memphis could compete for the 3 or 4 seed, but that's a big 'if.' I think the Jazz are going to make a big jump this season after almost making the playoffs last year. Here's how I see the Western conference tiers for playoffs spots:




Jersey Boss
07-14-2016, 12:32 PM
Can anyone here identify any time in major sports wherein one player's decision to abandon a team has had such a more singularly devastating impact on that franchise than Durant's having abandoned the Thunder?

I think you will have to wait until next June before that question can be answered. Right now the Thunder have the same record they had last year at this time, 0-0

07-14-2016, 12:56 PM
Memphis is banking on a lot of injury-prone players. If they're healthy, Memphis could compete for the 3 or 4 seed, but that's a big 'if.' I think the Jazz are going to make a big jump this season after almost making the playoffs last year. Here's how I see the Western conference tiers for playoffs spots:




This seems right to me. I wouldn't put it outside of the realm of possibility that OKC landed a 3-seed, though certainly not probable. We really have no idea how this team without KD and Ibaka looks. It has the talent of a Top 8 team in the league, but has a big hole at forward. Depending on whether they could find a way to mitigate that issue, they could become a darkhorse contender. I don't like those chances, but they are certainly a far ways from a wasteland in the wake of Durant's depature.

07-14-2016, 05:01 PM
Godspeed, Randy Foye.

Adrian Wojnarowski ‏@WojVerticalNBA 6h6 hours ago

Free agent guard Randy Foye has agreed on a one-year deal with the Brooklyn Nets, league sources tell @TheVertical.

07-15-2016, 12:32 PM
This sums it up - Nailed It !

07-18-2016, 08:36 AM
NewsOK: Report: Thunder to sign Spanish sharpshooter Alex Abrines to three-year deal (

EuroHoops reported early Monday morning that the Thunder and Abrines agreed to a three-year, $18 million deal.

Abrines is under contract at FC Barcelona through 2019. So as part of the deal, there was a reported $2.2 million buyout. Per transaction rules, the Thunder was only allowed to pay around $650K of that. The player must pay the rest. But OKC, of course, can take that into account as part of Abrines' free agency deal.

The Thunder drafted Abrines 32nd overall back in 2013. The pick was acquired from Houston as part of the James Harden deal, a fact that is sure to linger over him as he navigates through his early career.

07-18-2016, 08:42 AM
That's a good contract and he potentially fills a huge need -- shooting.

07-18-2016, 04:19 PM
This is good. Will be one of if not the best shooter on the Thunder.

07-18-2016, 10:50 PM
Thunder has rescinded qualifying offer on Dion Waiters, allowing him to become an unrestricted free agent.

Richard at Remax
07-19-2016, 10:57 AM
Thunder’s reported goal: Extend Russell Westbrook’s contract, sign Blake Griffin

07-19-2016, 11:27 AM
Thunder’s reported goal: Extend Russell Westbrook’s contract, sign Blake Griffin

Let's hope they achieve those goals. :)

07-19-2016, 11:35 AM
Honestly not looking forward to watching BG in an OKC uniform.

Bill Robertson
07-19-2016, 12:21 PM
Honestly not looking forward to watching BG in an OKC uniform.
Me too. I hope this is just talk. Remember "sources" said KD would remain a Thunder too! I would have loved to have had BG before he became a jerk. And it takes a lot for me to turn on a Sooner. Why do you think the Clippers want him gone?

07-19-2016, 12:29 PM
I believe OKC would have trouble luring Blake. Getting 20 year olds to come play in Oklahoma is always going to be tough. I don't see OKC ever really winning on a free agent as I don't think we have in our history yet.

07-19-2016, 02:48 PM
Getting Blake is pretty unlikely, but from a basketball standpoint, there's no question - if OKC can get Blake they should get him. I am also very skeptical OKC can draw him or any big free agents, but let's hope so...

Bill Robertson
07-19-2016, 03:12 PM
Lets look at the history, character of the Thunder. Presti has only drafted, traded for and picked up guys with good character and that he thought would fit in. Now, lets put on blinders and change BG to Joe Hoop. Joe hoop hit a team employee and missed games from the injury, is known as a major flopper and big baby and his team is sick of him and seems to want him gone. Would we lower our values and want Joe Hoop in any other situation except losing KD and being somewhat desperate?

07-19-2016, 03:21 PM
Lets look at the history, character of the Thunder. Presti has only drafted, traded for and picked up guys with good character and that he thought would fit in. Now, lets put on blinders and change BG to Joe Hoop. Joe hoop hit a team employee and missed games from the injury, is known as a major flopper and big baby and his team is sick of him and seems to want him gone. Would we lower our values and want Joe Hoop in any other situation except losing KD and being somewhat desperate?

I mean when healthy he is a top 20 player in the league. I want him.

I don't care about flopping or anything. If it is legal then do it. Heck how do you think Harden got a max deal and Draymond Green is a top 15 player in the league?

07-19-2016, 03:27 PM
Lets look at the history, character of the Thunder. Presti has only drafted, traded for and picked up guys with good character and that he thought would fit in. Now, lets put on blinders and change BG to Joe Hoop. Joe hoop hit a team employee and missed games from the injury, is known as a major flopper and big baby and his team is sick of him and seems to want him gone. Would we lower our values and want Joe Hoop in any other situation except losing KD and being somewhat desperate?

Yes, DeAndre Liggins was a great guy.

Blake got in a fight with a friend (yes, the equipment guy was his friend) like an idiot and paid for it. But OKC fans cheered on Chris Paul for two years and he does everything Blake does on the court. I mean, Serge hit Blake with his fist in his junk. That's worse than anything Blake has ever done in a game. You're looking through Thunder colored glasses...

And where did this idea come from that the Clippers want him gone? I haven't seen any credible reports indicating anything more than rumors, which exists for most stars in the league. If the Clippers wanted Blake gone, he'd be gone. Plenty of suitors would happily take him, including the Thunder.